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1、How Do I Learn English?Unit 5 I Love Learning English!第1页1.Be able to use the words:Hong Kong,storybook,magazine,newspaper,mistake,silly,oops,look up,at the same time,write down,along with,in/after class,be afraid to do sth.,make mistakes,laugh at,right now,thanks for2.To know some ways of learning

2、English 3.To learn some key sentences:Learning targets第2页(1)I speak Chinese at home,but I speak English at school every day.(2)Here are some tips:(3)So I look them up in a dictionary.(4)Then I can sing along with the music.(5)Dont be afraid to make mistakes!(6)Sometimes I make silly mistakes and I l

3、augh at myself.第3页 Do you like English?How do you learn English?Do you have any good tips to learn English well?Lead in第4页English dictionaryEnglish storybooks第5页English magazineEnglish newspaper第6页Hong Kongstorybookmagazinenewspapermistakesillyoops香港香港(地名地名)n.故事书故事书n.杂志杂志n.报纸报纸n.错误错误adj.愚蠢;傻愚蠢;傻int.

4、哎哟;啊呀哎哟;啊呀(摔倒或出摔倒或出小差错时用语小差错时用语)Words and expression第7页look upat the same timewrite downalong within/after classbe afraid to do sth.make mistakeslaugh atthanks forright now查阅,查找查阅,查找同时同时写下;记下写下;记下和和一起一起课上课上/后后害怕做某事害怕做某事犯错误犯错误嘲笑嘲笑因因而感激而感激立刻;马上立刻;马上第8页PresentationCulture Tip Oops is something you say

5、when you make a mistake.You can also say UhOh or Whoops.Read Teresas phone conversation above.What mistake does Teresa make?第9页1.What tips does Teresa have for learning English?Listen and tick the correct answers.Speak English every day!Speak to a foreign friend online twice a week.Read a lot and us

6、e a dictionary!Listen to English music!Speak Chinese at home,but speak English at school.Watch English TV shows and movies!Make silly mistakes!Lets Do It!第10页2.Read the lesson and answer the questions.1.What grade is Teresa in?2.What language does she speak at home?3.What does she often read?4.When

7、does she watch English movies?5.Where can you find the words for many English songs?Grade 7.Chinese.English storybooks,magazines and newspapers.Every Sunday evening.On the Internet.第11页3.Read Teresa and Susans phone conversation and fill in the blanks.Teresa:Hello?Susan:Hi.Is this Teresa?Teresa:Yes,

8、it is.Hi,Susan.Thanks for calling me back.I want to go and watch a movie later.But I dont want to go by _.Do _want to come with _?myselfyoume第12页Susan:Sure._ can come with _.I will meet you at the movie theatre.Can you get there by _?Teresa:Of course I can.Ill meet you there at 3:00 p.m.Susan:Great!

9、See you later.Iyou yourself第13页4.Work in groups.How do your classmates learn English?Interview them and fill in the table.NameHow do you learn English?第14页1.I speak Chinese at home,but I speak English at school every day.【辨析】【辨析】speak、talk、tell与与sayLanguage points speak 意意为为“说说,讲讲”。该该词词不不强强调调说说内内容容,

10、主主要要用用来来指指人人们们对对语语言言掌掌握握或或使使用用以以及及说说动动作作。其其后后常常接接表表示示语语言言名名词词或或用用于于短短语语 speak to sb.(和和某某人人说说话话)以以及及电电话话用用语语中中。例例:That woman can speak French.那位女士会说法语。那位女士会说法语。第15页 talk 意为意为“谈论谈论”,普通用作不及物动词,着重指连续地说,普通用作不及物动词,着重指连续地说话或与人交谈。惯用短语:话或与人交谈。惯用短语:talk to/with sb.与某人交谈;与某人交谈;talk about sth.谈论某事。例:谈论某事。例:Wha

11、t are you talking about?你们在?你们在谈论什么?谈论什么?tell 意为意为“告诉,讲述,吩咐告诉,讲述,吩咐”,经惯用作及物动词,后面常,经惯用作及物动词,后面常跟双宾语和不定式复合结构,即:跟双宾语和不定式复合结构,即:tell sb.sth.tell sb.about sth.告诉某人某事;告诉某人某事;tell sb.(not)to do sth.叫某人叫某人(不不)做某事。做某事。第16页惯用短语:惯用短语:tell a lie说谎;说谎;tell the truth说实话;说实话;tell a story 讲故讲故事。另外,该词还能够表示识别或分辨事物。事。

12、另外,该词还能够表示识别或分辨事物。例:例:He told us a story yesterday.他昨天给我们讲了一个故事。他昨天给我们讲了一个故事。say 意为意为“说说”,是最普通用语,着重指说内容,通常作及物,是最普通用语,着重指说内容,通常作及物动词。其后可跟名词、代词或动词。其后可跟名词、代词或that从句。从句。例:例:What did you say just now?你刚才说了什么?你刚才说了什么?第17页1.Hello!Is that Dave?Dave_.(贵州黔南州中考贵州黔南州中考)Atelling Bsaying Cspeaking Dtalking2.His m

13、other often tells him_too much time playing games.(湖北十堰中考湖北十堰中考)Anot to spend Bdont spend Cspends Dspending【中考链接】【中考链接】CA第18页2.Here are some tips:这个句子使用了这个句子使用了完全倒装结构完全倒装结构。当表示地点副词如。当表示地点副词如here、there等位于句首,主语是名词时候,句子就要采取谓语放在主语等位于句首,主语是名词时候,句子就要采取谓语放在主语前面完全倒装结构,即:前面完全倒装结构,即:There/Here谓语主语谓语主语(名词名词)。假

14、如。假如主语是代词时,则不用倒装,即:主语是代词时,则不用倒装,即:There/Here主语主语(代词代词)谓谓语语。例:例:Here you are.给你。给你。(主语是代词,不用倒装主语是代词,不用倒装)There comes the teacher.老师来了。老师来了。(主语是名词,使用完全倒装主语是名词,使用完全倒装)第19页3.Then I can sing along with the music.along with意意为为“和和一一起起”,相相当当于于together with。当当along with后后接接名名词词或或代代词词跟跟在在主主语语之之后后时时,谓谓语语动动词词数

15、数要要跟跟along with前前主主语语在在人人称称和和数数上上保保持持一一致致。例例:I like to go shopping along with my friends.我我喜喜欢欢和和朋朋友友一一起起购购物物。Our English teacher along with other teachers is working in the office.我们英语老师与其它老师正在办公室里办公。我们英语老师与其它老师正在办公室里办公。第20页4.Dont be afraid to make mistakes!(1)afraid作形容词,意为作形容词,意为“害怕害怕”。惯用短语:。惯用短语:

16、be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事;害怕做某事;be afraid of sth.害怕某物;害怕某物;be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事;害怕做某事;Im afraidthat从句从句恐怕恐怕;Im afraid so/not恐怕是这么恐怕是这么/恐怕不是这么。例:恐怕不是这么。例:Are you afraid of learning math?你害怕学数学吗?你害怕学数学吗?I am afraid of snake very much.我非常我非常害怕蛇害怕蛇。I am afraid that your answer is wrong.恐怕你答案是错。恐

17、怕你答案是错。第21页(2)mistake作可数名词,意为作可数名词,意为“错误错误”。惯用短语:。惯用短语:make mistakesmake a mistake犯错误;犯错误;by mistake错误地。例:错误地。例:Sorry,I took your umbrella by mistake.对不起,我错拿了对不起,我错拿了你雨伞。你雨伞。Dont be afraid to make mistakes in learning anything.不要害怕学习东西时犯错。不要害怕学习东西时犯错。第22页5.Sometimes I make silly mistakes and I laugh

18、 at myself.(1)silly作形容词,意为作形容词,意为“愚蠢,傻愚蠢,傻”。它修饰人时,主要是指。它修饰人时,主要是指某人因为缺乏常识、判断等而做出令人以为愚蠢行为或者举止。某人因为缺乏常识、判断等而做出令人以为愚蠢行为或者举止。例:例:Dont be silly.He is a dishonest man.别傻了。他是个不老实别傻了。他是个不老实人。人。(2)laugh作动词,意为作动词,意为“大笑大笑”。惯用短语:。惯用短语:laugh at嘲笑;嘲笑;cant help laughing 情不自禁地大笑。例:情不自禁地大笑。例:Its impolite to laugh at

19、 others.嘲笑他人是不礼貌。嘲笑他人是不礼貌。第23页.用所给词适当形式填空。用所给词适当形式填空。1.Here _(be)some answers to your questions.2.I can enjoy _(me)by listening to Beijing Opera.myself areExercises第24页3.If he meets a new word,he can look it up in a dictionary _(he).4.I practice _(speak)English after class every day.5.Can you ask he

20、r to come here _(late)?Sure.Ill tell her.laterhimselfspeaking第25页.单项选择。单项选择。1.My father reads _ because he likes reading news.A.storybooks B.magazines C.newspapers D.dictionaries2.When you dont understand some words,you can _ in a dictionary.A.look for them B.look them for C.look up them D.look them

21、 upCD第26页3.It is of you to make the same mistake again and again.A.silly B.kind C.fun D.excited4.Do you speak English or Chinese _?A.on school B.at the home C.after the class D.in class AD第27页.依据汉语意思完成句子依据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。,每空一词。1.你能帮我查个电话号码吗?你能帮我查个电话号码吗?Can you help me _ _ a phone number?2.课后我们常说英语。课后我

22、们常说英语。We often speak English _ _.3.不要嘲笑他人。不要嘲笑他人。Dont _ _ others.4.假如你想学好英语,就不要怕犯错。假如你想学好英语,就不要怕犯错。If you want to learn English well,dont be afraid of_ _.look upafter classlaugh atmaking mistakes第28页Words&Phrases:Hong Kong,storybook,magazine,newspaper,mistake,silly,oops,look up,at the same time,writ

23、e down,along with,in/after class,be afraid to do sth.,make mistakes,laugh at,right now,thanks forSentences:(1)Dont be afraid to make mistakes!(2)Sometimes I make silly mistakes and I laugh at myself.Summary第29页Good ways to learn English1.Speak English every day!2.Read a lot and use a dictionary!3.Listen to English music!4.Listen to the teacher carefully in class and take notes!5.Keep writing English diaries!Summary第30页1.Write a composition:How to learn English well?2.Finish the exercises of this lesson.Homework第31页

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