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1、 2014年新广州版五年级上册英语复习资料 姓名: 一、词汇 (一)容器(量词) 1. 玻璃杯 glass 2. 杯 cup 3. 瓶 bottle 4. 碟 plate 5. 罐 can 6. 袋 bag 7. 盒 box(二)用具 1. 刀 knife 2. 叉 fork 3. 碗 bowl 4. 筷子 chopstick(三)食物(Foods) 1. 米饭 rice 2. 汤 soup 3. 三文治 sandwich 4. 汉堡包 hamburger 5. 薯条 chips 6. 面条 noodles 7. 饺子 dumpling 8. 面包 bread 9. 馒头 bun 10. 薄饼

2、 pancake 11. 鱼 fish 12. 肉 meat 13. 鸡 chicken 14. 鸭 duck 15. 点心 dimsum 16. 鸡蛋 egg 17. 巧克力 chocolate 18. 糖果 sweet 19. 蛋糕 cake 20. 沙拉 salad 21. 排 steak 22. 雪糕 ice cream(四)饮料(Drinks) 1. 果汁 juice 2. 牛奶 milk 3. 水 water 4. 茶 tea 5. 咖啡 coffee 6. 可乐 coke 7. 奶茶 milk tea(五)数量表达 1. 一碗米 a bowl of rice 2. 一瓶果汁 a

3、bottle of juice 3. 一杯水 a glass of water 4. 一杯茶 a cup of tea 5. 一杯咖啡 a cup of coffee 6. 一杯牛奶 a glass of milk 7. 一罐可乐 a can of coke 8. 一碗汤 a bowl of soup 9. 一袋米 a bag of rice 10. 一盒鸡蛋 a box of eggs 11.两杯咖啡two cups of coffee(六)蔬菜 1. 蔬菜 vegetable 2. 西红柿 tomato 3. 马铃薯 potato(七)地方 1. 电影院 cinema 2. 市场 mark

4、et 3. 商店 shop 4. 音乐室 music room 5. 体育馆 gym 6. 图书馆 library 7. 游泳池 swimming pool 8. 操场 playground(八)天气温度 1. 天气 weather 2. 温度 temperature 3. 太阳 sun 4. 阳光充足的 sunny 5. 云 cloud 6. 多云的 cloudy 7. 雨 rain 8. 下雨的 rainy 9. 风 wind 10. 刮风的 windy 11. 雪 snow 12. 下雪的 snowy 13. 干燥的 dry 14. 湿的 wet 15. 热的 hot 16. 冷的 co

5、ld 17. 凉的 cool 18. 暖的 warm (九)动词短语 1. 做飞机模型 make model plane 2. 玩音乐 play music 3. 读书 do some reading 4. 玩电脑游戏 play computer games 5. 照相 take photos 6. 集邮 collect stamps 7. 养宠物 keep pets 8. 写故事 write stories 9. 打乒乓球 play table tennis 10. 读点书 read books 11. 画卡通 draw cartoons 12. 叫醒 wake up 13. 去市场 go

6、to the market 14. 去购物 go shopping 15. 去图书馆 go to the library 16. 去电影院 go to the cinema 17. 留在家 stay at home 18. 去游泳 go swimming 19. 穿T恤 wear T-shirts 20. 放风筝 fly kites/ fly a kite 21. 堆雪人 make a snowman/ make snowmen 22. 在户外玩 play outdoors 23. 说英语 speak English二、句型: M1 Hobbies 1. Whats your/his/her

7、hobby? My/His/Her hobby is (动词的ing形式). 2. Do you like(动词的ing形式) ? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 3. Does he/she(动词原形)? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt.M2 Abilities 1. What can you/he/she do? I/ He/She can (动词原形). 2. Can you/he/she/it (动词原形)? Yes, I /he/she/it can. No, I /he/she/it cant. 3. What can yo

8、u do with your hands? I can write with my hands.M3 Daily life 1. What do you usually do after school? I usually do my homework. 2. What does he/she usually do after school? He / She usually does his/ her homework. 3. Does he/she(动词原形)? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt.M4 Foods and drinks 1. Do yo

9、u want coffee or tea? I want coffee. / I want tea. 2. What do you want to drink for lunch? I want a cup of tea. 3. Can I have a large coke? Sure./ Of course.M5 Foods we need 1. What do you think of the food? It smells /tastes/looks good delicious/fresh 2. What do you usually have for breakfast/ lunc

10、h/ dinner? I usually havefor breakfast/lunch/dinner. 3. Chinese People eat with chopsticks and bowls. 4. Western People eat with knife and fork. M6 Weather 1. Whats the weather like? /Hows the weather? It is sunny/ cloudy/ rainy/ snowy/ windy /dry/ wet/ cold/ hot/ cool /warm. 2. Whats the temperatur

11、e? It is 15.三、语法: 1. 一般现在时(经常做) 标志词:usually, often, always, sometimes, never, every 构成:a.主语为第一、二人称及复数时,动词就用原形;b. 主语为第三人称单数时,动词后加s或es. 变化规律: a. 直接在词尾加s; 如:play-plays, get-gets b. 以s, x, ch或o结尾的加es; 如:go-goes, do-does, watch-watches c. 以辅音字母+y结尾,把y改i再加es; 如:study-studies, fly-flies2. 物品数量的表达 可数名词的表达: 单数:a / an +物品的单数; 如:a box, an egg 复数:数词+名词复数;如:two boxes, two eggs 数词+容器+of+名词复数; 如:一盒鸡蛋a box of eggs; (一盒鸡蛋不止一个) 两盒鸡蛋two boxes of eggs(容器和名词都要加s 或es)不可数名词的表达: 单数:a +容器+of+不可数名词;如:一杯茶 a cup of tea(容器和名词都要用单数) 复数:数词+容器+of+不可数名词;如:两杯茶 two cups of tea (只是容器加s或es)20 20

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