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上传人:快乐****生活 文档编号:2921701 上传时间:2024-06-11 格式:PPTX 页数:31 大小:1.30MB
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1、Lets talk第1页 Whats the song about?B.Days of the weekA.My friendsWEEKEND周末周末第2页clean the roomplay basketballread booksplay computer gameswatch TVwash my clothesdraw picturesplay footballplay the pipa第3页playWeekend activities周末活动周末活动 basketball football ping-pong computer games the piano the pipagoto

2、the parkto the libraryto the gymto schooleat/clean the roomwash the clothesread booksdo homeworkwatch TVlisten to musicdraw picturesbreakfastlunchdinnernoodlesvegetables/and/read and writejump and runsing and dance第4页read booksread booksread booksread bookswatch TVwatch TVwatch TVwatch TVwash my clo

3、thesread booksA.often(经常)I _read books on the weekend.B.never(从不)I often read books on the weekend._第5页 play footballplay ping-pongplay computer gamesplay basketballplay the pipaclean the roomwash the clotheswatch TVdo homeworklisten to musicgo to the parkgo to the librarygo to the gymdraw picturese

4、at dinnereat noodleseat vegetablesI often _ on the weekend.read booksTick and say.边打钩边说自己周末常做事情。Talk about your weekend with you partner.第6页DannySarahZhang PengOliverSarahs weekendListen and fill.把表格补充完整。第7页Do you often draw pictures on the weekend?Yes,I do,I do.Do you often play the pipa on the wee

5、kend?No,I dont,I dont.Do you often do homework on the weekend?Yes,I do,I do.Do you often go to the gym on the weekend?No,I dont,I dont.第8页Do you often _ on the weekend?Yes,I do,I do.Do you often _ on the weekend?No,I dont,I dont.Do you often _ on the weekend?Yes,I do,I do.Do you often _ on the weeke

6、nd?No,I dont,I dont.第9页Listen and tick.Its Saturday morning.Zhang Peng calls Oliver.第10页What does Zhang Peng often do on the weekend?A.He often plays football on the weekend.B.He often reads books on the weekend.Listen and choose.第11页Zhang Peng:Hi,Sarah.Whats that?Sarah:Its a storybook.Zhang Peng:Do

7、 you often read books in this park?Sarah:No,I dont.Do you often play football here?Zhang Peng:Yes,I do.I like this park very much.Sarah:Me too.Role play第12页Morning Afternoon Evening SaturdaySundayDannys Weekendplay iPadwatch TVplay computer gameshave a big dinnerListen and fill.第13页Morning Afternoon

8、 Evening SaturdaySundayDannys Weekendplay iPadwatch TVplay computer gameshave a big dinnerListen and fill.第14页Hi,Im Danny.On Saturday morning,I often get up very late(起床很迟起床很迟).In the afternoon,I often play iPad.In the evening,I often watch TV.On Sunday morning,I often play computer games in bed.Aft

9、er lunch,I often have a sleep.In the evening,I often have a big dinner.Dannys Weekend第15页Advice for DannyA:Danny,Do you often _ on the weekend?B:No,I dont.A:Its not good.Please _ often,Danny.A:Danny,Do you often _ on the weekend?B:Yes,I do.A:Its not good.Please _ often,Danny.clean the roomwash the c

10、lothesplay basketballplay footballplay ping-pongeat fruitseat vegetableseat hamburgerseat beefeat chickeneat hot dogsplay iPadplay computer第16页Read and fill.clean the roomplay basketballread bookswash my clothesdraw picturesplay football第17页Have a healthy lifestyle.(健康生活健康生活)第18页Homework1.Listen to

11、the tape and imitate.2.Share your weekend with your friends.1.Listen to the tape and imitate.2.Ask your friends about their weekend.HomeworkHomework第19页Read and fill.clean the roomplay basketballread bookswash my clothesdraw picturesplay football第20页Listen and fill.Hi,Im Danny.On Saturday morning,I

12、often _.In the afternoon,I often _.In the evening,I often _.On Sunday morning,I often _.After lunch,I often _.In the evening,I often _.第21页Morning Afternoon Evening SaturdaySundayDannys WeekendDo you often _ on the weekend?Balance work and play.(劳逸结合劳逸结合)第22页A:Do you often _ on the weekend?B:No,I do

13、nt.A:What a pity.A:Do you often _ on the weekend?B:Yes,I do.A:Cool.Lets _ together.Lynns weekendGreat minds think alike.找找周末搭档。(周末活动相同时)(周末活动不一样时)第23页Zhang Peng:Hi,Oliver.This is Zhang Peng.Lets play football this afternoon.Oliver:Hi.I will clean my room.Zhang Peng:Do you often clean your room on Sa

14、turdays?Oliver:Yes,I do.Zhang Peng:Ok,bye then.See you on Monday.Oliver:Bye.第24页clean the roomplay basketballread bookswash my clothesdraw picturesplay footballwatch TVplay computer games第25页Morning Afternoon Evening SaturdaySundayDannys WeekendDo you often _ on the weekend?Balance work and play.(劳逸

15、结合劳逸结合)第26页第27页Yes,I do./No,I dont.play footballplay ping-pongplay computer gamesplay basketballplay the pipaclean the roomwash the clotheswatch TVdo homeworklisten to musicgo to the parkgo to the librarygo to the gymdraw pictureseat dinnereat noodleseat vegetablesDo you often _ on the weekend?read

16、booksGreat minds think alike.找找周末搭档第28页Yes,I do./No,I dont.play footballplay ping-pongplay computer gamesplay basketballplay the pipaclean the roomwash the clotheswatch TVdo homeworklisten to musicgo to the parkgo to the librarygo to the gymdraw pictureseat dinnereat noodleseat vegetablesDo you ofte

17、n _ on the weekend?read books找找周末搭档第29页I go to the library.Read a book.Nice Nice I go to the gym.Play football.Cool CoolI go to the park.Listen to music.Good GoodI go to the playground.Run and jump.Great GreatI go to the shop.Eat and drink.Super SuperI go to the farm.Draw a picture.Hooray HoorayI go to the classroom.Read and write.Happy HappyOn the weekend第30页Lynns weekend Great minds think alike.四人小组内找找周末搭档。(周末活动相同时)(周末活动不一样时)第31页

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