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1、 20152016学年度第一学期第一次阶段检测 七年级英语 第I 卷 (选择题 共60分) 一、听力 (共15分,每小题1分) A) 根据所听问句,选择适当的答语 (听两遍) ( )1. A. She is a teacher. B. She is Lucy. C. She is my mum. ( )2. A. Im twelve. B. Im fine. C. Im John. ( )3. A. He is a cook. B. He is twenty-nine. C. He is fine. ( )4. A. Yes, I do . B. Im not busy. C. No, Im

2、not. ( )5. A. Its near the tree. B. Its in front of my house. C. I want to go the zoo. B) 根据所听对话,选择正确的答案 (听两遍) ( )1. What does Andys mother look like? A. She is tall and slim. B. She is short and fat. C. She is short and slim. ( )2.What does Lucy often do? A. She often swims. B. She often plays foot

3、ball. C. She often dances. ( )3. How old is Lilys sister? A. 4. B. 14. C. 40 ( )4.Which class is Kate in? A. She is in Class 2 . B. She is in Class 8. C. She is in Class 7 ( )5. Who has a pencil? A. Amy. B. David. C. Millie. C) 根据所听短文,选择正确的答案 (听两遍) ( )1. Amys school is _. A. small and clean B. big a

4、nd clean C. old and small ( )2. Amys school has _ classrooms. A. 20 B. 30 C. 35 ( )3. Amys school has _. A. a computer room B. an art room C. a music room ( )4. Amy has her first class at _. A. 8:00a.m B. 7:30a.m C. 8:30a.m ( )5. Amy loves Maths because it is _. A. easy B. difficult C. interesting 二

5、、单项选择 (共15分,每小题1分) ( )1. -What do you need? -I want to buy _. A. a box of crayon B. two boxes of crayon C. a box of crayons D. two box of crayons ( )2. Some _ are in the playground. They are very happy. A. child B. children C. boy D. girl ( )3. _ two libraries in the school? A. Are there B. Do there

6、 C. Is there D. Are their ( )4. -Where is your English _ desk? -Its in the classroom. A. teachers B. teachers C. teacher D. teacher ( )5. Lily, this is Jim. Jim,_. A. this is Lily B. Its not Lily C. I am Lily D. you are Lily ( )6. - _ cap is that? - Its my cap. A. Whose B. Whos C. Who D. Whoses ( )7

7、. Her telephone number is 88437629. You can _ on the paper. A. write them do B. write down them C. write it down D. write down it ( )8. There is a small park _ the shop. A. in front of B. front of C. from D. on left of ( )9. We can fly kites on _ days. A. rainy B. snowy C. cold D. windy ( )10. We li

8、ke Mr Wu because he sometimes _ us interesting stories in his class. A. tell B. tells C. speak D. speaks ( )11. _ the classroom, Lin Tao. -OK, I will. A. Clean B. Close C. Cleans D. Closes ( )12. -Whats this? - _ a photo of my dog Spotty. A. Its B. its C. its D. Its ( )13. Mr Black is _ father. A. L

9、ily and Lucy B. Lilys and Lucys C. Lily and Lucys D. Lilys and Lucy ( )14. -How beautiful Lucy is! She looks smart _ red. -Yes, the red clothes are very wonderful _ her . A. on; in B. in; on C. on; on D. in; in ( )15. -What _ in the bottle? -There _ some juice in it. A. is; is B. is; are C. are; is

10、D. are; are 三、完型填空 (共10分,每小题1分) Look here, please! Can you see the man in black? _1_ is Mr Lee, my English teacher. He teaches (教) us _2_ five days a week. He is a very good teacher. _3_ is he? Hes forty-five. He is _4America. He has a small yellow car. Its beautiful. Its _5_ the tall building now.

11、He goes to _6_ by car every day. He leaves (离开) home at 7:00 a.m. and gets home at 5:00 p.m. Tom and Tim are his twin sons. _7_ are not in our school. They are in No.1 Middle School. They are in _8_. They go to school early every morning. They are both good _9_. They are good at English. But they ca

12、nt speak Chinese. Today they are not _10_ school, because it is Sunday. ( )1. A. He B. She C. This ( )2. A. classes B. English C. Chinese ( )3. A. What B. How C. How old ( )4. A. in B. from C. of ( )5. A. under B. on C. behind ( )6. A. home B. work C. working ( )7. A. He B. They C. We ( )8. A. Grade

13、 Seven, Class Five B. grade seven, class five C. Class Five, Grade Seven ( )9. A. students B. classes C. girls ( )10. A. to B. at C. for 四、阅读理解 (共20分,每小题2分) (A) We have a nice and big classroom. There is a big blackboard on the wall. There are three pictures on the wall, too. There are six windows i

14、n the wall. There are nineteen boys and eighteen girls in our class. There are thirty-seven small desks and chairs in the room. They are all for the students. There is a big desk for the teachers. 根据短文内容判断下列句子正误,正确的写T,错误的写F ( ) 1. We have a very small classroom. ( ) 2. We have a big blackboard on th

15、e wall. ( ) 3. There are three big windows and six pictures. ( ) 4. There are nineteen girls in our class. ( ) 5. There are thirty-seven students in our class. (B) My name is Frank. I am from St. John Middle School in America. I am in Class Three, Grade Seven. We study Chinese at school. Our Chinese

16、 teacher is Joy Black. He is not Chinese, but he is good at Chinese. I have a lot of friends in my school. Jimmy is tall and has black hair. He is good at playing basketball. He is in the school basketball team (队). May is short and she wears glasses. She is good at Maths. Sandra has long hair. She

17、likes swimming. She is in the school swimming team. Maria is new here. She is from Hong Kong. She has black hair and big eyes. She is good at English and computers. Nick is tall. He has small eyes. He is funny. He plays football very well. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案 ( ) 6. Frank is _. A. in Class Seven B. a middl

18、e school student C. in Grade Eight D. a Chinese student ( ) 7. Joy Black teaches Frank _. A. English B. Chinese C. Maths D. French ( ) 8. Swimming is _ favourite sport. A. Jimmys B. Mays C. Sandras D. Franks ( ) 9. Maria is good at _. A. Maths and swimming B. football and music C. basketball and Fre

19、nch D. English and computers ( ) 10. Who comes from China in Franks class? A. Maria B. May C. Nick D. Joy Black 第II 卷 (非选择题 共60分) 五、词汇 (共20分,每空1分) A) 根据句意和所给汉语提示,填写正确的单词 1. There are many _ (绵羊) on the farm. 2. -Whose _ (毛衣) are these? -Theyre Kates. 3. Dont put your books here. Put _ (它们) away. 4.

20、There are some _(西红柿)and _ (土豆) in the kitchen. 5. - I cant find my mum. - Dont _ (担心). Let me help you. 6. My son likes _ (放飞) kites in spring. 7. Sandy sometimes _ (戴) glasses. 8. -Whats your father? -He is a _ (厨师). 9. Mum, I want to eat some _ (面条). B) 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 10. - Is this _ (Jim) ph

21、oto? - Yes, it is. 11. Stop _ (read) and listen to me, please. 12. Sandys father and mother _ (be) from Nanjing. 13. Everyone _ _ (be) here except Lily. She is ill today. 14. Would you like _ (enjoy) the sunshine with me? 15. This is my room and that is my _ (parent). 16. Millie gets up early and _

22、(play) basketball. 17. Its _ (rain) now. I need an umbrella. 18. Here are two _ (photo) of my friends. 19. My aunt is good at _ (dance). 六、句型转换 (共10分,每空0.5分) 1. Her hair is long. (改为同义句) She _ _ hair. 2. The woman in a blue coat is 30 years old. (对画线部分提问) _ _ is the woman in a blue coat ? 3. There a

23、re some flowers behind the house. (改为否定句) There _ _ flowers behind the house. 4. I have some bread and milk for breakfast. (对画线部分提问) _ _ you have for breakfast? 5. Turn to page 15, please. (改为否定句) _ _ to page 15, please. 6. I go to bed at 9:30 every evening. (对画线部分提问) _ _ do you go to bed every even

24、ing? 7. Peter goes to the zoo by bus. (对画线部分提问) _ _ Peter _ to the zoo? 8. I have some nice pens and rulers. (用Amy作主语改写句子) _ _ some nice pens and rulers. 9. We have a kite. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) _ you _ a kite? No, we _. 七、 根据汉语意思完成句子 (共10分,每空0.5分) 1、男孩们常常在户外做游戏。 The _ often play games _ _ _ _. 2、-你的外套是什

25、么颜色的? - 是白色的。 -_ _ is your coat? Its _. 3、每天,学生们都带重重的书包到学校来。 Every day, students _ their _ schoolbags to school. 4、- 为什么不去超市买点水果和蔬菜呢? - 好的。 -_ _ go to the supermarket to buy some _ and _? - OK. 5、你知道如何照料你的电子狗吗? Do you know how to _ _ your e-dog? 6、他们很快乐吗? _ they very _ ? 7、彼得喜欢画画, 他有许多蜡笔。 Peter _ _

26、pictures. He has many crayons. 八、短文缺词填空 (共10分,每空1分) Hello, everyone! My name is Ella. I am f _1_ America. My parents work in China, so I c _2_ here too. I am twelve. Now I am in Class Six, G_3_ _ Seven at No. 2 Middle School. I am a new student. My Chinese teacher is Miss Li. She is very n_4_ to me.

27、 I have a sister. H_5_ name is Marie. She is at a different school. I have many h_6_ . I like music and I love playing the p_7_ . I also like r_8_ .There are a lot of books at my h ome. At the weekend, I often go to s_9_ a film. I like e_10_ fish, and I look very slim and tall. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5

28、. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _ 九、书面表达 (共10分) 假如你是Jim的好朋友,请根据表格中提供的一张Jim家庭照片的信息,以Jims family为题写一篇短文,词数60左右。注意语句通顺,书写规范,可以适当发挥。 Jims family Father a doctor 40 a white shirt, blue trousers / Mother a nurse 35 a yellow dress / Sister / 3 a red skirt on the chair, in front of her father Jim a student 12 a

29、 green shirt beside his sisterJims family Jim is my friend. This is a photo of his family._ _ _ 七年级英语月考试卷听力材料和参考答案 听力原文 A) 根据所听问句,选择适当的答语 (听两遍) 1. Who is the girl with long hair? 2. How old are you? 3. What is your uncle? 4. Hi, Amy. Are you busy now? 5. Where do you want to go this Sunday? B) 根据所听对

30、话,选择正确的答案 (听两遍) 1. W: Andy, your mother is tall and slim, right? M: Yes. But my father is short and fat. 2. M: I often play football. What about you? W: I often swim and Lucy often dances. 3. M: How old is your sister, Lily? W: She is fourteen years old. 4. M: Kate, are you in Class 2, Grade 7? W: N

31、o, Im in Class 8, Grade 7. 5. M: Do yo u have a pencil, Amy? W: No, I dont. But Millie has one. C) 根据所听短文,选择正确的答案 (听两遍) Hello, everyone. My name is Amy. Let me tell you about my school. My school is beautiful. There are many trees and flowers in it. It is also big and clean. There are thirty classro

32、oms in the school. We also have two computer rooms, two art rooms and a music room. We begi n our classes at 8:00 in the morning and go home at about 3:30 in the afternoon. I st udy many subjects at school. I have Maths lessons every day. I love it because it is interesting. We dont go to school on

33、Saturday or Sunday. 一、 A) BAACC B) ACBBC C) BBCAC 二、 1-5 CBABA 6-10 ACADB 11-15 ADCBA 三、 1-5 ABCBC 6-10 BBCAB 四、 A) FTFFT B) BBCDA 五、 A) 1. sheep 2. sweaters 3. them 4. tomatoes, potatoes 5. worry 6. flying 7. wears 8. cook 9. noodles B) 10. Jims 11. reading 12. are 13. is 14. to enjoy 15. parents 1

34、6. plays 17. raining 18. photos 19. dancing 六、 1. has long 2. How old 3. arent any 4. What do 5. Dont turn 6. What time 7. How does, go 8. Amy has 9. Do , have, dont 七、 1. children, in the open air 2. What colour/color, white 3. bring, heavy 4. Why not, fruit, vegetables 5. look after 6. Are, happy 7. likes drawing 八、 1. from 2. come 3. Grade 4. nice 5. Her 6. hobbies 7. piano 8. reading 9. see 10. eating 九、 略20 20

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