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1、Unit1-41、“数词+more+ 名词复数”= “another+数词+名词复数”如:three more chairs= another three chairs2、care about sth. 关心、关怀 care for sb. 照顾某人= look after3、talk about sth.谈论某事 / talk to sb.跟某人谈话 / talk with sb.强调相互交流/ 4、lie (说谎)、 lay(平放、下蛋)、lie (躺、位于)的区别lie -lied-lied-lying(说谎) lay-laid-laid-laying(平放、下蛋) lie -lay-l

2、ain-lying (躺、位于)eg. Dont believe him ,he is _. Please_down and have a rest. The novel was_ (平放) on the table just now.5、one of +(形容词的最高级+)可数名词复数形式6、believe sb. “相信某人所说的是实话” believe in sb. “信任某人;相信某人能取得好成绩”7、play a joke on sb._ be willing to do sth._ helpsb.withsth._In need of _ have a good sense of

3、humour_ cheer sb. up_8、voice 名词,意为“嗓音”可指人的声音也可指鸟的声音Sound 名词,意为“声音,声响”感官类动词“听起来”Noise 名词,意为“噪音、喧闹声”多指不悦耳的嘈杂声9、bored 无聊的;乏味的 interested 感兴趣的 excited 激动的;兴奋的 amused 有趣的Boring 令人感到无聊的 interesting 有趣的 exciting 令人兴奋的 amusing逗人笑的Surprised 惊奇的 tired 劳累的 frightened 害怕的 delighted 高兴的Surprising 令人惊奇的 tiring 令人

4、劳累的 frightening令人害怕的 delighting令人高兴的(以-ed结尾的形容词修饰的都是人;以-ing结尾的形容词修饰的都是物)10、fit/ match / suit 的用法fit (1)及物动词大小、尺寸等“合身” The jacket doesnt fit me.(2)形容词 be fit for sb.“适合的,恰当的” He isnt fit for the job.(3)形容词“健康的,结实的” keep fit = keep healthymatch 动词多指大小、色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配;人与人、物与物搭配用matcheg.The carpets shoul

5、d match the curtains.Suit 动词指颜色,花样或款式适合eg. The jacket doesnt suit him. Have you got another style? Suitable 形容词 be suitable for sb.11、knock sth. onto. 把撞到上Knock at/on 敲 knock over 撞翻;撞 knock down 打倒; knock off敲落eg. Lily is so careless.She_thecup_theground.When he _ _ the door ,his dog went out and b

6、arked12、Whats he like ? 常用来询问某人的性格或内在品质 What does sb. like ?某人喜欢什么?what does he look like ?询问某人的外貌长的什么样?= How does sb. look ?13、bothand.和.(两者)都(谓语动词用原形) either .or. 要么要么(就近原则)Neithernor既不也不(就近原则) not onlybut also 不仅.而且.(就近原则)14、表示建议的句子有:(1)why dont you do sth. = why not do sth. (2)What about / how a

7、bout doing sth.(3) Shall we do sth. / lets do sth. (4)Would you like to do sth.? (5)Youd better (not) do sth.15、few / a few / little / a little 的区别Little / a little + 不可数名词 few/ a few + 可数名词A few / a little 表示肯定(一点/一些) few/little 表示否定(几乎没有)16、take /bring/get/ fetch/carry 的区别:take 指拿走 A B eg.Im going

8、 to take you to Beijing.bring 指带来 A B eg. Bring me a cup of tea ,please.get 指到别的地方把某物或某人带来或拿来eg. She went back to get her handbag.fetch 去取来 A B 与get 相似 eg. Please fetch me some chalk.carry 不强调方向,带有负重的意思eg.The monkey carried the bag on her back.17、offer sb. sth = offer sth. to sb意为“主动拿给;给予” = give sb

9、. sth.= give sth. to sb. Provide sb. with sth.= provide sth. to sb.为某人提供某物18、In the end = finally at the end of 在的末尾 near the end of 在快结束时 by the end of 到.末尾为止19、Win 及物动词指赢得比赛后面不可加人 win the game / the basketball matchBeat 及物动词指打败后面跟人 beat sb.20、a number of 与 the number of 的区别:“a number of +复数名词”意为“许

10、多”,作主语时,谓语动词用复数;“the number of +复数名词”意为“的数目”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数。21、“四大花费”Spend:sb.(人) + spend + 时间/金钱 + on sth. sb.(人) + spend + 时间/金钱+(in) doing sth.pay:sb.(人) +pay + 金钱+for sth.cost:sth.(物) + cost + sb.+金钱Doing sth.costs + sb.+时间take:it takes sb. +时间+ to do sth.22、look 相关短语look through _ look after_ loo

11、k for_ look over_ look up_look out_ look forward to _look at_look like_23、keep 的用法(1)keep (on)doing sth. “继续、重复做某事”表示动作持续不断 He kept asking his mother what to eat.(2)keep +形容词“使处于的状态”Everyone should do exercise and keep healthy.(3)keep+宾语+形容词“使.处于的状态” We should keep the classroom clean.(4)keep +宾语+ f

12、rom doing sth. “阻止.做某事” =stop sb. from doing sth. = prevent sb. from doing sth.(5)keep off =keep away from远离如:keep off the grass.24、动词+doing sth.Go doing sth. / finishdoing sth./Be good at doing sth./ do well in doing sth.How/what about doing sth./practise doing sth. /mind doing sth. /be crazy about

13、 doing sth.25、 Exercise 动词或名词“锻炼”不可数。Exercise 名词表示“练习、操”可数,复数形式 need to exercise26、take part in/ join/ join in /enter for /attend 表示参加的区别:take part in 指参与某种活动并发挥作用eg. Tom took part in the sports meeting and won the first prize.Join 指参加某种组织;或加入到某个人群众,从而成为其中一员eg. She has joined the army.Join in sth /d

14、oing sth后一般接某种娱乐、游戏类活动。eg. Can I join in the game ?Enter for 指报名参加;eg. Almost everyone in the village enters for the nicest garden competition every year.Attend 指出席某种活动还可以表示上课eg. attend class ; attend the report ;attend the meeting 27、arrive at、arrive in / get to/ reach 的用法区别:Arrive at 后接小地点 arrive

15、at school Arrive in 后接大地点 arrive in LondonGet 必须与to 一起表示“到达”之意后加地点Reach 是及物动词后面直接加地点做宾语注意:若后接地点副词如:home/here / there 时 get to 、arrive at/in 介词需省略;而reach 后不能接地点副词28、cant wait 迫不及待 cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待去做某事 cant wait for sth.对某事迫不及待29、get on_ get off_ get in/into_ get out of _ get on well with_get

16、 up_30、couldnt believe ones eyes_couldnt believe ones ears_31、for oneself 亲自;为自己 / by oneself 独自;独立地eg. She can make a kite _. Hank couldnt believe his ears .He opened the door to see_ _.Say to oneself_think to oneself_ enjoy oneself_teach oneself_ look after oneself_Take care of oneself_help onesel

17、f_ keep sth. to oneself_32、take place 与happen 的区别take place 常用于已计划、已安排或人们积极参与的事情happen 偶然发生的事情,也用于由另一件事情引起事情33、scissors复数名词;单独做主语时谓语动词用复数形式;而与pair连用时,谓语动词要与pair一致类似的复数名词还有:shoes、jeans、glasses、chopsticks、gloves、trousers等34、instead 与instead of 的用法区别Instead 放在句末前面加替代者如:Lily isnt here . Ask Lucy instead

18、.Instead of 介词短语,放在句中后接被替代物如:Id like to go swimming instead of staying at home.35、put in_ put up_ put on_ put away_ put down_ put out_ put aside_ put off_36、be full of = be filled with _ advise sb. to do sth._ advise doing sth._37、cut sth. intosth._cut down_ cut sth.out_ 学府教育英语八年级上册Unit1-4综合练习一、单项填空

19、( )1What_ honest boy! And he is_ best student of allAa;a Ban;the Ca;the Dthe;the( )2My best friend can share things_ me and help people_ trouble Awith;with Bin;in Cwith;in Din;with( )3Climbing is one of_,I think Athe most difficult activity Bthe most difficult activities Cmost difficult activity Dmo

20、st difficult activities( )4. If you want to be healthier,you have to eat_ and take_ exercise Afewer,more Bfew,fewer Cless,more Dless,fewer( ) 5. American students spend _ time _ homework than Chinese students. A. fewer, doing B. less, to do C. less, doing D. least, doing ( )6She always looks_Now she

21、s looking_ at her new drawing Ahappy;happy Bhappy;happilyChappily;happilDhappily;happy( )7. Ill vote _ Mary because she always helps people _ need. A. to, in B. to, for C. for, in D. for, for( )8. Today is Wednesday. He _ be at home. He _ be at school. A. cant, can B. cant, must C. mustnt, must D. m

22、ustnt, can( ) 9. Can I have _ more food?Sorry. Theres _ in the fridge. A. some; anything else B. some; nothing else C. any; anything else D. any; nothing else ( ) 10. This suit _ him _ very young.A. makes; look B. make; looks C. makes; looks D. make; look( )11He waited_ waited,_saw nothing and nobod

23、y at 1ast Aor;but Band;or Cand;but Dor:and( )12The trip was very_,for it_ us about 2 hours by bus Aboring;took Bboring;costCbored;took Dbored;spent( )13She found traveling_ and was quite_ in itAinterested;interesting Binteresting;interesting Cinteresting;interested Dinterested;interested( )14“Dad,th

24、ank you for_ let me_ fishing today” Aagree to;to go Bagreeing;go Cagreeing to;go Dagree to;go( )15Look! Simon is trying_ the rocks Ato pull himself up Bpull himself up Cpulling him up Dto pulling himself up( )16. Mum, go and see for_. But we must keep the secret to_. A. ourselves; yourselves B. your

25、self; ourselves C. ourselves, ourselves D. yourself; yourselves( )17. Come and cheer_ our team! _ your support, we will play better! A. at; For B. at; With C. for; In D. for; With( )18. Max spends_ time than_ making a fruit salad in his class. A. fewer; any student B. less; any student C. fewer; any

26、 other student D. less; any other student( ) 19. -_ driving is very important to us. - I think so. We must drive as_ as possible. A. Care; careful B. Carefully; carefully C. Careful; carefully D. Careful; careful( )20.-A worker next door is putting_ on the wall.- Its impossible for me to study with

27、all that noise. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing( )21. Half-time is a _ period for the players to rest. A. 20-minutes B. 20 minute C. 20 minutes D. 20-minute( )22. -_ does she look? - She is slim. A. How B. What C. Which D. Who( )23. - Would you like some balloons for your party?- T

28、hanks. The_, the_. A. many; good B. most; best C. more; better D. better; more( )24.- What_ your cousin so happy?- To him, _ videos at weekends is really fun. A. make; watched B. make; to watch C. makes; watches D. makes; watching( )25. Helen will make an excellent teacher when she_. A. gives up B.

29、puts up C. grows up D. wakes up( )26. The line ofpeople is_. Im too_ to wait.A. endless; patient B. endful; impatient C. endful; patient D. endless; impatient二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. It _ (take) them several days to finish reading the books,didnt?2. These boys kept on_ (draw) for two hours.3. The coffee tast

30、ed so wonderful because mother_ (mix) it with milk.4. It is too hard_ (repair) the broken bike. I sold(卖) it last week.5. Never forget_(stick) a stamp on the envelope before posting it.6.Yesterday, the sun _ (shine) brightly in the sky. It was such a warm day.7.When did you _ (到达) Yancheng last Sund

31、ay?8.With your _ (支持), well finish the task quickly.三、翻译句子1我认为开车比步行快得多。2感谢你同意让我参加今天的旅行。3他们在聚会上又唱又跳玩得很开心。4老师叫我们尽可能多地练习说英语。5你们能用最少的钱和人把工作做得最好吗?6.希望工作帮助那些有需要的孩子。7.我们上周去香港旅游了一趟。8.孩子们等不及想要圣诞礼物。9.婚礼将会在何时何地举行?10.那个小男孩用泥土把洞填了起来。11.坚持尝试,你会发现你可以更好地记住东西了。12.你可以告诉她任何事,因为她总能保守秘密。13.这桥多宽呀?90英尺宽。14.在夏天,中国学生休假比日本学生多。15.约翰在浏览了这期周刊后,就和往常一样先看他最喜欢的体育新闻。16.对于我来说,学好外语是重要的,所以我每天坚持读英语。17.你应该去上学,而不是躺在床上。18Jack着迷于玩电脑游戏。19妈妈建议我添加一些番茄酱。20他不仅会唱歌,而且会弹钢琴。

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