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1、Part IIReading and Language ActivitiesBook 2-Unit 9第1页Pre-reading TaskComprehension WorkLanguage WorkReading and Language ActivitiesBook 2-Unit 9Return to Menu第2页What kind of dreams do you often have?And can you remember them afterwards?Tell us a dream you once have.Have you encountered,in your drea

2、ms,anything related to your work,friends,or family?Do you believe that dreams may have a special meaning or message to us?Discuss the following questions.Book 2-Unit 9第3页 Reading Comprehension Difficult Sentences Story Reproduction ClozeBook 2-Unit 9第4页Read the text and figure out the main idea of e

3、ach paragraph.Elias Howe worked all night on the design of a sewing machine and ran into a very difficulty problem.He had a nightmare and found the solution to his problem.Elias Howe was far from being unique in finding the Answer to his problem in this way.When we asleep,a part of our mind is still

4、 working andcould send messages to the part we use when we are awake.Para.1Para.2Para.3Para.4Reading ComprehensionBook 2-Unit 9第5页1.What had Elias Howe been working on all night before he finally fell asleep?He had worked all night on the design of a sewing machine before he finally fell asleep.In h

5、is work he ran into a very difficult problem:it seemed impossible to get the thread to run smoothly around the needle.2.Did he have a problem?What was it?Comprehension QuestionsBook 2-Unit 9第6页3.Why did Howe sleep badly despite his exhaustion?Despite his exhaustion,Howe slept badly because he had a

6、nightmare.In the nightmare he had been captured by a tribe of terrible savages whose king threatened to kill and eat him unless he could build a perfect sewing machine.4.What made him awake with a start?In the nightmare,the king ordered his soldiers to kill Howe.They advanced toward him with their s

7、pears.Suddenly he noticed a small hole on the tip of the spear and a bright idea suddenly dawned on him out of the dream.That is why Howe awoke with a start.Book 2-Unit 9第7页5.What did Howe suddenly realize?As Howe noticed in his nightmare the hole on the tip of each spear,he suddenly realized that h

8、e had found the solution to his problem:he could make the thread run through a small hole on the tip of the needle.6.Was Howe unique in finding an answer to his problem in this way?Are there any other cases in history in which some people found the answers in their dreams?Howe was not unique in find

9、ing the answer to his problem in this way.In history,there were similar cases.Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein also found solutions to problems in this way,and so did Charlotte Bronte and Igor Stravinsky.Book 2-Unit 9第8页Charlotte Bronte(1816-1855):An English novelist,whose masterpiece Jane Eyre was

10、 published in 1847,about a poor orphan girl who later becomes a governess and falls in love with her employer,Mr.Rochester.The book describes Janes honesty of mind,her strength of will and her ardent pursuit for love,happiness and independence.It is one of the most widely read English novels even to

11、day.Book 2-Unit 9第9页Igor Stravinsky(1882-1971):An American musician,born in Russia,remembered especially for his ballets including The Firebird,Petrouchka and The Rite of Spring.His work is known for being modern and original but at the time was seen as controversial.Book 2-Unit 9第10页7.What happens

12、to your mind when you are asleep?When you are asleep,a part of your mind is still working.This unconscious but active part digests your experiences and goes to work on the problems you have had during the day.8.How does the unconscious part of the mind express itself?The unconscious part of the mind

13、 expresses itself through its own logic and its own language.It uses strange images to send messages to the conscious part of mind during our sleep.Book 2-Unit 9第11页他为设计一个缝纫机已忙了整整一夜,却碰到了一个棘他为设计一个缝纫机已忙了整整一夜,却碰到了一个棘手问题:无法让线跟着运转针顺利地穿进穿出。手问题:无法让线跟着运转针顺利地穿进穿出。1.He had been working all night on the design

14、 of a sewing machine but he had run into a very difficult problem:it seemed impossible to get the thread to run smoothly around the needle.1.run into trouble/difficulty/problems start to have trouble/difficulty/problem2.run into somebodymeet somebody when you didnt expect toDifficult SentencesBook 2

15、-Unit 9第12页尽管他精疲力竭,但却无法安睡。他辗转反侧,并做了尽管他精疲力竭,但却无法安睡。他辗转反侧,并做了一个噩梦。一个噩梦。2.Despite his exhaustion,Howe slept badly.He tossed and turned.Then he had a nightmare.prep.used for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it,equal to in spite of in usagee.g.Three more nucle

16、ar power stations were built despite widespread opposition.be unable to sleep or to sleep badly,especially because something is worrying youBook 2-Unit 9第13页埃利亚斯埃利亚斯豪绝非唯一用这种方法处理问题人。豪绝非唯一用这种方法处理问题人。3.Elias Howe was far from being unique in finding the answer to his problem in this way.rather than e.g

17、.Im far from being happy in my present job.very special,unusual;not the same as anything or anyone else;only existing or happening in one place or situationBook 2-Unit 9第14页夏洛蒂夏洛蒂勃朗特也是在梦中得到灵感写出了简勃朗特也是在梦中得到灵感写出了简爱。爱。4.Charlotte Bront also drew on her dreams in writing Jane Eyre.use something that you

18、 have gradually gained or savede.g.As an actor,he often draws on his own life experiences.Book 2-Unit 9第15页Story ReproductionElias Howes problem in the design of a sewing machineHowe having a dream,a nightmareHowe finding an solution to his problemHowe not unique in finding his solution this way;oth

19、er similar cases:Edison,Einstein,Bronte and Stravinskyvalue of dreams,secret messages to ourselvesRetell the text using the following cues.Book 2-Unit 9第16页ClozeBook 2-Unit 9p Read the passage on page 128,and fill in each blank with one suitable word.Check your answers.(1)attempts (2)accepting (3)dr

20、eam (4)savage(2)(5)spear (6)attempts (7)prototypes (8)unmet(3)(9)death (10)flew (11)revelation (12)head(4)(13)inventing第17页Rewrite the SentencesWord StudyBlank FillingBook 2-Unit 9第18页Fill in the blanks with words from the text.(page 129)1.Igor Stravinsky,the great Russian _,had such a _ talent for

21、music that he could _ any tiny discord in a music performance.2.In writing her novel Jane Eyre,Charlotte Bronte _ her personal experiences as a governess.3.In his experiment,Thomas Edison _ a lot of difficulties,which almost drove him to despair and _.But finally he found _ to all those problems.4.S

22、igmund Freud was very interested in interpreting dreams and their _.He _them for 30 years and found that dreams could _ and process the information we got during the poseruniquecapturedrew onran intosolutionsexhaustionvalueworked onstoreBlank FillingBook 2-Unit 9第19页 5._ his financial troubles,Mr.Wi

23、lson insisted that he would _ the small shop in town.6._ employing a builder,the family repaired the house themselves,which _ them to get much pleasure from DIY.7.The terrible earthquake,during which all his family members lost their lives,is a _ to him.8.The _ of the new product will not win the ma

24、nagers approval _ it can bring profit to the firm.DespiterunInstead of enablednightmaredesignunlessBook 2-Unit 9第20页1.The explosion of a bomb made such a noise at night that people nearby all awoke in fear and surprise.2.When he realized that he had been cheated,the man became very angry.3.The emplo

25、yees warned that they would go on strike if they did not get a pay raise.4.Can you fully understand the importance of his suggestion?with a startflew into a rage appreciate Rewrite the Sentences Rewrite the following sentences with the expressions in the box.unconscious threaten to do something fly

26、into a rage appreciatetoss with a start savage digest threatened toBook 2-Unit 9第21页5.The ship was rocking from side to side on the rough sea.6.During a war,human beings sometimes behave like wild animals.7.It took him quite a long time to comprehend what was said in the report.8.A car crashed into

27、a lamp-post.The driver who was badly injured lost consciousness and lay on the road.being tossed aboutsavages lay unconscious Book 2-Unit 9 digest第22页1.Study the six expressions in Exercise a together with the example sentences in Exercise b.2.Give Chinese interpretations of the term based on the ex

28、ample sentences.Pay attention to the relations between the verbs and phrases.3.Use the prompts to produce other sentences with the same pattern as the example.(page 130)Word StudyBook 2-Unit 9第23页1.capture:catch someone so that he becomes your prisoner;to express what someone or something is really

29、like in a way that people can clearly recognize e.g.He dreamt that he had been captured by a tribe of terrible savages.a.At the moment when the thief intended to run away he was captured by the policeman who had followed him for a long time.b.The soldiers tried to rescue the woman who had been captu

30、red by the robber as a hostage.c.Can you capture this moving scene in words?(他梦见自己被一个横蛮民族人抓住了。他梦见自己被一个横蛮民族人抓住了。)Book 2-Unit 9第24页2.find solution to:The word to after solution is a preposition,so it must be followed by a noun,a noun phrase,a gerund,or a nominal clause.The same is true with phrases li

31、ke a key to,an introduction to,notes to(the text),a monument to,an ambassador to,a reply/answer to,an entrance to,etc.e.g.The inventor realised that he had just found the solution to the problem.a.After thinking over this math problem for half an hour,he found a solution to it at last.b.Many countri

32、es are now very serious about finding a solution to climate changes brought about by the greenhouse effect.c.We must find a solution to this technical problem.(创造家创造家意识到自己已找到了问题处理方法。意识到自己已找到了问题处理方法。)Book 2-Unit 9第25页3.enable somebody to do something:make somebody be able to do something e.g.This was

33、 the simple idea that finally enabled Howe to design and build the first practical sewing machine.a.His academic background will enable him to find a good job without any difficulty.b.b.The new communication facilities enable people at different places in the world to communicate with each other mor

34、e quickly and easily.c.c.A good vocabulary will enable one to speak and write effectively.(正是这个简单主意使豪设计并制造了第一台真正实用缝纫机。正是这个简单主意使豪设计并制造了第一台真正实用缝纫机。)Book 2-Unit 9第26页4.be far from:used for saying that the real situation is the opposite of what you mentioned,or that what was just said is not at all true

35、 and that the opposite is probably true e.g.Elias Howe was far from being unique in finding the answer to his problem in this way.a.Though he is very diligent,he is far from being the top student in the class.b.The quality of the new product is far from being perfect.c.Your mother is far from being

36、pleased with your examination results.(埃利亚斯埃利亚斯豪绝非唯一用这种方法处理问题人豪绝非唯一用这种方法处理问题人。)Book 2-Unit 9第27页5.despite:prep.(in)despite of=in spite of e.g.Despite his exhaustion,Howe slept badly.a.Despite the differences in age,background,and education,they become close friends.b.Despite lack of enough bombs,the

37、 soldiers still did their best to defeat the enemy.c.Despite the bad climate,the scientific expedition teams went on with their research work in the Antarctic.(尽管他精疲力竭,但却无法安睡尽管他精疲力竭,但却无法安睡。)Book 2-Unit 9第28页6.express oneself:make oneself understood e.g.The unconscious part expresses itself through its own logic and its own language.a.The dumb people expressed themselves by making gestures.b.You are free to express yourself with him.c.The student expressed herself in good,clear English.(这个无意识部分是经过自己独特逻辑和语言来表述意思这个无意识部分是经过自己独特逻辑和语言来表述意思。)Book 2-Unit 9第29页Book 2-Unit 9Return to Menu第30页

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