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1、whether和if均可用来引导宾语从句,表示“是否”,如:dont know whether/if I will be able to come.我不知道我是否能来.She asked me whether/if I was interested in working for her.她问我是否有兴趣为她工作。但也有差别:1、 whether可以与or 或or not连用,而if不可以,如:He wondered whether he should wait or go . I dont know whether he will come. or not。2 介词之后用 whether ,

2、不用 if . It depends on whether you will agree . 3 不定式前面用 whether 不用 if . I wonder whether to stay here . 5 当从句或主句放于句首时,用 whether ,不用 if . Whether this is true or not , I cant say . Whether Ill have time to go with you I am not sure6 引导表语从句用 whether , 不用 if . The problem is whether we should go home o

3、r not 8 作 discuss 的宾语,用 whether , 不用 if . They are discussing whether they should open the door 9、当表示“如果”时用 if,而不用whether强化练习: 1. The question has not been answered _ Taiwan will be included on the Olympic torch relay route.Athat Bwhether Cwhich Dif2. You have not yet answered my question _ I can jo

4、in in the party tonight or not. A. whether B. if C. that D. which3 I d like to invite you to a party this evening. Thank you, but _ Ill be free I m not sure at the moment. A. while B. if C. when D. whether 4-What are you anxious about? -_A. If we succeed B.That we can succeed C. Do we succeed D.Whet

5、her we can succeed5. Only when _ the painting _ decide _the painting is worth buying. A. he sees, he can ,whether B. does he see, can he, if C. he sees, can he ,whether D. sees he, he can,that6. _ English is his favourite subject A. I asked him if B. I asked him that whetherC. I asked him that D. I

6、asked him which7. _ theyll go to the Summer Palace _ the weather. A. If; depends on B. Whether; depends upon C. Whether; depended on D. If; depended upon8.It isnt quite _ _ he will be present at the meeting. A. sure; whether B. sure; if C. certain; whether D. certain; that9. _ the 2008 Olympic will

7、be held in Beijing is not known yet. A. Whether B. If C. Whenever D. That10. No one was sure _ he would be asked to speak next year. A. when B. whether C. what D. how11. It is still a question to us all _ there is any living thing in some other places in the space. A. whether B. which C. what D. whe

8、re12. I doubt _ he will come here on time.A. that B. whether C. when D. where13. The point is not who said the words, _ they are true or not.A. but whether B. and whether C. but how D. and how14. “What did he ask you?” “_ I would be late.”A. That B. When C. Where D. Whether15. He treated all the people around him,_he knew or he didnt know,_. A. if, friendly B. whether, friendly C. if, in a friendly way D. whether, in a friendly way16. At the meeting, we discussed _ we should employ more workers. A. if B. whether C. that D.不填Answers: BADDC ABCAB ABADD B

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