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1、 Unit 4 What would you do ?Section A第一课时 1a-2c新课预习: 1.捐献给. 2.加到 3.和分享 4.医学研究5.其他的一些人 = 6.仍然紧张 7.如果会怎么样8.不知道要做什么 9.不知道要去哪里 10如果我是你Use the new words to complete the sentences 1. One m sheep are kept on this farm . 2. Bill Gates gives lots of money to c . 3. He is wearing a black shirt and a pink t . 4

2、. If I had a million dollars , Id give it to m (研究) 5. I get p before exam because Im afraid to fail it .Grammar Focus 虚拟语气(the subjunctive mood ) 概念 表示与事实相反或根本不可能实现的事, 而是一种愿望、 可能、猜测、建议、要求或假设等。 结构:主句用would+动词原形;if 引导的从句用动词过去时, 如果是be动词,则用were. Fill in the blanks according to your study about the subj

3、unctive mood : 1. I (give) it to charity if I (have) a million dollars. 2. If I (be) you, I (wear) a shirt and a tie. 3. If I (be) you, I (take) a small present. 4. If she (be) a little fatter, she (look) more beautiful.点拨 1. Medicine n. 药e.g.: Take medicine on time . 按时服药。 medical adj. 医学的, 医疗的medi

4、cal help /research 医疗帮助/研究 2. 表确数:5 hundred/thousand/million trees表概数:hundreds/thousands/millions of trees Grammar What if +一般现在时从句 e.g.: What if he doesnt come ?要是他不来怎么办? What if it rains tomorrow ?要是明天下雨怎么办?Translation1. 如果我有100万 ,我会把它捐给医学研究。 If I one dollars , I it . 2. 如果我是你,我会把钱存入银行。 If I you ,

5、 I the money the . 3. 如果我有很多钱,我会把它捐给慈善事业。 If I much money , I it to . 4.如果我是你,我会晚点。 If I you , I a little late . 5. 如果我是你,我会穿衬衣打领带。 If I you , I a shirt and . 6. 如果我是你,我会带个小礼物。 If I you , I a small present .Group study .Fill in the blanks1. If I (be) a bird , I (fly) to the south in winter . 2. If I

6、 (be) you , Id have a small present . 3. What would you do if you (win) a million dollars . 4. He isnt at home now , if he (be) at home , I (see) him . 5. If I had lots of money , I (help) the poor people .Multiple choices :1. If I were you , I study harder . A. had B. would C. did D. do 2. -Come an

7、d join us , Jimmy ! C Im sorry , but Im really busy now . If I time , I would certainly go . A. will have B. have had C. had D. have 3. children in Africa have little to eat , and you can help them if you want to . A. Million of B. Millions of C. Five millions D. Million 4. If it rained now , we go

8、out . A. shant B. wouldnt C. wont D. didnt 5. If I you , I harder at math . A. were , would work B. were , will work C. was , would work D . was , will work第二课时3a新课预习: 1.用什么吧连接起来 2.变得焦虑 3.长粉刺 4.看起来糟糕5.参加大考 6.做得好 7.帮助某人做某事 8.看起来友好.Read 3a on p28 and answer the questions following : Note: “What If” me

9、ans “what will happen if or what shall I do if ” 即“如果怎么办/将会怎么样 What if I dont know what to say or do at the party ? If I were you , Id . What if I get nervous and pimples before big parties ? What if I cant sleep the night before I take a big exam ? 考点透析: 1.动词 + 疑问词 + to do e.g.: I want to know wher

10、e to go . Please tell me what to take at the party . 2. get nervous / look terrible (系动词+形容词) 常见系动词:be类;感官系动词look/feel/sound; 变得系动词get/become;保持系动词stay/keep . 3. tooto 太而不能 Im too nervous to say anything. (简单句) Im so nervous that I cant say anything .复合句 5. help (sb.) with sth. = help (sb.) do sth.e

11、.g.: He often helps me study English ./with English . 6. Doing 在句首做主语。Eating lots of vegetables is good for your health .Complete the sentences using the pharses in the article : 1. 我不知道说什么或做什么。 I know what . 2. 在聚会前我会紧张并且起青春痘。很难看。 I and before big parties . They . 3. 在进行大考前我睡不着觉。 I cant before I a

12、big . 4. 我太累了以至于做不好。 Im tired do well . 5. 你吃的事物可以帮助这个问题。 The food you eat could this problems . 6. 多散步应该能帮你放松。 a long should you .Consolidation:1. My mother let me at home and study yesterday . A. stayed B. staying C. stay D. stays 2. He doesnt know when he will start tomorrow .(改为简单句) He doesnt kn

13、ow tomorrow . 3. What will happen if it rains tomorrow ? (同义句) it rains tomorrow ? 4. - I dont know anyone ? C Just talk to Tom . A. How if B. What if C. How do D. When if 5. Im too nervous to know say . A. what to B. how to C. what D. how 6. If I (be) you , I (have) a first-aid book on nearby shelf

14、 . 7. They never knew what (happen) to the world in the future. 8. (take) a long walk should help you (relax) before going to bed . 9. If I were you , I the job ; you know , its not easy to fine one nowadays . A. would take B. would refuse C. can accept D. will take 10. Ill go to Anns party , but I

15、have no idea what to . A. put on B. wear C. dress D. have on 11. - I happen to leave the present at home ? - Just explain if to your friend . A. How if B. What C. How do D. When if 12. The little girl was too nervous (meet) new people .Test and comments 1. If I a lot of money . I would buy a new car

16、 . A. has B. have C. had D . having 2. If I you , Id take a small present with some nice Words on it . A. was B. were C. am D. be 3. The girl won dollars in the lottery(抽奖). A. million B. millions C. million of D. two millions 4. If I were hurt(受伤),I would get (medicine) help . 5. If I (be) you , I

17、(wear) a pink tie . 6. He said he had two (million) dollars . 7. If I w you , Id talk to your friend about the danger of smoking . 8. I wish I (be) 20 years younger . 9.(2007 江苏中考) C How much does it cost to build the school library ? - Four yuan . A. million B. millions C. millions of D. million of

18、 10. Who will play football next Sunday ? A. other B. another C. the other D. else 11. He didnt know what he should do at that time .(同义句) He didnt know what at that time . 12. We would be very happy if Miss Green here tomorrow . A. come B. comes C. will come D. came 13. Would you please tell me thi

19、s camera ? C Yes . Its very easy . A. where to use B. how to use C. when to use D. what to use第三课时 section B-4Learn by yourselves(自学): 新课预习: 1对有信心 2.做演讲 3.全校 4没有经过允许 5请求的允许 6介绍自己 7邀请某人去做某事 8根本不 = 9许多,大量 10与相处 11而不是 12宁愿也不愿对应习题1 What would you do if you had a m_ millions. 2 If I had money Id give it

20、to m_ research. 3 I get n_ before big parties and then I get pimlples 4 You should eat lots of fruits and v_and drink a lot of water. 5 C_ means people arent afraid of to speak in public. 6 E_means people are hardly ever tired. 7 I would start borrowing his clothes without p_. 8 Id wait for him to I

21、_ himself to me 9 Id I_ him to have dinner at my home. 10 Sometimes you might a_ people because youre so confident. 11 You have p_ of friends ,and you enjoy the company of other people. 12 What would you do if you cut yourself by a_. 13 You must always h_ medicine from children. Phrases and sentence

22、s: 1 What would you do if you _( 有一百万美元) 2 He doesnt know _(穿什么衣服) 3 _(如果我是你),I would wear a shirt and tie. 4 _(如果别每一个人)brings a present? 5 I dont know _(说什么和做什么) 6 They _(看起来很可怕) 7 I _(太累以至于做不好) 8 My parents dont _( 让我有一条) 9 Id wait for him _(介绍他自己给我) 10 What would you do _( 如果有人让你演电影) 11 Your brot

23、her borrowed your clothes_(未经允许) 12 Social situations _( 根本不会影响你) 13 People say that you are _(容易相处) 14 You like talking to one or two people _(不愿意和一群人) 15 You _宁肯在家)and read a book _(不去参加聚会) 16 She doesnt _(让他朋友失望) 17 I cant think of _(任何好建议) to give her. 18 What do you think of I should tell_(剩余的学

24、生) 19 Why would it be dangerous to_(自己见网友) 20 I _(匆忙打电话给医院) first. Group Work(小组学习) 1 Now ,China has _(数百万) cars. 2 _( 如果我不是你), I would give money to charity. 3 _( 如果他是你),she would put it in the bank. 4 _( 如果我没有来),youd tell the teacher. 5 I would help you ,_( 如果我有空) 6 They didnt know _/_/_/(何时走/到哪儿/

25、怎么做) 7 She is too young to go to school(同义句) She is _ young _ she cant go to school She is _ _ _ to go to school. 8 用tell, say , speak , talk 的正确形式填空 Who can _ me the way to our school? Now ,many people begin to _ Chinese in the world As a student , youd better often_ your parents “ Go back to schoo

26、l quickly”_ Mary. 9 Jack has bought a new pen, I want to have_ . A it B one C ones 10 选择“put on ,wear ,” Its cold outside , youd better _ your coat. Today my teacher _ a red shirt.教师点拨1 invite v. invite sh to do eg. We often invite her to have dinner invitation n. I wont go without your invitation.

27、2 without +n./ving/人称代词宾格 We wont go _(没有你) We cant live _(没有空气) They have got many books _( 没有买) 3 advice 不可数名词,a piece of advice / some advice 。方面建议 advice on. 4 hurry n. in a hurry 匆忙地 He has breakfast in a hurry. v. hurry to do He hurries to have breakfast. Hurriedly adv.=in a hurry. 5 虚拟语气:肯定句

28、if +主语+were/动词过去式, 主语+would do+其它 If 引导为从句,从句中的were 不受主语限制, 主句中肯定句必须是这个结构 If she were I , she would do that . If she werent I ,she wouldnt that. 6 one or two hours = an hour or two Three or four days = three days or four We will have one or two weeks holiday.= We will have one week or two holiday. 7

29、 everyone else 是不定代词/疑问词+else; else的所有格形式为elses Is there anything else? Where else do you want to go? 8 refuse to do / refuse +n I wont refuse any help . The boy refuse to help me 9 in public=in the public place经典考题1 (2008.贵州) Every year _ people in this country lose their jobs. A many millions B mi

30、llions of C millions D two millions 2 (2008.石家庄)We must _ a plan to improve our English . A pick up B catch up with C come up with D make up 3 (2008.泰安) -What would you do if you _ a million dollars. - I would buy many many things A have B has C had D having 4 I work very hard because I dont want to

31、 _(08,天津) A let my parents down B let down them C let my parents to be disappointed 5 Lucy is very friendly to her friends ,she is easy to _(08 北京) A begin with B get along C talk about D get along with 6 I would rather _ the chance than_her. A not to take , to hurt B not taking , hurting C not take

32、 ,hurt 7 _ it rains tomorrow? Will you still go there? A What B How C What if D How if 8 _the TV with a cloth , or the TV will get dirty / A Clean B Set C Cover D Wash 9 We have _ time to do our homework. A a lot B plenty of C many D a lots of 10 We are going to visit Canada and will stay there for

33、_ A one or two days B one and two days C one or two days 11 ZhangLis work is better than_ A anyone else B anyones else C anyones D anyone elses 12 Jenny refused _ my question when I asked her. A answer B answers C to answer D answering 13 Confident people arent afraid to speak_ A on public B in publ

34、ic C in the public D at public巩固性练习:一、单词 1 HuoYingdong gave a lot of money to medical r_ 2 Every year m_ of trees are planted in spring. 3 Kate introduced h_ at the beginning of the class this morning. 4 Dont take away anything from her without p_ 5 YaoMing is an e_ player , he never feels tired. 6

35、He went _( 楼下) to open the door 7 He put all the books on these _(架子) 8 A friend _( 提供) you tea and drink at the party. 9 He rushed out of the room and took the boy to _(安全) 10 He fell down and _(受伤)his left leg badly.二、根据汉语意思完成句子 1、这件事一点也没有打扰他。It didnt _ him _ _ _ 2 你不会让我失望对吗?You _ _ _ _, will you?

36、 3 你不应该在未经允许的情况下拿父母的钱 You should not take your parents money _ _. 4 他的新书下月出版 His new book will _ _ next month. 5 任何人不得把书从阅览室带出 Nobody can_ _ the books out of the Reading Room. 6 他不知道是否应该带礼物 He doesnt know _ he should _ _ _ 7 你是个什么样的人? What_ you _? 8 你长相怎么样? What _ you _ _?第四课时 习题巩固 Self-study 一.根据句意

37、及字母提示写出单词1.He is an e_basketball player and he never feels tired. 2.Kate introduced h_at the beginning of the class this morning. 3.She is pretty outgoing. So she has a large c_of good friends. 4.Dont take away anything from her without p_. 5.When others are speaking in public, we should be a good l

38、_. 6.Dont b_your brother, hes doing his homework. 二.句型转换 1.I would buy a present if I had lots of money.(划线提问) _would you_if you _lots of money. 2.I dont like coffee at all.(同义句) I dont like coffee_ _ _. 3.He is getting along well with his classmates.(划线提问) _is he _ _with his classmates? 4.She is ou

39、tgoing and creative.(划线提问) _ is she _? 5.I dont know what I should say or do?(改为简单句) I dont know _ _ _ _ _? 6. Mr Wang has a lot of experience.(同义句) Mr Wang has _ _experience.Groupstudy 一.用所给单词适当形式填空1 You shouldnt wear my shirt without my _(permit). 2 I would rather stay at home doing nothing than_(

40、go) to the movies. 3. Im really shy and I dont enjoy_(go) to the parties. 4. I dont know how_(get) along with such a bad boy. 5. Your friends would probably say you are a good_(listen). 6. You have a big circle of friends , maybe you are_(fair) outgoing. 7. If you are more_(friend) to people, youll

41、have more friends. 8. If I had another ten minutes, I would do it much_(well). 9. Jim is introducing _(he) to us now. 10. Id rather stay at home than_(go) shopping.二.汉译英1.我宁愿呆在家里,也不愿出去。 I _ _stay at home _go out today. 2.你应当和你的同学相处好一点。 You should _ _ _ _ your classmates. 3. 这件事一点也没有打扰到他。 It didnt _h

42、im _ _ _. 4.不经允许,任何人不得把书带出图书馆。 Nobody can_ _the books from the library_ _. 5.你们国家雨水充足。 There is _ _rain in your country. 6. 如果你想走的话,必须得到他的允许。 You must _ _ _if you want to leave early. 7.他喜欢晚上去公园,而不喜欢早晨去。 He went to the park in the evening _ _in the morning. 8. 这个男孩不怕在公共场所讲话。 The boy is not afraid _

43、_ _ _. 9. 他不知道怎样使用MP4。 He doesnt know _ _ _the MP4 player. 10. 你的工作进展怎么样? How are you _ _ _your work?Test and comments一. 单项选择 1.You did it for yourself _for me. A. instead B. than C rather than D. more than 2.Its dark. I would rather _in bed than _a walk outside. A. lie, take B. to lie, to take C. l

44、ie, to take D. to lie, taking 3.He would rather _a good book than _out to play. A. to read, to go B. reading, going C. read, go D. to read, going 4.”Hello, everyone! Please let me _.” A. to introduce myself B. introduce myself C. introduce me 5.If someone said _about you, what would you do? A. bad something B. something bad C. bad anything D. nothing bad 6.We have _time to do our homework. A. a lot B. many C. plenty of D. a lots of 7.-Would you like to play table tennis with me ?(2008,上海) -I dont feel li

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