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1、maintain a calm state of mind, conscientiously do a good job, never able to muddle along, dangyitianheshangzhuangyitianzhong ideas. People in the transition process, political . Organization set up and played the role of an effective way to increase farmers specialized cooperatives and Agriculture s

2、et up party organizations in the social service organizations, and development of grass-roots party organizations into full play in the lead industry, prompting farmers to get rich in the fighting bastion role. Conscientiously implement the established at the Township party Office of policy requirem

3、ents, selection with a good organization of the Party Committee members and full-time Director, catch the rural grass-roots party building work. Conscientiously do a good job on the Countys village annual compensation according to the per capita net income of farmers per capita twice times, group le

4、aders 30% of annual compensation paid by village years implemented policies to further mobilize the enthusiasm of village cadres. Second is to highlight the educational management, to strengthen the construction of party members and cadres. On the educational management of party members, and to impl

5、ement further strict management of the party members opinions, carry out party membership to troubleshoot, clean standard membership files, intensifying the day-to-day management. Not qualified in accordance with the disposal of XX County party interim measures, and steadily push forward the disposa

6、l of unqualified party members. Strict implementation of the development plan of recruiting, put quality first, strengthening the structure of new party members. Strengthen the management of mobile party member, outstanding rural migrant workers and college graduates two focus groups, sound into the

7、 party management, out of the party meet, two-way co-management mechanism. Conscientiously implement the Education Ordinance, improve the system of party member education and training, positive use of information technology and new media innovative ways and means of education, expansion of education

8、al coverage, improving party members education. Perfecting the incentive and caring support mechanisms within the party, helping increase the life difficult for party members and senior party member. Meanwhile, resources to take full advantage of distance education platform, party member cadre moder

9、n distance education, dissemination of the voice of the party, serving the grass-roots masses, party members education and training, promote the effectiveness of education and training. Cadre management, to focus on strengthening five concept education training leading cadres and employees more cons

10、cious use of advanced concept of development to guide and promote implementation. Around to respond to unexpected events, new media age networks of public opinion, precise training in topics such as poverty alleviation, administration according to law, and effectively improve the Township, vast numb

11、ers of party members and cadres full use of policy, the ability to promote the reform, development and stability. Self-discipline guidelines of the CPC and the Communist Party disciplinary regulations into cadre education and training content, prompting leaders of discipline, show good manners in th

12、e heavily-guarded heart, outside of the shape. To adhere to grab early to grab a small scratch prevention, implementation leader reminded the talks, refer to commandment and other relevant provisions, by talking about supervision visits,目 录摘要 Abstract第1章 绪论11.1 输送机自动张紧装置的一般概念11.2 输送机张紧装置的分类11.3 液压自动

13、张紧装置与其它张紧装置的类比2第2章 总体设计32.1 设计任务32.2 设计方案的确定32.2.1 液压自动张紧装置的特点32.2.2 液压张紧系统工作原理32.2.3 总体设计方案的确定5第3章 各元件的确定63.1 油缸的选择和计算63.2 液压油液的功能和基本要求73.3 液压泵的选择及计算93.4 电动机的确定93.5 各种阀类的选择10 3.5.1 电磁换向阀的选择10 3.5.2 溢流阀的选择11 3.5.3 压力继电器的选择12 3.5.4 压力表的选择13 3.5.5 滤油器的选择14 3.5.6 蓄能器的选择15 3.5.7 伺服阀的选择16 3.5.8 液控单向阀的选择1

14、8 3.6 其它元件的选择20 3.6.1 滑轮的选择20 3.6.2 钢丝绳的选取20 3.6.3 液压泵站的选择与安装20第4章 管路的设计224.1 管路的确定224.2 吸油管的设计224.3 压油管的设计23 4.4 液压系统中的压力损失验算23第5章 主要部件的设计计算及强度校核26 5.1 油缸后的支座的设计及强度校核26 5.2 液压缸活塞杆上的耳环的设计及强度设计27第6章 设计分析29结论31致谢32参考文献33专题34附录142附录249annual appraisal, report, petition, finding signs reminded, early to

15、 correct the problems in time. Strict enforcement of cadre archive management system, seriously with parent organizational unit cadres file review identified additional work. Three is to highlight the enhanced responsibility, conscientiously implement the comprehensive tasks strictly administering t

16、he party. Implementation of the Thirteen-Five development planning, comprehensive well-off society goal, the key play a core role of the party. Township party organizations should conscientiously implement the provincial County in strictly administering the party all deployment requirements, perfect

17、 tube party-the partys institutional mechanisms, promotion of strictly administering the party tasks ground effect. A to . Governed by the concentration and control to normal depth. To thoroughly study and implement the guidelines for the honesty and self-discipline of the disciplinary regulations s

18、uch as laws and regulations, strengthen all party members and cadres honesty and self-discipline, public attitudes and party discipline, party rules education, sustained regulation around abuses of the masses. Four, focuses on optimizing development environment, and promote social development of cle

19、an, safe and harmonious environment is a prerequisite for development, must maintain a clean line, Government cadres to be honest and integrity as the basis for economic and social development; to adhere to the security line, promote security and stability and economic society. First, in the promoti

20、ng integrity and anti-corruption efforts. Township to firmly grasp the consciousness of clean government is the economic environment for social development, focused supervision and discipline of accountability, strengthen inner-party supervision, discipline and rules at the front, advancing the cons

21、truction of a clean government and the anti-corruption work made new achievements. To change ideas, innovative ideas, from the petition admissible, clue disposal talk to, talk to the discipline of accountability, investigation, review report, should adhere to the discipline in front of the law, supe

22、rvision and discipline work deep do do fine to do it. In this years two committees in the election, make honest reply off and strict political discipline, discipline, and strengthen supervision and inspection, seriously investigate and deal with non-organized activities, make the General wind fresh,

23、 smoothly. Advancing responsibility extends to all branches of the strictly administering the party, explore and implement various party organizations primarily responsible to the Township Party Committee set out in three, enhance the awareness of primary responsibility for implementation. Rural dis

24、cipline to fully carry out its oversight responsibilities, adhere to the duty, and safeguard the party Constitution, strict discipline, assist the Township Party Committee in strengthening the party conduct clean government and anti-corruption groups coordinating the work against corruption. Overall

25、 strictness of accountability as important, to implement the partys line, principles and policies, weak party exercises primary responsibility for administering the party vacancy, caused serious damage to the partys cause, four winds and corruption-prone to frequent serious responsibility. One case-

26、cha, using a combination of criticism and commands his conversation, criticism, organization, discipline, held responsibility, oversight responsibilities held 摘要 输送机时橡胶和纤维织品两者复合而成的制品,在应用中的重锤张进装置,在运行一段时间后,重锤会自动下降一段距离,使输送带变长。这说明输送带发生了蠕变,在启动、制动过程中也会产生蠕变现象。此时张紧装置就必须进一步收缩才不会发生打滑现象。 由此可见,张紧装置是保证带式输送机正常运转必

27、不可少的重要部件。该论文主要介绍了带式输送机的自动张紧装置的设计过程,详细的介绍了各个液压元件的选取。自动张紧装置的设计是张紧装置的设计的一个重大变革。关键词:自动张紧装置 带式输送机 液压张紧系统AbstractThis paper mainly introduced based on the PROENGINEERING three dimensional entity design software to the Y0X500 model fluid strength coupler design and the assistance manufacture process; Has i

28、n detail given the fluid strength coupler shaping process aswell as utilizes PROENGINEERING to the fluid strength coupler spare part design and the assembly process, utilized the PROENGINEERING grass in the design process to draw, modules fully and so on components, assembly, engineering plat as wel

29、l as movement simulation, basically has realized the design ingenious, convenient quickly, the efficiency and the reliability higher the merit which could not achieve in the traditional design process. Next, this article also elaborated very much about the fluid strength coupler aspect comprehensive

30、 knowledge.Key word:The fluid strength coupler module limits the moment operational factor assembly constrained motion simulation I第1章 绪论 带式输送机主要用于输送煤炭、矿石、沙石、谷物等散装物料。其在连续装卸条件下能实现连续运输,所以生产率较高;另外皮带传送机结构简单,设备费用低;工作平稳可靠、噪音小,输送距离长,输送量大,能源消耗少;同时可在皮带的任意位置加料或卸料,容易实现倾斜输送。其应用范围相当广泛,遍及矿山、冶金、化工、建筑、轻工、港口和车站货场。而拉

31、紧装置是带式传送机不可缺少的重要组成部分,它直接关系到带式传送机的安全运行及使用寿命,对于大运量、长距离等大型带式传送机而言更是如此。 到目前为止,在社会生产中有多种皮带拉紧装置得到应用。以往煤矿井下用带式传送机一般均采用固定绞车拉紧或重锤拉紧,很少见到别的类型。由于固定绞车拉紧装置只能定期张紧皮带,而皮带的张紧程度往往与操作者的经验有关,经常出现张紧力过大或者过小,并且直接影响到带式传送机的冲击动负荷,所以固定绞车拉紧装置对于传送机的安全及平稳运行极为不利。 因此,我们有必要研制成一种自动型的张紧装置来实现输送机的张紧过程。 1.1 输送机自动张紧装置的一般概念 自动张紧装置属是保证带式输送

32、机正常工作的重要部件,可自动地对输送机张力进行实时控制满足带式输送机正常运行的要求。即改善带式输送机的起、制动性能,提高整机运行的可靠性,在不同的使用条件下,可以保证胶带具有最合理的张力。1.2输送机张紧装置的分类 张紧装置可分为固定式张紧装置和自动式张紧装置两大类。 (1)固定式张紧装置。固定式张紧装置分重锤式张紧装置和刚性张紧装置。重锤式、水箱式都属于重力张紧装置。重历式张紧装置始终使输送带初拉力保持恒定,在启动制动时会产生上下振,但惯性力很快消失。刚性张紧装置有螺旋张紧、手动或电动张紧装置等几种,它们的张紧力是固定不变的,不能自动调整,在安装后,张紧一次可运行一段时间,但还要收紧一次,以

33、消除蠕变。(2)自动式张紧装置。自动测力张紧装置以张紧力作为反馈信号随时间变化设定拉力,进行比较,并随时调整张紧装置的该向滚筒的位移。如启动时会自动加大张紧力,运输时恢复恒定拉力,对延长输送带寿命十分有利。1.3液压自动张紧装置与其它张紧装置的类比 液压式自动张紧装置与机械、电力、气压传动相比,其特点: (1)液压传动装置能在运行过程中进行无级调速,调速范围较大。 (2)在同样功率情况下,液压传动装置的体积小、质量轻、惯性小、结构紧凑,且能传递较大的力和转矩。 (3)液压传动装置工作较平稳、反映快、冲击小,可以高速启动、制动及换向,操作简单方便。 (4)液压传动装置省力,易实现自动化。 (5)

34、液压传动易于实现过载保护,可以自动润滑,因此使用寿命较长。 (6)液压传动装置可以很简单的实现直线运动和回转运动,其布置也具有很大的灵活性。 (7)液压传动装置由于其元件实现了系列化、标准化、通用化,容易设计制造和推广运用。 (8)在液压传动装置中,因功率损失等原因所产生的热量可以由流动着的油液带走,因此避免了局部温升现象。 第2章 总体设计2.1 设计任务 参数设定及工况分析 设:张紧行程L=2m,活塞杆运动速度=4m/min。DT-型带式输送机的T3=2460.72N,T4=2559.15,每天工作22h,停车2h,全年工作360天,每天停机两次。 张紧装置在驱动滚筒之后,所以张紧力F=

35、T3+ T4,这个张紧力是只考虑带式输送机在满载正常运行情况下的张紧力。当启动时,所需要的输送带的张紧力 =1.5F 用公式表示为:F= T3+T4=2460.72+2559.15=10.19kN F其=1.5F=75.29kN2.2 设计方案的确定 2.2.1 液压自动张紧装置的特点 液压自动张紧装置的工作过程中,由于张紧力在输送机启动时和正常运行时不同,这就要求液压系统必须能够在两种压力下工作。在带式输送机运料的过程中由于负荷或其它原因引起输送带拉力增大、减小,液压系统就会自动调节张紧力,保证输送带正常工作。 2.2.2 液压张紧系统工作原理 皮带式传送机在启动时和稳定运行时对皮带的张力要

36、求是不同的,启动时所需要的张力大约是稳定运行时所需要的张力的 1.5 倍。这就需要液压系统能在两级工作压力下工作,一个是启动压力,另一个是稳定运行时压力,前者约为后者的 1.5 倍。系统工作原理图如下:1.2. 溢流阀 3. 电磁换向阀 4. 伺服阀 5. 液压缸 6. 压力表 7. 力传感器 8. 拉紧小车 9. 压力继电器 10. 液控单向阀 11. 蓄能器 12. 液压泵 13. 电动机 14. 单向阀 15. 过滤器 本方案采用一个直动溢流阀 2 和一个叠加溢流阀并联来实现这个目的。叠加溢流阀由直动溢流阀 1 和二位二通电磁换向阀3 串联而成。当二位二通电磁换向阀3 通电时,其阀芯处于

37、右位,二位二通电磁换向阀通导,叠加溢流阀才通导。直动溢流阀 2 的调定压力较大,是叠加溢流阀的调定压力的 1.5 倍。系统启动时,二位二通电磁换向阀 3不通电,叠加溢流阀不通导,油液只能经由直动溢流阀 2溢流;系统启动后稳定运行时,二位二通电磁换向阀 3通电,叠加溢流阀通导,油液经由调定压力较低的叠加溢流阀溢流。这样便可实现两级压力控制。系统要求启动迅速,即液压缸要迅速拉紧原来松弛的皮带,这就使得液压缸启动时需要很大的流量。稳定运行时,张紧的皮带使得液压缸活塞杆移动范围很小,这时液压缸需要的流量下降。为解决这个问题,加了一个蓄能器用以补油,既能及时补油,又能在正常稳定工作时保持恒定压力。 首先

38、,电机 13 启动带动泵 12 运转给系统加压。当系统压力达到压力继电器9 设定的启动压力后,压力继电器 9 发信号,皮带式传送机启动。皮带式传送机启动后带速达到稳定值时,二位二通电磁换向阀 3通电,叠加溢流阀通导,油液经由调定压力较低的叠加溢流阀溢流,同时系统切换到由伺服阀 4 控制的状态。伺服阀的工作原理:预先确定压力指令信号r ,它与压力传感器的压力反馈信号i 相比较,其偏差量(实际压力与给定压力的差值)经放大器处理后产生电流 i 输给伺服阀 4,控制加载液压缸,这样就形成了伺服阀压力控制回路。液压缸的拉力与指令信号 r 一一对应。 2.2.3总体设计方案的确定(1)液压回路设计。(2)

39、元件的确定。包括:油缸的选择和计算,液压油的确定,液压泵的选择及计算,电动机的确定,各种阀类的选择。 (3)主要部件的设计及计算强度校核第3章 各元件的确定3.1 油缸的选择和计算 由液压缸的行程为2m,最大拉力为75.29kN,参考液压元件产品样本,决定选用缸径为100mm,活塞杆直径为55mm,行程为2.2mm,最大拉力为87kN,速比为1.46的HSG系列的油缸。油缸内的压力为:P2 =式中 启动拉力, N; D 油缸内径,mm; d 活塞杆直径,mm; 油缸机械效率,一般取 = 0.95。输送机启动、正常运行的压力分别为: P1 油缸的有效工作面积为: 油缸工作时所需要的最大流量为:

40、Q = A式中 油缸活塞杆运动速度,m/min;A 油缸有效工作面积,m2。速度=4m/min,则: Q=A=454.810-1=21.92L/min液压缸的结构图如下所示: 3.2 液压油液的功能和基本要求 液压油液是液压系统中传递能量的工作介质,同时还兼有润滑、密封、冷却和防锈等功能。 在液压系统中,由于压力、速度及温度在很大范围内变化,为了保证工作状态的稳定,要求所应用的液压油液能适应这种变化,并保持稳定的性能,不致因外界条件的变化而引起很大的改变或破坏,因此对液压油液提出如下基本要求: (1)具有适当的粘度和良好的粘温特性。粘度要符合实际工作条件,粘度国大,摩擦损失将增加;粘度过小,会

41、造成泄漏。粘度过大或过小都将导致效率的降低。因此为了使液压系统能够稳定的工作,液压油液的粘度随温度的变化要小,也即要具有良好的粘温特性。 (2)具有优良的润滑性。液压油液对液压系统中的各运动部件起润滑作用,以降低摩擦和减少磨损,保证系统能够长时间正常工作。当前,液压系统和元件正朝高压、高速方向发展,液压元件内部摩擦副处于边界润滑状态,这时,液压油液更应具有良好的润滑性。 (3)具有良好的化学稳定性。液压油液与空气接触会产生胶质沉淀物质,这些沉淀粘附在滑阀表面或节流缝隙处会堵塞孔、隙等通道,影响元件的动作,从而降低系统的效率。因此,液压油液应具有良好的化学稳定性。 (4)剪切安定性好,液压油液通

42、过液压元件和狭窄通道时要经受剧烈的剪切,使一些聚合型增粘剂分子破坏,造成粘度永久性下降,这在高速、高压时尤为严重。为延长液压油液使用寿命,液压油液的剪切安全性要好。 (5)抗乳化性好。水可能从不同途径进入液压油液,含水的液压油液在泵和其他元件的剧烈搅拌下极易乳化,致使液压油液变质或生成沉淀物,防碍冷却器的导热,阻滞阀门和管道,降低润滑性且腐蚀金属,所以,液压油液应具有良好的抗乳化性。 (6)消泡抗泡性能好。在大气中,矿物油通常能溶解5%至10%的空气,空气混入液压油液后会产生气泡,气泡在液压系统内循环,不仅会使系统的刚性下降,动特性变坏,润滑条件恶化,而且还会产生异常的噪音、振动。此外,气泡还

43、增大了与空气的接触,使氧化加速,所以,液压油液应具有良好的消泡和抗泡能力。 (7)防锈性能好,对金属的腐蚀性小。长期与液压油液接触的金属件,在溶解于液压油液中水分和空气的作用下会产生锈蚀,而使精度和表面质量受到破坏。锈蚀而使精度和表面质量受到破坏。锈蚀颗粒在系统中循环,还会使磨损加速和系统发生故障。所以,液压油液应具有良好的防锈性能和不腐蚀金属性能。 (8)对密封等材料的相容性。密封材料长期共存于液压油液中会产生溶胀软化或干缩硬化,使密封失效,产生泄漏,系统压力下降,以致工作不正常。所以,液压油液对密封材料应有良好的相容性。 液压自动张紧装置是在工作时,其工作环境的温度不高,但有防尘要求,油压

44、缸的最高工作压力为14.46MPa,参考液压元件产品样本,综合确定选用20号精密机床液压油。20压力油的运动粘度23)10-6m2/s,取=2010-6m2/s,密度为0.9103kg/m3则20号液压油的动力粘度为: 3.3 液压泵的选择及计算 GB-G1016型单级齿轮泵属于中高压齿轮泵。采用了固定的双金属侧板和二次密封结构,具有耐冲击、维修方便、工作可靠等优点。广泛用于装卸机、铲运机、推土机等机械液压系统的液压能源。 由于液压油在主油路只流经一个单向阀的主油路,其压力损失很小,粗估其压力损失0.49MPa,则油泵的工作压力为: 所以油泵的最大工作压力P泵14.95MPa 油泵泄漏系数=1

45、.11.3,取1.1,则油泵的流量为: Q泵KQ=1.121.92=24L/min 根据液压元件产品样本选用GB-G1016型单级齿轮泵。其参数为每转排量q=16.4mL/r,驱动功率10.5kW,额定工作压力P=16MPa。当由n=1460r/min的电动机驱动时,该泵最大流量16.41460=24L/min。油泵效率=0.91。 3.4 电动机的确定 电动机功率为: 取泵=0.91,则电动机功率为: 当连轴器的效率=0.99时,电动机功率为=6.460.99=6.53kW,查手册,选用电动机转数n=1440r/min,功率7.5kW的Y132M-4型电动机。 3.5各种阀类的选择 3.1电

46、磁换向阀的选择 电磁换向阀也叫电磁阀,是液压控制系统和电器控制系统之间的转换元件。它利用通电电磁铁的吸力推动滑阀阀芯移动,改变油流的通断,来实现执行元件的换向、启动、停止。电磁换向阀有滑阀和球阀两种结构,通常所说的电磁换向阀为滑阀结构,而称球阀结构的电磁换向阀为电磁球阀,电磁换向阀可直接用于液压系统,控制主油路的通断和切换;也可用作先导阀来操纵主油路的主阀,如溢流阀、液控阀、调速阀及插装阀等。 电磁换向阀的品种很多,按其工作位置数和通路数的多少可分为二位二通、三位四通、三位三通、二位四通等;按其复位和定位形式可分为弹簧复位式、钢球定位式、无复位弹簧式等;按其阀芯切换油路的台肩数可分为两台肩和三台肩式;按其阀体内的沉槽数可分为三槽式和五槽式;按其阀体与电磁铁的连接形式可分为法兰连接和螺纹连接;按其所配电磁铁的结构形式

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