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1、 五年级上册My e-friend导学案课题:Unit 6 My e-friend 教学内容 Story time第一课时 课型 新授课 上课 时间 课前分析: 教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会读、会说单词: e-friend, send, to,email, live, study, China,UK,years old, wait. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:Does he/she?Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt. Wait a minute. 3. 能正确的理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。 4. 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和

2、句型对自己的朋友或者网友进行综合全面的介绍。 教学重点: 能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的帮助下尝试复述课文。 教学难点: 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型对自己的朋友或者网友进行综合全面的介绍。 教学准备: PPT 教学设计: Step 1 : Greeting 1.Greeting. Good afternoon boys and girls. Nice to see you. Whats your name? How old are you? What subjects do you like? What do you like doing? 2.T: You like drawing, I

3、 like drawing, too. Wait a minute, I will show you. Look,(画一个花瓶和两朵太阳花)I usually draw with my friends.(在花瓶里写上my friends) They are (出示图片,让学生说出他们是Liu Tao and Wang Bing) Ss: Theyre Liu Tao and Wang Bing. T: Where are they now?(书上P58第一幅图,学生猜一猜他们在哪里 at home, at school, in the computer room ) What else can

4、 you say about this picture? (让学生根据提示说一说LiuTao can play football. Wang Bing can play computer.)(如果学生说不出来的话提问,what can Wang Bing do?) T: Wang Bing can play computer. He can write an email, too. Look.(过渡到下一张ppt,让学生说出write an email并呈现 , 然后教学email. 电子邮件) T:What can we do then? 引出send 对照friend 让学生尝试着读出来)

5、 Step 2 : Presentation 1.Watch and answer T: Boys and girls, do you want to know what are they talking about? lets watch and answer: They are talking about ( Peter) (Wang Bings e-friend) Teach:e-friend 揭题:Today well learn Unit 6 My e-friend 2.Read and find T: About Peter, do you have any questions a

6、bout him?(让学生根据图片,试着提出问题) T:I have some questions too. I want you to read them. Group one(分组读出问题) (Where does he live? How old is he? What subjects does he like? What does he do after school? What does he like doing ?见书上60页) T: Please read your books and find the answers.(让学生 Teach: UK,years old, li

7、ve, study 3.Listen and repeat. (朗读的过程中注意提醒学生模仿一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的语调) 4.选择一种你喜欢的方式读课文 5.Try to say(四人小组汇报,介绍Peter的基本情况): Think and say P60: Now ,can you say something about Peter? Lets think and say. Peter is e-friend. He lives in Hes years old. He . speak Chinese. He Chinese lessons at school. He studies C

8、hinese He likes He likes playing Step 3 : Consolidation 1. Try to describe. T: I have a friend. Hes He lives in Lianyungang. He is 11 years old. He has big eyes and a thin body. He studies English after school. He likes PE and Music. He likes singing and swimming. He is very cute. This is my friend. 描述下你的好朋友,可以从姓名、年龄、兴趣和喜爱的学科等方面介绍。不少于5句话。 Step4 Summary Step 5 Homework 1.Read the story time and try to retell.读熟Stoty time并试着复述。 2.Know more national flags and share with your classmates. 认识更多国旗并和同学们一起分享。 3结合本课所学语言知识,描述下你的好朋友,可以从姓名、年龄、兴趣和喜爱的学科等方面介绍。不少于5句话。带上他/她的照片,下节课交流 复备:教学反思:20 20

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