1、Teachers Teaching Evaluation FormDirection: Mark one box per line using the criteria below:2.Needs Improvement 4. Fair 6. Meets Expectations 8. Good 10. Excellent A. Teaching Skills:ScoreCommentsPreparation: Plans for delivery of lessons relative to short-term and long-term objectives including teac
2、hing aids.Teaching according to curriculum schedule Discipline: Clearly defines expected behavior (encourage positive behavior and controls negative behavior)Learning Environment: Provides a pleasant, safe and orderly climate conductive to learning Meeting Objective: Communicates the instructional o
3、bjectives to students. Involves All Learners: Uses signaled responses, questioning techniques, and/or guided practices to involve students.Explains Directions: Gives directions that are clearly stated and related to the learning objectives.Guides Practice: Requires students to practice newly learned
4、 skillsEstablishes Closure: Summarizes and fits into context what has been taught. Correcting students oral or written performanceB. Teacher Product Indicators: (extra points)Student Files: Maintains a written record (Assessment, grade report) of student progress consistent with district policy. (2 points)Grading Patterns: Utilizes grading patterns that are fairly administered and based on identified criteria. (2 points)Total: _Teachers Comments:Supervisor: _ Date: _