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1、新概念一L5-6知识点一、单词:1、Mr名词。用法:Mr本来是Mister的缩写,用于称呼先生,但是在英国多不加缩写标点。不可放在不加姓的名字前使用(用于姓前)。Mr.(John) Smith(约翰)史密斯先生(Mr.John)。亦可冠于官职之前作为称呼用。Mr.Chaiman!主席先生!Mr.President 总统先生。Good morning, Mr.Blake.早上好,布莱克先生。2、good形容词。短语:do good to有益于/be good at擅长于用法:This is a very good school.这是一所好学校。good morning早上好3、morning名词

2、 1、早晨;上午。2、早期,初期,黎明。短语:in the morning在早上。用法:指特定日子及星期几的早晨时,介词用on.。Ill meet you on Saturday morning.我将在星期六早上和你见面。/也可与this ,tomorrow,next,every,all等连接。 every morning.每天早晨4、Miss小姐,同Mr.用法5、new 反义:old,past.eg: She is a new student6、student1、学生(美)指中学以上的学生。2、研究者,学者。短语:student teacher 实习教师,教学实习生 例句:They are

3、students。他们是学生。7、French法国的,法国人的,法语的;n.法语 短语:French franc法国法郎 eg: She is French 她是法国人 My mother speaks French.我母亲说法语。8、German名词:1、德国人 2、德语。形容词:1、德国(人)的 2、德语的。 Germany 名词,德国 He is German. 短语:German mark 德国马克9、nice好的,可爱的,令人愉快的。 同义:good, nice. 10、meet动词:1、相遇,相逢2、迎接 have a meeting 名词:集会,会 Nice to meet yo

4、u .见到你很高兴11、Chinese中国(人)的,汉语的, 中国文化的。eg: She is Chinese. 他是中国人11、too1、也,又,而且 2、太,过于。eg: She is Chinese ,too .她也是中国人 用法:tooto结构。I am too tired to walk. 我太累了不能走了五、本节语法:1、be 动词:我是am,你是are I am you are, is连着他她它, he is 、she is 、it is ,单数is复数 are。我们是we are 你们是you are 他们是 they are 2、代词表格:一、单词:makeLet sb do

5、 sth./make sb do sth.使某人做某事二、语法:选择疑问句:提出两种或两种以上的情况,要求对方选择一种情况回答,这种问句叫做选择疑问句,选择疑问句的两种或两种以上的情况用or 连接,回答时不能用yes 或no,语调一般是第一种选择用升调,最后一种选择用降调,选择疑问句可以分为一般选择疑问句和特殊选择疑问句两种。1、一般选择疑问句:句型:一般疑问句+被选择的情况+. +or+被选择的情况?Are you a worker or a student?你是个工作还是个学生?2、特殊选择疑问句:句型:特殊疑问句,+A or B?Which is bigger, Beijing or T

6、okyo? 哪个城市大些,北京还是东京?注意:or之后如果是单数可数名词,必须要加上冠词a 或 an.a child一个小孩,an apple一个苹果。There is a cup and an apple in her hand.她手里有一个茶杯和一个苹果。新概念一 Lesson56课内语法考核一、单词连线good 新的 German 日本人 nice 好 Korean 法国人new 学生 Japanese 德国人morning 美好的 Chinese 韩国人student 早晨 French 中国人二、仿照例句根据答案选择并写出相应的疑问句。 What nationality is -?

7、What his / her name ? What make is your car ?例:Sophie is French What nationality is Sophie ?1.His name is Michel._2.Its a Toyota._3.William is English._4.Her name is Naoko._新概念一Lesson 56测试一、单词(要求学生在字母线里默写)先生好早晨小姐新的学生法国人德国人美好的遇见日本人韩国人中国人也(产品的)牌号瑞典的美国的 英国的意大利的二、课文翻译连线Good morning,Mr.Blake.她也是中国人。This

8、is Miss Sophie Dupont.他是法国人。Sophie is a new student.这位是直子。She is French.她是法国人。He is German.见到你很高兴。Nice to meet you.索菲娅是一个新学生。And this is Naoko.这是索菲娅 杜邦小姐。Shes Chinese ,too.早上好,布莱克先生。三、语法词汇1.Good morning. _A good morning B Good morning C Morning good D Morning good 2._Mary.She is a new student.A This

9、 is B She is C shes D It is3.This is Hans. _German.A Hes B His C He D Hes4.Nice to meet you. _.A Good morning B Hi C How do you do D Nice to meet you5._Sophie. He is Korean. Nice to meet you. A That is Hans B This is Hans C It is Hans D He is Hans6.Naoko,This is Chang-woo. Naokok,_?A nice to meet yo

10、u B how are you C how do you do D what do you do 7.Alice is a student ._isnt Korean._is American A He , He B She , She C It , It D He , She 8.Are you Spanish?_.A Yes,you are B No, I are not C Yes, I is D No, I am not 9.Im a new student._.Nice to meet you.A My names Relly B name is Relly C My name ar

11、e Relly D Relly is me 四.句子变换1.This is a book.变一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_变否定句:_五.填空 用He,She或It填空1.Alice is a student._isnt German._is French 2.This is her car._is a French car.3 Hans is a student._isnt French._is German.4.This is his car. _is a German car.用aan填空This is _Chinese car.This is _English car.This is _American car.This is _Italian car.This is _book.六、变选择疑问句1 This is Liuming.(ChineseEnglish)2 This is a Fiat.(ItalianEnglish)

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