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1、 第一课时教材与学生分析:本节课是新目标七年级上册第七单元的第一课时。在学习本课之前已经利用早课的时间读过本单元的单词。学生对本课所学单词已经有了大致了解。表示颜色的词在预备单元时已经学过,所以快速复习一下就可以。我打算这节课把书上41和42两页的内容整合一下教给学生。主要让学生学会单数物品对应单数的be动词,复数物品对应复数be动词。尤其是裤子、鞋袜等物品用使用复数的be动词。教学目标:1. 知识与技能:学习衣物的单词,学会询问和回答衣物的价格。2. 过程与方法:整体读单词,个体读单词,拼写单词,造句,同桌练对话,自己编对话。3. 情感态度与价值观:通过学习谈论衣物询问价格,培养学生爱护衣物

2、,珍惜父母劳动的态度。教学重点:Words: sweater, skirt, shirt, T-shirt, shorts, pants, shoes, socks, dollar, how muchSentences: How much is the sweater?Its nine dollars.How much are the shorts?Theyre eight dollars.教学难点:Let the students know when they can use “is”, when they can use “are”. When they answer “How much

3、is the?” they must say “Its ”. When they answer “How much are the?” they must say “Theyre”教学手段:1.用PPT看图学单词和句子。2.分组学习单词和句子。3.小组编对话。教学过程:Step 1. Greeting the students.Step 2. Lead in the new lesson by tell the students “Yesterday I went to a clothes store with my friends. There are many clothes in the

4、 store. Do you want to know some clothes? Lets learn some new words.”Step 3. Learn the new words by watching the pictures on the screen.Show a picture then ask the students, What is it? They may answer, Its a sweater.Step 4. Review the colors.Step 5. Make sentences like How much is this hat? Its sev

5、en dollars.How much are these pants? Theyre nine dollars.Step 6. Add colors.How much is the orange bag? Its seven dollars.How much are the blue shorts? Theyre eight dollars.Step 7. Look at the pictures then practice the conversation in pairs. One ask one answer.Step 8. Listen to the conversation of

6、2a and finish the exercise of 2a,2b.Step 9. Make your own conversations. Let someone show their conversations.Step 10. Homework:1. Copy and recite the new words.2. Do a survey of your father and mother, then get the information of the prices and the colors of their clothes.课后反思:因为在学习本课以前学生已经朗读过第七单元的单词,所以对单词有所了解,在讲解单词的时候对词义部分不用利用很长时间,重点在于单词的拼写。有的学生在老师带着读的过程中就能够背诵下来,但是有些学生还需要课下自己去练习。句子部分大多数同学都能够跟住老师,利用所学的单词来造句。没有想到的是,学生们自由对话部分也做得较好,本来设计这个环节的时候我就没有抱太大的希望,总觉得这是新开课,对于学生们来说学了单词句子以后直接做对话有点难度太大,可是现在看来,学生们对于所学的句子只要多练习,自己编造对话是不难的。20 20

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