1、Period 6 教学内容More practice (p.125), Culture corner (p.126), Project (pp.127-128)教学目标语言知识了解单词ivy, vine, earn, upstairs, icy和短语(be) out of danger。语言技能1. 通过补充阅读,进一步了解欧亨利的作品。2. 能够理解意外的结局对作品的重要意义。文化意识培养阅读英美文学经典的习惯。情感态度1. 体会人与人之间真诚互助的感情,感悟“希望”对于生活的意义,培养积极面对苦难的精神。2. 通过小组分工合作完成课题,培养团队合作精神。教学重点理解故事内容,体会故事的“意
2、外的结局”和小说的主旨。教学难点能够理解意外的结局对作品的重要意义。教学过程教学过程Step 1 学习More practice板块的内容。1. 学生阅读补充阅读篇章,然后回答下列问题。学生了解单词ivy, vine, earn, upstairs, icy和短语(be) out of danger。 Where was Sue and Johnsys studio? (At the top of a house.) When did Johnsy become very ill? (In November.) What was Johnsys only chance? (Her only c
3、hance was for her to want to live.) What was Johnsys only hope? (To see the last leaf fall.) Did the last leaf fall that night? (Yes, it did.) Who painted the leaf on the wall? (Mr Behrman.) What happened to Mr Behrman at last? (He died.)2. 学生阅读补充阅读篇章,然后完成练习A,理解故事的内容。3. 学生再次阅读篇章的结尾,讨论并回答下列问题。 What d
4、o you think of Mr Behrman? If we meet with difficulty, what should we do?4. 学生讨论练习B的问题。教师邀请部分学生上台和全班分享自 己所知道的这类故事。Step 2 学习Culture corner板块的内容。1. 教师展示白象的图片,引出Culture corner 板块的主题White elephants。2. 学生阅读Culture corner板块的图文,然后回答下列问题。 In which country were white elephants thought to be a gift from the g
5、ods? (Ancient Thailand.) What did white elephants stand for? (They stood for peace and wealth.) White elephants could work for people, couldnt they? (No, they couldnt.) What would the king do if he didnt like a person? (He would give him a white elephant.) What did the king do so? (Because taking ca
6、re of a white elephant cost a lot of money.) What does “a white elephant” mean today? (It means something which costs us a lot of money and which we do not want or which is useless.)3. 学生分组讨论以下问题。 Have you ever received a white elephant? What was it and what was wrong with it?Step 3 完成Project板块的任务,选
7、择一则英语短篇小说,并为这则短篇小说制作一份宣传海报。1. 学生阅读第127页的引言和A部分的内容。教师告诉学生:可以从本模块所学的六个故事中选择一个,或选择自己喜欢的一则英语短篇小说,并为这则短篇小说制作一份宣传海报,参加“阅读周”的展示活动。2. 学生以小组为单位,根据B部分的要求,撰写故事的梗概,并配上插图。Step 4 完成Self-assessment板块关于单元学习情况的自我评价。回家作业1. 根据Project板块C部分的提示,查找有关作者的生平、所选故事的特征及重要性等方面的材料,然后通过小组合作制作宣传海报。2. 选择性完成练习册第125至128页Integration的练习。