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1、Lesson 103-104 The French testRevision1 1Newwords2 2Grammar3 3Text4 4第1页引述他人话有两种方式:引述他人话有两种方式:一是使用引号引出人家原话,叫做直接引语;一是使用引号引出人家原话,叫做直接引语;一是用自己话把人家话转述出来,叫做间接引语。一是用自己话把人家话转述出来,叫做间接引语。比如:John says,“Im tired.”(引号内是直接引语)John says that he is tired.(宾语从句是间接引语)直接引语转换为间接引语直接引语转换为间接引语Review:第2页反意疑问句:反意疑问句:结构:陈说句

2、结构:陈说句+简短疑问句。简短疑问句。前肯后否,前否后肯。前肯后否,前否后肯。两部分人称、时态、主谓保持一致。两部分人称、时态、主谓保持一致。第3页1.YouareJimmy,2.Theywontleave,?3.Shedoesntlikemaths,?4.Theywenttothebeachyesterday,?5.TheywerentinHangzhoulastweek,?6.HecanspeakalittleFrench,?arent youwill theydoes shedidnt theywere theycant he第4页exam/n.考试考试pass/:/v.及格,经过及格,

3、经过mathematics/n.数学数学=mathquestionn.问题问题第5页easyadj.轻易易enough/Inf/adv.足足够地地papern.考卷考卷fail/e/v.未及格,失未及格,失败第6页answerv.回答回答mark/:/n.分数分数restn.其它东西其它东西difficultadj.困难困难hatev.讨厌讨厌 hate to do第7页low adj.低低cheer v.振作,振振作,振奋guy n.家伙,人家伙,人top n.上方,上方,顶部部 at the top of第8页 clever adj.聪明stupid adj.笨cheap adj.廉价ex

4、pensive adj.贵 fresh adj.新鲜stale adj.变馊第9页low adj.低,矮低,矮loud adj.大声大声high adj.高高hard adj.硬硬sweet adj.甜甜soft adj.软软sour adj.酸酸第10页Newwordsandexpressionexam n.考试考试表示考试词还有:表示考试词还有:test、quiz等等等等其中其中exam表示综合性考试表示综合性考试test表示单项技能测试表示单项技能测试而而quiz表示暂时性小测验。表示暂时性小测验。参加考试通惯用参加考试通惯用takeanexam第11页exam n.考试考试passan

5、exam经过考试经过考试anentranceexam入学考试入学考试takeanexam参加考试参加考试failanexam考试失败考试失败amidtermexam期中考试期中考试afinalexam期末考试期末考试第12页pass 1)v.及格,经过e.g.:只有十名学生经过了考试。Only ten students passed the exam.passin+详细学科详细学科pass in English/Chinese2)把递给 passsb.sth.=passsth.tosb.eg:请把这张纸传给他。Please pass him the paper.=Please pass the

6、 paper to him.第13页mathematicsn.数学(缩写数学(缩写maths)e.g.:她数学不好。她数学不好。Sheispooratmathematics.eg:你数学好吗?你数学好吗?Areyougoodatmathematics?eg:我经过了数学考试。我经过了数学考试。Ipassedinmathematics.history历史历史biology生物生物geography地理地理chemistry化学化学physics物理物理第14页question n.问题提问 ask a question 回答下列问题 answer a questionbeyond questio

7、n 毫无疑问第15页easy adj.(1)轻易 反义词difficultbeeasytodo轻易做轻易做 eg:这个工作轻易做。The task is easy to do.Itseasyforsbtodo对某人来说做某事很轻易对某人来说做某事很轻易eg:对他来说,学习英文很轻易。It is easy for him to learn English.(2)安逸,舒适Make yourself easy.请放心。第16页enough(1)adv.足够地足够好 good enough 足够大 big enoughenoughforsb.todo对某人来说某物足够对某人来说某物足够能够做某事能够

8、做某事eg:这个房间我们住足够大了。This room is big enough for us to live in.(2)adj.充分足够时间 enough time 足够钱 enough money结构:enough+n.结构:结构:adj.+enough足够足够第17页paper n.(1)纸 一张纸 a piece/sheet of paper 三张纸 three pieces of paper(2)考卷 一份数学试卷 a mathematics paper(3)报纸=newspaper日报 a daily paper晚报 an evening paper(4)论文,汇报(5)文件,

9、资料(惯用复数 papers)主要文件 important papers第18页fail(1)v.未及格fail the exam 考试不及格(2)v.失败(反义词 succeed)fail to do 未做成某事eg:他经常未能恪守诺言 He often fails to keep his word.(反义词(反义词pass)第19页answer 1)v.回答 eg:他不想回答我。He doesnt want to answer me.2)v.应答,回应 answer the phone./answer the door 应门3)n.答案 the answer to.答案第20页mark(1

10、)n.分数 get a high mark in English 在英语考试中高分。(2)n.记号,印,标识做记号 make a mark第21页rest(1)n.余下部分世界其它地方 the rest of the world我余生 the rest of my life她剩下钱 the rest of her money(2)n.休息休息一下。take a rest/have a rest第22页difficult adj.困难反义词 easybe difficult to do.做.是困难e.g.:该问题极难回答。The question is difficult to answer.I

11、ts difficult for sb.to do 对某人来说做某事极难第23页hate v.讨厌 hate doing 不喜欢做(指习惯性行为)e.g.:她不喜欢做饭。She hates cooking.hate to do.不愿意不想做eg:I hate to say,but you are wrong.第24页low adj.1)(温度)低 eg:冷库里温度很低。The temperature is low in the freezer.2)(声音)低in a low voice 小声地low season 淡季 high season 旺季cheer v.振作,振奋Cheer up!打

12、起精神!cheerleader 啦啦队长第25页top n.上方,顶部反义词 bottom前十top ten 在山顶at the top of the mountain在纸上方on the top of the paperfrom top to toe.=from top to bottom 从头到脚,完全第26页exam/n.考试考试pass/:/v.及格,经过及格,经过mathematics/n.数学数学=mathquestionn.问题问题第27页easyadj.轻易易enough/Inf/adv.足足够地地papern.考卷考卷fail/e/v.未及格,失未及格,失败第28页answe

13、rv.回答回答mark/:/n.分数分数restn.其它东西其它东西difficultadj.困难困难hatev.讨厌讨厌 hate to do第29页low adj.低低cheer v.振作,振振作,振奋guy n.家伙,人家伙,人top n.上方,上方,顶部部 at the top of第30页 clever adj.聪明聪明stupid adj.笨笨cheap adj.廉价廉价expensive adj.贵贵 fresh adj.新鲜新鲜stale adj.变馊变馊第31页low adj.低,矮低,矮loud adj.大声大声high adj.高高hard adj.硬硬sweet adj

14、.甜甜soft adj.软软sour adj.酸酸第32页too也太,过于I like English,he likes English,too.This pair of shoes are too small for me.tooto太太而不能而不能He is too young to go to school.very很,非常toobadsmallcoldtoo+adj.多形容不好方面,有否定或贬义意思veryeasygoodkindvery+adj.多形容好方面,有褒义意思Grammar第33页enough 足够1.足够地,adv.修饰adj.放在adj.之后。easy enoughen

15、oughforsb.todo.足够做这个房间我们住足够大了This room is big enough for us to live in.你还太小不能做这件事。You are not old enough to do it.2.足够 adj.修饰n.放在n.之前。enough books enough money enough timebad goodenough二者都能够修饰adj.+enoughGrammar第34页GrammartooVS.veryVS.enough副词too太very非常enough足够(1)too和very通常放在所修饰形容词之前,而enough要放在所修饰形容词

16、之后:Thequestionsweretoo/verydifficult.Thequestionswereeasyenough.(2)enough和too能够与介词to搭配使用,但意义不一样:Thequestionswereeasyenough(forme)toanswer.Thequestionsweretoodifficult(forme)toanswer.第35页Complete these sentences using too,very or enough.1.I couldnt speak to the boss.He was _busy.2.I couldnt go out.It

17、 was _cold for me to go out.3.Is that suitcase light_for you to carry?4.Is your brother old _to be a menber of our association?5.They couldnt see that film.They were _young.too/verytooenoughenoughtoo/very第36页What are they doing?They are taking an exam.第37页Warm up:Q&A:1.Which subject do you like best

18、?2.Do you like taking the test?Why?3.Do you think learn the second language is very difficult?第38页How long did the exam last?It lasted 3 hours第39页GARY:How was the exam,Richard?RICHARD:Not too bad.I think I passed in English and Mathematics.The questions were very easy.How about you,Gary?GARY:The Eng

19、lish and Maths papers werent easy enough for me.I hope I havent failed.第40页RICHARD:I think I failed the French paper.I could answer sixteen of the questions.They were very easy.But I couldnt answer the rest.They were too difficult for me.GARY:French tests are awful,arent they?第41页RICHARD:I hate them

20、.Im sure Ive got a low mark.GARY:Oh,cheer up!perhaps we didnt to do badly.The guy next to me wrote his name at the top of the paper.RICHARD:Yes?GARY:Then he sat there and looked at it for three hours!He didnt write a word!第42页Notes on the text1、Howwastheexam?=Howdidtheexamgo?第43页2、Nottoobad.Justsoso

21、./Prettygood.Notes on the text第44页3、IthinkIpassedinEnglishandMathematics.pass及格及格不及格不及格failpassthemid-termexam经过某一考试用经过某一考试用pass,而经过某一科目考试用而经过某一科目考试用passinNotes on the text第45页4、Howaboutyou?=Whataboutyou?用于提提议:用于提提议:Howabouthavingarest?Notes on the text第46页5.The English and Maths papers werent easy

22、enough for me.paper 纸张(U.)a piece of paper paper 试卷,论文(C.)the English papersenough 足够地,副词,easy enough enough 足够,形容词,enough books/money for 对来说。The house is big enough for us.Notes on the text第47页Notes on the text6、They were too difficult for me.difficult VS different too 也;太,过于。I like English,he lik

23、es English,too.This pair of shoes are too small for me.too.to.太而不能 e.g.:He is too young to go to school.easy enough for me对我太简单too difficult for me对我太难第48页7.Cheerup!dobadly=Comeon!做得很糟糕做得很糟糕Notes on the text第49页8.Theguynexttomewrotehisnameatthetopofthepaper.nextto=beside在在旁旁边。atthetopof.在在顶端,在端,在上方上方atthebottomof.在在下方,在下方,在末端末端 Notes on the text第50页9.Thenhesatthereandlookedatitforthreehours!For+时间段:段:连续了多了多长时间。eg:Ihavelivedherefortenyears.Notes on the text第51页

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