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1、 九年级英语11-15单元复习学案人教版Unit 11-15复习学案 Knowledge aims: The use of important words and phrases in Unit1-5 Ability aim: Can talk about the following things 1.ask for information politely 2.what you are supposed to do 3.how things affect you 4.recent events 5.debate an issue Main and difficult points: 1.Th

2、e grammar in the five units 2. The topics in the five units Learning steps: Step 1:情景导入 Pair work: Practice the conversations with the following structures 1. Can you tell me where the post office is? Turn leftright. Go past the drugstore. Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary? Could

3、 you please tell me if there are any good museums in Newtown? 2. What are you supposed to do when you meet for the first time? Im supposed to shake hands. 3. How do you feel about pollution? It makes me kind of angry. How about you? It makes me want to join a clean-up campaign. 4. Have you ever done

4、 sth yet? Yes, I have No, I havent. 5.There are used to be a lot of manatees. We are trying to save the manatees. Step2:自主学习: 复习掌握下列短语和句型并安要求造句 1. 1. take a vacation意为“度假,休假” 2. dress up in + clothes=dress oneself up in“用什么打扮起来” 3. take dance lessons上舞蹈课= have dance lessons类似的有 take acting lessons上活

5、动课;take singing/music lessons上音乐课 4. a good place to eat “吃饭的好地方” a good place to do sth “干什么的好地方” 5. 握手shake hands 6.特地(不怕麻烦)做某事 go out of ones way to do sth. 7.第一次 for the first time 8.使某人感到宾至如归 make sb. feel at home 9.餐桌礼仪 table manners 10. 习惯于 beget used to 11.自学 learn by oneself 12.顺便访问 drop by

6、 13.瞄准 ; 针对;致力于;旨在 aim at 14.例如; 比如 for instance 15毕竟 after all 16.有时;偶尔at times 17.应该做某事be supposed to do sth. 18 .本应该做某事should have done sth. 19.首先 to start with 20.到目前为止;迄今为止 so far 21.幸亏;由于;因为 thanks to 22. 盼望;期待 look forward to 23. 关心;关怀;照顾 care for Step3:合作互动: Group work: Make as many sentence

7、s as you can with the following grammar in groups. how to get to sw? 1. Can you tell me where there is a good place to do sth? Could you please tell me where I can get sth? If there are any food museums in sw? 2. sb be supposed to do sth. 3.Sthsb. make sthsb do sth. +adj. Yes, sb.hashave. 4. HaveHas

8、 sb. done sth? No, sb. havent hasnt. 2. sb.be dong sth. 3. sb.do sth 4. used to do sth 5. sth be done. 6. sb. have done sth Step4:梳理归纳: 1. Go past the park and turn left onto Oak Street. (1)past此处作介词“过” go past= We have dinner at about a quarter six. (2)作名词“过去,昔日” 在过去 (3)作形容词“过去的 在过去的几年 (4)作副词“经过” T

9、he children ran . 2. The staff dress up as clowns. 服务员都一身小丑打扮 (1) dress up意为“打扮,装扮”as意为“成为”dress up=dress oneself up eg:圣诞节就要到了,他想打扮成圣诞老人。 Christmas is coming He wants to Father Christmas. (2)dress up in + clothes=dress oneself up in“用什么打扮起来” 孩子们喜欢用父母的衣服打扮起来。 Children often enjoy their parents cloth

10、es. or Children often enjoy their parents clothes (3)dress n. (a)可数名词:“女服,连衣裙” She is wearing a beautiful dress. (b)不可数名词“服装,衣服” working dress 工作服 evening dress 夜礼服 vt. (a)dress + 表示人的名词或代词为“给 衣服,给打扮”“供衣服给” dress oneself“穿衣,打扮” eg: 他太小了,不能穿衣服。He is too young t . 你能替我给孩子穿上衣服吗? Could you please for me

11、? (b)be dressed in=get dressed in +衣服或颜色 她今天穿着白色的衣服。She is dressed in white today. 3. a kind of, kinds of, kind of 的区别 (1)a kind of “一种”, 常作定语,表示种类,其后的名词可单数也可复数。 (2)kinds of “各种各样的”常作定语,也可写为: ,“不同种类的”为: 作主语时谓语动词看kind, kind为单数用单数形式,kinds为复数用复数形式。 Eg:(1)我们图书馆里有各种各样的书。 There all kinds of books in our l

12、ibrary. (2)他喜欢不同种类的水果。 He likes to eat fruits. (3)这种小车生产于日本。 This kind of cars Japan. (3)kind of “一点,稍微”相当于a little 常作定语,修饰形容词。 3. be made from 由制成eg: Wine is made from grapes. Be made from “由制成”它指原材料经过化学变化,从成品已经看不出原材料。Eg: Paper is made from wood. 有关be made的词组有 Be made of用制成(能分辨出原材料) Be made in 在地方制

13、造 be made into 被制成 (强调制成品) be made by 被制造 be made up of 由组成(强调组成部分) Step 5典题赏析 1. the bad weather, the swimming match had been put. A. Because B. Thanks to C. With the help of 剖析:本题考查连词和短语的用法,根据句意为“由于坏天气,游泳比赛被推辞”,C不符合题意,而because后加从句,不加短语,故选“多亏,由于”。 2. In the past few years there great changes in my

14、hometown. A. have been in B. were C.had been D. are 剖析:本题考查现在完成事态的用法。In the past few years“在过去几年里”用于现在完成时态。故选A。 Step6中考链接 ( )1. What are you going to do this Sunday? I yet. A. havent decided B. wont decide C. am not decided D. didnt decide ( )2. The boss told me that the work was not suitable my bro

15、ther. . A. in B. at C. for D. with ( )3. So far, how long you China? For one year. A. have; come B. have; been to C. have; been in D. have; gone to ( )4. How much does it cost to build the school library? for _ yuan. A. million of B. millions of C. millions D. million ( )5. We are looking forward to

16、 you this summer. A. visiting B. visit C. looking D. look Step 7能力提升 (二)选词填空 Anot her together return hour wind noise sister sometimes terrible nothing get sound Mary was in the house with us, but I saw her only once before. At that time, I saw her walking slowly from one room to _ 76 .I never talke

17、d to her . His brother and I read a book 77 and he told me about his 78 health .She had been ill since she 79 to the house three days ago. 80_ She would sit for 81 ,looking at 82 ,and then she became very strange to us . His brother said to me,“ One night there was a bad 83 .The wind blew strongly and it made 84 noise .But every time the wind stopped, Mary said she could still hear 85 .I did not know what they were ,but I was afraid .Mary became ill since then .” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1020 20

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