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2、2、例词:it , big , sit , hit , fish , is , sick , Jim3、例句:It is a big fish.Have a sit Jim, you are sick.4、反复练习(游戏等)二、i:1、发音特点:发音时,舌前部抵住下齿,舌尖尽量抬高,舌中后部抵住上颚及上齿两侧,口型成扁平状。2、例词:eat , bee , he , me , sea , see , feet 3、例句:He eats many peas. Dear me! I can see a big sea!4、反复练习三、e1、发音特点:发音时,舌尖抵住下齿,舌前部稍抬起,舌位比/i/

3、低,口型比/i/大。2、例词:bed , let , pen , wet , set , end , leg3、例句:Put the wet leg on the end of the bed.Jed, let Kelly use your pen.4、反复练习四、1、发音特点:发音时,舌尖抵住下齿,舌前中部抬起,牙床打开,腮部往后面收缩,舌位较低。2、例词:and , cat , hat , bag , bad , black , cap , bat , sat , rat , catch3、例句:I take a black hat and a bag with myself.Look,

4、the cat is catching the rat under the bad.4、反复练习五、1、发音特点:发音时,舌身平放,舌尖上抬,口半开半合,发“厄”的短音。2、例词:above , ago , again , around , waiter , paper , danger , winter3、例句:Hi,waiter, bring me some paper not water.Its danger to skate fast in winter.4、反复练习六、:1、发音特点:发音时,舌尖上抬,唇自然张开,发“厄”的长音。2、例词:surf , burn , work , l

5、earn , dirty , term , her , word , fur3、例句:Hi, the worker is learning to surf.Her sister burned the dirty fur without one word.4、反复练习*练习游戏:群体练习(闪卡猜单词,我说你写,你说我写,一鼓作气等) 分组练习(看谁第一,对抗赛等)音标教学:第二课(单元音)a:,:,u,u:一、a:1、发音特点:发音时口张大,双唇张而不圆,舌身压低、舌尖后缩,微离下齿,舌后稍隆起,发“啊”的长音。2、例词:star , harm, dark, artist, hard, farm

6、, garden, large, bar, car, sharp3、例句:The star is doing harm with a card in the dark.The artist works hard in a big farm, not a garden.4、反复练习二、1、发音特点:发音时,双唇平方,牙床半开,舌尖和舌端两侧轻轻接触下齿,舌后微升,开口与接近,发“啊”的短音。2、例词:bus, some, cup, duck, hut, cut, monkey, such, fun, luck, us, funny3、例句:The bus takes some cups and

7、ducks to the hut.Such bread is cut by the monkey in such a funny way.4、反复练习三、1、发音特点:发音时,口型张开,双唇稍向外凸成圆形;舌身尽量降低并后缩,舌后抬起,舌尖不接触下齿;发“奥”的短音。2、例词:bomb, cock, not, doll, lock, forest, knock, rock, sock, lot, from3、例句:The cock takes a bomb from the forest, knocks at the rock with the sock,and bombs it.4、反复练习

8、四、:1、发音特点:发音时,双唇收得更圆,并向前突出;舌身降低并收缩,舌后部抬得更高,发“奥”的长音。2、例词:call, Ford, horse, north, short, walk, floor, hall, law, form3、例句:A man called Ford ride a horse to the north.A short man is walking on the floor of the hall, writing the law in the form.She is short, and he is tall.4、反复练习五、u1、发音特点:发音时,双唇收圆,舌身后

9、缩,舌尖不接触下齿,自然而不用力,发“屋”的短音。2、例词:look, took, book, cook, pull, full, put, good, foot, push, wood3、例句:Look, Jane is putting a cook book on her foot.Please push the wood away, Ill pull the boat here.4、反复练习六、u:1、发音特点:发音时,舌身后缩,舌尖不接触下齿,舌后部抬高;牙床自然张开,接近半合;双唇收圆;发“屋”的长音。2、例词:moon, food, cool, room, tool, pool,

10、fool, noon, ruler, zoo3、例句:We eat the food in the cool room.Dont swim in the pool at noon, lets go to the zoo.4、反复练习音标教学:第三课(双元音)ei,ai,au,i,i,u一、ei1、发音特点:发音时,从/e/向/i/过渡,口型由半口张开到小口合拢,双唇呈扁平状,发音由“哎”向“一”过渡。2、例词:date, gate, lake, late, table, wait, wake, game, save, hate, name3、例句:Please wait at the gate

11、 near the lake.I hate the name of the game.4、反复练习二、ai1、发音特点:发音时,从/a/向/i/过渡,口型由大口张开到小口合齿,嘴唇不闭;舌尖后缩,舌后部稍抬起,发音由“阿”到“一”过渡。2、例词:like, hi, rice, my, night, light, bike, white, why, sight, kite, nice3、例句:Hi, do you like rice in my sight? Its a nice kite. Is it white?4、反复练习三、au1、发音特点:发音时,从/a/向/u/过渡,口型由大口张开到

12、小口合圆,舌后部稍抬起,发音从“阿”到“屋”过渡。2、例词:house, now, loud, cow, mouth, mouse, about, out, flower, cloud, 3、例句:There are about four cows in the house now.Look, the mouse is putting a flower in the mouth!4、反复练习四、i1、发音特点:发音时,从/向/i/过渡,嘴唇由圆变扁,舌头由中部向下移动到下齿根部,由/音开始,到/i/音结束。2、例词:toy, boy, voice, noise, join, enjoy, 3、

13、例句:4、反复练习五、i1、发音特点:发音时,由/i/向/滑动,牙齿不动,舌头后缩,并由下齿根处向上挑起,发音从“一”音向“厄”音过渡。2、例词:ear, here, deer, dear, beer, fear, near, real, beard3、例句:Oh,dear! The deer has only one ear.Dont fear, have some real beer.4、反复练习六、u1、发音特点:发音时,由/向/u/滑动,舌尖后缩,舌后部微升,口型在滑动过程中由半开变成小而圆。2、例词:oh, home, boat, no, so, toe, low, show, no

14、te, know, hello, load3、例句:Oh,no! My toes! Hello,joe. This is the note.Show me the boat, I wanna go home!4、反复练习音标教学:第四课(双元音+辅音)e,uj,w,f,v一、e1、发音特点:发音时,从/e/向/过渡,口型由半口张开到小口合拢,双唇呈扁平状,舌尖向上挑起,发音由“哎”向“厄”过渡。2、例词:air, hair, where, there, dare, care, bear, share, wear, fair, pair3、例句:Take care of your hair in

15、 the wet air.Where is the bear? He is there, wearing a hat. 4、反复练习二、u1、发音特点:发音时,从/u/向/过渡,口型由圆口变为扁口,双唇呈扁平状,舌尖稍向上,发音由“屋”向“厄”过渡。2、例词:poor, tourist, sure, pure3、例句:Jedy is a poor tourist.Sure, the furs pure.4、反复练习三、w1、发音特点:舌后软腭半元音;发音时,双唇向前突出,舌后部向软腭抬起,发音短促。2、例词:wear, waiter, wait, way, wet, will, west, w

16、e, well, wish, wood3、例句:Dont worry. The waiter will wait on the half way.So wet, weve to go to the west for some wood.4、反复练习四、j1、发音特点:舌前硬颚半元音;发音时,舌前部向硬腭抬起,舌尖轻抵下齿,双唇伸展成扁平状。2、例词:yes, year, you, your, yep, yesterday, young, yeah, 3、例句:You look as young as your bother this year, yes? Yeah,you are right!

17、4、反复练习五、f1、发音特点:属舌齿音;发音时,上齿轻触下唇;气流从唇齿间流出,是清辅音,发声时声带不震动。2、例词:fine, fire, fall, life, leaf, knife, from, five, four, coffee, frog, fly, floor3、例句:The knife falls from the shelf with one leaf.The frog jumped on the cafes floor for four or five steps. 4、反复练习六、v1、发音特点:属唇齿摩擦音;发音时,上齿轻触下唇,气流从唇齿间流出,形成摩擦;是浊辅音

18、,发声时声带震动。2、例词:very, five, live, leave, vase, village, violin, volleyball, vip, move3、例句:The vase /va:z/ is so big, lets move it to the village.He lived in the village and played violin in a cafe. 4、反复练习音标教学:第五课(辅音)b,p,t,d,g,k一、b1、发音特点:发音时,双唇紧闭,气流从口中冲出双唇,形成爆破音;是浊辅音,发音时声带震动。2、例词:bag, bad, bed, bye, bi

19、g, bee, bill, book, back, but, bike, bird3、例句:Its a big bag, but its bad.Look! The bee was flying back like a bird, stopped on the book.4、反复练习二、p1、发音特点:发音时,双唇紧闭,气流从口中冲出双唇,形成爆破音;是清辅音,发音时声带不震动。2、例词:put, peach, peak, sport, speak, apple, yep, map, park, pick3、例句:Please put the peach on the map.Pick one

20、 red apple, and put it in the big cup.4、反复练习三、t1、发音特点:发音时,舌前部向上抵住软腭,舌根稍向上抵住后颚,气流突然从舌后上方向前冲出舌尖喷出,形成爆破音;清辅音,发音时声带不震动。2、例词:take, sit, teacher, table, teeth, meet, ten, tick, twelve, get, put3、例句:Please sit at the table.When shall we meet, at ten or twelve?4、反复练习四、d1、发音特点:发音时,舌前部向上抵住软腭,舌根稍向上抵住后颚,气流突然从舌后

21、上方向前冲出舌尖喷出,形成爆破音;是浊辅音,发音时声带震动。2、例词:do, did, does, duck, deer, date, daddy, need, candy, bad, bed3、例句:Daddy, does a duck eat candy? / He did a good job! Stay in bed, you need some rest.4、反复练习五、g1、发音特点:发音时,舌前部向前凸出,舌根向上抵住后颚,气流突然从舌后方向前喷出,形成爆破音;是浊辅音,发音时声带震动。2、例词:get, go, get, bag, big, give, grow, group,

22、 gas, green, good, great3、例句:Lets go and get some big green apples.Give me a bag, the gas is not good.Great! We are good guys. 4、反复练习六、k1、发音特点:发音时,舌尖紧贴下巴内侧,舌后部向上抵住后颚,气流突然从舌后方向前喷出,形成爆破音;是清辅音,发音时声带不震动。2、例词:come, cap, cup, cow, card, clean, kite, kick, pick, make, lake,take3、例句:The cow comes up with a

23、card and a cap.Dont take the cup and kite to the lake, unless you have a card.4、反复练习音标教学:第六课(辅音),s,z,一、1、发音特点:发音时,舌尖轻抵上齿,气流从舌齿间的缝隙流出,形成摩擦音;是清辅音,发声时声带不震动。2、例词:three, teeth, thanks, mouth, both, thing, cloth, thick, thin, tenth3、例句:There are three teeth in his mouth.Thanks for your cloth, whether its

24、thick or thin! 4、反复练习二、1、发音特点:发音时,舌尖轻抵上齿,气流从舌齿间的缝隙流出,形成摩擦音;是浊辅音,发声时声带震动。2、例词:this, that, there, they, then, thus, either, neither, whether, though3、例句:This is a boy and these are girls, they are good friends.Neither of you will go, and either of them has to stay.4、反复练习三、s1、发音特点:发音时,嘴唇微开,上下齿近乎合拢;舌尖抵住

25、下齿,气流经舌上方、上齿根,从齿缝间流出,形成摩擦音;是清辅音,发音时声带不震动。2、例词:ice, face, nice, rice, same, see, sing, sea, snake, save, song3、例句:Her nice face is covered with ice.He is singing the same song at the sea.The snake saved me once, long ago.4、反复练习四、z1、发音特点:发音时,嘴唇微开,上下齿近乎合拢;舌尖靠近上齿根,气流经舌上侧,从齿缝间流出,形成摩擦音;是浊辅音,发音时声带震动。2、例词:z

26、oo, zero, eyes, size, vase, rose, clothes3、例句:There are many roses and vases in the zoo.Whats the size of your clothes? / Size eight.4、反复练习五、1、发音特点:发音时,嘴唇张开并向前突出;舌尖靠近上齿根后部,舌身抬起靠近上颚,气流经舌尖上端从齿缝间流出,形成摩擦音;是清辅音,发音时声带不震动。2、例词:sure, she, shake, sheep, shop, ship, share, shell, wash, cash3、例句:She makes sure

27、 the sheep is not in the shop.Lets share the shell on the ship.Get on the ship and have a wash.4、反复练习六、1、发音特点:发音时,嘴唇张开并向前突出;舌尖靠近上齿根后部,舌身抬起靠近上颚,气流经舌尖与上颚之间,从齿缝间流出,形成摩擦音;是浊辅音,发音时声带震动。2、例词:pleasure, usual, treasure, decision3、例句:Thanks! My pleasure.He made a decision, he would go for the treasure.4、反复练习

28、音标教学:第七课(辅音)h,m,n,l,r一、h1、发音特点:发音时,口型半开,气流从声门后发出,在流经声门时发出轻微的摩擦;是清辅音,发音时声带不震动。2、例词:hi, head, hair, hat, hen, hand, her, here, hard,hold, help, hate3、例句:I have a hat on my head.Tell her to hand in the homework.4、反复练习二、m1、发音特点:发音时,双唇紧闭,舌平放,软腭下垂(不与后舌接触),气流从鼻腔流出。2、例词:me, map, make, many, much, mummy, man

29、, some, arm, game3、例句:Mummy, give me a map.Show me your arm, lets play a game.4、反复练习三、n1、发音特点:发音时,双唇微开,舌尖轻抵上齿根,软腭下垂,气流从鼻腔流出,形成摩擦音。2、例词:one, son, moon, noon, need, neck, now, near, no, nurse, man3、例句:The nurse shows the moon to the man.Will the moon come out at noon, son? No.4、反复练习四、1、发音特点:发音时,双唇微开,舌

30、尖轻抵下齿根,气流从鼻腔流出,形成摩擦音。2、例词:sing, song, thing, king, bring, ring, finger, 3、例句:Hi,King, sing a song,please. The man brings a ring to the King.4、反复练习五、l1、发音特点:发音时,双唇稍微张开,舌尖轻抵上齿根部,舌前部向硬腭抬起,气流经舌两侧从口中流出。2、例词:tell, hold, cold, wolf, little, light, life, late, fly, play, black, like3、例句:Tell him to hold the

31、 wood, its a little bad to play in cold water.The wolf is playing with a little black cat.4、反复练习六、r1、发音特点:发音时,双唇小口张圆,向前突出;舌尖轻抵上齿根后部,舌两侧向上收拢,气流经舌两侧从舌尖与硬腭间流出,形成摩擦音。2、例词:ruler, red, rice, ready, rain, rest, rat, free, sorry, hooray, green3、例句:The rat is carrying a red ruler, running in the rain.Dont sa

32、y “sorry”, lets say “hooray”.4、反复练习音标教学:第八课(单元音)tr,dr,ts,dz,t,d一、tr1、发音特点:发音时,双唇收圆,并向前突出;舌尖向上卷起,抵住上齿根;气流冲过舌尖和上齿根流出;是清辅音,发音时声带不振动。2、例词:tree, try, truck, treasure, trouble, true, trip, travel, trust,3、例句:Try to put the tree on the truck.Trust me during the trip, or youll get in trouble.4、反复练习二、dr1、发音特

33、点:发音时,双唇收圆,并向前突出;舌尖向上卷起,抵住上齿根;气流冲过舌尖和上齿根流出;是浊辅音,发音时声带振动。2、例词:drink, drive, drop, dream, draw, dress, dry, drill, children3、例句:Dont drink and drop while driving.Please draw a dress for the children.4、反复练习三、ts1、发音特点:发音时,口微开,呈扁平状,舌尖抵住上齿根,气流冲出舌尖与上齿根的阻挡,发出气流与舌齿的摩擦音;是清辅音,发音时声带不振动。2、例词:cats, hats, meets, w

34、aits, rights, lights, 3、例句:The cats she meets are wearing hats.He just waits, but has no rights.4、反复练习四、dz1、发音特点:发音时,口微开,呈扁平状,舌尖抵住上齿根,气流冲出舌尖与上齿根的阻挡,发出气流与舌齿的摩擦音;是浊辅音,发音时声带振动。2、例词:hundreds, needs, kids, hands, 3、例句:We have hundreds of kids here.Hands up, and tell me your needs.It needs must be so. 必然如

35、此(彦)。4、反复练习五、t1、发音特点:发音时,双唇收拢并向前突出;舌尖抵住上齿根后部,气流通过舌尖与上齿根接合处时,舌齿突然分开,口型稍变大;是清辅音,发音时声带不振动。2、例词:chair, watch, catch, children, chicken, cheap, cheese, choose3、例句:Please catch the watch and sit on the chair.Which do you like, children, chicken or cheese?4、反复练习六、d1、发音特点:发音时,双唇收拢并向前突出;舌尖抵住上齿根后部,气流通过舌尖与上齿根接

36、合处时,舌齿突然分开,口型稍变大;是浊辅音,发音时声带振动。2、例词:Jane, Jack, joke, jeep, enjoy, orange, gym, bridge, fridge3、例句:Jane is playing a joke on Jack.Jack enjoys eating oranges (taken from fridge).4、反复练习音标教学:第九课(单元音)复习全部音标。音标教学:第十课(单元音)复习并测试。音标时间安排如下:日期星期时间内容地点7.16星期三下午6:447:30i,i:,:e,四楼:二、三、四年纪学生五楼:五、六、七年级学生7.17星期四a:,u,u:,:,7.18星期五ei,ai,au,i,i,u7.21星期一,uj,w,f,v7.22星期二b,p,t,d,g,k,7.23星期三,s,z,7.24星期四h,m,n,l,r,7.25星期五tr,dr,ts,dz,t,d7.28星期一复习前24个音标7.29星期二复习所有音标、测试音标班至此全部结束。

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