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1、开放英语I(1)参照答案 Unit 1 Unit 5Unit 1一. 填词。1. na 2. ta 3. ta 4. co 5. il 6. ti 7. ca 8. gh 9. a 10. a二、选择。1 5: b, a, a, c, b, 6 10: c, b, a, a, c.三、阅读。1 6: c, b, a, c, a, b.四、听力。1 4: 34, 302, 2170569, 2408.Unit 2一、填词。1. ea 2. a 3. oy 4. ar 5. ea 6. ch 7. er 8. ig 9. ee 10. ua二、选择。1 5: a, b, a, c, b, 6 10

2、: a, c, a, b, a.三、阅读。1 5: b, a, c, a, c.四、听力。1 5: a, b, a, c, b.Unit 3一、词语搭配。1. reception 接待处 2. luggage 行李 3. plant 植物 4. corner 角落 5. personal computer 个人电脑 6. photo copier 复印机 7. bussiness 工商企业 8. capital 首都 9. work late 加班 10. message 口信二、选择。1 5: b, a, a, c, c, 6 10: b, a, a, c, b.三、阅读。1 5: a, c

3、, a, b, b, 6 8: b, c, b.四、听力。1 5: c, b, c, a, c.Unit 4一、填词。1. c 2. ir 3. I 4. aw 5. me 6. an 7. u 8. vi 9. ai 10. er二、选择。1 5: b, a, c, a, c, 6 10: b, c, a, c, c.三、阅读。1 5: b, a, b, c, a.四、听力。How, are , things, Im, helpful, Have, got, parents, any, cousins, Do, have, I, do, 62, in.Unit 5一、词语搭配。1、便利 co

4、nvenient 2、神经紧张旳 nervous 3、问题 problem 4、打 ring up 5、寻找 look for 6、有吸引力旳 attractive 7、修理 repair 8、搜寻hunt 9、独立旳 separate二、选择。1 5: c, a, a, a, b, 6 10: c, b, a, c, c.三、阅读。1 5: a, b, b, a, c.四、听力。1 5: a, b, b, a, c.开放英语I(1)试点作业参照答案Unit 6一、选择填空。1. Jame and Paul like good coffee, so go and get some coffee

5、 for them. 2. A: Hello, Im David Manning. Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you too. Im Xiaoyan. 3. A: What does your father do? B: He is responsible for the central computer system.4. A: Why dont you go to an estate agent, then youre talking face to face. B: Well, I dont know.5. I go swimming on /

6、Thursdays for two hours.6. I sometimes go to the pub on Friday with my colleagues.7. My cousin doesnt enjoy watching serious (严厉旳)TV programmes.8. Ive got a lot of photos of my traveling. Would you like to see them?9. Mary has got brown eyes and golden hair.10. I am planning a new marketing campaign

7、 at the moment. What are you doing?11. A: Hello. Im Paul. Whats your name? B: Hi. My names Rose. Are you from London?12. A: What is she doing right now. B: She is talking to Mary.13. A: The shower isnt working. B: Ill call the plumner.14. He often works in the evening.15. My mother is a doctor. She

8、is in medicine.16. Polly enjoys playing the guitar in a band in her free time.17. A: What TV programmes do you like? B: I like watching London Lives.18. A: Are there two men in the room? B: No. theres only one.19. My father is waiting for an important phone call at the moment. He cant go to have lun

9、ch with you. Im afraid.20. A: What does your mother do? B: She is a clerk in a bank.21. A: What would you like, David? B: An orange juice.22. I usually get up at 7 oclock in the morning.23. My husband doesnt like shopping, but I like it very much.24. This is where you work Xiaoyan. That is your desk

10、 and this is mine 25. John: Linda, this is Rose, my wife. Rose, this is Linda, my new student from Beijing.Rose: Hello, Linda. Im pleased to meet you. Linda: Pleased to meet you, too.26. A: What does your mother do? B: She works in the Oxford University.27. A: Would you like to come to the shop one

11、day? B: Yes, Id like to. Thanks.28. London is the capital of Britain and it is a great city, too.29. Mr. Green is now on a holiday.30. A: Would you like a drink? Wine? Beer? B: A beer, please.31. Mr. Manning is working in Paris today and tomorrow.32. Whats your job? Are you British? 33. Im an engine

12、er.34. This is his book. Could you give it to him? 35. Does David like flying?36. Ive got a lot of photos of my traveling. Would you like to see them?37. David is the only accountant in my sons company.38. What would you like, tea or coffee? 39. Is there a coffee machine in the room?40. We often hav

13、e our supper at home.41. A: How about seeing a film this evening? B: Yes, thats a good idea.42. A: What would you like, Polly? B: Id like a glass of wine, thank you.43. Her name is Jane, She is from the USA.44. A: Hello, Linda, how are you? B: Very well, thank you. And you?45. A: What is she doing r

14、ight now? B: She is talking to Mary.46. My aunt enjoys cooking for her friends at home.47. My uncle works in the IT Department. But now he is working in a plan for the marketing department.48. A: Hello, Xiaoyan. How are you. And how are things?B: Great, Im fine. Everybody is very nice and helpful.49

15、. A: Where is David? B: He is having lunch in the Chinese restaurant on the seventh floor.50. Why is she having lunch so early? Its only 10 now.51. I am planning a new marketing campaign at the moment. What are you doing?52. A: What do you do? B: I am a policeman.53. A: Do you have any family? B: Ye

16、s, I do. My mother and my father live in Oxford.54. A: What do your parents do? B: My father is a manager, my mother is a nurse.55. She has a problem with the flat advertisement.56. I am working this e-mail to tell you about my new office.57. These people are my friends. Those people are my husbands

17、 friends.二、阅读。(一)A篇:Dear Mr. Manning Lin Xiaoyan.问题:1. Who is the receiver of this e-mail? (Mr. Manning) 2. Who is sending this e-mail? (Lin Xiaoyan) 3. How does Lin Xiaoyan get to London? (By plane) 4. What is her flight number? (CA5027) 5. Where is Xiaoyan from? (Shanghai) B篇:Helens husband is Mar

18、k.Andrew also likes playing football with his brother-in-law. 问题:1. Who is Andrew? (Andrew is Dans uncle) 2. Who is Mark? (Mark is Dans grandfather) 3. Who is Tom? (Tom is Dans father) 4. Who is Joyce? (Joyce is Toms wife) 5. Who is Pan? (Pam is Andrews niece) C篇:Hello. Xiaoyan David Manning. 问题:1.

19、Who is the receiver of this letter? (Xiaoyan) 2. Who is writing this letter? (David Manning) 3. Who is coming to London? (Xiaoyan) 4. When will David and Xiaoyan meet? (Around 9 p.m. on Tuesday) 5. Where will David and Xiaoyan meet? (At the airport) D篇:A: Good morning, Madam B: No, thank you , not t

20、his evening. 问题:1. Where does this conversation take place? ( In a hotel) 2. When does this conversation take place? (Early in the morning) 3. What does Speaker A do? ( A is the receptionist) 4. What is Xiaoyans room number? (42) 5. What do we know about Xiaoyans dinner? (She does not make a reserva

21、tion for dinner in the restaurant.) E篇:A: So as you can see A: Oh yes, its big and light .Great. 问题:1. What do we know about Speaker A and B? ( A is a landlord and B is flat-hunting找公寓). 2. Where is the flat? (On the tenth floor in a modern building) 3. What do we know about the lift? ( It is workin

22、g) 4. How is the hall? ( It is dirty) 5. How is the flat? (Its big) ( 二 ) A 篇:Betty is from Italy. and of course he likes staying with Betty. 问题:1. Betty is British now. ( Doesnt say) 2. Betty has long beautiful hair. ( Right) 3. Ray likes his job. (Wrong) 4. Both Betty and Ray like traveling. ( Rig

23、ht) 5. Betty can play the piano well. ( Doesnt say) B篇:Hello, everyone. Id like to talk about myselfThat one over there is our boss. 问题:1. Lily works in IT. (Right) 2. Lily has got a big family in Hong Kong. (Wrong) 3. Lily is working on a training program in the TV studio of Shanghai TV station. (

24、Wrong) 4. Lily is going to be the TV manager. (Doesnt say) 5. Lilys boss and her colleagues are in Shanghai. (Right) C篇:The dream of every family is to live in a big house They grow flower and sometimes vegetables in this gardens. 问题:1. Most British people rent a house when they have children. (Wron

25、g) 2. Every house in British has three bedrooms. ( Doesnt say) 3. Each room has a TV set. ( Doesnt say) 4. Children put their bicycles in their room too. (Wrong) 5. British people sometimes grow vegetables in their gardens. ( Right) D篇:It is Sunday morning, Mrs. Brown is working in the kitchen Her f

26、amily enjoy her cooking. 问题:1. The Browns have their dinner in the evening on Sunday. (Wrong) 2. Mr. Brown has a big family. (Doesnt say) 3. Mr. Brown doesnt go to work on Sunday. ( Right) 4. Mr. Brown likes working in the garden on Sunday. ( Right) 5. The family enjoy Mrs. Browns cooking. ( Right)

27、E篇:In America, on schooldays They take classes for six hours each day and then return home at three oclock in the afternoon. 问题:1. American school children do not eat meat at breakfast. (Wrong) 2. In America, all the students walk to their schools. ( Wrong) 3. In an American school, classroom are ve

28、ry large. (Right) 4. American children like going to school very much. ( Doesnt say) F篇:Everyone has one or two things they like to do for fun There are great people, great buildings and animals, birds and fish in the pictures. 问题:1. Different people have different hobbies. ( Right) 2. David is only

29、 interested in Chinese stamps. ( Wrong) 3. Chinese stamps are very interesting. ( Right) 4. Denial likes to live in the country. ( Doesnt say) 5. David and Denial often go fishing in a boat along the small river. ( Right)三、翻译。(一)汉译英:1 我来给他们打 。 Ill call them. 2 我是护士。 Im a nurse. 3 明天下午去踢足球怎么样? What /

30、 How about playing football tomorrow afternoon? 4 你为何不去市场部。 Why dont you go to the Marketing Department? 5 他目前正在访问纽约办事处。 He is visiting the New York office right now? 6 我今天要干到七点种。 Ill work until 7 oclock. 7 萨丽是个警官吗? Is Sally a police officer? 8去看电影怎么样? What / How about going to the cinema/ seeing a

31、film? 9 你为何不去试一试? Why dont you have a try? 10 我父亲是医生。 My father is a doctor. 11 你为何不去找房地产经纪人? Why dont you go to an estate agent? 12 玛丽在度假。 Mary is having a holiday now. 13 你为何不去跟他们面谈? Why dont you go and talk to them face to face? 14 我这个星期要来修理。Ill repair it this week. 15 你旳老师是美国人吗?Is your teacher f

32、rom USA? 16 今晚去跳舞怎么样? What/ How about going dancing this evening? 17 你为何不去看医生? Why dont you go to see a doctor? 18 她眼下在培训一种中国同事。She is currently training a Chinese colleague. 19 房租一月五百磅。The rent costs/ is 500 pounds a month. 20 他不是建筑师,他是工程师。He isnt an architect. He is an engineer. 21 先给玛丽打个 怎么样? Wha

33、t / How about making a call to Mary/ calling Mary first? 22 大卫此刻在睡觉。David is sleeping now. 23 我要来打扫。 Ill clean it. 24 他们是工程师。 They are engineers. 25 去看看这个公寓怎么样? How / What about seeing the flat? 26 你为何不搞个计划? Why dont you make a plan? 27 在酒吧会面怎么样? What/ How about meeting at the bar?( 二 ) 英译汉。 1. I us

34、ually have a sandwich at lunchtime. 午饭时我常常吃个三明治。 2. Do you usually finish early on Friday? 你一般周五早下班吗? 3. She never goes to work by bike. 她历来不骑自行车上班。 4. She is often late for class. 她常常上课迟到。 5. He always eats in the canteen. 他总在食堂吃饭。 6. I like reading newspaper in cafes. 我喜欢在小咖啡店里读报。 7. Do you like r

35、eading English newspapers? 你喜欢读英文报纸吗? 8. She doesnt like borrowing things from others. 她不喜欢向他人接东西。 9. D o they like watching English films? 他们喜欢看英语电影吗? 10. My parents dont like traveling. 我旳父母不喜欢旅游。 11. I am a manager. 我是经理。 12. He is an engineer. 他是工程师。 13. She is not a doctor. 她不是医生。 14. You are d

36、octors. 你们是医生。15. They are engineers. 他们是工程师。 16. There are three desks in the office. 办公室里有三张办公桌。 17. There is a fax machine in the office. 办公室有一部 机。 18. Are there any computers in the office? 办公室里有计算机吗。 19. There are three chairs in our room. 房间里有三把椅子。 20. Are there fifty students in the class? 班里

37、有50名学生吗? 21. I am waiting for an important telephone call. 我正在等一种重要 。 22. He is talking to a customer. 他在和客商谈话。 23. He is having lunch in a restaurant in the centre of town. 他正在市中心旳一家餐馆吃午饭。 24. He is currently working on advertising. 他目前正在做广告项目。 25. They are looking at the photos. 他们正在看照片。开放英语I(1)试点

38、作业参照答案 Unit 7 Unit 11Unit 7一、匹配。车费 fare 运气 luck 机场 airport 邀请 invitation 来回旳return 地铁 tube 服务员 waiter 提提议 suggest 接受 accept 疲惫旳 tired 二、选择。 1 5: a, c, b, b, c, 6 11: b, a, b, c, a, c. 三、阅读。1 5:a, b, c, a, b. 四、听力。Too noisy; too far from the tube; too expensive; not comfortable; not big enough. Unit

39、8一、填词。1. ui 2. l 3. ow 4. ea 5. ea 6. er 7. ci 8. f 9. ch 10. gh 二、选择。1 5: b, c, a, b, a, 6 10: b, c, a, a, c 三、 阅读。 1 5: b, a, c, a, c. 四、听力。 crazy, chaotic, crowded, beautiful, cheap, expensive, safe, well-organised, clean, old-fashioned.Unit 9一、词汇选择。1 5: a, c, a, c, a, 6 10: c, a, b, c, c.二、选择。1

40、5: b, b, a, b, a 6 10: a, b, c, a, b.三、阅读。1 6: b, a, b, a, a, b四、听力。1 4: b, b, a, cUnit 10一,填词。1. aw 2. ge 3. ea 4. o 5. ai 6. ck 7. ar 8. ne 9. bb 10. ca 二、选择。 1 5: b, c, a, b, a, 6 10: b, c, a, a, c. 三、阅读。1 5: b, c, a, a, a. 四、听力。1 5: b, a, b, b, b.Unit 11一、填词。1. er 2. ei 3. ear 4. ow 5. an 6. or

41、7. ue 8. ei 9. io 10. ui 二、 选择。 1 5: c, c, b, b, a, 6 10: c, b, a, c, a 三、阅读。 1 6: b, a, a, b, a, b. 四、听力。 1 5: b, c, a, a, b开放英语I(1)试点作业参照答案 Unit 12一、选择:(一)1. On my way home, I quite often come across the milk man.2. A: So, do you like the cinema near Hyde Park? B: Yes, I love it.3. I dont want any

42、 milk in my coffee.4. A: I like documentaries on TV. B: So do I.5. A: The chair is not comfortable enough. B: Yes, I agree. It is too uncomfortable.6. I dont need any mineral water, but Id like some tea, please.7. A: I dont get up late on Sundays. B: Neither do I.8. A: The area is too noisy. B: Yes, I agree. Its not quiet enough.9. I am getting too fat, I have to work off my weight.10. A: I havent got a car. B: Neither have I. 11. But I put on weight if I dont exercise.12. It often snows in winter in the north

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