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1、 13-14牛津八下Unit7同步练习 . 阅读下面的对话,根据所给首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。 Andy: Have you ever heard of a project (1) c the Spring Bud Project? Wendy: No, I know nothing about it. Is it an (2) i charity? Andy: No, it is a Chinese charity. It is run by China Children and Teenagers Fund. It works to help poor girls and women

2、in China. Wendy: (3) H does it help them? Andy: It (4) p poor girls with proper support. With its help, millions of poor girls around the country can have basic (5) e . It also offers women in need proper job (6) t . So they can take some jobs. Wendy: Sounds great. What else does it do? Andy: It als

3、o works for the equal (7) r of girls and women. It calls on people to take (8) a to help others. Wendy: It has really done a great job. Can we do something to (9) s it? Andy: Of course. I donate some of my (10) p money to the Spring Bud Project every month. . 根据下面的描述,选择合适的慈善机构名称,填写在横线上和括号内。 World Wi

4、de Fund for Nature, ORBIS, Oxfam, UNICEF 1. As part of the UN (联合国), was set up in 1946. It works to improve peoples lives in almost every country in the world. 2. started its work in China in 1980. It has done a lot to protect the environment and wildlife. 3. As many as 18,000,000 blind people can

5、see again because of the help from , a flying hospital. 4. was set up in the UK in 1942. Its name comes from Oxford Committee for Famine Relief. It works to support poor people. Now, it has 13 member organizations and works in more than 110 countries. . 根据所给汉语意思,填空完成下面的句子。 1. 政府已经做了很多事情以防止H7N9蔓延。 Th

6、e government has done a lot . 2. 中国西部很多地方需要老师。 Teachers in many places in Western China. 3. 我现在太累了,走不动了。 Now I am . 4. 你有很多需要学习,尤其是一些基本技能。 You have a lot to learn, . 5. 我想吃点水果,但是冰箱里一点水果也没有剩下。 Id like some fruit, but in the fridge.参考答案: . 1. called 2. international 3. How 4. provides 5. education 6. training 7. rights 8. action 9. support 10. pocket . 1. UNICEF 2. World Wide Fund for Nature 3. ORBIS 4. Oxfam . 1. to prevent the spread of H7N9 2. are needed 3. too tired to walk any further 4. especially some basic skills 5. there is none left20 20

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