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1、卷首语/EDITORIAL韧性视角下的绿色基础设施当前,国际组织尤其是以联合国人居署(UN-Habitat)、环境署(U N EP)、粮食及农业组织(FAO)与开发计划署(UNDP)为代表的工作框架中,提出了治理、管理、空间实践、数据科学与金融各个领域的协同支持开展。中国的绿色基础设施(Green Infrastructure,G l)研究主要聚焦国土空间规划背景下管控土地利用并引导新的城乡结构、挖掘生态系统复杂性和多样性,同时,强调其在存量更新中微观及中观层面的社会性和地方性。绿色基础设施作为支撑人类社会与自然的“绿色生命支持系统”,与传统绿色空间相比,更注重对自然与半自然要素的多尺度审视,

2、强调尺度分类、多功能效益与网络建设,可引导各生态规划协同开展。早在19 世纪50 年代,绿色基础设施概念起源于绿地规划,旨在为社会提供多种功能和效益的开放空间完整网络。2 0 世纪9 0 年代初,查尔斯利特尔首次明确定义绿色基础设施为“绿道系统的扩展”和“全新的基础设施类别”,将绿色基础设施概念正式引入公众视野。至今,虽然在不同的国家、地区和学科中,对于绿色基础设施的理解不尽相同,但绿色基础设施的概念反映了城市发展中从环境质量到生态效益综合理解的动态过程。绿色基础设施肩负着提升生态系统服务与稳定性,应对全球气候变化等环境风险的重要任务,在经历扰动的同时保持适应压力和变化的韧性能力,成为国际和地


4、作机制;剖析了拉丁美洲的安第斯山脉地区城市化进程,以及当代高山人居如何通过与传统智慧、社区内外的多元主体、以及知识生产和转化过程中的多维合作,推动绿基体系应对人地和城乡发展的不平衡;联合国视角的景观干预过程中整合生态一社会一经济维度,促进协同发展,并建议中国在景观治理领域行动策略,从而有效参与到全球生态治理中。中国正处在国土空间规划体系深化改革的关键时期,且在绿色基础设施韧性的国际合作研究中,扮演着越来越重要的角色,本期研讨立足国际视野,不仅为借鉴国际经验的中国学术研究提供素材,也为开展全球科研合作打开窗口。主编2024年2 月4日园林/2 0 2 4年/第41卷/第0 3期Green Inf

5、rastructure from a Resilience PerspectiveCurrenty,international organizations,especially those represented by theUnitedNations Human Settlements Programme(UN-Habitat),Environment Programme(UNEP),the Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO)and the United Nations Develop-ment Programme(UNDP),have propos

6、ed synergistic support for governance,man-agement,spatial practice,data science and finance in their work frameworks.GreenInfrastructure(GI)research in China focuses on controling land use and guiding newurban and rural structures in the context of trritorial spatial planning,tapping into thecomplex

7、ity and diversity of ecosystems,and at the same time emphasizes its socialand local nature at the micro and meso levels of stock renewal.As a green life sup-port system supporting human society and nature,green infrastructure,comparedwith traditional green space,focuses more on the multi-scale exami

8、nation of naturaland semi-natural elements,emphasizes scale classification,multi-functional benefitsand network construction,and can guide the synergistic development of various eco-logical plans.As early as the 1850s,the concept of green infrastructure originated in greenspace planning to provide s

9、ociety with a complete network of open spaces with mul-tiple functions and benefits.In the early 1990s,Charles Lite introduced the conceptof green infrastructure to the public by explicitly defining it for the first time as anextension of the greenway system and“a whole new category of infrastructur

10、e.To date,although the understanding of green infrastructure varies across countries,regions and disciplines,the concept of green infrastructure reflects the dynamicprocess of urban development from environmental quality to a comprehensive under-standing of eco-efficiency.Green infrastructure should

11、ers the important tasks of en-hancing ecosystem services and stabilty,responding to environmental risks such asglobal climate change,and maintaining the resilience capacity to adapt to pressuresand changes while experiencing perturbations,and has become one of the commoncontexts for exploring ecolog

12、ical spatial governance at the international and regionallevels.The topic of this issue,International Experience in Research on Resilience ofGreen Infrastructure,focuses on international perspectives and cooperation in greeninfrastructure resilience research,and summarizes the research progress in i

13、ntegratedgovernance,planning technology and management and operation and maintenancein recent years.Based on the three major ecosystem service types of regulation,provisioning and culture,the indicators and corresponding weights for assessing thetrade-off between supply and demand of ecosystem servi

14、ces were selected,and theecosystem service value assessment model and optimization direction under the ruralecological spatial planning scenario were constructed;The development lineage ofgreen infrastructure planning in Budapest was sorted out,and the investigation andanalysis of the existing green

15、 space and natural resources and the management of itscategorized implementation and revelation,etc.were elaborated;The basic conceptof Eco-DRR and its development process in disaster prevention and reduction re-search practice in Japan were explored,and a working mechanism in terms of sup-pressing

16、the occurrence of hazardous natural phenomena,avoiding risk-exposednessand reducing vulnerability was formed;the urbanization process in the Andes regionof Latin America,as well as how contemporary high-alitude human setlements pro-mote the green base system to address the imbalance of human land an

17、d urban-ru-ral development through various measures were analyzed;The ecological,social,andeconomic dimensions of landscape intervention from the perspective of the UnitedNations were integrated,and the Chinas action strategies in the field of landscapegovernance were proposed,so as to effectively p

18、articipate in global ecological gover-nance.China is in a critical period of deepening reform of its spatial planning system,and is playing an increasingly important role in international cooperative researchon the resilience of green infrastructure.This issue is based on an international per-spective,which not only provides material for Chinese academic research based oninternational experience,but also opens a window for global research cooperation.Editor-in-ChiefFebruary 4th,2024

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