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1、 插入语第1页插入语作用插入语在句中通常是对一句话一些附加解释,说明或总结;有时表示说话者态度和看法;有时起强调作用;有时是为了引发对方注意;还能够起转移话题或说明事由作用;也能够承上启下,使句子与前面语句衔接更紧密一些。第2页很多插入语对句子本身影响并不大,假如去掉它,我们依然清楚句子所表示意思。然而有些插入语是句子不可缺乏成份,假如去掉,句子意思就不完整 第3页(一)插入语类型:一、形容词(短语)作插入语。能用作插入语形容词(短语)常见有:true,wonderful,excellent,strange to say,most important of all,sure enough等。T

2、rue,it would be too bad.真,太糟了。Wonderful,we have won again.太好了,我们又赢了。第4页不定式短语作插入语。能用作插入语不定式短语有:to be frank,to be honest,to be sure,to tell you the truth,to make matters worse,to sum up,to start with,to begin with等。To be frank,I dont quite agree with you.坦率地说,我不太同意你意见。To sum up,success results from ha

3、rd work.总而言之,成功是艰辛努力结果。第5页副词以及副词短语现在分词短语介词短语句子(do you think,I believe,do you know)都能够作插入语,它们在句中起到补充说明作用 第6页(二)插入语位置通常插入语位于句中,并用逗号隔开。但有时,也可位于句首或句末1 How soon will he be ready,do you expect?2 Jack,as far as I know,is clever.3 She had seen the picture.However,she never told it to anyone 4 As far as I kn

4、ow,Jack isnt in the classroom.第7页也有时,并不用逗号隔开。You know that I think you are wrong.我认为,你明白你错了。What on earth do you mean?你终究是什么意思?第8页 (三)表示疑问插入语结构(三)表示疑问插入语结构含含think,suppose,guess,say,imagine,expect,believe等动词疑问句等动词疑问句,后后接含疑问词宾语从句时接含疑问词宾语从句时,要将疑问词放在句首。要将疑问词放在句首。比如比如:Whom do you think I should see first

5、?这一结构可改为:Whom should I see first,do you think?第9页1.His father came home at midnight,and _,he was drunk.A.as a result B.that is to say C.whats more D.sooner or later2.My sister speaks English,if not better than,my brother.A.as well B.as well as C.so well D.so well as 3,you have given me a lot of help

6、.A Tell the truth B.To tell the truth C.Telling true D.Telling truth 4.his face,the young man must be over 20.A.Judged from B.Judged C.Judging from D.Judging 5.I dont mind picking up your things from the store,_,the walk will do me good.(NMET04)A.sooner or later B.still C.in time D.besides 6.What he said,has nothing to do with what he did.A.to my surprise B.to my surprised C.to my surprising D.to our surprises 第10页 THANK YOU!第11页

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