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1、 一、目标再现 1. 重点掌握并记忆与旅游这一主题相关的词汇和短语:one-way flight; round trip; Go straight along here. please come this way. have a good time; have a family meeting; talk about; go for our holiday; describe to do something; diving; on the island; press; by oneself等等。 2能正确运用一些婉转提出建议的句式,联系实际,谈论未来的某一次活动:时间、地点、人物和某些具体事项

2、。 3掌握有关电脑方面的一些专用语,对电脑的部分程序操作能用英语表达。 4能读懂有关flight的一些instructions,建立24时制的时间思维意识,以及登机的相关常识。 5了解并掌握由if或whether及特殊疑问词引导的的宾语从句。 6掌握方位词的用法,特别是介词的选用。 二、重点难点解析 1. David and Joy, come on, were having a family meeting. 大卫、乔伊,快点,我们要开家庭会。 come on在此表示鼓励、挑战、恳求、要求等感叹语,可译作赶快;来吧;快点。例如: (1)Come on, try it again! 来吧,再试

3、一下! (2)Come on. We are waiting for you. 快点,我们在等你呢。 (3)Come on. The film has begun赶快,电影开始了。 2. Could you please tell me where we show our tickets? 你能告诉我们在哪里检票吗? Could you.?句型中,Could不是过去形式,在此表示语气婉转、有礼貌。在希望得到肯定答复的疑问句中,以及在含有表示建议、请求和征求意见语气的疑问句中,常用some和something,而不用any和anything。 (1)Could you lend me your

4、bike, please? 请把你的自行车借给我好吗? (2)Would you like to have some drink? 你们想喝点什么吗? (3)What about saying something about your family? 说说你家庭的情况好吗? (4)Will you please give the poor boy something to eat? 请给那可怜的孩子一些吃的东西好吗? 3Could you tell us how long were going to be away? 你能告诉我们要去多久吗? 此句是由连接副词how long引导的宾语从句。要

5、注意的是在以连接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句中,从句的语序要用陈述句的语序。从句的时态要随主句的时态而变化。例如: (1)Do you know what time the train leaves? 你知道火车几点离开吗? (2)No one knows why he was late last night没人知道他昨天晚上为什么迟到了。 (3)I want to know how many English words you have learned 我想知道你们已经学了多少英语单词了。 (4)She asked how much it cost她问它值多少钱。 4. Whats the

6、number of the Smiths flight out of Beijing? 史密斯全家离开北京的飞机航班号是什么? (1)flight是fly的名词形式,表示飞行;航班等。 例:Flight Number 6141 to Beijing is ready to leave. 去北京的6141次航班马上就要起飞了。 (2)out of从出来(去),相对的词为into。 如:come out of the room 从房间里出来。 go into the room 到房间里去。 5. take, spend, pay, cost 四个单词意思均为花费,使用。 take常用于It tak

7、es(took,will take)sb sometime to do sth;spend构成的句式中,一般以人做主语,句型为:spendon sth或者spend (in)doing sth;pay构成的句式中,一般以人作主语,常用句型为 pay sb for sth 为付款给,pay off付完,偿清;cost一般以物做主语,可以解释为花费;价值,它还可做名词,意思是价值,价格。 It took my uncle less than two weeks to plant the trees. But its worthwhile. You see, we paid nothing for

8、all these trees, though they cost us more time and more energy. We spent almost 10 days last month searching everywhere, hunting for a farmer who is willing to offer us free supplies of young trees. 6Then there are long white beaches to walk along. along在这里是个副词,表示向前的意思。along作副词时,其前面的动词经常用的有:come, go

9、, crawl, walk, drive, float, fly, move, hurry, pass, roll, run, swim等。例如: Move along, please请向前走! Now, go along. 请直走! Pass the note along把条子传过去。She walked along by himself她一个人向前走。 The days glide swiftly along岁月如梭。 Come along! 跟我来! along 除表示上述意义之外,还可以作沿着。例如: Look at the trees along by the river看那边沿河的

10、树。 另外,along还可以作介词用。along作介词时,常常的意思是沿着。例如: We went for a walk along the road after supper 晚饭后我们沿着公路散步。 Pass along the car, please! said the conductor 售票员说:请往里走! 7Lets see if we can find some information about that city 咱们看一下是否能找到有关那个城市的一些信息。 Could you tell me whether thats a fast train or not? 请告诉我这是

11、不是快车好吗? 这两句是由连词if和whether引导的宾语从句,意思是是否。如果将一般疑问句改为宾语从句时要用if或whether连词引导,宾语从句要用陈述句语序。从句的时态也应随主句的时态变化而变化。if和whether在通常情况下可以互换使用。 例如: (1)Did you know if / whether he would come tomorrow? 你曾知道他明天是否回来吗? (2)Mother asked if / whether we needed some more tea. 妈妈问过我们是否再要一些茶。 在下面几种情况下不能用if代替whether: (1)当 wheth

12、er与 or not连成一个词组时。例如: I cant say whether it is going to rain or not我不知道明天是否下雨。 (2)whether用在不定式前面时。例如: He cant decide whether to go他不能决定是否去。 (3)whether引导的从句放在句首时。例如: Whether this is true, I cant say不管是不是真的,我说不准。 (4)whether用在介词后面时。例如: She is worrying about whether she can finish the work on time 她正担心,

13、她是否能准时完成工作。 8Id like to book four tickets, please. 我想定四张票。 book在此是动词,意思是预定;买票。例如: (1)You had to book early if you want to have dinner in that restaurant 如果想去那个饭店吃饭,你得早点儿定座。 (2)Have you booked your passage to Shanghai? 你到上海去的舱位定好了吗? (3)Could I book a ticket through to Hainan Island? 我能买一张直达海南岛的票吗? 9T

14、hat sounds really cool! 这听起来确实很酷! sound是系动词后跟形容词作表语。类似用法的动词还有:get, turn, smell, taste, feel, look等。例如: (1)It looks more beautiful in the sun. 在阳光下,它看起来更漂亮。 (2)The dish smells delicious菜闻起来很香。 (3)I often feel tired我常感到疲倦。 (4)It tastes better than it looks它看起来不怎么样,味道还不错。 (5)Her name sounds beautiful她的

15、名字听起来很好听。 疑问词引导的宾语从句 学习宾语从句,主要应当注意以下三个方面的内容:引导词,从句语序以及主从句的时态的一致性。现在以连接词的三种不同情况来进行宾语从句的总结。 1 连接代词引导的宾语从句。 Can you tell me who will give us a talk?你能告诉我谁会给我们做报告吗?(who是连接代词) Show me what you have bought for me? (what 是连接代词,原来的语序是What have you bought for me?) Please guess which subject I like best? 注意:在

16、宾语从句中,其语序为陈述句,其结构为:主句连接代词主语谓语其他成分。 2连接副词引导的宾语从句的用法。 Can you tell me where we show our tickets? (where 为连接副词,其语序应当为:Where do we show our tickets?) 你能告诉我我们应当在哪里剪票吗? Can you tell me how I can get the information? (how 为连接副词,其正常语序为:How can I get the information?) 你能告诉我怎样才能得到那些信息呢? Do you know why he is

17、often late for school? (why为连接副词,该句语序为:Why is he often late for school?) 你能告诉我他为什么常常迟到吗? 注意:常用于宾语从句中的连接副词主要有: why, how, where, when. 英语中连接副词与疑问代词是相同的。由连接副词引导的宾语从句为:主句连接副词主语谓语其他成分。 3以连词if或whether 引导的宾语从句。 I want to know if/whether you have already finished your work. Im not sure if/whether you will c

18、ome to the party tomorrow. I want to know if/whether you are a teacher. whether/if 的意思是是否,在宾语从句中是不能省略的,他们引导的原句都是一般疑问句。也就是说,当你判断该宾语从句的原句本该为一般疑问句,则在改为宾语从句时就应当用whether/if。三、典型例题解答与分析 例1根据句意选择合适的词语并用其正确形式填空。 1. The policeman _ the thiefs pockets and _ he was carrying a sharp knife. (find, search) 2. We

19、had five _ of cutting machines. Besides, we has just bought a new _ recently. (kind, type) 3. Tom has already _, and he _ the office. (come, enter) 4. We have planted trees for two hours and lets _. Her song _us. (have a rest, relax) 5. I like to play on the _ of the river and my brother likes to st

20、and the _ of the hill to sing. (top, edge) 6. These books _ me 20 yuan and I _ 100 yuan on books every month. ( spend, cost ) 7. I dont know against _ you fought. (who, whom) 8. I though I could _ the cinema before 7:00, but in fact I _ at 7:25. (arrive, reach) 解析:1searched,found(此句意思是:警察搜查了那个贼的衣袋,发

21、现他携带着刀子。搜查用search表示动作的过程,发现用find表示结果。) 2kinds,type(第一个用kinds泛指种类,而第二个意思是:新型的。type表示机器的新类型。) 3come, entered(根据句意汤姆已经来了,他进了办公室可知一个是来,另一个是进入。再根据语法来看:第二个空需要一个及物动词,而come是个不及物动词。) 4have a rest, relaxed(劳作之后休息一下多用rest。歌声使人心情舒畅,使人放松用relax。) 5edge;top河边用edge。山顶用 top。) 6cost;spend(物做主语,用cost,意思是:花(费)了。人做主语且句型中有on sth要用spend,其结构:spendon意思是:某人买某物花了多少钱。) 7whom(我们知道who和whom有时可替换,但如果前面有介词就只能用whom。) 8reach,arrived(第一句空后接地点,需1 2 3 下一页20 20

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