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1、渤海之滨璀灿明珠盘锦盘锦市位于辽宁省西南部,地处辽河三角洲中心地带。位于沈阳经济区与京津塘城市群之间的联接带,居于东北亚经济圈与环渤海经济区的交叉点,是辽宁沿海经济带(国家战略)重要节点城市,是中国东北地区最具发展潜力的城市。盘锦是辽宁省交通枢纽城市之一,域内交通便捷,拥有全国最密集的铁路网和高速公路网,一小时经济圈可达葫芦岛、锦州、营口、鞍山,覆盖人口近2000万。盘锦港规划利用12.1公里自然岸线,形成39公里码头岸线,陆域面积44.7km2,可布置90-100个万吨级泊位,通过能力超过3亿吨。A Shining Pearl in the Coast of the Bohai Sea Pa

2、njinPanjin city lies to the southwest of Liaoning Province, the heartland of the Liaohe River Delta. Located in the connection zone between the Shenyang Economic Zone and Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu Urban Agglomeration, situated in the intersection of the Northeast Asia Economic Circle and the Circum-Boh

3、ai Sea Economic Zone, it is an important node city of Liaoning Coastal Economic Zone (national strategy), the most promising city in the northeast area of China. Panjin is one of the transport hub cities in Liaoning Province. Within the region, the traffic is convenient, and it has the most intensiv

4、e network of railway and highway. One hour economic circle can reach Huludao, Jinzhou, Yingkou, Anshan, covering the population of nearly 20 million. Panjin Port plans and utilizes the 12.1 kilometers natural coastline, forming 39 kilometers quay coastline, land area of 44.7 km2, can arrange 90-100

5、10 thousand-ton level berths, with the through capacity of more than 300 million tons.盘锦依托丰富的自然资源,形成了以油气开采为龙头,以石油化工、合成树脂和化肥等为主的工业体系,是全国最大的稠油与高凝油生产加工基地、最大的高等级道路沥青生产基地和最大的防水材料生产基地。装备制造、化工及精细化工、有机食品、服务业等产业基础良好。盘锦是一座充盈着活力和希望的年轻城市,现代文明与原生文明共生,宜居、宜游、宜商。 Relying on the rich natural resources, Panjin has fo

6、rmed the industrial system taking the oil and gas production as the leading, and focusing on the petrochemical industry, synthetic resin and fertilizer. It is the largest national heavy oil and high solidification point crude oil production processing base, the largest high grade road asphalt & wate

7、rproof material production base. The city has favourable industrial foundations such as equipment manufacturing, chemical industry and fine chemicals, organic food, service industry, etc. Panjin is a young city full of vitality and hope. Modern civilization and native civilization coexist here. It is livable, and suitable for tour, as well as business.

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