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1、 五年级上册Unit 5 My New Room导学案第一课时lets learn &lets chant部分。 2教学目标 知识技能目标 (1) learn to say six words: end table trash bin air-conditioner closet mirror curtain. (2) learn to say: is this your ? in my room i h*e . (3) understand the chant and do the acti* according to the orders. 情感文化目标 培养爱家,爱清洁的良好习惯,培养学

2、生的团结、合作意识,渗透本国文化教育。 3教学难点分析 重点是把握lets learn 部分的六个四会单词,并能进行简朴问答、介绍。 难点为单词air-conditioner 的发音。 4教学过程: warm-up 1、make greetings with pupils. 2、lets chant: i h*e a pencil me too. 【设计意图】:通过课前的热身活动,调整先生的思维,让他们快速地融入英语课中来,调动学习爱好,为本课教学创造积极条件,也为新课的教学做好铺垫。 3、listen and do some acti*. 4、after doing some acti* t

3、eacher says: oh i feel very tied and hot. where can i sleep? (教师做睡觉状。) 出示房间图片,引出问题:what can you see in the room? 复习句型:i can see . 【设计意图】:创设情景,自然导入新课的学习。找到话题与所授新知的契合点,让学生很自然地从一个话题向另一个话题过渡,从而开始了本节课的话题。 presentation 1、t: i h*e got a new room. would you like to visit it? t: ok. lets go. cai shows “my ne

4、w room”. t: what can you see in my room? ss will talk about the room freely. t: look this is my mirror. show the card and paste it. (引出单词mirror ss read it by whole class by groups and then one by one.) (the same to teach other new words: trash bin end table air-conditioner curtain and closet.) 2、学生评

5、价是每组一个房间,表现好的可以获得一件物品,如:mirror bed等,利用学生评价的“房间”, t: what do you h*e in your room? (引出) in my room i h*e . 【设计意图】:把本课中出现的新单词融入句型教学中,大量输入,做到词不离句,句不离篇,有助于学生对所学内容的理解,并能真实地感受到语言的交际功能。 3、t: boys and girls look at the two girls lets listen what they talking about. (lets learn:is this your room? yes it is.

6、come and look at my new curtains.) 4、read and act. activities 1、passing a ball: (“击鼓传花”) when the music stops sa should stand up and says: in my room i h*e . 2、lets play: (chain work) a: in my room i h*e a trash bin. b: in my room i h*e a trash bin and a mirror. c: in my room i h*e a trash bin a mir

7、ror and an end table. 【设计意图】:在机械操练的基础上,通过“记忆力游戏”,激发先生学习爱好,进而进行有意义的句型操练。 practice 1、make your own chant: t: in my room in my room i h*e a mirror in my room. (给学生一些单词,让先生46人一组创编自己的chant,并有节拍拍手表演唱。) words: (tv bed computer mirror chair pencil bag lamp and so on.) 鼓励学生创编,例如: on my bed on my bed i h*e on

8、 my bed. in my closet in my closet i h*e in my closet. 【设计意图】:运用节拍编成琅琅上口的歌谣,既复习了所学的知识,而且激发了先生的自主创造能力和学习的爱好,往往能收到很好的效果。 c*olidation 1、make the summary. 2、deal with the activity book. 【设计意图】:小结本课知识点,让学生了解本课需要把握的知识。同时通过让学生做活动手册的听音训练,旨在巩固学生所学的知识,达到活学活用的目的。 homework 1、抄写四会单词; 2、预备一张房间图片或者照片,下次谈论。 【设计意图】:家庭作业是英语教学的一个重要组成部分,是获取教学反馈信息的重要手段。20 20

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