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1、 七年级上册单元课时当堂训练Unit 7 Period 1一、词组英汉互译。1对感兴趣 _2go shopping _3服装店 _4gift shop _5体育用品店 _6carry all the bags _7跟 我 来 _8flower shop _二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1My mother wants me _(help) her.2The little girl needs a good teacher_(teach) her.3Millie is_(interesting) in music.4I cant find my (钱包).5Theres a bookshop

2、 (沿着)the street.6Do you want to go to the shopping (大型购物中心).7Eddie hates_(go) shopping.8Jims brother likes collecting (邮票).三、根据中文提示完成句子。1在我们学校附近有一家新花店。 There is _.2你经常在周末和你父母一起去购物吗? Do you often_?3米莉也许喜欢听音乐。 _ Millie _.4我想给我妈妈买些花。 I want _.5我知道凯特对踢足球不感兴趣。 I know Kate_ .四、根据首字母提示补全短文。There is a shop

3、n_ my home. The people in the shop are friendly. O_ Saturday afternoon, we often go s_ there. It opens a_ nine in the morning and closes l_ in the evening. So people can go there after they come back from work. You can buy l_ of things in the shop. You can buy food, clothes, school things and many o

4、_ things. B_ there are no books there. Now we are in the shop. My mother wants to buy a shirt f_ my father. Then wed like to d_ some orange juice.七年级上册单元课时当堂训练Unit 7 Period 1参考答案一、词组英汉互译。1、be interested in 2、去购物 3、clothes shop 4、礼品店 5、sports shop 6、拎所有的包 7、come with me 8、花店二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1、to help

5、 2、to teach 3、interested 4、wallet 5、down 6、mall 7、going 8、stamps三、根据中文提示完成句子。1、a new flower shop near our school2、go shopping with your parents at weekends3、Maybe; likes/enjoys listening to music4、to buy some flowers for mum/mum some flowers5、isnt interested in playing football四、根据首字母提示补全短文。1、near 2、On 3、shopping 4、at 5、late 6、lots 7、other 8、But 9、for 10、drink

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