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1、英语谜语150则1. What has four legs but cannot walk,Two long arms but cannot carry,A good strong back but cannot bend?Everybody knows it,And it is everybodys friend.What is it?( An armchair)2. It follows everybody from the beginning to the end,Dark and silent and loyal.Nobody can shake it offThough its in

2、visible sometimes.What is it?(Your shadow)3. What has one eye and is made of steel? (A needle)4. What is always before you, yet you cant see it? (Future)5. When first I appear, I seem mysterious. But when I am explained, Im nothing serious. What am I? (Riddle)6. What goes up but never comes down? (A

3、ge)7. Which is the smallest room in the world? ( Mushroom)8. What has a lot of teeth but no mouth? (A comb)9. What kind of bath can you take without water? (A sunbathe)10. What can people make but can not see? ( Noises)11. What is taken before you get it? ( A picture)12. When do we fall without movi

4、ng? (When we fall asleep)13. What kind of horse goes out at night? (Nightmare)14. What kind of dog would a person bite? (Hot dog)15. What mouse wont eat cheese? ( Computer mouse)16. What never gets heavy but is carried with you throughout your life? (Your name)17. What ring is always square? ( Boxin

5、g ring)18. What often whistles when its hot? ( Kettle)19. What room cant you ever enter? ( Mushroom)20. What runs but never walks? (Water)21. What sort of jam cant you eat? (Traffic jam)22. What starts out red and ends up black? (Santa Claus)23. What word is like a quarrel? (A crossword puzzle)24. W

6、hat is always behind times?(the back of a clock or watch)25. A round black basket with silver candles in it,Empty in the daytime, full in the evening. What is it? (The sky with stars)26. What has a face but cant eat? (clock or watch)27. I have six legs, I have two wings, I was once a caterpillar.Im

7、not a bird, but I can fly. What is it? (A butterfly)28. What is the smallest bridge in the world? ( the bridge of a nose)29. What kind of ball moves, but is never thrown or caught? (an eyeball)30 Ten plus ten equals ten, take ten from ten, you have twenty.When the weathers cold there are ten;When it

8、s warm there are twenty. (the fingers of a pair of gloves and the fingers of the hand)31. Two little sisters,Live near each other,One lives on one side,The other on the other side,They hear what they say,But they dont see each other. (ears)32. What is the thing that people are so eager to seizeBut t

9、hrow off immediately they get it? (a basket ball)33. Sometimes it looks like a boat,And sometimes like a saucer,Please tell us, is it a boat or a saucer? (the moon)34. Your summer guest is here again;He brings the wind but not the rain,He flaps his wings but makes no flight,And never eats a single b

10、ites. (an electric fan)35. It is cold and white,It falls from the sky,The more you dry it in the sun,The wetter it becomes.What is it? (snow)What has an eye, but cannot see? (a needle)36. What star is not seen in the sky? (a film star)37. What is it that we never borrow but often return? ( thanks)38

11、. What animal is your girlfriend? (deer)39. ow many apples can a man eat in an empty a stomach? (none)40. A driver had a brother who went out east,But the man who went out east had no brother.How can this be? (The driver was a female driver)41. I am something that one man can carry, but a hundred me

12、n cant stand on end. What am I? ( A rope)42. I am out and about all day and yet I always stay at home. ( a snail)43. What only flies when its wings are broken? (an army)44. What is it that nobody wants but nobody wants to lose? ( a lawsuit)45. Who can hold up automobiles with one hand? ( policeman)4

13、6. What goes through a door, but never goes in or comes out? ( a keyhole)47. If two is company, and three is a crowd, and what are four and five?( nine)48. What becomes higher when the head is off? ( pillow)49. What is it that lives in winter, dies in spring, and grows with its roots upward? (an ici

14、cle)50. I am something that is filled every morning and empty every night except once a year when Im filled at night and emptied in the morning. What am I? (A stocking)51. Three men going to heaven; one goes halfway and turns back, one goes right up, and one doesnt go at all. ( fire: spark, smoke, a

15、shes)52. I am something that has four legs and only one foot. ( a bed)53. Theres a word thats composed of three letters alone, which reads backward and forward the same;It expresses the sentiments warm from the hearts, and to beauty lays principal claim. ( eye)54. I am something that always weighs t

16、he same whether I am larger or smaller. ( a hole)55. Two lovers barred from every joy and bliss,56. Who through the live-long night embracing lie;They guard the folk from all calamities,But with the rising sun apart they fly. ( leaves of a door)57. What kind of water is the most deceitful? ( tears)5

17、8. What is it that becomes too young the longer it exists?59. ( a portrait of a person)60. Fatherless and motherless,Born without a skin,Spoke when it came into the world,And never spoke again. ( fart)61. To what man does everyone takes off his hat? ( the barber)62. Thirty-two white horses on a red

18、hill,Now they go and now they stand still. ( teeth)63. I do not serve the wine to that sweet girl;Another ( no match for me) does that, while I serve fresh cold water to her parents.Still she often takes me to the well,And then support me groaning;While I kiss her neck with arms around her,And she s

19、weetly moans. ( water jug)64. Alive without breath,As cold as death;Never thirty, ever drinking,All in mail never clinking. ( fish)65. What is it which flies high and flies low,Has no feet and yet wears shoes? ( dust)66. He who lacks it seeks it,He who has it mistreats it. ( health)67. My body is th

20、in,And has no guts within,I have neither head, face, nor eyes;But a tail I have got,As long as what not, And without any wings I can fly. ( kite)68. What is the marvel which has eight feet and four eyes,And carries its knees higher than its body. ( spider)Though I dance at a ball, Im nothing at all.

21、 ( shadow)What is the only thing you can break when you say its name?( Silence )I am something that always increases the more when I share with others. What am I ? ( happiness)Little Nanny Etlicote, in a white petticoat,Holding up a bright red rose;The longer she stands, the shorter she grows. ( a c

22、andle)Use me well, Im everybody;Scratch my back, and I am nobody. ( a mirror)74. What is the highest pleasure you can think of? ( riding in an plane)75.What flies for fear of being killed? ( time )76. What man shaves twenty or more times a day? ( the barber)77. What can only be used after they have

23、been broken? ( eggs )78. What runs about every corner of the room but with only one foot? ( broom )79. What will dance as soon as they die? ( falling leaves)80. What has no head, no leg and still goes from place to place? ( a ship)81. It takes off a piece of its clothing each day ,. At the end of th

24、e year, it has nothing to wear. What is it ? ( a calendar)82. What is the best thing to put into pies? (your teeth )83. Why is it important for a physician to keep his temper? (Because if he didnt, he would lose his patients, patience )84. Whose hands cannot hold anything in them? ( the hands of a c

25、lock or a watch )85. What man cannot live inside the house? (a snowman )86. What can you see with your eyes shut? (a dream )87. Why does a man often do something in an hurry, while a woman doesnt? (Because time and tide wait for no man.)88. If your uncles sister is not your aunt, just what relation

26、is she to you? (your mother)89. What relation is that child to its father, who is not its fathers own son? (his daughter)90. What letter can fly? (bbee) 91. What letter can see? (ieye) 92. What letter has water? (csea) 93. What letter can we drink? (ttea) 94. What letter dont you know? (x未知数) 95. Wh

27、at letter is nothing? (o零) 96. What letter is a question? (ywhy) 97. What letter is a part of the head? (ieye) 98. What letter is a vegetable? (ppea) 99. What is the end of everything? (g) 100. It appears once in a “minute”. It appears twice in a “moment”. But it doesnt appear in a “year”. What is i

28、t? (m) 101. Its seen twice in “every day”. Its seen four times in “every week”. But its seen only once in “a year”. What is it? (e) 102. Wha is it that we have in December but that we dont have in any other month? (D) 103. What stands in the middle of the world? (r) 104. If you feed it, it will live

29、. If you give it water, it will die. What is it? (fire) 105. My shape is long. My colour is white. My friends are teachers. Do you know who I am? (chalk) 106. What question can never be answered by “Yes”? (Are you asleep?)107. I have a cap. I dont wear it at work. I put it on when I have a rest. Wha

30、t am I? (A pen) 108. Father lost her. (fat) 109. Im not in the rain. (ran) 110. There is not it this time. (me) 111. She isnt on the shore. (or) 112. The ball of football was gone. (foot) 113. My face is black. I cant talk. The teacher writes on me with chalk. After school you go home. But Im always

31、 in the classroom. What am I? (a blackboard) 114. She has it. They have it. But you dont have it. When I say hello to you, it comes again. Whats the word? (he) 115. Can you put three “6” together to make seven? (6又6分之6) 116. Your aunt has a brother. But he isnt your uncle. Who is he ? (your father)

32、117. Mr Smith has five sons. Each son has a sister. How many children does Mr Smith have? (six) 118. What kind of table has no legs? (timetable) 119. What is the best and cheapest light? (daylight) 120. What man cant live inside the house? (a snow-man) 121. What belongs only to you and yet is used m

33、ore by others than yourself? (your name) 122. Why is the letter B like fire? (Because it makes oil boil.) 123. Why is the letter D like a bad boy? (Because it makes ma mad.) 124. Why is the letter F like death? (Because it makes all fall.) 125. Why is the letter O like a pain? (Because it makes man

34、moan.) 126. Why is the letter T like an island? (Because its in the middle of water.) 127. Who carries his house with him? (a snail) 128. It was neither my sister, nor my brother. But it was still the child of my father and mother. Who was it? (myself) 129. Your uncles sister isnt your aunt. Who is

35、she? (your mother) 130. Why is a river rich? (Because it always has two banks.) 131. Whats it thats always coming but never arrives? (tomorrow) 132. Whats it thats always behind time? (the back of a watch) 133. Whats it that has legs but cant walk? (a table or a chair) 134. Whats it that everyone in

36、 the world is doing at the same time? (growing older) 135. Whats it that has two heads, six feet, one tail and four ears? (a man on the horseback) 136. There is a word of five letters. If you take away two letters, only one remains. Whats the word? (stoneone) 137. There is a word of five letters. If

37、 you take away two letters, but six remains. Whats the word? (sixthsix) 138. What begins with T, ends with T and is full of T? (teapot) 139. Which is the longest word in English? (smiles) 140. What does FAMILY mean? (Father And Mother I Love You)141. Do you know what the word tger means? ( a tiger w

38、ithout eye,i )142. Why is a father with nine daughters richer than a millionaire? ( because he wants no more)143. What special question must be always be answered by yes? ( How do you pronounce the word Y-E-S )144. What keys are too big to carry in your pocket? ( monkey, donkey, turkey)145. When can

39、 happiness always be found? (In the dictionary )146. What question can never be answered by yes? (Are you asleep? )147. When the clock strikes 13, what time is it? (Time to get it fixed)148. Which would require the larger bin to contain it exactly, a ton of coal in stove size or a ton of the same coal in buckwheat(smaller ) size?( the latter)149. When seen in a mirror, which of the following words printed in capital letters will look the same as when viewed directly? ( TOT)150. My sons father is your fathers only child. What relative of yours am I? ( wife)

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