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1、Im going to study computer science.Unit 6Section A 第第二二课课时时第1页第二课时基础知识回顾-2-综合能力提升Section A(3a-3c )Section A(3a-3c )基础知识回顾.依据首字母及汉语提醒补全单词1.Im going to study hard when I go to university(大学 ).2.She wants to be a teacher,so she wants to study education(教育 ).3.You can send(邮寄 )some postcards to your fri

2、ends on New Years Day.4.Please take medicine(药 )after the meals.5.She likes writing,and she writes many articles(文章 ).第2页第二课时基础知识回顾-3-综合能力提升Section A(3a-3c )Section A(3a-3c )基础知识回顾.按要求完成句子,每空一词1.He is going to tell Jane all about it.(改为普通疑问句 )Is he going totell Jane all about it?2.She is going to ta

3、ke acting lessons tomorrow.(改为否定句 )Sheisnt going totake acting lessons tomorrow.3.My cousin is going to leave at six tomorrow.(对画线部分提问 )Whenisyour cousingoing to leave?4.They are going to hold an exhibition.(对画线部分提问 )Whatare they goingto hold?5.Im going to send Jim some wonderful CDs.(改为同义句 )Im goin

4、g tosendsome wonderful CDstoJim.第3页第二课时基础知识回顾-4-综合能力提升Section A(3a-3c )Section A(3a-3c )综合能力提升.单项填空(C )1.What are youto do when youhigh school?A.want;finishB.going;are going to finishC.going;finishD.want;are going to finish(A )2.Listen,the musicsweet.Its Yesterday Once More,my favorite.A.soundsB.sme

5、llsC.feelsD.tastes(A )3.When he grows up,hes going to do.A.what he wants to doB.what does he want to doC.what he want to doD.what do he want to do第4页第二课时基础知识回顾-5-综合能力提升Section A(3a-3c )Section A(3a-3c )综合能力提升(A )4.Im going to send a cardmy teacher.A.toB.forC.atD.with(B )5.Hurry up!The sky is covered

6、 with black clouds.Im afraid it.A.rainsB.is going to rainC.rainedD.was raining第5页第二课时基础知识回顾-6-综合能力提升Section A(3a-3c )Section A(3a-3c )综合能力提升.阅读了解This is something I never thought Id do.I hardly share my personal things online.But here Im writing my life goals(目标 )for the world to see!第6页第二课时基础知识回顾-7

7、-综合能力提升Section A(3a-3c )Section A(3a-3c )综合能力提升(C )1.How often will the writer do sports?A.Twice a week.B.Four times a week.C.Six times a week.D.Every day.(D )2.What is NOT mentioned(提到 )in the family goals?A.Going on family vacations.B.Watching basketball games.C.Spending time with children.D.Visiting his parents.(A )3.The underlined word“financial”means“”in Chinese.A.财政 B.饮食C.婚姻 D.教育(C )4.The passage is mainly about the writers.A.good habitsB.dream jobsC.life goalsD.great talents第7页

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