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1、 八年级上册英语单词表英译汉(人教版) Unit 1 1.how often 2.exercise 3.skateboard. 4.hardly. 5.ever. 6.once 7.twice. 8.time. 9.surf. 10.Inter 11.program 12.high school 13.result 14.active. 15.for. 16.as for 17.about. 18.junk. 19.junk food 20.milk 21.coffee. 22.chip 23.cola. 24.chocolate. 25.drink 26.health. 27.how man

2、y 28.interviewer. 29.habit. 30.try 31.of course 32.look 33.lifestyle 34.grade. 35.better. 36.same 37.as. 38.different. 39.difference. 40.unhealthy. 41.yuck. 42.maybe 43.although (=though) 44.for 45.grandpa 46.a lot of 47.keep 48.must 49.lessUnit 2 1. matter. 2. have. 3.cold. 4.have a cold 5.stomacha

3、che 6.sore. 7.back. 8.arm 9.ear. 10.eye 11.foot 12.hand. 13.head. l4.leg 15.mouth. 16.neck. 17.nose. 18.stomach. 19.tooth 20.throat. 21.toothache 22.fever. 23.rest. 24.honey 25.dentist. 26.should. 27.headache 28.shouldnt=should not 29.ago 30.so 31.illness 32.advice 33.thirsty 34.stress 35.be stresse

4、d out 36.early. 37.problem 38.way 39.traditional 40.believe. 41.balance. 42.yin 43.yang 41.weak 45.Dangshen 46.Huangqi 47.herb. 48.angry 49.tofu 50.medicine 51.western. 52.everybody. 53.get 54.few. 55.a few 56.stay 57.important 58.balanced. 59.diet. 60.moment 61.at the moment 62.until (=till) 63.dea

5、r 64.host family 65.hearUnit 3 1. babysit. 2.camp 3.plan 4.Tibet 5.hike 6.Hong Kong 7.yeah 8.how long 9.away 10.get back 11.send 12.postcard 13.San Francisco 14.Hawaii 15.bike. 16.ride 17.sightseeing 18.fishing. 19.rent 20.famous. 21.take a vacation 22.Greece 23.Spain 24.Europe. 25.something 26.lake

6、. 27.the Great Lakes 28.leave 29.countryside. 30.nature. 31.forget 33.finish. 34.Thailand 35.tourist 36.ItalyUnit 4 1.subway. 2.hey. 3.train 4.forty 5.fifty 6.sixty. 7.seventy. 8.eighty 9.ninety 10.hundred. 11.minute 12.take 13.far. 14.how far 15.kilometer 16.shower 17.quick 18.bicycle. 19.early 20.

7、mile. 21.stop. 22.transportation 23.northn. 24.North America 25.part 26.depend. 27.depend on 28.river. 29.boat. 30.by boat 31.must 32. more 33. than. 34.means 35.car 36.town. 37.ill 38.worry 39.so. 40.muchUnit 5 1.lesson 2.another. 3.concert 4.whom. 5.calendar 6.tomorrow 7.the day after tomorrow 8.w

8、eekday 9.invitation 10.training 11.chemistry. 12.American 13.project 14.match 15.whole 16.over e over 18.free 19.tillUnit 6 1.outgoing. 2.twin 3.calm 4.wild. 5.serious 6.athletic 7.note 8.mean. 9.as 10.way 11.both 12.hers. 13.physics 14.however 15.more than 16.in common 17.be good at 18.schoolwork 1

9、9.laugh 20.for 21.opposite 22.view 23.interest 24.though 25.necessary. 26.beat. 27.care 28.friendship. 29.primary 30.primary school 31.information1-6 1. wheel 2. woman 3. use 4. cheese 5.sick 6.body 7. begin 8. begin with 9. swimming pool 10. excited 11. safe 12. fast 13. passengerUnit 7 1.shake 2.m

10、ilk shake 3.blender. 4.turn on 5.cut 6.up 7.cut up 8.peel 9.pour 10.into. 11.yogurt.(=yoghurt) 12.ingredient. 13.cup 14.watermelon 15.teaspoon 16.amount 17.instruction. 18.finally 19.mix 20.mix up 21.popcorn. 22.popper 23.boil 24.salt 25.add. 26.add . to . 27.sandwich 28.bread 29.butter. 30.relish 3

11、1.lettuce 32.turkey 33.slice. 34.super 35.top 36.recipe 37.check 38.green onion 39.duck 40.sauce. 41.pancake. 42.roll.Unit 8 1. gift 2. shark 3.aquarium .4.seal 4.hang 5.hang out 6.souvenir. 7.win. 8.autograph 9.prize 10.visitor 11.outdoor 12.octopus 13.end 14.monitor 15.Chicago 16.California 17.sle

12、ep late 18.drive 19.off 20day off 21.rain 22.DVD 23.yard 24.yard sale 25.luckily 26.umbrella 27.raincoat 28.wet petition 30.player. 31.future. 32.againUnit 9 1.born (bear) 3.record 4.hiccup 5.sneeze 6.too . to . 7.golf 8.Brazilian 9.national 10.achievement 11.perform 12.gymnast. 13.gold 14.medal. 15

13、.championship 16.golfer 17.become 18.call 19.talented 20.loving. 21.creative 22.outstanding. 23.kind 24.unusual 25.grandson 26.violinist 27.skate 28.ice skating 29.champion 30.tour 31.the U.S. 32.well-known 33.pianist 34.could 35.hum 37.piece 38.accordion 39.take part (in) 40. Poland 41. alive 42. a

14、thlete 43. because of 44. Asia 45 table tennis 46. university 47. major 48. major in 49.management 50. number 51 single 52. ITTFUnit 10 1.grow 2.grow up 3.programmer 4. computer science. 5. engineer 6.pilot. 7.professional. 8.act 9.move 10.dream 11.somewhere 12. exhibition 13. artist 14. part-time 1

15、5. save 16. at the same time 17. hold 18. rich 19. travel 20. all over 21. retire 22. yet 23.resolution. 24.instrument 24.over 25.fax 26.reader 27.fit municate 29.lady 30.foreign 31. build 32. exchange 33. exchange studentUnit 11 1.chore 2. dish 3. do the dishes 4. sweep 5. trash. 6. take out 7. mak

16、e ones bed 8.fold 9. living room 10. meeting 11. work on 12. hate 13. do chores 14. laundry 15. do the laundry 16. sn ack 17. teenager 18. borrow 19. invite 20. player 21. care 22. take care of 23. 24. .feed 25.mineUnit 12 1.radio 2.radio station fortable 4.seat 5.screen 6.close 7.close to 8.service

17、 9.quality 10.theater 11.cinema 12.clothing. 13.jeans 14.trendy 15.teen (=teenager) 16.funky 17.easy 18.FM abbr 19.AM abbr. 20.Jazz .21.worse 22.worst. 23.bargain 24.delight 25.meal 26.positive. 27.negative 28.dull 29.loud. 30.talent 31.talent show 32.success 33.performer 34.act 35.without 36.togeth

18、er 37.musical 38.distance. 39.near 40.farthest 41.province. 42.southern 43.still 44.fifteen 45.lovely 46.northern 47.minus ten degrees 48.enough7-12 1. sea 2.central 3.diner 4.curry 5.deli 6. leader 7. band 8. easy 9. piece 10.forbid 11. camel 12. rat 13. (not) at all 14. cow 15. seriously 16. hen 17. lay20 20

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