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1、Unit 9My favorite subject is science.Section B (第第2课时课时)第1页Warming upPractice the conversation with your partner.A:Xiao Hong,whats your favorite subject?B:My favorite subject is.A:Why do you like.?B:Because its.第2页2a What do you think of these subjects?Write a description for each one.music _ art _

2、English _ history _ science _ Chinese _ P.E._ math _ geography _relaxing第3页2b Read the following letter.Underline the subjects Yu Mei likes.Circle the subjects she doesnt like.Are Yu Meis ideas the same as yours?Dear Jenny,I am very busy on Friday.At 8:00 I have math.It is not fun.The teacher says i

3、t is useful,but I think it is difficult.Then at 9:00 I have science.It is difficult but interesting.At 10:00 I have history.After that,I have P.E.at 11:00.It is easy andfun.Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00,and after that we have Chinese.It is my favorite subject.Our Chinese teacher,Mrs.Wang,is great fun.

4、My classes sinish at 1:50,but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.It is really relaxing!How about you?When are your classes?What is your favorite subject?Your friend,Yu Mei第4页2c Complete Yu Meis schedule with the information in 2b.FridayTimeSubjects/ActivitiesTimeSubjects/Activities8:00 to

5、 8:5012:00 to 1:009:00 to 9:501:00 to 1:5010:00 to 10:502:00 to 4:0011:00 to 11:50mathsciencehistoryP.E.lunchChineseart lesson第5页Language points1.I am very busy on Friday.我星期五非常忙。(教材第我星期五非常忙。(教材第53页)页)此处介词on用于表示星期名词前,表示“在星期几”,也可用于星期几早晨、下午或晚上前。但假如表示星期名词前有this/that/next/last等修饰词时,其前就不再用on。如:on Friday

6、morning 在星期五早晨Please come to my home this Saturday.第6页Language points2.The teacher says it is useful.老师说它很有用。(教材第老师说它很有用。(教材第53页)页)(1)该句为一个宾语从句,由引导词that引导,此处that省略了,在英语口语中that常省略。类似句子有:I think it is difficult.(2)useful adj.有用,有益。【拓展】包括不定冠词a/an,应用“a”。如:a useful book一本有用书第7页Language points3.from.to.从从

7、到到from.to.属于介词短语。如:from one to thirty从1到304.辨析辨析Mr.,Miss与与Mrs.Mr.(先生),Miss(小姐)和Mrs.(夫人)均用于姓氏前。Mr.+男子姓。Mrs.用来称呼已婚女子,Mrs.+丈夫姓。另外,人们还惯用 Ms(女士)来形容婚姻情况不明女子。第8页Language points5.My classes finish at 1:50,but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.我们在我们在1:50上课结束,不过在那之后,我上两个小时艺术课。上课结束,不过在那之后,我上两个小时艺术课

8、。(教材第教材第53页页)(1)finish完成,结束惯用于finish sth.或finish doing sth.结构中。They finish their lunch at 13:00.他们13点吃完午饭。(2)after是介词,意为“在之后”。如:after class下课之后(3)介词for+一段时间,表示连续多长时间。I have an English lesson for an hour.(4)have an art lesson上艺术课第9页Exercise一、从方框中选择介词填空。一、从方框中选择介词填空。1.She has breakfast _ 6:30.2._ clas

9、s,we have lunch at 12:00.3.I play computer games _ Sunday.4.We have class _ 8:00 _ 11:00 in the morning.5.On Saturday,we play soccer _ half an hour(半小时).at from.to.on after foratAfteronfrom tofor第10页二、单项选择。二、单项选择。1.Are you busy _ Saturday?A.in B.on C.at2.Math is difficult _ interesting.A.because B.and C.but3.We _ English on Monday,Tuesday and Thursday.A.want B.have C.go4.We _ our classes _ 5:00 P.M.A.go;in B.finish;at C.need;on5.The teacher _ geography is _.A.say;use B.say;useful C.says;usefulBCBBC第11页Homework1.Make sentences using the key phrases.2.Try to recite 2b.第12页

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