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1、Unit 2 Topic2All these problems are very serious.Section ASection A第1页pollution第2页many trees cut down第3页 forests gonewash the earth away冲走冲走第4页change into desert转换成,变成转换成,变成沙漠沙漠e.g.A lot of rich land has changed into desert because people have cut down too many trees.第5页 sandstormscome into being n.

2、沙尘暴沙尘暴第6页The boy and girls are talking about.A.different types of sandstorms B.the reasons for sandstorms C.sandstorms in different cities 1b Listen to 1a and choose the best answer.Focus on the main idea of the conversation when you listen for the first time.第7页Listen and answer the questions 1.Wha

3、ts the weather like today?Its bad.The wind is so strong.And the sand really hurts face.2.What causes these sandstorms?People have cut down too many trees.As a result,a lot of rich land has changed into desert.3.Do we still need to do something to protect the environment?Yes,we do.Although we have bu

4、ilt“The Green Great Wall”,we still need to do something to protect the environment.conj.即使,尽管,即使n.沙沙第8页 somebody,someone,something,somewhere anybody,anyone,anything,anywhere none,nobody,nothing,nowhere everybody,everyone,everything,everywhere普通情况下用于必定句普通情况下用于必定句普通情况下用于必定句普通情况下用于必定句普通情况下用于否定句和疑问句普通情况

5、下用于否定句和疑问句普通情况下用于否定句和疑问句普通情况下用于否定句和疑问句表否定含义表否定含义表否定含义表否定含义可用于各种句式可用于各种句式可用于各种句式可用于各种句式the indefinite the indefinite pronoun and adverbpronoun and adverb 第9页1.I have _ to tell you.A.important somethingB.something importantB形容词修饰不定代词和不定副词时,要放在不定代词形容词修饰不定代词和不定副词时,要放在不定代词/不定副词之后不定副词之后Do you know?2.Every

6、body _ ready for the match.A.is B.areA不定代词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。不定代词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数。第10页1c Read 1a and complete trees functions.A.Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away.B.A lot of water can be saved by forests.C.They can also stop the water from washing the earth away.Trees functions 第11页K:wind;s

7、and;anything M:sandstorms J:cut down;as a result;change into M:affect J:stopfrom;blow away K:can be saved J:wash away K:is harmful to;although;do something Act out the dialog in pairs 第12页2 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given phrases in the box.as a result,change into,do somet

8、hing,stopfrom,blowaway 1.People have cut down such a large number of trees that the land _desert.2.There are fewer trees left,so the wind always _ the earth _.3.Air pollution has become a serious problem,so we must _ to reduce it.4.we should try our best to _ people _ cutting down the trees.5.In the

9、 future,human beings can protect the trees well._,animals will live a happy life in the forest.has changed intoblows awaydo somethingstopfromAs a result第13页3 Do you know how sandstorms come into being?Number the pictures and talk about the sandstorm in groups.()()()()()()()()()()()()415362wash the e

10、arth awaymany treeschange into desertforests gonesandstorms come into beingcut down trees第14页4 A.Listen to the passage and circle the phrases you hear.pbecome weakerpdestroy the environmentpdisappear rapidly pon the earthpenough bamboo to eat第15页4 B.Listen again and fill in the blanks.1.Now some kin

11、ds of animals are becoming _ _ _.2.Some animals are_ _ _dying out completely.3.In the past,pandas lived a quiet life and had _ _food.4.Humans have _ _ _ the importance of protecting animals.5.We should _ _ _to protect them.do our bestin danger ofplenty ofcome to understandfewer and fewer第16页1.Lily,w

12、ould you like _ to drink?2.Cindy is very busy now.She needs _ to help her.3.Is there _ wrong with your computer?4.Jim looked for his pencil-box _,but he didnt find it.5.I stayed at home last week.I didnt go _.Use someone,something,anything,somewhere,anywhere to fill in the blanks.something someone a

13、nythingsomewhereanywhere 第17页We learn:1.Some words:sand,although 2.Some phrases:change into,human being 3.Some sentences:(1)As a result,a lot of rich land has changed into desert.(2)Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away.We can:1.Use the indefinite pronoun and adverb.2.Talk about the sandstorm and its harm.Summary第18页1.Read 1a.2.Memorize the useful expressions and key sentences which we learn today.3.Finish Section A in your workbook.4.Preview Section B.第19页

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