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1、 江苏省东台市实验初中2013年春学期5月初三英语考试试题(考试时间:120分钟 卷面总分:140分) 试卷(选择题 共80 分) 一、听力(共20题, 每小题1分,计20分)(请将正确的答案填涂在答卡对应的位置上) A.听对话回答问题(计10分) 本部分共有10小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话读两遍,听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间做答。 ( )1. What sport does the man probably like best? A. B. C. ( )2. What is the girl doing at the moment?( )3.

2、 How did the woman feel about the soap opera? A. B. C. ( )4. When was Hangzhou Bay Bridge opened to traffic?( )5. Whats the percentage of boys in the boys class? A. 50% B.60% C.40% ( )6. How is the woman going to the airport? A. By plane. B. By train C. By car ( )7. What happened to Kate? A. She los

3、t her math book. B. Her math teacher doesnt like her. C. She didnt pass her math exam. ( )8. When did Ann go shopping this week? A. On Sunday B. On Friday C. On Saturday ( )9. How much money does the woman have now? A. 10 B. 5 C. 3 ( )10.What does Jane most probably do? A. An actress. B. A director.

4、 C. A pop singer. B.听对话和短文回答问题。你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,对话和短文各听两遍。 听一段对话,回答1112题。 ( ) 11. When did the man buy the robot? A. Last Sunday. B. Last Saturday. C. Last Thursday. ( ) 12. What cant the robot help the man to do? A. Make the bed. B. Do the laundry. C. Look after the children. 听第一篇短文,回答1315小题。 Why is h

5、iking popular Reason 1 healthy and relaxing good exercise without 13 Reason 2 simple and cheap what you need to do: wear a pair of _14 Reason 3 can help you get away from your 15 can make you energetic and confident ( ) 13. A. running B. jumping C. hurting ( ) 14. A. glasses B. boots C. trousers ( )

6、 15. A. daily life B. strange mood C. bad habits 听第二篇短文,回答1620小题。 ( ) 16.What does Steve do in the factory? A. A worker. B. An engineer. C. A manager. ( ) 17. How does he go to work? A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By train. ( ) 18. How does he spend his time on the way? A. Reading newspaper. B. Reading n

7、ovels. C. Chatting with someone else. ( ) 19. Why was he late for work one Thursday? A. He woke up late. B. He forgot to get off at the right station. C. He wanted to be late. ( ) 20. How did the boss treat him for his being late? A. The boss encouraged him to carry on his work. B. The boss shouted

8、to him angrily. C. The boss said nothing to him. 二、单项选择。(共15题,每题1分,计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 21. Diaoyu Islands have _ area of 6.4 square kilometers. They belong to China. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 22. The girl can say Happy New Year _ different languages. A. of B. with C. by D. in

9、 ( ) 23. Treat others like how you _ them to treat you. A. hope B. look forward to C. expect D. except ( ) 24.Li Fengs _ of devotion(奉献) to others will be remembered not only in China but also in some other parts of the world. A. achievement B. service C. thought D. spirit ( ) 25. Its quite strange

10、that the man sleeps with his mouth_ and his eyes _. A. closed; open B. closed; opened C. closing; open D. closing; opening ( ) 26. -_ I go to the park tomorrow, Mum? -Yes, you _. A. Can, could B. Could, can C. Could, could D. May, could ( ) 27. -Do you know what Millie and Andy were doing at 8 ocloc

11、k yesterday? -While Millie_ TV, Andy_ a book in the bedroom. A. was watching; was reading B. watched; read C. was watching; read D. watched; was reading ( ) 28. _useful advice on learning English! Thank you very much! A. How B. How an C. What a D. What ( ) 29. -Have you seen the film? -Yes, its well

12、 worth _. It is _moving that I want to see it again. A. seeing; so B. seeing; too C. to see; such D. to see; so ( ) 30. -Your daughter has never been to Hong Kong, _? -_. I will take her there again this summer. A. hasnt she; Yes B. has she; Yes C. isnt she; No D. has she; No ( ) 31. Once a year, pe

13、ople take part in “_ Lights” activity to help save energy. A. Show off B. Turn off C. Take off D. Put off ( ) 32. Its reported that CCTV 3_ the concert to be held this weekend. A. will cover live B. would cover live C. will be covered live D. would be cover live ( ) 33. -Do you know the result of th

14、e school drawing competition? -No. It _. A. hasnt announced B. wasnt announced C. hasnt been announced D. didnt announce ( ) 34. -You can use QQ to chat with your friends on the Inter - I know, but could you tell me _? A. when I can use it B. what I could use it C. when can I use it D. how can I use

15、 it ( ) 35. -Would you mind lending me your Chinese-English dictionary? -_ A. Yes, here you are. B. No, mine is lost. C. Yes, all right. D. Certainly not, here you are. 三、完形填空。(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Mr. Young has a big shop in the center of the city. He tells all his

16、employees to be 36 to the buyers and he gets a lot of 37 . One day an old woman went to the shop to 38 a silk blouse. When she came out of the shop with the blouse, she 39 her wallet in it. A girl picked it up and 40 there were nearly five hundred dollars in it. She looked around and 41 saw it. She

17、put it into her 42 quickly. Soon the old woman came back to look for it, of course she 43 . That evening Mr. Young was told about it. He was very 44 and sent the girl away. Then he decided to employ an honest man to take her 45 . Several young men came, but 46_ of them could satisfy him. This mornin

18、g a young man came to his 47 . He asked, Do you smoke, sir? No, sir, answered the young man. Do you 48 ? No, sir. Mr. Young asked him the other questions, and the young mans 49 satisfied him. Before he employed him, he asked him the last question, You have 50 shortcoming, do you? No, I dont, sir. sa

19、id the young man. I only like telling lies.” ( )36. A. strict B. friendly C. strange D. terrible ( )37. A. business B. surprise C. money D. hope ( )38. A. buy B. borrow C. look for D. lend ( )39. A. threw B. put C. placed D. left ( )40. A. found B. knew C. understood D. wanted ( )41. A. somebody B.

20、anybody C. nobody D. everybody ( )42. A. hand B. pocket C. bottle D. glass ( )43. A. won B. lost C. forgot D. failed ( )44. A. sad B. angry C. happy D. worried ( )45.A. place B. seat C. table D. chair ( )46.A. both B. all C. neither D. none ( )47.A. house B. car C. office D. pigsty ( )48.A. dress B.

21、 drink C. eat D. sleep ( )49.A. answers B. clothes C. knowledge D. face ( )50.A. much B. some C. any D. no四、阅读理解。 (共15小题,每小题2分,计30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Read for Fun The Mitchell school library holds a reading contest called Read for Fun in May every year. Read for Fun is used by the

22、students to increase their reading abilities and learn more about the world. This years reading contest was a big success. Students read books from the school library or the local public library. Magazines and comic books are not included. Students in grades 3 to 9 took part in the contest. Those wh

23、o read the most pages got the most points. They could exchange their points for prizes. Ms. Green made a chart showing how many points each student in her class had got. Six of her students went to the library to see their prizes. The children looked at the prize chart anxiously(焦急地) and then waited

24、 in line to pick up their prize. “Wow!” Tom shouted excitedly. “I can get a mini CD player. Its so small and I can carry it with me everywhere. Name Number of pages read points Tom 3,825 255 Mike 3,405 227 Susan 3,035 202 Helen 3,030 200 Brian 2,040 136 Lily 1,710 114 Prizes Points needed 5-inch CD

25、player 250 Telephone 210 Two movie tickets 175 USB flash disc(4GB) 125 Paperback 100 T-shirt 50 Ice-cream treat 25( ) 51.This passage is about _. A. the Mitchell school library B. the proper way of reading books C. how to hold a reading contest D. a school reading contest ( ) 52.Who can get the same

26、 prize? A. Tom and Mike B. Mike and Susan C. Susan and Helen D. Helen and Brian ( ) 53.If a student read 1,725 pages, what prize can he /she get? A. A USB flash disc B. Two movie tickets C. A paperback book D.A telephone.B In Memory of Princess Diana The Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fund is one

27、of the charities to benefit(获益) from the Diana Concert on 1 July. Princes William and Harry chose the Fund because it supports their mothers favorite organizations. The Memorial Fund welcomed the news. “We are very happy that Princes William and Harry want to help the Fund. We hope the concert is a

28、great success.” The Memorial Fund was set up within days of the Princesss death in 1997 because so many people wanted to donate money. In her life Diana did a lot of work for charities. The Memorial Fund is a way of making sure that this work continued after Dianas death. During the first year the F

29、und gave money to the organizations Diana supported during her life. She was well-known for her work with poor and disabled people in the UK and in Africa. The Fund continued this work by helping poor people all over the world. In the last ten years the Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fund has rais

30、ed millions of pounds. The Fund gave out 70 million to 350 organizations around the world. The Diana Concert takes place on 1 July 2007. The concert has been organized by Princes William and Harry to celebrate their mothers life. 1 July is Princess Dianas birthday and the Princes hope the concert is

31、 the “best birthday present she ever had”! -Adapted from Thames Daily (选自泰晤士河日报) ( ) 54. The Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fund was set up _. A. in 1997 B. in 1998 C. in 2005 D. in 2007 ( ) 55. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Princess Diana died in 1997. B. Princes

32、s Diana was born on 1 July. C. The Princess Concert took place on 1 July, 1997. D. The Fund helps poor people in the UK and in Africa. ( ) 56. From this passage we can infer(推断)that_. A. all the money of the Memorial Fund is used for the concert B. Princes William and Harry love their mother very mu

33、ch C. only the Memorial Fund benefits from the concert D. the Memorial Fund helps the disabled all over the world C Betty is not a traditional American beauty. She is unfashionable, has thick red glasses, untidy hair and large metal braces (牙套) on her teeth. But this hasnt stopped her from becoming

34、one of Americans favorite TV characters. So how did she manage to do it? The answer is that charm can be more attractive than beauty. Betty is the main character in a TV show Ugly Betty. The show is about her life as an office worker at a fashion magazine in New York. The TV show has just started. B

35、etty has many exciting experiences and romantic stories. Betty is often looked down on and laughed at by the people around. But she manages to do better than others with her hard work, charm and wisdom. The show tells us about how a girl goes from an ugly young duck into a beautiful swan. Though you

36、 may know the ending of the show from the beginning and the story is familiar to many of us, it has still been a big success in the USA. It has attracted a large number of viewers and won two Golden Globes awards, one of the highest honors for a television program in the USA.“ I think you can see a

37、bit of Betty in all of us, and I mean men as well, because its about the underdog ”,says Ashley Jensen, who plays one of the characters on the show. The program is so popular because of the performance of the 23-year-old actress America Ferrera who plays the role of Betty. She brings the character a

38、live on the screen. ( )57. Betty is popular because of _. A. her clothes B. her charm C. her personality D. her appearance( )58. Which is the reason for the success of the show? A. A large number of viewers. B. Two Golden Globes awards. C. The wonderful performance. D. Her life as an office worker.

39、( )59. Which is one of the highest honors for a television program in the USA? A. Oscar B. Tony Award C. TV Award D.Golden Globes Award ( )60.The underlined word “underdog” in Chinese means _. A. 弱者 B. 强者 C. 残疾人 D. 健康人 D You may go on a trip to someplace in the coming summer holiday. Please read the

40、 following passage carefully. One bag, thats it. The importance of packing light cannot be overemphasized(过度强调). Limit yourself to 20 pounds in a carry-on bag. A 9 22 14 bag fits under most airplane seats. And after you enjoy that sweet mobility and freedom, youll never go any other way. Youll walk

41、with your luggage(行李) more than you think you will. Before leaving home, give yourself a test. Pack up completely, and practice being a tourist for an hour. Fully loaded(全副武装), you should enjoy window-shopping. If you cant, go home and thin things out. Packing light isnt just about the trip over and

42、 backits about your traveling lifestyle. Too much luggage marks you as a typical tourist. Changing locations becomes an important operation. With only one bag, youre mobile and in control. Take this piece of advice seriously. Pack light, and pack smart. These days, you cant bring anything possibly d

43、angeroussuch as knives, lighters or large amounts of liquid (液体)in your bag. What to bring? How do you fit a whole trips worth of luggage into a small backpack or suitcase(衣箱)? The answer is simple: bring very little. Bring out everything you think you might need on the floor. Pick up one item(件) at

44、 a time and check it. Ask yourselfnot “Will I use it?”, but“Will I use it enough to feel good about carrying it all the way? The world is getting really smallyou can buy Colgate toothpaste, Nivea cream and Gillette razors in almost every country. Think about what you can do withoutnot what will be c

45、onvenient on your trip. When in doubt, leave it out. ( )61. What do the last two paragraphs mainly talk about? A. Packing light is a kind of travelling lifestyle. B. Packing light can give you mobility and freedom. C. How to find out what to take and what not to take on a trip. D. How to find out if

46、 your luggage is too heavy. ( )62. You are allowed to take _with you when you travel according to the passage. A. Colgate toothpaste B. lighters C. knives D. a great deal of liquid ( )63. The underlined part “thin things out” possibly means_. A. make things thin to bring B. make your luggage lighter

47、 C. take out dangerous things D. throw useless things away( )64. The writer seems to believe that _. A. people had better bring nothing when they travel B. people can use Nivea cream only in their home town C. the importance of packing light is overemphasized now D. you will be easily seen as a tour

48、ist with a lot of luggage ( )65. What is the best title for the passage? A. Dying for a trip B. Things to take on a trip C. Pack light and pack right D. Travelling-a typical way of life 五、任务型阅读。 (共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。请将正确的答案填写在答卷上。 Teamwork Is the Key to Business Success Today most businesses are looking for people who are good team players. The ability to work with and get on with other people is so important that many large organizations spend millions of dollars on

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