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1、 Unit 12 My favorite subject is science. I根据汉语完成句子。(10分) 1.I like _ (历史) best. 2. They often play sports in the _ (下午). 3. He thinks science is very _ (无聊) . 4. Lily does her_ (作业) every night. 5. Toms _ (最喜欢的)subject is English. 6. His father is _ (严格的)with him. 7. P.E._(是)good for our body. 8. Lis

2、a _(上) math on Friday. 9. Who is your _(音乐) teacher? 10. Im _(确信)you will like it.II单项选择(10分) ( ) 1. _ is the last day of a week. A. Monday B. Saturday C. Sunday ( ) 2. Landry cant play_ A. guitar B. the baseball C. the guitar ( ) 3. Playing pingpang is a _. A. sport B. math C. history ( ) 4. Why do

3、nt you like science? Because its _. A. interesting B. funny C. difficult ( ) 5. _ example: My mother is kind. A. For B. In C. At ( ) 6. Our class is _8:00_ 12:00. A. begin, to B. from, to C. at, to ( ) 7. Is James favorite day Sunday? _ A. Yes, it does B. No, it doesnt C. Yes, it is ( ) 8.Thank you

4、for _. A. helps me B. help to me C. helping me ( ) 9. I dont think P.E. is _. Im not _ in it. A. interesting, interested B. interested, interesting C. interesting, interesting ( ) 10.He likes to play _ his classmates A. on B. with C. atIII. 完型填空(10) Im a middle school student. I have 1 good friends

5、at school. One is Tony. He is 2 American boy. The 3 is Jim. We are in the same 4 . Every morning we go to 5 , at seven oclock together. We usually have four _6 in the morning. 7 noon we have lunch at school. In the afternoon we usually have 8 .favorite subject P.E. The teachers are all strict, and w

6、e all 9 hard. We often 10 each other. We like our school very much. ( ) 1. A. two B. three C. four ( ) 2. A. a B. the C. an ( ) 3. A. one B. other C. some ( ) 4. A. room B. class C. family ( ) 5. A. movies B. bed C. school ( ) 6.A. classes B. subjects C. teachers ( ) 7. A. On B. In C. At ( ) 8. A. o

7、ur B. my C. his ( ) 9. A. listen B. study C. work ( ) 10. A. help B. tell C. playIV. 阅读。(20) A Hello, everybody. My name is Linda. I was born on March ninth, 1995. Im in a junior middle school. I like our school very much. Today is Monday, October 26th. This is the busiest day in the week. In the mo

8、rning, at 8:00 I have Chinese. Chinese is interesting. Our Chinese teacher , Mr. Li has a good way to make his lesson lively and interesting. All the students like him very much. Then at 9:00, we have math lesson. I dont like math. Because its very difficult. Next, at 10:00 I have English. I like En

9、glish very much. And at 12 oclock, we have lunch. In the afternoon, I have two lessons. At 2;00, I have science. Its difficult, but interesting. After that, I have music. Music is relaxing. I like my music teacher. She is very young and beautiful. Then we go to different clubs. Im in a football club

10、. Football is my favorite. ( ) 1. How many lessons does Linda have on Monday morning? _ ( ) 2. Whats her favorite subject? _ ( ) 3. Why does Linda like her Chinese? _ ( ) 4. What club does she in? _ ( ) 5. Whats the date today? _ B Mr. Green is an English teacher. She is not a very young woman. But

11、she is not an old. She knows three or four languages and reads and speaks and writes them well. She reads some books and write some. Her desk is in the middle room. Pens, pencil and ink bottle are on the desk. There is some paper, too. The phone is on the left. There is a readinglamp behind the phon

12、e. Its almost eleven oclock at night. But Mrs. Green is still working. She works very late. Sometimes she works to three or four oclock in the morning. She teaches her students very well. All of the like her. She is not only their teacher but also their friend. ( ) 6. Mrs. Green is an_ teacher. A. o

13、ld B. English C. math ( ) 7. Mrs. Greens language is very_ A. good B. well C. fast ( ) 8. Mrs. Green works _ A. very late B. slowly C. easy ( ) 9. Mrs. Green _ is very wonderful. A. picture B. phone C. teaching ( ) 10. We know _ from the work. A. Mrs. work B. Mrs. name C. Mrs. son C In England, peop

14、le dont like talk very much. You can go on a bus, or in a train, and everyone sits and looks window. Often they read. They read books and newspaper. But they dont usually talk much. When you meet English people, they often talk about one thingthe weather. So when someone, you can say, “Its a fine da

15、y today.” If you talk like this, the English think you are very friendly. ( ) 1. English people dont like talk much. ( ) 2. English people like standing on the bus ( ) 3. They often talk about papers when meet. ( ) 4. When you see someone in England you can say “Where are you from?” ( ) 5. English p

16、eople will think you are very friendlyVI. 句型转换 (15分) 1. Today is Monday. (对划线部分提问) is_ today? 2. He can play the piano. (否定句) He _ _ _ the piano. No, he _. 3. I like history because its interesting.( 对划线部分提问) you _ history? 4. Is Tony your brother? (否定回答) _ 5. Li Na likes to play with her dog. (对划线部

17、分提问) in the chess _?VII.翻译下列句子(15分) 1. 今天是十月三号,星期四。 Its _ , _ _ today. 2. 请把这些东西带给你的弟弟。 Please_ _ things_ your cousin. 3. 凯特晚饭吃鸡肉和汉堡。 Kate eats _ and _ _for dinner 4. 午饭后我上音乐课。 _ lunch, I _ _ . 5. 她什么学科都不喜欢。 He _ _ any subjects _ English.IX书面表达 (10分) 以My Favorite Subject为题,写一篇作文, 不少于40词。 如: favorite

18、, subject, math, because, interesting, difficult, difficult, Tuesday, dont , teacher, strict. 等。 _.参考答案: I1.history 2.afternoon 3.boring 4.homework 5.favorite 6.strict 7.is 8.has 9. music 10. sure II. 1.B西方人把周六作为一周的最后一天。 2.C乐器前加顶冠词。 3.A运动包含乒乓球 4.C不喜欢的原因是“难”。 5. A“例如”。 6.B从开始到结束。 7.C 主语为物 8.C介词后加动名词。

19、 9.A be interested in对感兴趣。 10.B和玩耍,用play with III.1 5 ACBCC 6-10 AC ABA IV(A)1.Five lesson. 2. English. 3. Its interesting. 4. Football. 5. October 26th. (B)15. BAACA (C). 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. F V. 1. What day is 2. can not play 3. Why do like 4.No, he isnt 5. What does like VI. 1.Thursday, Octobe

20、r 3rd. 2. take these things to 3.chicken hamburger for 4. After music class. 5. doesnt like but VII . My Favorite Subject Im Mary. My favorite subject is math. I think its very interesting. But it is difficult. I have math on Tuesday morning. The math teacher is very strict with us. He also makes his lesson interesting. I like it best.20 20

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