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1、毕业设计(论文)外文翻译论文题目: 局域网交换机体系结构 系部名称: 经济管理系 专业班级: 信管053班 2009年3月16日局域网交换机体系结构本章将介绍所有交换机生产厂商都遵守的局域网交换技术的一些基本概念。本章首先介绍交换机如何接受数据。随后,本章介绍保证高效数据交换的一些机制。最后,本章介绍如何将数据转发给目标。这些概念并非Cisco交换机所特有的,而是在查看局域网交换机功能的时候,对所有交换机产品都适用的。1. 数据接收-交换模式在局域网交换中,根据交换机功能的不同,第一步就是从发送设备或主机接收帧或分组。对于仅在OSI模型的第2层进行转发决策的交换机,它们将数据看作帧。而对于在O

2、SI模型的第3层或者更高层进行转发决策的交换机,它们将数据看作分组。本章首先从第2层的角度来研究交换机。根据具体型号的不同,交换机在数据交换之前所存储和检查的桢数目也存在一定差异。Catalyst交换机攴持下述三种交换模式: 直通模式; 碎片隔离模式; 存储转发模式。上述3种交换模式的区别在于交换机在制定转发决策之前所接收和检查的帧数目。下面将详细讨论每种交换模式。1.1 直通模式如果交换机工作在直通模式,那么它将只接收和检查帧的的前6个字节。这6个字节代表了帧的日标MAC地址,交换机利用这些信息足以做出转发决策。尽管直通交换能够在数据传送的时候提供最低的延迟,但却容易传送以太网碰撞所产生的碎

3、片、残帧(runt)或受损帧。1.2 碎片隔离模式如呆交换机工作在碎片隔离模式,那么它将接收和检查全帧的前64个字节。在某些Cisco Catalyst交换机的文档中,碎片隔离又称为“快速转发”模式。为什么交换机检查帧的前64个字节呢?因为在设计良好的以太网网络中,碰撞碎片必须在前64字节中检测出来。1.3 存储转发模式如果交换机工作在存储转发模式,那么它将接收和检查整帧,因此它是错误率最低的交换模式。由于采用速度更快的处理器和ASIC(Application-Specific Integrated Circuit,专用集成电路),交换机不必支持直通交换机和碎片隔离交换,因此,所有新型的Cis

4、co Catalyst交换机都采用存储转发交换。图2-1比较各种交换模式之间的区别。图2-1 交换模式2. 数据交换无论交换机需要检查帧的多少字节,帧最终都将由输入或入站端口交换到单个或多个输出和出站端口。交换矩阵(switch fabric)是交换机通信信道的一个常用术语,它可以在交换机内部传送帧、承载转发决策信虑、和转送管理信息。Catalyst交换机中的交换矩阵可以看作汽车中的传动装置,在汽车中,传动装置负责将引擎的动力传递给汽车轮子;在Catalyst交换机中,交换矩阵负责将输入或入站端口的帧转送给单个或多个输出和出站端口。无论具体型号如何,也无论何时产生新的交换平台,所有文档都会将“

5、传动装置”作为交换矩阵。尽管Cisco Catalyst平台已经采用多种技术来实现交换矩阵,但以下两种体系结构的交换矩阵最为常见: 共享总线; 交叉矩阵。2.1 共享总线交换在共享总线的体系结构中,交换机的所有线路模块都共享1个数据通路。中央仲裁器决定何时授予各线路卡访问总线的请求。根据交换机配置的情况,仲裁器能够使用多种公平方法。共享总线体系结构非常类似于机场票务柜台前的多个队列,但任何时候仅有1个票务代理处理客户请求。图2-2举例说明帧进入交换机时的循环服务过程。如果希望根据帧的接收顺序进行服务,那么循环是最简单的方法。为了能够给特定通信流量提供优先级服务,当前的Catalyst交换平台(

6、例如Catalyst 6500)能够支持各种各样的QoS(Quanlity Of Service,服务质量)特性。图2-2 循环服务顺序图2-3说明了共享总线体系结构中将接收端口或入口处的帧移动到发送端口或出口的基本原理,其中各步骤说明如下。1.接收源自主机1的帧-交换机的入站端口接受源自主机1的整帧,并且将其存储到接受缓冲区中。端口根据帧的FCS(Frame Check Sequence,帧检验序列)进行错误检测。如果帧存在缺陷(例如残帧、碎片、无效CRC或者巨型帧),那么端口将丢弃该帧,并且将增加相关计数器的数值。2.请求访问数据总线-包含转发决策所需要的信息报头将被添加到帧中,然后线路卡

7、请求在数据总线上发送帧的访问权限或者许可权限。图2-3 共享总线中的帧流3.将帧发送到数据总线-在中央仲裁器授予访问权限之后, 帧将被发送到数据总线上。4.所有端口接收到帧-在共享总线体系结构中,所有端口都将同时接收每个发送帧。此外,负责转发决策的硬件也将接收到帧。5.交换机决定哪个端口应当发送帧-第2步骤中添加到帧中的信息可用于确定哪些端口应当发送帧。在某些情况下,对于具有未知目标MAC地址的帧或者广播帧,交换机将向除帧接收端口之外的所有端口发送帧。6.端口发送帧,其余端口丢弃该帧-根据第5步骤中的决策,某个特定端口或者某些端口被告知发送帧,而其余端口则被告知丢弃或者清空帧。7.出站端口将帧

8、发送到主机2-在这个示例中,假定交换机知道主机2的位置,并且仅在连接到主机2的端口发送帧。共享总线体系结构的优势之一在于每个端口(入站端口除外)都将自动接收帧的副本,也就易于实现组播和广播流量,而无需复制各个端口的帧。2.2 交叉矩阵交换在共享总线体系结构示例中,共享数据总线的速度决定了交换机的流量处理总容量。因为总线采用共享访问的方式,所以线路卡必须等待时机才能进行通信,这严重限制了总带宽。为了克服共享数据总线体系结构所产生的限制,解决方案是采用交叉交换矩阵,如图2-4所示。对于不同的交换机平台,术语交叉矩阵意味着不同的内容,但基本都指线路卡之间能够同时使用多个数据信道或者通路。图2-4 交

9、叉交换矩阵在Cisco Catalyst 5500系列(Cisco公司最早采用交叉矩阵体系结构的产品之一)交换机产品中,总共实现3条独立的1.2Gbit/s数据总线,新型的Catalyst 5500系列线路卡具有必要的连接器针脚,她们能够同时连接到这3条数据总线,进而能够充分利用3.6Gbit/s的总带宽。通过仅连接到3条数据总线中的1条数据总线,老式的Cisco Catalyst 5500系列线路卡仍然能够兼容Cisco Catalyst 5500系列。在Cisco Catalyst 5500平台中,吉比特以太网线路卡要求访问所有3条数据总线。在Cisco Catalyst 6500系列交换

10、机中,SFM(Switch Fabric Module,交换矩阵模块)和SFM2(Switch Fabric Module2,交换矩阵模块2)能够支持交叉矩阵。通过到交叉交换矩阵的16个独立的8Gbit/s连接,SFM能够向线路卡提供128Gbit/s的带宽(256Gbit/s全双工)。新型SFM2用于支持Catalyst 6513(13插槽的机箱),并且对SFM进行了体系结构方面的优化。3. 数据缓冲在共享数据体系结构传送帧之前,帧必须等待中央仲裁器的处理安排。此外,交叉交换矩阵发生拥塞,也可能会延迟帧的处理。基于上述原因,在传送帧之前,必须对其进行缓冲处理。如果没有有效的缓冲机制,那么当出

11、现流景过量或发牛拥塞的时候,帧被丢弃的可能性就非常高。如果发往端口的流量超过了它所能发送的流量,那么就需要使用缓冲。出现下述情况的时候,就需要使用缓冲: 入口和出站端口的速度不匹配; 多个输入端口共同向单个输出端口提供流景; 输出端口发生半双工碰撞; 上述几种情况的组合。为了防止丢弃帧,Catalyst交换机通常采用下述两种内存管理方式: 端口缓冲内存; 共享内存。3.1 端口缓冲内存通过采用端口缓冲内存,交换机(例如Catalyst 5500)能够为每个以太网端口提供一定数量的高速内存,这些内存可用于帧发送之前的帧缓冲。端口缓冲内存的不足之处,在于如果端口的缓冲已经用尽,那么就会发生丢弃帧的

12、情况。为了最大限度利用缓冲的优势,方法之一是采用灵活的缓冲区尺寸。Catalyst 5500以太网线路卡端口的缓冲内存就是非常灵活的,并且能够创建各种尺寸的帧缓冲区,进而充分利用可用的缓冲区内存。对于采用SAINT ASIC的Catalyst 5000以太网卡,每个端口包含192KB的缓冲区内存,其中24KB用于接收或者输入缓冲区,而168KB用于发送或者输出缓冲区。通过使用168KB的发送缓冲区,每个端口最多能够创建2500个64字节的缓冲区。因为大多数缓冲区都用语输出队列,所以Catalyst 5000家族交换机已经减轻线端阻塞的问题。图2-5举例说明端口缓冲内存的情况。3.2 共享内存在

13、最早的Cisco交换机产品中,某些产品使用共享内存设计进行端口缓冲。对于采用共享内存体系结构的交换机,所有端口能够同时以共享帧或者分组缓冲区的形式访问内存。所有的入口帧都被存储到共享内存“池”中,并且一直保存到出站端口准备发送帧为止。交换机以缓冲区的形式动态地分配共享内存,为接收大量入口流量的端口分配足够的缓冲区,并且不会为空闲端口分配不必要的缓冲区。图2-5 端口缓冲内存Catalyst 1200系列交换机是一款早期的共享内存交换机产品。Catalyst 1200能够支持以太网和FDDI,并且具有4MB的共享分组DRAM(Dynamic Random-Access Memory,动态随机访问

14、内存)。分组采用FIFO(first in ,first out,先入先出)的处理方式。在采用共享内存体系结构的交换机中,Catalyst 4000和Catalyst 4500系列交换机是比较新的一些产品。对于采用Supervisor 1的Catalyst 4000系列,它采用8MB的SRAM(Static Random-Access Memory,静态随机访问内存)作为动态帧缓冲区。中央处理器或者ASIC负责帧交换,并且在交换之前将把帧存储到分组缓冲区内。Catalyst 4500 Supervisor IV 采用16MB的SRAM用于分组缓冲区。共享内存缓冲区尺寸可能取决于平台,但大多数情

15、况下在64字节到256字节的范围内进行分配。图2-6举例说明输入帧在被交换引擎交换之前如何存储到共享内存(以64字节为单位)中。4. 过度预定交换矩阵交换机制造商喜欢使用术语无阻塞米表明连接到交换矩阵的交换端口能够达到线速。例如,对于8端口吉比特以太网模块,为了似的端口能够达到无阻塞的状态,那么就要求交换矩阵必须支持8Gbit/s的带宽。除最高端交换平台和配置之外,所有交换产品都可能发生过度预定交换矩阵的情况。根据应用情况的不同,过度预定的端口可能存在问题,也可能不存在问题。例如,对于48端口的10/100/1000吉比特以太网模块,如果所有端口都工作在1Gbit/s,那么就需要交换矩阵支持4

16、8Gbit/s的带宽。如果大部分或者全部端口都连接到高速文件服务器,而这些文件服务器会产生稳定的通信流,那么单个线路模块就会超过整个交换矩阵的带宽。如果所有模块都连接到带宽要求不高的终端用户工作站,即使某个线路卡过度预定交换矩阵,那么也不会显著影响性能。图2-6 共享内存体系结构根据具体的带宽需求情况,Cisco在各种平台上提供了无阻塞和阻塞等两种配置。为了确定交换矩阵的总连接带宽,请查看各种平台和线路卡的技术指标。5. 拥塞和线端阻塞对于等待传送的流量,如呆它们阻碍或者阻塞了去往其他目标的流量被传送,那么就发生线端阻寨。线端阻塞大多发生在多个高速数据源向相同目标发送流量灼的情况。在早期的共享


18、口2连接到交换机的端口2,并且向交换机的端口4发送100%速率的流量。因为交换机需要发送流量为端口转发能力的150%,所以交换端口4所转发的流量就会产生拥塞。如果没有适当的缓冲和转发算法,那么交换端口3所转发的流量就将等待,并且一直等到端口4的拥塞消除为止。图2-7 线端阻塞在使用交叉交换矩阵的情况下,因为很多线路卡都和交换矩阵之间具有高速连接,所以也可能发生线端阻塞。对于已经处于繁忙状态的线路卡,如果多个线路卡试图与其建立连接,那么它们就必须等待接收线路卡处于空闲状态。在这种情况下,发往其他非忙状态线路卡的数据将会被线端的帧所阻塞。Catalyst交换机采用多种技术来避免线端阻塞,例如采用每

19、端口缓冲。每个端口都维护1个小的入口缓冲区和1个大的出口缓冲区。在发生拥塞期间,大的输出缓冲区(64KB到512KB共享内存)允许对准备发送的帧进行排队。在正常工作的情况下,因为交换总线能够以非常高的速度为帧提供服务,所以只需要小的输入队列。除了能够在拥塞期间进行排队,很多型号的Catalyst交换机都能够将帧分隔到不同的输入和输出队列中,进而可以为某些敏感流量(例如语音)提供更高优先级的待遇或者优先级排队。6. 数据转发无论交换矩阵类型如何,交换机都必须决定哪些端口转发帧和哪些端口应当清空或者丢弃帧。决策的参考依据可以是第2层信息(源/目标MAC地址)或其他一些信息(例如第3层IP信息和第4

20、层端口信息)。每种交换平台都支持各种类型负责智能交换决策的ASIC。每台Catalyst交换机都会为每个分组创建报头或者标签,并且以该报头或者标签作为转发决策的基础。7总结在优化数据交换方面,尽管存在多种不同的方法,但它们的核心概念却是紧密相关的。为了获得高速交换的解决方案,根据具体平台的不同,Cisco Catalyst交换机产品线注重使用共享总线、交叉交换矩阵和两种技术的结合。为了降低阻塞和避免线端阻塞,高速交换ASIC使用了共享和每端口缓冲区技术。本文摘自Cisco LAN Switching Fundamentals,David Barns,Basir Sakandar著 LAN Sw

21、itch ArchitectureThis chapter introduces many of the concepts behind LAN switching common to all switch vendors. The chapter begins by looking at how data are received by a switch, followed by mechanisms used to switch data as efficiently as possible, and concludes with forwarding data toward their

22、destinations. These concepts are not specific to Cisco and are valid when examining the capabilities of any LAN switch.1. Receiving DataSwitching ModesThe first step in LAN switching is receiving the frame or packet, depending on the capabilities of the switch, from the transmitting device or host.

23、Switches making forwarding decisions only at Layer 2 of the OSI model refer to data as frames, while switches making forwarding decisions at Layer 3 and above refer to data as packets. This chapters examination of switching begins from a Layer 2 point of view. Depending on the model, varying amounts

24、 of each frame are stored and examined before being switched.Three types of switching modes have been supported on Catalyst switches:Cut throughFragment freeStore and forwardThese three switching modes differ in how much of the frame is received and examined by the switch before a forwarding decisio

25、n is made. The next sections describe each mode in detail.1.1 Cut-Through ModeSwitches operating in cut-through mode receive and examine only the first 6 bytes of a frame. These first 6 bytes represent the destination MAC address of the frame, which is sufficient information to make a forwarding dec

26、ision. Although cut-through switching offers the least latency when transmitting frames, it is susceptible to transmitting fragments created via Ethernet collisions, runts (frames less than 64 bytes), or damaged frames.1.2 Fragment-Free ModeSwitches operating in fragment-free mode receive and examin

27、e the first 64 bytes of frame. Fragment free is referred to as fast forward mode in some Cisco Catalyst documentation. Why examine 64 bytes? In a properly designed Ethernet network, collision fragments must be detected in the first 64 bytes.1.3 Store-and-Forward ModeSwitches operating in store-and-f

28、orward mode receive and examine the entire frame, resulting in the most error-free type of switching.As switches utilizing faster processor and application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) were introduced, the need to support cut-through and fragment-free switching was no longer necessary. As a

29、result, all new Cisco Catalyst switches utilize store-and-forward switching.Figure2-1 compares each of the switching modes.Figure2-1.Switching Modes2. Switching Data Regardless of how many bytes of each frame are examined by the switch, the frame must eventually be switched from the input or ingress

30、 port to one or more output or egress ports. A switch fabric is a general term for the communication channels used by the switch to transport frames, carry forwarding decision information, and relay management information throughout the switch. A comparison could be made between the switching fabric

31、 in a Catalyst switch and a transmission on an automobile. In an automobile, the transmission is responsible for relaying power from the engine to the wheels of the car. In a Catalyst switch, the switch fabric is responsible for relaying frames from an input or ingress port to one or more output or

32、egress ports. Regardless of model, whenever a new switching platform is introduced, the documentation will generally refer to the transmission as the switching fabric.Although a variety of techniques have been used to implement switching fabrics on Cisco Catalyst platforms, two major architectures o

33、f switch fabrics are common:Shared busCrossbar2.1 Shared Bus SwitchingIn a shared bus architecture, all line modules in the switch share one data path. A central arbiter determines how and when to grant requests for access to the bus from each line card. Various methods of achieving fairness can be

34、used by the arbiter depending on the configuration of the switch. A shared bus architecture is much like multiple lines at an airport ticket counter, with only one ticketing agent processing customers at any given time.Figure2-2illustrates a round-robin servicing of frames as they enter a switch. Ro

35、und-robin is the simplest method of servicing frames in the order in which they are received. Current Catalyst switching platforms such as the Catalyst 6500 support a variety of quality of service (QoS) features to provide priority service to specified traffic flows.Figure 2-2. Round-Robin Service O

36、rderThe following list and Figure 2-3 illustrate the basic concept of moving frames from the received port or ingress, to the transmit port(s) or egress using a shared bus architecture:Frame received from Host1 The ingress port on the switch receives the entire frame from Host1 and stores it in a re

37、ceive buffer. The port checks the frames Frame Check Sequence (FCS) for errors. If the frame is defective (runt, fragment, invalid CRC, or Giant), the port discards the frame and increments the appropriate counter.Requesting access to the data bus A header containing information necessary to make a

38、forwarding decision is added to the frame. The line card then requests access or permission to transmit the frame onto the data bus.Frame transmitted onto the data bus After the central arbiter grants access, the frame is transmitted onto the data bus.Frame is received by all ports In a shared bus a

39、rchitecture, every frame transmitted is received by all ports simultaneously. In addition, the frame is received by the hardware necessary to make a forwarding decision.Switch determines which port(s) should transmit the frame The information added to the frame in step 2 is used to determine which p

40、orts should transmit the frame. In some cases, frames with either an unknown destination MAC address or a broadcast frame, the switch will transmit the frame out all ports except the one on which the frame was received.Port(s) instructed to transmit, remaining ports discard the frame Based on the de

41、cision in step 5, a certain port or ports is told to transmit the frame while the rest are told to discard or flush the frame.Egress port transmits the frame to Host2 In this example, it is assumed that the location of Host2 is known to the switch and only the port connecting to Host2 transmits the

42、frame.One advantage of a shared bus architecture is every port except the ingress port receives a copy of the frame automatically, easily enabling multicast and broadcast traffic without the need to replicate the frames for each port. This example is greatly simplified and will be discussed in detai

43、l for Catalyst platforms that utilize a shared bus architecture in Chapter 3, Catalyst Switching Architecture.Figure 2-3. Frame Flow in a Shared Bus 2.2 Crossbar SwitchingIn the shared bus architecture example, the speed of the shared data bus determines much of the overall traffic handling capacity

44、 of the switch. Because the bus is shared, line cards must wait their turns to communicate, and this limits overall bandwidth.A solution to the limitations imposed by the shared bus architecture is the implementation of a crossbar switch fabric, as shown in Figure 2-4. The term crossbar means differ

45、ent things on different switch platforms, but essentially indicates multiple data channels or paths between line cards that can be used simultaneously.In the case of the Cisco Catalyst 5500 series, one of the first crossbar architectures advertised by Cisco, three individual 1.2-Gbps data buses are

46、implemented. Newer Catalyst 5500 series line cards have the necessary connector pins to connect to all three buses simultaneously, taking advantage of 3.6 Gbps of aggregate bandwidth. Legacy line cards from the Catalyst 5000 are still compatible with the Catalyst 5500 series by connecting to only on

47、e of the three data buses. Access to all three buses is required by Gigabit Ethernet cards on the Catalyst 5500 platform.A crossbar fabric on the Catalyst 6500 series is enabled with the Switch Fabric Module (SFM) and Switch Fabric Module 2 (SFM2). The SFM provides 128 Gbps of bandwidth (256 Gbps fu

48、ll duplex) to line cards via 16 individual 8-Gbps connections to the crossbar switch fabric. The SFM2 was introduced to support the Catalyst 6513 13-slot chassis and includes architecture optimizations over the SFM.Figure 2-4. Crossbar Switch Fabric 3. Buffering DataFrames must wait their turn for the central arbiter before being transmitted in shared bus architectures. Frames can also potentially be delayed when congestion occurs in a crossbar switch fabric. As a result, frames

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