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1、适用学科初中英语适用年级七年级适用区域外研版区域课时时长(分钟)2课时知识点1. 固定搭配的辨析2. 祈使句的用法教学目标1.知识与技能目标:单词:学会与本话题相关的四会单词。通过例句详解、根据汉语意思填空等形式加强对重点单词的记忆和应用。短语:总结与本话题常出现的短语,通过对经典例句详解、经典题解析加强对短语的训练。句型:让学生在理解的基础上,将重点句子应用到日常生活及写作中,提高写作技能。2.过程与方法:1)老师和学生一起翻译短文并从中找出自己不认识的词汇。2)学生将不认识的词汇整理到笔记本上,并默写出所整理的词汇的汉语意思。 3.情感态度与价值观:1)能根据老师所翻译的文章快速记住生词的

2、汉语意思。2)能通过不断上涨的词汇量快速提高阅读能力。教学重点1.掌握日常简单的交际用语。2.掌握havehas got的用法。3.巩固some和any的用法。4.巩固祈使句的用法。5.掌握一些零碎要点的用法。教学难点1.能够灵活应用重点词汇。2.能够灵活应用havehas的用法。3.能够灵活应用some和any的用法。4.能够灵活应用祈使句。5.灵活掌握一些零碎要点的用法。教学过程一、导入1、T: (Making a poster about a healthy breakfast.Talking about healthy food. )Do you know healthy food?S

3、: NoT:such as tomatoes,vegetables and some fruitS:yes I see.apples ,bananas.T:you are great.lets learn about our topic: healthy food2、使用以下填空题进行预习知识的检查.词汇短语 1._ n.计算器 2._ n.家具 3._ n.地图 4._ n.图片 5._ n.电视机 6._ num.三十 7._ num.四十 8._ num.五十 9._ num.六十 10._ num.七十 11._ num.九十 12._ adv.许多 13._ n.大量 14._ n.

4、世界 15._ adj.任何一个 16._ n.建筑物 17._ n.大厅 18._ n.大门 19._ n.图书馆 20._ n.办公室21._ n.操场 22._ n.科学 23._ prep.在.的后面 24._ prep.在.之间25._ prep.和;与.一起 【答案】1. computer 2. furniture 3. map 4. picture 5.television 6. thirty 7. forty 8.fifty 9.sixty 10. seventy 11.ninety 12. many 13. lot 14. world 15.any 16. building

5、17.hall 18.gate 19.library 20.office 21.playground 22.science 23.behind 24.between 25.with .活用句型 1.Those are Pauls son and daughter.【句式仿写】那些是托尼的父母亲。_2.There are not any children in the classroom.【句式仿写】教室里有一些老师。_3.There is a tree behind the house.【句式仿写】在树的后面有一座房子。_4.He will come back between one and

6、two oclock. 【句式仿写】在学校和剧院之间有一家商店。_5. There are a lot of students on the playground.【句式仿写】在剧院里有大量的人。_6.How many people are there in your family?【句式仿写】你们国家有多少人?_7.Where is your school? 【句式仿写】医院在哪里?_8.Whats in your classroom?【句式仿写】车站里面有什么?_【答案】 1.Those are Tonys parents. 2.There are some teachers in the

7、 classroom. 3.There is a house behind the tree. 4.There is a station between the school and the theatre. 5.There are a lot of people in the theater. 6.How many people are there in your country? 7.Where is the hospital? 8.Whats in the station? 二、知识讲解知识点1 词汇foodn.食物homen.家drinkv.喝candyn.糖果fruitn.水果mea

8、tn.肉vegetablen.蔬菜applen.苹果beann.豆beefn.牛肉carrotn.胡萝卜chickenn.鸡肉chocolaten.巧克力coffeen.咖啡colan.可乐juicen.果汁milkn.牛奶potaton.土豆tean.茶tomaton.西红柿watern.水shopn.商店havev.有getv.得到somepron.一些muchadj.许多;大量的kindn.种类hasv.有badadj.坏的healthyadj.健康的deliciousadj.美味的breadn.面包fishn.鱼hamburgern.汉堡包ice creamn.冰激凌noodlen.面

9、条ricen.大米sugarn.糖eatv.吃childn.小孩sweetadj.甜的rightadj.正确的cheesen.奶酪bitn.一点儿;少许toothn.牙齿tiredadj.劳累的soupn.汤importantadj.重要的rememberv.记得welladv.好地stayv.停留fatadj.胖的breakfastn.早餐lunchn.午餐dinnern.晚餐bananan.香蕉buyv.买知识点2 词组go shopping去购物have got拥有too much太多lots of大量;许多be goodbad for对.有益有害a bit稍微;有点get fat变胖o

10、range juice橘子汁too bad太糟糕了good idea好主意healthy food健康食物delicious chicken soup美味的鸡汤eat well吃得好stay healthy保持健康have a good breakfast吃一顿好的早餐lots of fruit and vegetables吃大量的水果和蔬菜知识点3 语法【语法点1】 havehas got 的用法have/has got句型:它表示某物归某人所有,是一种所属关系,主语为人,只有“拥有”的意思。 转换:have got=have has got=has 句子的主语为第三人称单数时,用has g

11、ot,其他情况用have got。have/has got句型的转换A、 否定句:在have或has后加not, 缩写为havent或hasnt.例如:I have got three sisters. 我有三个姐姐。 I havent got three sisters. 我没有三个姐姐。 He has got a bike. 他有一辆自行车。 He hasnt got a bike. 他没有一辆自行车。 B、一般疑问句:把have或has提前到句首,句号变为问号。一般疑问句的回答:Yes,.havehas.No,.haventhasnt.例如:I have got three sister

12、s. 我有三个姐姐。 Have you got three sisters? Yes, I have./No, I havent. 你有三个姐姐吗? 是的,我有。不,我没有。 He has got a bike. 他有一辆自行车。 Has he got a bike? Yes, he has./No, he hasnt. 他有一俩自行车吗? 是的,他有。不,他没有。知识点4 How about.?的用法How about.? =What about.? 后面可以跟名词、代词和动名词。意思是.怎么样?当对方谈论的事情不明确,需要询问清楚时,可用这一句型。例如:Id like a cup of t

13、ea. How about you?向对方提出建议或请求,相当于句型Would you like.语气很委婉。例如:How about having some bread?Would you like some bread?寒暄时用作承接上下文的转折语。例如:Im a teacher. How about you?询问天气或身体等状况。例如:How about the weather in your city?征求对方的看法或意见。例如:How about this car?知识点5 too muchtoo manymuch too的用法too much和too many都是“太多”的意思,区

14、别:too many+可数名词复数,too much+不可数名词。例如:I have too many books. 我有很多书。 She has too much money. 她有很多钱。much too太,后面接形容词。例如:He is much too fat. 他太胖了。知识点6祈使句的用法Please sit down. 请坐下。这是一个省略了主语you的祈使句。用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句,祈使句最常用于表达命令,因此在英语语法中也常称为命令句。祈使句因对象(即主语)是第二人称,所以通常都省略。祈使句的动词都为一般现在时,句末则使用句号或感叹号来表示结束

15、。祈使句也常把主语“You”表达出来,使对方听起来觉得柔和些。祈使句的特点:祈使句无主语,主语you常省去;动词原形谓语当,句首加dont否定变;朗读应当用降调,句末常标感叹号。例如:Go and tell him, Chris.克立斯你去告诉他。特别注意:祈使句还有一种比较特殊的形式,就是No+n.v-ing,因此如果空后是名词或者动名词,前面需要填no。例如:No smoking! 禁止抽烟! No entry! 禁止进入!三 、例题精析例题1 _himthesecret, willyou?A.Donttell B.Nottotell C.Nottelling D.Notelling【答案

16、】A【解析】本题考查祈使句的特点。根据祈使句的特点为句首为动词原形开头,否定句在句首加Dont,因此根据以上内容可知选择A。例题2She_ gotabigbedroom.A.have B. has C. is 【答案】B【解析】本题考查havehas got的用法,根据主语是she,第三人称单数,因此是选择has。所以选择B。例题3-It is so boring._ playing table tennis. -Sound good.A. How about B. Why not C. What about you D. should【答案】A【解析】本题考查How about.?的用法。根

17、据后面动词的形式可知是使用How about.?,因此选择A。例题4Eating _ meat is not good for your health. A. too many B. many too C. much too D. too much【答案】D【解析】本题考查too many,too much和much too的区别。没有many too的结构,所以B错。meat是不可数名词,前面应该用too much,意思是“太多”,故选D。例题5Herdoctorsaid: _worksohard.A. stop B. Dont C. cant D. No【答案】B【解析】本题考查祈使句的用

18、法,根据祈使句的特点可知句首是使用动词原形,否定句是在句首加Dont,故选B。例题6How about _ (fly) a kite?【答案】flying【解析】本题考查how about的结构。根据后面要求跟动名词可知是使用flying。故填flying。例题7(改错)Lilyhavegotaniceschoolbag. _【答案】Lilyhasgotaniceschoolbag【解析】本题考查havehas got的用法,根据have用于主语为非单三的时候,has用于主语为单三的时候,因此将句子改为Lilyhasgotaniceschoolbag.即可。四 、课堂运用基础_ about t

19、he blue box?AWho BWhats CWhats DWhatWhat a fine day today! How about _ a picnic this afternoon?Ahave Bto have Chas Dhaving-_ -Some rice, please.A What about something to drink? BWould you like to have lunch with me?CMay I take your order? DCan I help your order?-What could I get for my father on Fat

20、hers day? -_ getting him a tie?Awhy not Bhow about Cwhy dont you DLets-What are you going to do this afternoon? -What about _ swimming? Ago Bgoes Cto go DgoingHow about _ to the cinema on Sunday?Ago Bto go Cgoing Dwill goMeat is healthy but _ meat is not good for you.Atoo much Btoo many Ca lot Dlot

21、of_ more, and youll improve your spoken English.ASpeak BSpeaks CSpeaking DTo speak-Tom , Dont talk. _ what you are doing -Sorry, Mr. Li.APay attention toBBe careful CBe patient with Ddepend on-Can you see _ story books on the table? -Yes, I can see _.Asome; some Bany; any Csome; any Dany; some【答案】1-

22、5 DDCBD 6-10 CAAAC【解析】1. 本题考查特殊疑问词的用法。句意:那个蓝色的箱子怎么样?2. 本题考查特殊疑问句的用法。句意:今天天气多好啊!下午去野餐吧?3. 本题考查特殊疑问句的用法。句意:-你想要吃什么?-一些米饭。4. 本题考查特殊疑问句的用法。句意:-我在父亲节要给他买什么?-买一个领带怎么样?5. 本题考查特殊疑问句的用法。句意:-今天下去要去干什么?-去游泳怎么样?6. 本题考查特殊疑问句的用法。句意:周末去电影院怎么样?7. 本题考查不定代词的用法。句意:肉很健康,但是太多的肉对你不好。8. 本题考查祈使句的用法。句意:多说点,然后你就能提升英语口语了。9. 本

23、题考查动词短语的辨析。句意:别说话,专注你在做的事。10. 本题考查不定代词的用法。句意:-你能看到桌上的故事书吗?-是的,我能。巩固1. Youshouldnteat_meatbecauseitsbadforyourhealth.A. muchtoo B. toomuch C. manytoo D. toomany2. Today, _ treesarestillbeingcutdownsomewhereintheworld. A. muchtoo B. toomuch C. manytoo D. toomany3. Sandy, _tobehereat8oclock.A.issure B.

24、issurethat C.willbesure D.besure4. _smoking!A.Dont B.No C.Dontto D.Benot 5.-_ you _ a pen, Mary?-No,I havent.A. Are; haveB. Can; haveC. Have; getD. Have; got【答案】15 BDDBD【解析】1. 本题考查不定代词的用法。句意:你不应该吃太多肉,因为那对你的健康不好。2. 本题考查不定代词的用法。句意:今天,很多树正在世界的某些地方被砍掉。3. 本题考查祈使句的用法。句意:Sandy,确保在八点到这。4. 本题考查祈使句的用法。句意:禁止吸烟

25、。5. 本题考查一般疑问句的用法。句意:-你有笔吗?-没有。拔高1. - Have you watched the seven oclock CCTV news report?- Yes. There is a lot of i_ news in it.2. People eat rice dumplings to r_ Qu Yuan.3. Its time to have b_. You must get up now.4. Sugar is s_. Dont eat too much.5. In order to keep h_, we students had better exerc

26、ise every day.【答案】1. important/interesting2. remember3. breakfast4. sweet5. healthy五 、课堂小结重要单词、词组 句型1.重点词汇用法:fooddrinkcandyfruitmeatvegetableapplebeanbeefcarrotchickenchocolatecoffeecolajuicemilkpotatoteatomatowatershophavegetsomemuchkindsohasbadhealthydeliciousbreadfishhamburgerice creamnoodlerices

27、ugareatchildsweetrighteggeyecheesetoothbittiredsoupimportantrememberwellstayfatorbreakfasteverylunchhomedinnerbananabuy2.重点词组用法:1.go shopping 去购物 2. have got 拥有3. too much 太多 4. lots of 大量;许多5.be goodbad for 对.有益有害 6.a bit 稍微;有点 7.get fat 变胖 8.orange juice 橘子汁9.too bad 太糟糕了 10.good idea 好主意11.health

28、y food 健康食物 12.delicious chicken soup 美味的鸡汤13. eat well 吃得好 14.stay healthy 保持健康 15.have a good breakfast 吃一顿好的早餐 16.lots of fruit and vegetables 吃大量的水果和蔬菜3.重点句型: Lets. 让我们.havehas got. .有.What kind of.? 什么种类的.?How about.? .怎么样?Eat the right food and be healthy. 吃正确的食物和保持健康。(祈使句)It is adj. to do sth

29、. 做某事是.六 、课后作业基础(3-5题)1. -How about going swimming?-_AThats a good idea BIt doesnt matterCI dont either DYou are welcome2. Hamburgers and milk are healthy _ and_. Do you think so?Afood;drinkBfoods;drunkCfood;drankDfoods;drank3. How many _ can you see in the picture?Abox BboxesCboxs Da box4. There ar

30、e four _ and six _ in the basket.Atomatos;potatos Btomatoes;potatoesCtomatoes;potatos Dtomatos;potatoes5. This new kind of car is _ expensive. I dont have _ money.Atoo much;much tooBmuch too;too muchCtoo much;too muchDmuch too;much too【答案】15 AABBB 【解析】1. 本题考查日常交际用语的用法。句意:-去游泳怎么样?-好主意。2. 本题考查名词和动词辨析。

31、句意:汉堡和牛奶是健康的食物和饮料,你这么觉得吗?3. 本题考查名词变复数的用法。句意:图片里有多少盒子。4. 本题考查名词变复数的用法。篮子里有四个西红柿和六个土豆。5. 本题考查不定代词的用法。句意:这种新种类的猫是很贵的,我没有很多钱。巩固(3-5题)请仔细阅读教材,补充完整下列句子。1.He _ a new book.A. has gotB. have gotC. haveD. get2._ David _ a new shirt?A. Is; havingB. Do; haveC. Have; gotD. Has; got3.Dont drink _ wine. Its _ your

32、 health.A. much too; bad atB. too much; bad forC. too much; bad atD. much too; bad for4.- May I have _ fruit before supper?- Sorry. There isnt _ fruit at home now.A. some; someB. any; anyC. some; anyD. any; some5.- We have few vegetables for dinner. Could you go and buy _?- Yes, sure. But I dont hav

33、e _ money.A. any; anyB. some; anyC. any; someD. some; some【答案】15 ADBCB【解析】1. 本题考查“有”的辨析。句意:他有一本新书。2. 本题考查一般现在时的用法。句意:David有一件新衬衫吗?3. 本题考查不定代词的用法。句意:别喝太多红酒,那对你的健康不好。4. 本题考查不定代词的用法。句意:-我能在晚饭之前吃些水果吗?-不好意思,家里没有水果了现在。5. 本题考查不定代词的用法。句意:-我们晚饭没有蔬菜了,你能去买一些吗?-好的,但是我没有钱。拔高(3-5题)根据下面的内容,请以“Our Favorite Food”为题写一篇60个词左右的短文,并对食物和饮料作简单的评价。_

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