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1、.21-Why were you late for the class? -Its my _.A. fault B. error C. mistake D. wrong22. Some villagers say they _ UFOs many times so far. A. seeB. sawC. had seenD. have seen23. To our great surprise, the thief wasnt _ of his _ conducts at all. A.shameful; shameful B.ashamed; ashamed C.shameful; asha

2、med D.ashamed; shameful24. The Chinese government has made the Mid-Autumn festival a legal holiday, _ people will have a day off. A. when B. which C. where D. what25. -I think the company may not offer you a good pay. -_, I wont take the job. A. That is to say B. What is more C. In other words D. In

3、 that case26. Why werent you at the party last night? I _ the NBA game between Rockets and Lakers.A. watchedB. have been watchingC. was watchingD. had been watching27. Before you go hiking, you should _by your parents. A. have approved it B. have it approved C. approve it D. have it approving28. Her

4、e are some toys. You can _ one for your little son as a new-year gift.A. rule out B. pick out C. take out D. carry out29.-What does the baby do feed _? - Cows milk. A. to B. with C. on D. into30. -There is an old proverb, “Love me, love my dog.” It means a lot.-Yes, but there is _ wisdom in this, “

5、Love me, love my book.” A. some B. much C. more D. most第三部分 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)On the evening of last Sunday while I was reviewing my lessons in my room, it suddenly began to rain._31_as usual, I stopped to listen to the rhythm of the rain. For many years, whenever it rains, I couldnt 32 listeni

6、ng to it and thinking of the yard 33 I spent my childhood in my hometown. When I was a little girl, my family lived in a big house with a big yard in the countryside. The yard was full of flowers and 34 , with some bamboo in front of the wall. Whenever it rained, I 35 to sit in the corridor, listeni

7、ng to the rhythm of the rain and watching the _36_raindrops. When small drops of rain fall from the heaven 37 a row, they 38 a curtain made up of silver pearls; when the raindrops reach the 39 , a lot of small sprays will splash and then disappear slowly. I have been 40 interested in watching such a

8、 scene. Just as Indian poet Tagore wrote in his 41 , “The raindrops kissed the earth and whispered, We are the homesick children, Mother; come back to you from the heaven.” Listening to the rhythm of the rain, I feel calm and peaceful in my heart. This feeling of peace make me think a lot about life

9、. We are the 42 of the earth, and one day we will embrace(拥抱) our 43 and stay with her forever. Life is 44 and we should treasure it. Listening to the rhythm of the rain, I learn to understand the 45 of life.31. A. Surprised B. Sad C. ExcitedD. Angry32. A. standB. helpC. bearD. tolerate33. A. in whi

10、chB. from which C. behind which D. on which34. A. leaves B. animals C. children D. trees35. A. happened B. wanted C. wished D. used36. A. falling B. singing C. fallen D. broken37. A. from B. with C. in D. on38. A. make B form C. cause D. rise39. A. yard B. house C. hand D. ground40. A. always B. nev

11、er C. sometimes D. seldom41. A. novel B. poem C. play D. work42. A. children B. owner C. friends D. master 43. A. motherland B. homeland C. heaven D. earth44. A. happy B. valuable C. exciting D. short45. A. length B. meaning C. quantity D. quality根据句子的意思及首字母或中文提示,完成或写出相应的英语单词。1. My father told me to

12、 buy w_ book I like with the money.2. Yung people are always c_ about the new things.3. C_ with Yao, Yi still has much to learn and to do.4. People with c_ sense wont make such a stupid mistake.5. Every team member p_ at the meeting is supposed to give his opinion.6. Tom and Jack have made great _(进

13、步) in their study.7. The police wont give up until they find _ (有说服力的)evidence.8. What a great thing it is to be a football star! How I _(嫉妒) you!.9. There are ten students in the classroom, _(包括) Mary and Kate.10. Much to her _(失望),her son ,Jim, is still addicted to the computer games. 第七部分 从所给的词或短

14、语中选择合适的一个并用其适当的形式完成句子pay off base on make sure step up make up supply with1. He said his conclusion _ practical experiences.2. The airhostesses walked around to_ the passengers had fixed their seatbelts.3. The football team _ already _ their training to prepare for the first match of the season.4. H

15、ow can you _ such a poor excuse for what you have done?5. Dont complain about hard work, for it will _ in the future.得分评卷人第八部分 根据要求完成句子(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)1. People have shown great interest in his disappearance because some people saw the puzzling lights. (填入一词,完成下面句子,并保持两个句子意思一致) People have shown gr

16、eat interest in his disappearance due to _ the puzzling lights.2. A girl told the police she saw the missing boy walking towards his home at 10.45 p.m. on Friday night. So police believed the missing boy did return home that night. (填入一词,完成下面句子,并保持两个句子意思一致)According to the girl, a _ to the police, t

17、he missing boy was believed to have returned home that night. 3. Besides, 1089 footprints were discovered in the snow in the United States, according to which some people believe the Yeti might really exist. (填入一词,完成对这上面这段话的总结) To some people, footprints are also _ supporting the existence of Yeti.4

18、. We sat silently and looked at the beautiful pinks and yellows of the sunrise. (填入一词,完成下面句子,并保持两个句子意思一致) We sat in _ and looked at the beautiful pinks and yellows of the sunrise.5. This man spent all of his life living on a desert island, having a lot of adventures. Can you imagine living such a st

19、range way of life? (填入一词,完成对上句的评论)A feeling of _ is expressed in the last sentences. 假如你是王方,你的一个好朋友李华在北京,你们通过E-mail保持联系。在E-mail 中,你告诉李华,今年的寒假你打算去埃及旅游,并告诉他原因,同时邀请他与你同行。根据下面表格的信息完成这封E-mail。旅游地埃及原因1 古代文明发源地,历史悠久,每年有大量游客;2 探索神秘之地, 如金字塔,木乃伊,等等;3 尼罗河沿岸风光优美,可以在河上进行白浪漂流;说服李华同去的其他理由 (自己补充,至少一条)埃及:Egypt 古代文明:

20、 ancient civilization 参考答案第二部分 单项填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)21-25 ADDAD 26-30 CBBC第三部分 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)3135. CBADD 36-40 ACBDA 41-45 BADDB根据句子的意思及首字母或中文提示,完成或写出相应的英语单词1. whatever 2. curious 3. Compared 4. common 5. present 6.progress 7.convincing 8. envy 9. including 10. disappointment从所给的词或短语中选择合

21、适的一个并用其适当的形式完成句子 1. was based on 2. make sure 3. has stepped up 4. make up 5. pay off第八部分 根据要求完成句子(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)1seeing 2. witness 3. evidence 4. silence 5. surprise第九部分 书面表达 (满分15分) Dear Li Hua,How is everything with you? I am happy to see the winter holiday is coming. Ive decided to travel to E

22、gypt this winter. As is known to all, it is a mysterious country with a long history, where tourists can enjoy the beauty of pyramids and get to know the secret of mummies. Being one of the origins of the ancient civilization, it attracts tourists from all parts of the world every year. Also, the sc

23、enery along the Nile is perfectly wonderful and people can go white-water rafting there. Although it might be a tiring and dangerous trip, it is worthwhile. As a young man, I think we should experience some adventures in our life. I have got everything ready, would you like to go with me? Yours sincerely, Wang Fang

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