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1、学期教学计划第一.对大纲和教材的简要分析1.此书的设计和编写体现了外语教学思想的继承和发展。在分析、研究许多种国内外小学英语教材的基础上,取齐 精华,博采众长,形成了本套教材特有的编写体系。同时,又吸收了当今国内外英语作为外语教学的理论和成功的 经验,把这些教学理论和实践经验同我国小学外语教学实 际有机结合,以形成适应我国小学生的外语教学模式和教 学方法。2.本套教材具有以下几个特点:注重学生语言运用能力的培养,突出语言的实践性和 交际性。同时也突出语言的真实性和实用性。注重学生自学能力和学习策略的培养,为学生的进一 步学习或终身学习奠定基础。三.注重中外文化的双向式交流,使学生通过学习,培养

2、 未来跨文化交际所需要的能力。四.注重学生学习兴趣的培养,以不同方式最大限度地激 发学生的学习动机。五.注重融合学科内容,加强学科之间的整合和渗透,让学生通过英语学习来获得其它学科的知识。六.注重教材的灵活性和可操作性,以满足不同层次的学 生的需要。七.注重教学资料的配套,为学生提供良好的英语学习环 境,帮助学生拓展自我发展的空间。八.注重中小学生各阶段的衔接,以保证各学段的顺利过 渡,全面提高中小学英语教学的整体质量。第二.对学生情况的分析三(4)班,通过去年半年的接触和了解,该班气氛活跃,学生发言积极,能够较好的掌握知识要点,全班总体水平比较 较好。但有个别较为调皮,课堂上不能自律,平时要

3、注重对他 们的监督和辅导。进行日常教学时,要抓好常规的管理。调动 全班同学的积极性,激发他们对英语的兴趣。第三.教学总目标和教学要求小学生理性思维较差,感性知识丰富,喜欢游戏、新奇。教 师抓住这一点,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,不让学生把英语科 当作一种负担,而是重点培养听和说的能力,以使学生能够尽 快地用英语进行口头交流。教学要求:1.能听懂、会说12组会话和教师所讲的课堂用语,日常生活中的小对话,并能进行简单的交流。2.能听、读、认读50个单词和听、说、读、写26个字母(包括同学、家庭成员、数字、水果、方位、动物等6 个话题),并能简单地运用。3.能听、做6个“TPR”活动。4.能学会2个小制

4、作。5.能唱8首歌曲。6.能听、说、唱7首歌谣。7.能完成8个自我评价活动。8.能听懂6个幽默小故事。9.能了解6项简单的中西文化知识。第四.改进教学,提高教学质量的主要措施1.认真备课,抓住要点一节课时间很短,而教学目的很多,要发展智力,培养能 力,太多的要求会使学生眼花缭乱,昏头转向。因此,在 备课时,要反复钻研教材,查找资料,吃透教材,紧扣教 材重点和特点,分析教材选择教学要求,精心组织和安排 教学内容,通过听、说、写、演、唱等多种教学手段,使 学生多种感官协同作用,在轻松、自然的气氛中学习,保 持旺盛的学习精力。2.突出重点,讲练结合根据小学生的年龄特点,学习语言必须讲练结合,通过大

5、量实践和反复操练进行训练。这种训练活动在三年级起始 阶段尤为重要,突出。在实践教学中,为了提高学习的效 果,节约教学时间,必须坚持抓住重点,精讲多练。精,不是为了节省时间而减少量,是要高度地提炼。针对不同 程度的学生,难易不同的教学内容,有的放矢。恰如其分 地用形象、生动、精练、准确的语言突出重点,指出难点,说明实质。教师的主导作用应体现在:在教师指导下启发 学生思考,使其有目的、主动自觉地操练。并且要用实物 进行教导,一则贴近生活,二则小学生的注意力易被形象、具体、生动的事物所吸引,推动了英语教学工作,学生兴 趣大增,消除了有些学生的厌学情绪,提高了学习英语的 参与意识。3.利用各种手段,激

6、发学生兴趣在创设的英语环境中,通过听、说(唱)、读(看)、写(画)的操作,表演、游戏、比赛等活动激发和保持学生学习英 语的兴趣。小学生喜欢有新鲜感,做游戏假如样式每节课 都一样,学生就会没意思。因此,教师做游戏时式样要不 断改变,并且在做游戏时,要兼顾课堂纪律。小学生活泼 好动,课堂上做游戏固然很喜欢,但他们容易激动,激动 起来就把课堂纪律望得一干二净。一旦纪律不好,就会影 响下一步教学的进行。做游戏必须与纪律兼顾。4.营造英语的语言氛围小学生英语首先要让学生感知英语。课堂上,老师尽量多 讲英语,尽管初学者懂的英语不多,但学生可以根据老师 的表情、音调、语速及动作的变化来推测揣摸老师的意思。黑

7、板上的板书也尽量用英语。这样让学生完全置身于一个 英语语言环境中,无论从视觉上或是从听觉上接触的都是 英语,给学生耳目一新的感觉。教学进度表周 次日期教学内容课时备注12.10-2.16U nit 1 A-Letz s talk122.17-2.23U nit 1 A-let s learn/sayB-Let s talk2.532.24-3.2U nit IB-Let*s learn/sayC story time2.543.3-3.9U nit 2 A-Let s talk/learn/say2.553.10-3.16U nit 2 B-Let*s talk/learn/say2.563.

8、17-3.23U nit 2 C story U nit 3 A-Let talk2.573.24-3.30U nit 3 A-Let s learn/say B-Let*s talk2.583.31-4.6U nit 3 B-Let s learn/sayC story2.594.7-4.13Recycle 12.5104.14-4.20U nit 4 A-Let s talk/learn/say2.5114.21-4.27U nit 4 B-Let s talk/learn/say2.5124.28-5.4U nit 4 C story1135.5-5.11U nit 5 A-Let*s

9、talk/learn2145.12-5.18U nit 5 A-Let s say B-Let s talk2.5155.19-5.25U nit 5 B-Let s learn/sayC story2.5165.26-6.1U nit 6 A-Let s talk/learn/say2.5176.2-6.8U nit 6 B-Let s talk/learn/say2.5186.9-6.15U nit 6 C story1.5196.16-6.22Recycle 22.5206.23-6.29Final revision and exam2.5216.30-7.6单元(章节)计划单 元 名

10、称U nit 1 HelloU nit 2 Look at me单 元 教 学 目 标1.productivenew word:pen,pencil,crayon,eraser,ruler,bag,book,pencil-case,sharpener2.Classroom activities and commands:Let s do Let splay3.Intruduce oneself1.productivenew word:ear,eye,nose,face,mouth,body,finger,leg,arm,hand,mandsLet s do.Clap your hands sn

11、ap your fingers wave your arms cross your legs3.Dialogs单 元 教 学 的1.Difficult words Crayon,pencil-case,sharpener,2.Dialogsr m_.1.Difficult wordshead,hand,finger,eye2.GreetingGood morningGood afternoon单元(章节)计划重W hat s your name?Let s go to school.点、My name s.3.introduce the parts of难body to other peopl

12、e.点突1.利用学生身边的学习1.利用木偶,有趣、可爱、破用品,及教师卡片进行让学生学习身体各部位的重直观教育,反复操练。名称。点、2.通过教师与学生,学2.通过有节奏、有韵律的歌难生与学生相互介绍,来谣,来练习,巩固。点掌握句型。3.运用“人体部位歌”,边的3.通过唱歌,做游戏加说边表演,可以激发学生方深学生对新单词和句型的兴趣。法的印象。4.通过唱歌,做游戏(画怪措物施U nit 1 A(2.5)课U nit 2 A(2.5)课课B(2.5)课B(2.5)课时C(1)课共C(1)课共6分6课课配单 元 名 称U nit 3 Let s paintU nit 4 W e love anima

13、ls单 元 教 学 目 标1.GreetingHow are you?I m fine.Thank you.2.Read and say:color blue,green,yellow,red,purple,white,black,brown,pink,orange.3.Learn the commands and act out.Show me your red crayon.1.New sentencesI have a_.May I have a look?Here you are.2.Read and say:animals Cat,dog,money,duck,panda,rabbi

14、t,bird,pig,elephant,mouse,bear,squirrel.3.Learn the commands and act outAct like a cat/a duck/.单 元 教 学 的1.Greeting,then use in life.2.Color,can say“W hat color is it?,when painting1.SentencesMay I have a look?2.animalsduck,elephant,squirrel,mouse重 点、难 点somethings.3.SentencesLetz s paint!Great!4.sent

15、encesLook!I have a zoo.Super/cool/Great.May I have a look?Sure,here you are.突1.利用彩色蜡笔,进行1.Total physical破直观教学,反复操练。response全部动作反应重2.给小丑涂色,增添趣法,做关于动物的动作。点、味,又可复习头部的部2.通过盖棉被的游戏,用于难位和颜色的名称。单词的巩固教学。点3.将自己的物品的颜色3.优化师生情感,创造和谐的用英语说出老师或同学环境,给每个学生提供良方听。好的创新氛围。法措施U nit 3 A(2.5)课U nit 4 A(2.5)课课B(2.5)课B(2.5)课时

16、C(1)课共C(1)课共6分6课课配单元(章节)计划单 元 名 称U nit 5 Let s eatU nit 6 Happy Birthday单 元 教 学 目 标1.new sentencesI like _.Have some French fries.You re welcome.Can I have some chicken?2.Read and say.Food Hamburger,chicken,hot dogBread,cake,French fries water.3.Learn the commands and act out1.new sentencesThis is m

17、y friend.How old are you?Let s eat the birthdaycake.How many balloons?2.Read and sayNumber 1-10Balloon,kite,plane,ball,boat,Doll,car3.Learn the commands and act outClose the door,count the sticks单1.Difficult sentences1.Key sentences元Have some FrenchHow old are you?教fries.Letz s eat the birthday学Can

18、I have somecake.的chicken?2.Read and say重2.Difficult wordsNo.(1-10)点、hamburger,FrenchBalloon,ball,boat,难fries bread,waterdoll点3.Let s do3.Let s doTaste the tea,Close the door,Cut the bread.Count the sticks.突1.Total Physical1.Total Physical破ResponseResponse重2.优化现代教学技术,2.通过画蛋糕,并插蜡烛让点、激发学生的学生兴趣,学生理解 How

19、 old are you?难开拓学生的创新精神。的含义。点3.通过传悄悄话,新授3.改革教法,提供充分的实的或复习单词,字母,习践机会,培养学生的创新方惯用语。能力。法4.贯彻语言习得思想,4.通过游戏,找朋友来掌握措以多输入为主,尽量扩新句型。施大接触语言的量U nit 5 A(2.5)课U nit6 A(2.5)课课B(2.5)课B(2.5)课时C(1)课共C(1)课共6分6课课配课时计划课题:U nit 1 A-letz s talk 第 1 课时 教学目标:1-Productive languageHello!Hi!2.Dialogsr m.重点、难点:Greeting,Introdu

20、ce each other课前准备:Tape recorder,puppets,a flower,a drum教学过程(内容、方法、手段).W arm up1.GreetingClass begin(use the gesture,stand up)Good morning,boys and girls.Explain the sentence.Good morning,Miss X u.Ask them to say it.Sit down,please.(use the gesture)Practise it twice and let them use it.二.Presentation

21、New term begins.The students gather in the school.W e will greet each other.How to say in English?1.Hello or hi 二It s very easy,and familiar to us.2.Hello,r m Miss X u.I m.Pronounce it very slowly.Hello,r m Miss X u.Hi,F m.Practise one by one.Then in pairs.Ask 5-6 students to act out in the front.3.

22、Class is over or school is over(how to great)Bye,Miss X u.Good bye.三.Let s talk(Ss books open)1.Have Ss open their books.2.Play the tape.Ss listen and point to the characterswho are speaking.3.Play the tape again.Ss listen and repeat.四.Practise1.The teacher wears the puppet of“Sarah”,then say“Hello,

23、r m Sarah.Change other puppets to practise.Ask Ss to practise in the front,Introduce the puppets.Ask Ss to introduce themselves.Then can use their Chinese names.2.Let s playGive the flower to the first student,and pass it.Beat the drum.W hen the teacher stop beating,the student who is taking the flo

24、wer say Hi,V m.”板书设计U nit 1 Hello1.Hello.2.Hello,I m.3.Bye,Miss X u.Hi.Hi,r m.Good bye.课后小结:课时计划课题:U nit 1 A-let s learn 第 2 课时教学目标:1-Productive language pencil,pen,ruler,eraser,crayon2.Classroom commands重点、难点:Difficult word:crayon,eraser.Listen to the commands,then act out asquickly as.课前准备:tape re

25、corder,teacher cards.教学过程(内容、方法、手段).W arm up1.GreetingClass begins.Good morning,boys and girls.Good morning,Miss X u.2.Review:Hello.Hello,1 m Miss xu.Hi.Hello,I mBye,Miss X u.Good bye.Practise in pairs.二.Presentation1.Hold up the pictures,teacher one by one.pencil,pen,ruler,eraser,crayon.Pay attenti

26、on to it:eraser,crayon.Its difficult to pronounce.Ss repeat(class/group/single)三.Let s talk(Ss books open)1.Have Ss open their books.2.Play the tape.Ss listen and point to the words.3.Play the tape again.Ss listen and repeat.四.Practise1.Guess gameFace back the five cards.Ask Ss to guess what s the f

27、irst one?2.Let s do.Pencil,teacher takes out the pencil,then saysShow me your pencil.Show me your ruler.Show me your crayon.Show me your eraser.Show me your pen.Listen to the tape,then act out.Ask 2-3 students to be a teacher.Give the commands,Ss act out.W ho is the fastest,give the red flower.五.Cul

28、ture1.The teacher day is September,10th.Greeting:Happyteacher day!Ss make cards send to their teachers.Theteachers will say“Thank you!2.Learn the song:Happy Teacher Day!板书设计U nit 1 A-let s learnpencil pen ruler eraser crayon课后小结:课时计划课题:U nit 1 B-let s talk 第 3 课时教学目标:1.DialogsW hat s your name?My na

29、me is.Introduce oneself.重点、难点:W hat s your name?My name is.课前)隹备:tape recorder,the realia of schoolthings 教学过程(内容、方法、手段).W arm up1.sing a song:ABC song2.Hold up the schoolthings,then ask one by one.Let s do.Ss act out.Show me your pencil.3.Review:Hello,I m Miss X u.Hello,I1 m.二.Presentation1.The tea

30、cher shows the name card,then say“Hello,I m Miss X u.My name s Miss X u.Repeat the sentence twice.Ask a better student W hat s your name?”Guide the student to say“My name*s.”2.Let Ss guess W hat s your name?”meaning,if not,explain it in Chinese.3.Point to si,say“your name”,what s your name?Point to

31、the teacher(me),say“my name”,My name s.Teach it slowly,until they can individual speak.4.Class is over.Ss go home.They will say See you!Explain the sentence.Practice it in pairs.三.Let s talk1.Have Ss open their books.2.Play the tape.Ss listen and point to the characters who are speaking.3.Play the t

32、ape again.Ss listen and repeat.5.Read the dialogs after me,twice.Read it by themselves,(class/group/individuals)四.Practise1.Pair work:The students wear the puppets.Perform the dialogs.2.Toss a ball.Give the student one a ball,Ss say Name,name are not the same.The student who take the ball,say My nam

33、e*s.W hat s your name?”Then the game goes on.3.Let*s playW e have a new classmate.W hat will you say?W elcome!Clap their hands.Repeat it several times.Ask one student to go to the front.Act as a new student.Other students say“W elcome!”The student introduce himself:My name s.”板书设计U nit 1 B-let*s tal

34、kW hat s your name?My name1 s.课后小结:课时计划课题:U nit 1 A-let#s make 第 4 课时教学目标:1-Productive languageListen to the commands,then make a name card.2.Review the words pencil,pen,crayon,eraser,ruler3.Story time重点、难点:Let s makemake the name card课前准备:tape record,teacher cards,a blank paper,a string,crayons.教学过

35、程(内容、方法、手段).W arm up1.sing a song:Happy teacher1 s day!2.Review:T:Hello,r m Miss X u.S:Hi,I*m.(ask one by one)T:Hello,r m Miss X u.W hat s your name?S:My name s 二.Presentation1.Hold up the schoolthings,then ask one by one.Pen,pencil,crayon,eraser,ruler.Ss act out according to the teacher commandsSho

36、w me your pencil.Show me your eraser.Show me your ruler.Show me your pen.Show me your crayon.三.Letz s talk(Ss books open)1.ask Ss to prepare the blank paper,strings andcrayons.2.At first,the teacher make the name card,and thestudents look at T how to make it.3.According to the commands,Ss do it toge

37、ther.Draw yourself.W rite your name.Make the holes.Thread the string.W ear the name card.Say your name.4.Hand in the name card.Reward the students who make the beautiful name card.四.Let s sing.1.Play the tape,sing the song.Hello2.Divide the class into groups A and B(boys and girls),sing the song.五.S

38、tory timeListen to the tape,understand the story,then tell the story to classmates or parents.板书设计U nit 1 A-Let*s make name card课后小结:课时计划课题:U nit 1 B-Let1 s learn 第 5 课时教学目标:1.productive languagebag,book,pencil-case,sharpener,school2.classroom commandsOpen your pencil-case重点、难点:1.Difficult word penc

39、il-case sharpener2.Listen to the commands then act out as quickly as课前准备:teacher card,tape record,the realias教学过程(内容、方法、手段):.W arm up1.Sing songs Hello2.Daily oral greetingT:Hello,r m Miss X u.W hat s your name?S:Hello,my name*s.3.Hold up crayon,ruler,eraser,pen,pencil,name theschoolthings.二.Present

40、ation1.Let s learnU se the realia of pencil-case,bag,book,sharpener,use the picture of“school.The difference of pencil-case and pencil boxPencil-case:用软皮或塑料制成的。Pencil-box:用铁等较坚硬材料制成的。Show me your penci 1-case/bag/book/sharpener.2.Let*s doa.The teacher open the book,then say“open the book“and the tea

41、cher close the book,say“close your book”(twice)b.Ask Ss to take out the pencil-case.The same way to teach:Open the pencil-case.Close the pencil-case.c.Show me your sharpener/book/bag/eraserd.”Carry your bag”,do the action.e.Go to school”,do the action and say goodbye.W ave the hands.三.Practice1.Ask

42、Ss to put the schoolthings on the desk.The teacher say book,Ss hold up the book quickly,then say loudly book.2.Game.Draw a schoolthing.SI write down theschoolthing which he want to get.Other Ss guesswhat does he write.If the answer is right,the nest student go to the blackboard to draw.Do it one by

43、one.板书设计:U nit 1 B-let*s learn bag book pencil-case sharpener school课后小节课时计划课题:U nit 1 B-Letz s check第6课时教学目标:1.According to Let s check”,Ss know how to doit.Review the U nit 1.2.Let s chant,Ss understand the meanings重点、难点:1.Review the U nit 1课前准备:teacher card,tape record,the realias教学过程(内容、方法、手段):一

44、.W arm up1.Sing songs Hello2.Daily oral greeting3.Show the teacher cards,review the words.4.Simon says.Do the actions.Show me your pencil/eraser.二.Presentation1.The teacher takes a book from the bag,then sayI have a book.Say slowly I have aLet*s the Ss know the sentence.If the studentshave the book,

45、they can say Me too!z/.2.W e can use Me too in all kinds of situation.Eg:I like dog,me too.I feel hot,me too.I have a sister,me too.三.Practice1.Let*s chantPlay the tape,Ss listen carefully and familiar with the chant.I have a pencil.Me too!I have a book.Me too!I have a ruler.Me too!I have a bag.Me t

46、oo!r m going to school.Me too!Divide the class to two groups.Group A say I have aPencil.Group B say Me too!.Then clap their hands.Changeit to practice.四.Let s checkListen to the tape carefully(twice),according the sentence,circle A or B.Eg:1.Open the book.2.Show me your pencil.3.Good bye!bye!4.Hello

47、!My name is Mike.板书设计:U nit 1 B-Let s checkI have a.Me too!课后小节课时计划课题:U nit 2 A-let s talk 第 1 课时教学目标:1-Productive languageGood morning2.DialogsThis is.Let s go to school.重点、难点:Introduce othersThis is.Let*s go to school.课前准备:A hat,a tie a picture of bird教学过程(内容、方法、手段).W arm up1.sing a song:Hello!2.R

48、eview:Hello.Hello,V m Miss xu.Hi.Hello,r m.W hat s your name?My name s.二.Presentation1.In the morning(draw a clock),carry a bag to go to school.See a bird.Greeting:Good morning.Good morning.If you see the teacher at the gate,you should sayGood morning,Miss xu.2.Dialogs 2Meet you classmate,greeting:H

49、ello!Hi!Model the dialog,Ss repeat.U sing two puppets with nametags Mike and Chenjie.Have pairs of Ss pratice the dialog using their own names.3.Dialogs 3Mike and Chenjie meet John.Mike introduces John to Chenjie.This is John.Nice to meet you.Have groups of Ss pratise the dialog using their own name

50、s to introduce others.三.Let s talk(Ss books open)1.Have Ss open their books.2.Play the tape.Ss listen and point to the characters who are speaking.3.Play the tape again.Ss listen and repeat.四 PratiseIDivide the class into groups A,B and C.Say line one of each dialog.Group A act as Chenjie.Group B ac

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