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1、SBS2 Day 1Cassie第1页第2页What are these numbers?All my families birthdays.第3页第4页第5页第6页Fill in the blanks with proper wordsI _ books.I _ read books.She _ flowers.She _ grow flowers.like like tolikelike tolikeslikes to第7页I YouWeTheyNames HeSheItA name likes sth.like to do sth.HeSheItA name likes to do st

2、h.I YouWeTheyNameslike sth.第8页What do you like to do?What dont you like to do?第9页1234567readgo to the mallwatch TVplay basketballgo to the beachchat onlinego hiking第10页Writing competition第11页 everydayRight nowyesterdaytomorrowsing第12页The simple present tense普通现在时普通现在时 1.经常或重复发生动作。经常或重复发生动作。She visit

3、s her parents every day.2.现在情况或状态。现在情况或状态。He lives in a small town.3.永恒真理。永恒真理。The sun rises in the east.Present Time:every_第13页The present continuous tense现在进行时现在进行时表示现在正在进行动作。表示现在正在进行动作。It is raining hard.Present continuous time and words:now/right nowlook/listenLook!The kids are playing badminton

4、.Listen!Who is singing?第14页大多数动词 +ingwalk walking以e 结尾动词 -e+inglive living末尾只有一个辅音字母重读闭音节词(CVC)C2+ing stop stoppingHow to add“ing”to regular verbs7第15页The simple past tense普通过去时普通过去时表示过去发生事,由动词过去式表示。表示过去发生事,由动词过去式表示。I saw your sister two days ago.Did you enjoy the film?Past Time:yesterday last_ ago第

5、16页大多数动词 +edwalk walked以e 结尾动词 +dlive lived“辅音字母+y”结尾动词 -y+iedstudy studied末尾只有一个辅音字母重读闭音节词(CVC)C2+ed stop stoppedHow to add“ed”to regular verbs7第17页The simple future tense 普通未来时普通未来时表示将要发生事,在各种人称后都由表示将要发生事,在各种人称后都由will加加动词原形组成,常所略为动词原形组成,常所略为ll.Telephone me this evening.Ill be at home.普通未来时也可用普通未来时

6、也可用be going to 表示表示.I am going to visit my grandparents tomorrow.Future time:tomorrow in_ /next _第18页普通现在时普经过去时现在进行时未来时playcookswimwrite第19页The pigs like to sing.They_ every day.They_ yesterday.They _right now.They _tomorrow.As you can see,they like to _.What do they like to do?sing sang are singing

7、 are going to sing sing 第20页True or False?Ask and answer第21页Tic-tac-toecook play swim writecooks plays swims writescooked played swam wrotecooking playing swimming writing第22页第23页第24页第25页第26页第27页第28页第29页第30页Lets practice1.I _(go)to school yesterday.2.A dog _(have)4 legs.3.Listen!Jack _(sing).4.You _

8、(read)the new paper the day before yesterday.5.We _(wash)our coat now.6.She _(get)a lot of money next year.wenthasis singingreadare washingwill get第31页7.Lily _(play)the piano right now.8.I _(buy)a gift for my parents next Saturday.9.My mother _(go)to the library every week.10.She_(play)football last

9、 week.is playingwill buygoesplayed第32页Whats wrong?1.He likes play tennis.2.My brother ride his bicycle yesterday.3.David work right now.4.Sally write letters to her friends every week.5.Frank swim at the beach yesterday.第33页Role readingA:Are you going to cook spaghetti this week?B:No,Im not.I cooked spaghetti last week,and I dont like to cook spaghetti very often.第34页Write down the past tensewatch videos drive downtownplant flowers make pancakesgo to the mall write lettersgo to WonderWorldgo skiingclean the room第35页Finish the exercises on page4-5第36页Analyze the test paper第37页

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