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1、第1页smilesmilesmilesmileFacial ExpressionFacial ExpressionFacial ExpressionFacial Expression第2页greetingnegotiatingGiving presentationDealing with customers第3页Smile Smile can create delighted can create delighted and pleasant atmosphereand pleasant atmosphereSmile can contribute to Smile can contribut

2、e to success in businesssuccess in business第4页LEARN TO SMILE第5页Eye contactEye contactEye contactEye contactFacial ExpressionFacial ExpressionFacial ExpressionFacial Expression第6页To inspire trustTo gain confidenceTo buy your time To quietly keep control To deftly wield power To effectively stifle sta

3、ge frightTo effortlessly put others at easeBenefits of making good eye contact第7页第8页Voice Quality第9页The human voice is a powerful instrument of meaning.Four important elements that voice quality involves:1Volume2Rate3Stress4pitch第10页Volume refers to the loudness or softness of the voice.Communicatin

4、g with each other Medium or low voiceCommunication is more passionate,motivated,angry,excited.Loud voice第11页Rate refers to the speed at which the message is delivered.The normal speaking speed is about 110-150 words per minuteWhat you are talking about is easy to understandSpeed upWhat you are talki

5、ng about is difficult to understandSlow down第12页Pitch refer to the highness or lowness of the voiceWe should avoid raising our voice unless we have to,like calming down noisy audience.On the other hand,high-pitched voice can be effective when used properly.Show your enthusiasm in making presentation.第13页Product BProduct CProduct AProduct AOne of the easiest way to check the appropriateness of our raised voice is to ask a close friend of ours.Do you like the way I speak to you?Whats the problem behind?第14页Thank you!第15页

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