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1、Lesson 25 Do the English speak English?第第1页页第第2页页PresentationT:Hi,boys and girls?Have you ever been to Beijing?Ss:Yes/No.T:Ok,let me tell you an interesting story happened to me last week.You know I go to Beijing very often.But last Monday,when I got to Beijing station,it was too late.How was the ra

2、ilway station?S:Noisy./Lots of people.T:Yes,and it was big,black and dark.Suddenly I found two foreigners.They didnt know the way to somewhere.So I came up to them and said in English:What can I do for u,sir?But they didnt understand me.I repeated my question several times not only very slowly but c

3、learly as well.But they still shook their heads.I wonder why they didnt answer me?Do you know why?Haha,you are clever.But later I got the answer.They dont speak English.They speak Russian.Todays story is something like this.第第3页页railway/5reI/5reIlweI/lweI/porter/5pC:t/5pC:t/several/5sev/5sevrl rl/第第

4、4页页foreigner/5fCr/5fCrIn/In/wonderwonder/5wQnd/5wQnd/第第5页页New words railway /5reIlweI/n.铁路porter /5pC:t/n.搬运工several /5sevrl/quantifier.几个foreigner /5fCrIn/n.外国人wonder /5wQnd/v.感到奇怪第第6页页poter第第7页页Listen to the tape and answer my questions:Listen to the tape and answer my questions:Did you arrive in

5、London or Portsmouth?Did you arrive in London or Portsmouth?(I arrived in London.)(I arrived in London.)Did you ask a porter on the way?Did you ask a porter on the way?(Yes,I did.)(Yes,I did.)Could the porter understand you?Could the porter understand you?(No,he couldnt.)(No,he couldnt.)第第8页页Please

6、answer the questions on page 123.Please answer the questions on page 123.I arrived in London at a railway station and I arrived in London at a railway station and asked a porter the way to the hotel,but he couldnt asked a porter the way to the hotel,but he couldnt understand me.understand me.Yes,he

7、understand me at last but I could not Yes,he understand me at last but I could not understand his answer.understand his answer.My English never spoke English like that.My English never spoke English like that.He said“Youll soon learn English!”He said“Youll soon learn English!”Yes,in England,each per

8、son speaks a different Yes,in England,each person speaks a different language.language.Yes,they understand each other but I dont Yes,they understand each other but I dont understand.understand.第第9页页Look,listen and answerQ1:Where did the writer arrive?Q2:Why couldnt the writer understand the porter?Q

9、3:Why does the writer wonder?第第10页页1.Where did he arrive?Why did he ask the porter?1.Where did he arrive?Why did he ask the porter?arrived-London-at last arrived-London-at last didnt know-asked porter didnt know-asked porter2.What did you do next?Did he understand your 2.What did you do next?Did he

10、understand your meaning?Why?meaning?Why?Not only-carefully-clearly Not only-carefully-clearly porter couldnt-and so-repeated porter couldnt-and so-repeated answered-but-neither-nor answered-but-neither-nor told him-I-foreigner told him-I-foreigner Then-slowly-not understand Then-slowly-not understan

11、d teacher never-like that teacher never-like that soon learn-porter said soon learn-porter said3.What did he learnt in the end?3.What did he learnt in the end?English-each other-but I English-each other-but I第第11页页并列句(compound sentence):把两个或几个简单句用并列连词连接起来,则成为一个并列句。第第12页页惯用并列连词惯用并列连词coordinating conj

12、unctions平行并列连词平行并列连词:转折并列连词:转折并列连词:因果并列连词因果并列连词:选择并列连词选择并列连词:and,bothand,not only but also,neithernorbut,however,while,yetfor,soor,eitheror第第13页页Choose the right verb form to complete the sentences.1.Both my brothers _ in Italy.(lives/live)2.Neither of his parents _ butter and cheese.(likes/like)3.N

13、either John nor Mary _ at home.(was/were)4.Both Peter and Mike often _ football match but neither of them_ football very well.(watches/watch)(plays/play)5.Either you or I _ going to cook supper tonight.(are/am)6.Either my father or my mother _ dinner.Both my brother and I _ them on weekends.(cooks/c

14、ook)(helps/help)7.All the people in my family _the 8.housework.(does/do)livelikeswaswatchplaysamcookshelpdo第第14页页1.English n.英语(不加冠词)adj.英国,英国人 the English=the English people(pl.)英国人(英格兰人)the British 英国人(英格兰人、爱尔兰人、苏格兰人、威尔士人)Englishman-Englishmen 英国人 Englishwoman-Englishwomen 英国人 eg:.Do you speak Eng

15、lish?.The English often talk about the weather.He was English.与English相同单词有:French,Chinese,Japanese等。Words and phrases第第15页页 2.wonder vt.vi.感到诧异,感到怀疑,想知道 wonder at 对感到诧异 wonder+宾语从句 eg:.I wonder at his rudeness.I wonder who he is.I wonder when she will come.Im wondering if you could help me.They won

16、dered why there was a modern building in that district.Words and phrases第第16页页3.arrive in+大地点 arrive at+小地点 get to+地点 reach+地点4.at last最终,终于(普通暗指经过一番等 待、麻烦、或努力之后)the way to the hotel去旅店路 like that像那样 each other相互 not onlybut as well 不但而且 neithernor.既不也不抵达Words and phrases第第17页页并列句:用连词将几个简单句连在一起,组成并列

17、句。惯用连词:and,but,so,yet,or,bothand,eitheror,neithernor,not onlybutas well(or also)eg:.He finished lunch.He went into the garden.He finished lunch and went into the garden.I saw him yesterday.He didnt greet me.I saw him yesterday but he didnt greet me.Focus on grammar第第18页页 eg:.He teaches English.I tea

18、ch English.Both he and I teach English.(不受就近标准限制).He teaches English.He teaches French.He teaches both English and French.1.bothand 和,既和,既也也 注意注意:bothand 组成短语作主语时,谓语组成短语作主语时,谓语复数复数。eg:Both Tom and Jack are good students.bothand 否定句是否定句是部分否定部分否定 eg:He cant play both the violin and the piano.所连接前后两部分成

19、份必须所连接前后两部分成份必须一致一致。Focus on grammar第第19页页 .You are right.I am right.Either you or I am right.(就近标准).He plays soccer.He plays basketball.He plays either soccer or basketball.I dont like beef.I dont like lamb,either.I like neither beef nor lamb.2.eitheror 或或或或,不是,不是就是就是 注意:注意:由由either.or.组成短语作主语时,谓语动

20、词随组成短语作主语时,谓语动词随 其临近词,即其临近词,即or后词而定(就近标准)。后词而定(就近标准)。Either you or I am right.or前后词性必须一致前后词性必须一致。并列连词并列连词Focus on grammar第第20页页.He isnt right.I am not right.Neither he nor I am right.He doesnt play soccer.He doesnt play basketball.He plays neither soccer nor basketball.3.neithernor 即不即不也不也不 注意:注意:由由

21、neithernor组成短语作主语时,谓组成短语作主语时,谓 语动词随其临近词,即语动词随其临近词,即nor词而(近后标准)词而(近后标准)eg:Neither he nor I am right.neithernor本身是本身是全否定,全否定,故不再用否故不再用否式式,即不即不再加再加not。nor前后词性必须前后词性必须一致一致 并列连词Focus on grammar第第21页页.You must wash the dishes.You must sweep the floor.You must not only wash the dishes but sweep the floor a

22、s well.4.Not onlybutas well not onlybut not onlybut also 不但不但而且而且 注意:注意:连接对等词或词组连接对等词或词组 连接短语作主语时,谓语动词随连接短语作主语时,谓语动词随其其but also后面词而定(后面词而定(就近标准就近标准)。eg:Not only you but also your father is coming.并列连词Focus on grammar第第22页页一、依据句意和汉语提醒用适当形式填空 1._ he understood what I said in English.2.Many people _ wh

23、at they could do for the Olympic Games.3.You never drive a car _that.It is dangerous.4.Would you please _ your question again?5.I can communicate with _ easily.6.She is a singer,and an actress _.7.I have read this book _ times.At last wonder like repeat foreigners as well several Exercise第第23页页 I ca

24、n speak not only Chinese but also English.We sat down at the table and my father ordered a meal.He is either at home or at work.I had phoned several times,but no one answered.Neither I nor he has money to lend you.Exercise二、用括号中词或词组连接以下各组句子,必要时可作其它改动1.I can speak Chinese.I can speak English.(not onl

25、ybut also)2.We sat down at the table.My father ordered a meal.(and)3.He is at home.He is at work.(eitheror)4.I had phoned several times.No one answered.(but)5.I have not money to lend you.He has not money to lend you.(Neithernor)第第24页页三、单项选择1.I think he_speak English.A.call hardly B.cant hardly C.ca

26、n hardly D.cant hard2.Not only all the workers but also their boss _ hard-working.A.are B.is C.is all D.are all3.We asked John and Jerry,but _ of them could offer a satisfactory explanation.A.either B.none C.both D.neither4.If you want to plant trees,the ground must be just right _ wet _ dry.A.not o

27、nly;but also B.neither;nor C.either;or D.both;and5.Brad was Janes brother!_he reminded me so much of Jane!A.No doubt B.Above all C.No wonder D.Of courseCBDBCExercise第第25页页 I arrived in London at last.The _ station was big,black and dark.I did not know the way to my hotel,so I asked a _.I not only sp

28、oke English very carefully,but very clearly as well.The porter,however,could not understand me.I repeated my question several times and at last he understood.He answered me,but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly.I am a _,I said.Then he spoke slowly,but I could not understand him.My teacher never sp

29、oke English like that!The porter and I looked at each other and smiled.Then he said something and I understood it.Youll soon learn English!he said.I _.In England,each person speaks a different language.The English understand each other,but I dont understand them!Do they speak English?railwayporterfo

30、reignerwonderFill in the blanks 1第第26页页 I _ in London at last.The railway station was big,black and dark.I did not _ the way to my hotel,so I _ a porter.I not only _ English very carefully,but very clearly as well.The porter,however,could not _ me.I _ my question several times and at last he _.He _

31、me,but he _ neither slowly nor clearly.I _ a foreigner,I _.Then he _ slowly,but I could not _ him.My teacher never _ English like that!The porter and I _ at each other and _.Then he _ something and I _ it.Youll soon _ English!he _.I _.In England,each person _ a different language.The English _ each

32、other,but I dont _ them!Do they _ English?arrivedknowaskedspokeunderstandrepeatedunderstoodansweredspokesaidamspokeunderstandspokelookedsmiledsaidunderstoodlearnsaidwonderspeaksunderstandunderstandspeakFill in the blanks 2第第27页页 I arrived _ London _ last.The railway station was big,black and dark.I

33、did not know the way _ my hotel,so I asked a porter.I not only spoke English very carefully,but very clearly _ well.The porter,however,could not understand me.I repeated my question several times and _ last he understood.He answered me,but he spoke neither slowly nor clearly.I am a foreigner,I said.

34、Then he spoke slowly,but I could not understand him.My teacher never spoke English _ that!The porter and I looked _ each other and smiled.Then he said something and I understood it.Youll soon learn English!he said.I wonder.In England,each person speaks a different language.The English understand eac

35、h other,but I dont understand them!Do they speak English?inattoasatlikeatFill in the blanks 3第第28页页 Answer these questionsSummary writing1.Did you arrive at a railway station in London or not?Did you ask a porter the way to your hotel or not?Could he understand you or not?(andbut)2.Did he understand

36、 you at last or not?Could you understand his answer?(but)3.Did your teacher ever speak English like that or not?4.What did the porter say to you?5.Does each person speak a different language in England or not?6.Do they understand each other or not?Do you understand them?(but)第第29页页 一天一刻钟一天一刻钟 学习很轻松学

37、习很轻松周一:利用书本,读本课课文周一:利用书本,读本课课文5 5遍和上一课课文遍和上一课课文2 2遍;遍;做本课学习助手做本课学习助手“英汉互译三营英汉互译三营”一遍,课文默写检测;一遍,课文默写检测;周二:利用学习助手周二:利用学习助手“应考对接四营应考对接四营”,做本课前三题,自我检测,应对考试;,做本课前三题,自我检测,应对考试;周三:利用学习助手周三:利用学习助手“应考对接四营应考对接四营”,做本课后面几题,自我检测,应对考试;,做本课后面几题,自我检测,应对考试;周四:利用学习助手周四:利用学习助手“快速记忆一营快速记忆一营”跟读新课文跟读新课文5 5遍;遍;利用学习助手利用学习助手 “参考导读二营参考导读二营”,加深了解,预知新课重点难点;,加深了解,预知新课重点难点;周五:利用学习助手周五:利用学习助手“英汉互译三营英汉互译三营”,检测新课学习效果,英汉互译提前练,做到充,检测新课学习效果,英汉互译提前练,做到充 分预习。分预习。第第30页页

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