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1、Unit 5 What does she do?Lets chant song1 jobsnew wordsexercisestorysong2第1页His father is an actor,My dads a doctor at the zoo.Her father is a doctor.What does your father do?His father goes to work by car,My dad goes to work by bus.Her father goes by bicycle.They work hard every day for us!back第2页 M

2、y familyMy father is a singer.My mother is one,too.I want to be an teacher.what do you want to do?My uncle is an artist.My aunt is one,too.I want to be a doctor.what do you want to do?back第3页I want to be a teacher,I want to be a doctor,I want to be a singerWhat does he do?第4页 She is a teacher.第5页She

3、 is an actress.第6页She is a TV reporter.第7页 He is a doctor.第8页He is a singer.back第9页第10页companyback第11页第12页 accountant第13页engineer第14页policeman第15页salesperson第16页 cleaner第17页She sells things.He helps sick people.He teaches lessons.She cleans streets.She draws pictures.第18页 My parentsMy mother is a/an

4、_ She works in a _She goes to work by _My father is a/an _He works in a _He goes to work by_ My partners parentsHis/Her mother is a/an _ She works in a _She goes to work by _His/Her father is a/an _He works in a _He goes to work by _back第19页I want to be a policeman,I want to be a cleaner,I want to be an engineerWhat does he do?第20页 My familyMy father is a singer.My mother is one,too.I want to be an engineer.what do you want to do?My uncle is an artist.My aunt is one,too.I want to be an accountant.what do you want to do?back第21页第22页

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