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1、 课后训练.根据句意和首字母提示完成单词 1He foun d n_ in the room.The room is empty. 2The movie is very w_,and I like it very much. 3I made a snowman m_ _ yesterday.No one helped me. 4He looks b_ because he has nothing to do. 5They didnt go a_ last weekend.T hey only stayed at home. .英汉互译 1相当多;不少_ 2当然;自然 _ 3去山上_ 4stay

2、 at home _ 5go to summer camp _ 6study for tests _ .根据句意,用be动词的适当形式填空 1Mike _ at home today. 2We _ happy to see you again. 3Lucy and Lily _ in New York City last month. 4How _ _ your weekend,Jack? It was boring. 5How _ the weather in London yesterday? It was cold and humid. .根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1Ke

3、vin _(watch)TV every evening. 2I am _(arrive)in Beijing at 8:00 tomorrow. 3He _(go)to the movies yesterday. 4It _(rain)heavily last Sunday. 5The musician _(seem) to write a new song last month. .根 据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词 1我的狗昨天什么也没有吃。 My dog _ _ _ _ yesterday . 2你去过什么有趣的地方吗? Did you go _ _? 3我喜欢这儿的食物。所有东西尝

4、起来都很美味。 I like the food here._ _ really good. 4这儿没人,大家都在度假。 _ _ was here._ was on vacation. 5他们什么也不想买。 They wanted to _ _. 参考答案 . 答案:1.nothing2.wonderful3.myself 4bored5.anywhere. 答案:1.quite a few2.of course3.go to the mountains4.待在家中5.参加夏令营 6为测试而学习. 答案:1.is2.are3.were4.was5.was . 答案:1.watches2.arriving3.went4.rained 5seeme d .答案:1.didnt eat anything2.anywhere interesting 3. Everything tastes4.No on e;Everyone 5bu y nothing20 20

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