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1、第一题翻译选择;第二题短语互译;第三题阅读;第四题完型填空1. Rising damp, if not treated effectively, could in time cause extensive damage to the structure of your home, ruin decoration and furniture.如果 处理不当,墙内潮气最终可能会对房屋的结构造成大面积破坏,毁掉装修和家具。2. This contract is entered into as of the seventh day of March, 2002, by and between Lonk

2、 Co. Ltd., a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America (hereinafter called the Purchaser, and Wingo Co. Group, a corporation organized under the laws of the Peoples Republic of China ( hereinafter called the Seller.本合同由依照美国法律成立的龙科有限公司 以下简称买方 和依照中华人民共和国法律成立 的文果集团公司 以下简称卖方 之

3、间于 2002年 3月 7日订立。3. Multinational banks services include issuing letter of credit, buying and selling foreign exchange, issuing bankers acceptances, accepting Eurocurrency deposits, making Eurocurrency loans, and assisting in the marketing of Eurobonds.跨国银行提供的服务包括开立信用证、 买卖外汇、 开证行承兑、接受欧洲货币储存、提供欧洲货币贷款

4、以及发行推销欧洲货币债券。4. Within 30 days after the signing and coming into effect of this contract, the Buyer shall proceed to pay the price for the goods to the Seller by opening an irrevocable L/C for the full amount of US$30,000 in favor of the Seller through a bank at export point so that the Seller may d

5、raw the sum in due time.买方须于本合同签字并生效后三十天内通过出口地银行开立以卖方为收益人的不可撤销信用证支付全部货款共计 30000美元, 以便卖方可以及时提取该笔货款。5. Chinas compliance with an intellectual-property accord is seen as a keen test of its sincerity in abiding by WTO rules.能否遵守国际知识产权协议,被视为检验中国有无诚意遵守世界贸易组织规则的试金石。6. The new prosperity may represent a lon

6、g, sustained plateau of brisk demand, plentiful jobs, and increased living standards.新的繁荣可能表现为持续时间较长的旺盛需求、大量的就业机会,生活水平也得到了提高。7. Shippers are requested to note particularly the exceptions and conditions of this bill of lading with reference to the validity of the insurance upon their goods.托运人必须特别注意本

7、提单内与货物保险效力有关的免责事项和条件。8. The seller must supply the goods in conformity with the contract of sale, together with such evidence of conformity as may be required by the contract. 。 卖方有责任供应符合买卖合同所规定的货物,如合同有规定,尚须提供货物符合合同的要求的凭证。9. The home of your dreams awaits you behind this door. Whether your taste be

8、a country manor estate or a penthouse in the sky, you will find the following pages filled with the worlds most elegant residences. 打开门,恭候着您的就是梦寐以求的家。无论您企盼的是一座乡间宅第,抑或是 一间摩天大楼的顶屋,翻开下面几页就可以看到世界上最高雅的住宅供您选择。10. Unemployment in America (as of mid-1990 was running near 5.25 percent. That is somewhat highe

9、r than used to be considered full employment, but it is not a serious figure in the aggregate.1990年年中美国的失业率近 5.25%。按以往的标准,这个比例偏高,没有达到充分就业。但就整 体来说问题并不严重。international practice 国际惯例1. unfavorable balance of trade 贸易逆差2. bank portfolio 银行资产3. housing mortgages 住房按揭4. barter trade 易货贸易5. bills and forms

10、 单据与表格6. fiscal year 财 政年度7. cargo insurance 货物保险8. carrying vessel 装货船只9. clean payment credit光票付款信用证 10. c learance sale 清仓削价销售 11. a ccounting systems 会计制度12. c omparative advantage 比较优势13. e conomic incentives 经济动机14. f inancial statements 财务报表,财务决算,财政决算 15. b ills of exchange 汇票16. c aptioned goods 标题 /上述货物17. f loating policy 统保单18. i nternational specialization 国际分工19. s traight B/L 记名提单20. u nder separate cover 另函

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