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1、 新目标新目标七年级七年级(上上)Unit Unit 1 1第1页 Unit OneMy names Gina.Section A Period 1第2页Hi!/Hello!Good morning/afternoon/evening.Nice to meet you.How are you?Fine,thanks.Whats your/his/her name?My/His/Her name is 重点句型:重点句型:第3页Whats this in English?clock第4页backpackWhats this in English?第5页bookWhats this in Engl

2、ish?第6页basketballWhats this in English?第7页baseballWhats this in English?第8页Hello!/Hi!Good morning.Good afternoon.Good evening.Nice to meet you.How do you do?How are you?Good morning.Hello!/Hi!How do you do?Good afternoon.Fine,thanks.Good evening.Nice to meet you,too.Match the greeting sentences on t

3、he left with the correct answers on the right.第9页B.Introduce yourself and others.Jim:Whats your name?Gina:My name is Gina./Im Gina.Gina Jim Gina:Whats your name?Jim:My name is Jim./Im Jim.第10页 Jim:Whats his name?Gina:His name is Yaoming./He is Yaoming.Gina Jim 第11页Gina:Whats her name?Jim:Her name is

4、 Coco Lee./She is Coco Lee.Gina Jim 第12页Gina Jim Gina:Whats his name?Jim:Her name is Harry Potter./He is Harry Potter.第13页Girls names:GinaMary Kate LindaJennyAlice第14页Boys names:Jim Dave Tom Nick Tony Bob 第15页 1b Listen and number the conversations.A:Whats your name?B:Alan.A:Hello.Im Mary.B:Hi,Mary.

5、Im Jim.A:My names Jenny.B:Im Gina.Nice to meet you.123第16页Conversation 1:Mary:Hello.Im Mary.Jim:Hi,Mary.Im Jim.Conversation 2:Teacher:Whats your name?Alan:Alan.Tapescript第17页Conversation 3:Jenny:My names Jenny.Gina:Im Gina.Nice to meet you.第18页Whats his name?第19页Whats his name?第20页Whats his name?第21

6、页Zhang pinglast name=family namefirst name=given name第22页名字名字:first name=given name姓氏姓氏:last name =family name 第23页12342a Number the pictures.第24页Tony Tom Jenny Bob Mike Jim2 2b Listeningb Listening第25页Conversation 1:Tony:Hello.Whats your name?Jenny:My names Jenny.Tony:Im Tony.Jenny:Nice to meet you

7、,Tony.TapescriptTapescript第26页Conversation 2:Bill:Whats his name?Maria:His name is Tony.Bill:And whats her name?Maria:Her name is Jenny.第27页Conversation 3:Bob:Excuse me,are you Mark?Mark:Yes,I am.Bob:Im Bob.Nice to meet you.Mark:Nice to meet you,too.第28页Conversation 4:Teacher:Good morning,boys and g

8、irls.My names Linda.Whats your name?Jim:My names Jim.Teacher:And whats your name?Mary:My names Mary.第29页Pairwork A:Hello!Whats your name?B:My name isA:ImB:Nice to meet you!第30页A:Whats your name?B:His name isA:And whats her name?B:Her name is第31页Tony:Hello.Whats _ name?Jenny:My _ Jenny.Tony:_ Tony.Je

9、nny:Nice to meet you,Tony.Complete the conversations with the words in the box.Im is name names his youryournamesIm第32页Bill:Whats _name?Maria:His _ is TonyBill:And whats her _?Maria:Her name _Jenny.hisnamenameis第33页 男他男他his,女她女她her,your是你是你,my是我是我,名词前面常站岗名词前面常站岗,限定所属限定所属有功劳。有功劳。第34页Explanation1.my p

10、ron.我我 my是是I(我我)全部格。类似还有全部格。类似还有his(他他),her(她她),your(你你),their(他们他们),its(它它)。第35页My name is Jane.我名字叫简。我名字叫简。Her telephone number is 850 8680.她电话号码是她电话号码是850 8680。第36页2.nice adj.开心,愉快开心,愉快 Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。很高兴见到你。第37页3.hello interj.喂喂 hello普通可作为同学、同事、熟人普通可作为同学、同事、熟人以及朋友间打招呼用语,语气较随便以及朋友间打招呼用语,

11、语气较随便,意为意为“您好您好”;也可用作唤起注意也可用作唤起注意,如如打电话或路上遇见熟人时打电话或路上遇见熟人时,都能够说都能够说hello。第38页 相当于汉字里相当于汉字里“喂喂”,在表示问候和在表示问候和唤起注意时唤起注意时,可用可用hi代替代替hello,前者显前者显得更随便。如:得更随便。如:Hello/Hi,Bruce!你好!你好,布鲁斯!布鲁斯!第39页4.meet v.遇见;相逢遇见;相逢 Lets meet for dinner.让我们相聚吃晚饭吧。让我们相聚吃晚饭吧。第40页5.question n.问题;难题问题;难题 The question is:Where is

12、 he?问题是问题是:他在哪儿?他在哪儿?question v.问询;责问问询;责问 The policeman is questioning the thief.警察正在责问这个小偷。警察正在责问这个小偷。第41页6.answer n.答案;回答答案;回答 Please write your answers on the paper.请把你答案写在纸上。请把你答案写在纸上。answer v.回复回复 Why dont you answer me?你为何不回复我?你为何不回复我?第42页7.look v.看看 What are you looking at?你在看什么?你在看什么?look n.看,瞧看,瞧 Have a look at that picture,please.看一看那个图片。看一看那个图片。第43页

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