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1、要求积累本+笔记书法本天天一页琐事本练习本+听写本(纸)扑克升级制(红桃,黑桃,草花,方片)第1页常规常态书法每日一页词汇课前背课文读熟或背诵,讲完默写练习册主动做,不够自己买积累本常记常背,不定时检验第2页Making FriendsMaking FriendsUnit 1 in 7A,Oxford English-第3页 kind honest happy wise pretty beautiful cool rich handsome smart strong funny brave My friend should be and.1.Do you have friends?2.If y

2、ou want to make a new friend,do you think what should a good friend be like.第4页How do you make friends?第5页How do you make friends?How do you make friends?How do you keep in touch with your friends?Do you often?How often do you?May I have your?Lets keep in touch.Chat on the QQ/Weibo.phone/call sb.=gi

3、ve sb.a call.send an e-mail to sb.,Write to sb.e-mail address,QQ/phone numberMake a dialogue with your partner.第6页Introduce two new friends to you.第7页1Getting readyGetting readyThis is Hi.He This is Hi.He is a clever boy.is a clever boy.This is Lo,a robot.His robot friend.Lets meet our friends!What

4、does“e-friend”mean,Hi?It means“electronic friend”.Oh,like me!第8页 What does Hi mean by e-friend?Does Lo have the same idea with Hi?It means“electronic friend”(a friend you make on the Internet).He means a robot like himself.CARTOON TALK What does Lo mean then?No.第9页1.What does“e-friend”mean?这个词是什么意思?

5、_你是什么意思?_What do you mean by saying“No”_What does this word mean?What do you mean?你说“No”是什么意思e-maile-booke-learning e-shoppingP 1第10页Free talkDo you have any hobbies?Can you tell the names of the following pictures?Period 1第11页Whats your hobby?play footballMy hobby is _.playing football A What do yo

6、u know about?A What do you know about?2第12页2.Write to each other Look at this picture Listen to the recording这个词是什么意思?_3.代词代词1.她妈妈是老师.2.这本书是他/我/她。4.请给我/他/她/我们/他们写信3.这是他书。P 1复习第13页Talk about hobbies1.表示兴趣(厌恶,不喜欢hate,dislike)Love,like,enjoy +名词/doingI love/he likes/Tom enjoysI hate/he hates/Tom dislik

7、esI dont like/Tom doesnt like第14页2.hobbiesListen to musicPlay basketball/football/volleyball/soccerPlay badminton/yoyo/tennis/table-tennisPlay ping-pong/golf/rugbyGo to the cinema/see a film/go to the moviePlay chessPlay the violin第15页Play the guitarPlay the pianoPlay cardsWatch TVGo on a picnicRead

8、 booksListen to the radioPlay video gamesPlay computer games第16页Go joggingGo for a walk=take a walkSing,dance,dive,hike,run,swimSurf the internetChat onlineRead newspapers第17页3.表示兴趣句型1.My hobby is+名词/doingMy hobby is singing/dancing/swimmingMy hobby is music/football/listening to the musicMy hobbies

9、 are music and swimmingMy favorite hobby is=I like bestMy favorite hobbies are A and BMy favorite hobbies are A,B and C第18页重点题型My favorite hobby is=I likebestHer favorite hobby is=she likesbestHis favorite hobby is=he likesbestTheir favorite hobby is=they like.bestToms favorite hobby is.=Tom likesbe

10、st第19页Pre-reading1.What does Anna look like?2.What are Annas hobbies?3.Who are Annas family members?4.How many people are there in her family?5.What is her father?6.What does her mother do?7.What is her mothers job?8.How does she go to school?第20页9.What is her nationality?10.What is her age?11.What

11、is her favorite subject?12.How old is she?13.Who does she live with?14.Does she have any brothers or sisters?15.Why does she like her school?16.Whose blog is it?17.What is the passage?18.What is she good at?第21页19.What subject does she like best?20.What does she want to be?21.Does she go to school o

12、n foot or by bus?22.Is she short or tall?23.What are her favorite hobbies?24.Why does she write this blog?第22页第23页3ReadingReading第24页ListentothetapeandanswertheListentothetapeandanswerthefollowingquestions.followingquestions.Hello everyone.Welcome to my blog.About meMy name is Anna.Im from Germany.I

13、m 11 years old.Im tall and thin.I have long hair.I live with my family in a house close to some mountains.My mum is an Art teacher.My dad is a doctor.I have an elder sister and an elder brother.Annas blog第25页About my school and my hobbiesEvery day,I go to school by school bus.My favourite subjects a

14、re Maths,Art and Science.I like my school because the teachers are all very friendly.My dream is to be an engineer.I like many sports.Im good at swimming and playing basketball.These are my favourite hobbies.I want to make friends with young people from all over the world!Email me,please!第26页A Germa

15、n girls blogB Before you read1 her country 5 her favourite subjects 2 her age 6 her English teacher 3 her parents names 7 her dream 4 her brother and sister 8 her hobbies Look at the pictures,the title and the sub-headings on P3.Then tick()the things that you may find in Annas blog.第27页Name:AnnaCoun

16、try:GermanyAge:(1)_What she looks like:(2)_ and thin;long hairFamily members:father,(3)_,(4)_ and(5)_Favourite subjects:(6)_,(7)_ and ScienceHobbies:(8)_ and playing(9)_Dream:to become an(10)_11tallmotherelder sisterelder brotherMathsArtswimmingbasketballengineer第28页重点短语Welcome toTall and thinBe fro

17、m=come fromHave long hairLive with sbLive in spClose to=nearAn elder sisterEvery day=each dayMy favorite subjectBy school busMy dream is to beMany sportsBe good atMake friends withYoung peopleAll over the world第29页Learn some new words!Before we read for more第30页第31页第32页1.everyone=everybody每个人每个人ever

18、yone=every+oneanyone=any+one=anybody 任何人任何人no one=nobody没有些人没有些人someone=some+one=somebody 某人某人Guess:What are the following phrases in English?每件事物每件事物任何事物任何事物没有事物没有事物某物,某事某物,某事everythinganythingnothingsomething第33页2.I live with my family in a house close to some mountains.Whats the Chinese meaning o

19、f“with”?和,又,同和,又,同Guess:What do“with”mean in the following sentences?(1)Indian People often eat with fingers.(2)The man with a book is my teacher.用用带有,含有带有,含有far from 远离远离第34页3.I go to school by school bus.=I take a school bus to school.go to by+交通工具交通工具搭乘搭乘去去相当于相当于take a/the+交通工具交通工具 toHave a try:H

20、ow to say搭士去医院搭士去医院搭火车去上海搭火车去上海搭五路公车去搭五路公车去go to the hospital by taxi;take a taxi to the hospitalgo to Shanghai by train;take a train to Shanghaitake the No.5 bus to第35页4.My favourite subjects are=I like best.Have a try:How to say the following sentences in English?(1)我最喜欢运动是篮球。我最喜欢运动是篮球。(2)我最喜欢明星是迈

21、克尔我最喜欢明星是迈克尔杰克逊。杰克逊。(3)我最喜欢城市是丽江和青岛。我最喜欢城市是丽江和青岛。My favourite sport is basketball.My favourite star is Michael Jackson.My favourite cities are Lijiang and Qingdao.第36页5.My dream is to be an engineer.相当于相当于 I want to be an engineer in the future(未来未来).第37页6.Im good at swimming and playing basketball.

22、be good at 相当于相当于 do well in“擅长擅长”(do sth.very well),后接,后接sth.或或doing sth.Have a try:How to say(1)我们擅长数学。我们擅长数学。(2)他擅长弹吉他。他擅长弹吉他。We are good at maths.He is good at playing the guitar.第38页7.I want to make friends with young people from all over the world.make friends with 与与交朋友交朋友Have a try:How to sa

23、y“广交朋友广交朋友”?from all over the world 来自全世界来自全世界make many/a lot of/lots of friends第39页第40页一、在括号里填上适当一个词语。一、在括号里填上适当一个词语。1.Im a German.Im _ Germany.2.I live in a house close _ a river.3.I often go shopping _ my mom on Saturdays.4.I go _ school _ bike.5.My dream is _ be an engineer.6.Lilly is good _ dra

24、wing.7.Li Jie likes making friends _ people on the Internet.8.These students are _ all _ the world.tofromwithtobyattowithfromover第41页二、依据首字母填空。1.I have a good e-friend,his h_ is playing basketball,and he can play it well.2.Guilin is a beautiful city with many m_ and a river called Lijiang.3.Her brot

25、her is good at physics(物理),and he is a good e_.4.Miss Li is a nice teacher.E_ in our class likes her.5.People in this country are very f_.They welcome people from all over the world.6.I have a d_.I want to be a dancer.hobbymountainsengineerEveryonefriendlydream第42页三、完成以下句子。1露丝很高。她擅长打排球。Lucy is very

26、tall.She _ _ _ _ volleyball.2.他喜欢和来自世界各地人交朋友。He likes _ _ _ people from _ _ the world.3.我家离学校很近。我经常走路上学。My house is very _ _ to school.I often _ _ _ on foot.is good atplayingmaking friends withall overclose to go to school第43页A friend in need is a friend indeed.第44页第45页Mike wants to make a friend wi

27、th you.Please write a short passage to introduce yourself.Who am I?第46页Steps to help you(Page 11)1.Write you address and the date:中国,深圳518172,龙城初级中学,公园路12号2.Write a sentence to start your letter:3.Use the following structures to tell Simon:Your age:I am.Your height:I am.Your hair and eyes:I haveYour hobbies:I like/am keen on.Your family and home:I live with+sb+in+spYour School:I study in.Your dream:I want to第47页第48页第49页

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