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1、冠词(一)一、在空格内填上a或an_ear _actor _elephant _umbrella _hour_ honest boy _interesting book _easy question_orange _apple _ice cream 二、用a,an,the或“/”填空1._Beijing is _capital of _China2.There is _”A” on his paper. 3. I ate _apple .Its _red apple.4._tall man over there is my teacher. 5._earth moves around sun.

2、6.Do you have breakfast this morning? 7.I visited Great Wall?8.They often play football after school.9.By way,do you know old woman? 10.Are there any birds in sky?11.She is tallest in our class.12.Mom tells me old story every night. 三、选择填空( )1.Can you tell me nearest bookshop? Turn right at_third cr

3、ossing. A. the, aB. the, theC. a, the D. the, /( )2. computer on the table is Susans.A. A B. An C. The D. /( )3.There is map of the world on wall. map is mine.A. a, a, A B. a, the, TheC. the, the, TheD. the, the, A( )4. Whites live on floor. A. /, threeB. A, third C. The, third D.The, the third( )5.

4、 Spring comes after winter. A. /, / B.The, / C.The, the D.A, the( )6.I bought shoes yesterday. shoes are very beautiful.A. a, TheB. a pair of, The C. the, The D. a pair, The pair( )7.She can play and . A. the tennis, the guitar B. tennis, guitar C. the tennis, guitar D. tennis, the guitar( )8.I can

5、see moon and clouds in the sky. A. the, a B. a, a C. the, / D. the, the( )9. “c” is in “cat.” “s” is in “sat.” A. An, An B. An, A C. A, A D. A, An( )10. Tiananmen Square is in Beijing. A. /, / B. A, / C. The, / D. /, the冠词(二)I. 在下列句子的空格中填上适当的冠词,不需要的地方用“/”表示: 1. This is _ old map. It is _ useful map.

6、 2. We have four classes in _ afternoon on _ Saturday. 3. Beijing is _ capital of _ China. It is _ beautiful city. 4.There is _ interesting picture on _ wall. 5. Which is _ biggest, _ sun, _ moon, or _ earth? 6.Which picture is more beautiful? - _one on _ left, I think. 7. Which is _ way to _ hospit

7、al? Turn left on _ second crossing. 8. _ more, _ better. 9. After _ breakfast he went to _ school on _ foot. 10. He likes playing _ football. His sister likes playing _ piano. 二、翻译下列词组 1. 上学_ 2. 住院 _ 3. 此刻_ 4. 在地球上_ 5. 步行_ 6.在家 _7. 乘公共汽车_8. 在工作_9. 上床睡觉 _ 10. 感冒_ 11. 玩得痛快_12. 事实上_ 三、单项选择 ( )1. There

8、is _ old woman in the car. A. / B. the C. a D. an ( )2. Shanghai is in _ east of China. A. / B. an C. the D. a ( )3. Bill is _ English teacher. He likes playing _ football. A. a, the B. an, the C. a, / D. /, / ( )4. Lets go for _ walk, shall we? A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )5. This is _interesting book

9、 and it is also _ useful one. A. a, a B. an, an C. an, a D. a, an ( )6. _ woman over there is _ teacher in our school. A. A, an B. The, a C. The , the D. A, the ( )7. Australia is _ English-speaking country. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )8. Dont play _ basketball here. Its dangerous. A. a B. an C. / D.

10、the ( )9. This is _ apple. Its _ big apple. A. an, a B. a, the C. a, an D. an, the ( )10. I have _ blue coat. A. a B. an C. the D. some 冠词(三)( )1.There is _ apple on the desk. A. a B .the C. an D./( )2.The girl under _ tree is my sister. A. a B .the C .an D./( )3.Mary is from _ USA. A. a B. the C. a

11、n D./( )4.He met _ friend of his on the road. A. a B .the C .an D./( )5.Mr Black will go back to England_. A .by air B .by a plane C. by trains D. at a train( )7.There is “h” in the word “hour”, but “h”doesnt make a sound.A. a, a B. a, the C. the, an D .an. the( )8.Im going to see my mother. She is

12、ill _. A. in hospital B. in the hospital C. in a hospital D. at a hospital( )9.I want to try again. please give me third chance. A .a B. the C. an D. /( )10. Whats the matter with you? I caught bad cold and had to stay in bed.A. a; / B. a; the C. a; a D. the; the( )11. sun is shining brightly.A. a B

13、. an C. the D. /( )12. This is _ orange. _ orange is on the table. A. a, The B. an, The C. an, An D. the, An ( )13. After _ supper, he stayed at home and played _ violin. A. the, the B. /, the C. /, a D. /, / ( )14. There is _ apple on the plate. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )15. English is _ useful lan

14、guage in _ world. A. an, the B. a, the C. the, the D. an, an ( )16. Li Dan can play _ piano very well. A. / B. a C. an D. the ( )17. What _ interesting film it is! I like _ film very much. A. a, the B. a, a C. an, the D. The, / ( )18. _ tall man over there is our _ English teacher. A. A, the B. The, a C. A, an D. The, /

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