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1、协议编号: 货物销售协议(详尽)甲方: 乙方: 2*年*月9 / 9货物销售协议(详尽版)编 号(No.): 签约地点(Sign t): 日期(Date): 卖方(Selle):办公地址(Address): 电话(el): 传真号码(Fax): 电子邮箱(E-il): 买方(Ber):办公地址(Adds): 电话(Tel): 传真号码(ax): 电子邮箱(Email): 买卖各方经协商同意按下列条款成交: The unesgned Sellerad Buyer hav agreed tomae he following transatons acoing t the term ad coiti

2、on se orth as bw: . 货物名称、规格和质量 (Nae, Speificaionsand ality of ommodity): 2. 数量(uantity): 3 单价及价格条款 (Uit Price and Tems o Delivery): 除非另有规定,“FOB”、“CFR”和“CI”均应依照国际商会拟定的年国际贸易术语说明通则说明。 Te termsOB, CFR, orCF shall b ubectedto thetenatioal ulsfor th nterprettio of Trade Term (INCOERMS *) rovid byInternati

3、nal hamber of Coere(IC)unlsotewise siputedherein. 4. 总价 (otal mo): 5. 允许溢短装(Morer es):6. 装运期限(Time f Shipet): . 付款条件(Terms ofayment): 8.包装(Paking):货物应具备防潮、防锈蚀、防震并适合于 的包装,由于货物包装不良而造成的货物残损、灭失应由卖方负责。卖方应在每个包装箱上用不褪色的颜色标明尺码、包装箱号码、毛重、净重及“此端向上”、“防潮”、“小心轻放”等标记。 Thepakng of theods salbrentivefrmdapness, rust,

4、 moisture, erosion andshock,ad hae suibe for tranportation mltple transporttio. Te Seller shll b liable o anydmage andlssof he god attribtbt te ieqate r improper pcng. h measret, gros wight, nt weih and th auiossucas Doot ak ide don, Keepawafromoisre, Hndle wtareshall b senil on he srace of ac pakag

5、e wit fadess pigme. 9.单证(ocuments quired): 卖方应将下列单据提交银行议付/托收: ()标明通知收货人收货代理人的全套清洁的、已装船的、空白抬头、空白背书并注明运费已付到付的海运/联运陆运提单。 (2)标有协议编号、信用证号(信用证支付条件下)及装运唛头的商业发票一式 份; (3) 由 出具的装箱或重量单一式 份; (4) 由 出具的质量证明书一式 份;(5)由 出具的数量证明书一式 份; (6)保险单正本一式 份(CF交货条件); (7) 签发的产地证一式 份; (8) 装运通知:卖方应在交运后 小时内以特快专递方式邮寄给买方上述第项单证副本一式一套。

6、 e Sllr shal prsen flowing ocumntsrequred to te bank forneotiaton/collectin: ()Fulle o clean on board Oca/ComieTranspotation/Ldill adnd lank ndrsd mkdfeight ppaid to collet; (2)Signed comrcial ien_oies indicaiCntr No., L/CN. (Terms of L/) and shipngmark; (3)Pacg lsweig m _ copiesissue b ; ()Certfict

7、e of uaity in_ piessue by ; (5)erticate o Qait in _ opis ssue by ; (6)Insurae polic/etficatei _ coes (Tems of CIF); (7)Certifcat of Origi i _copis ssued y ; (8)Shipping advic: e Sershal, wthn _ ho ateripmet ffected, senby ourir ach coy the abovmeiond docuets o. 0. 保险(Iace):按发票金额的 %投保 险,由 负责投保。 Cvein

8、g _ Rkf_%oInvi alu to be effec by the _. 11. 检验条款(Inspectin): 各方同意以 签发的品质及数量检验证书为最后依据,对各方具备约束力。 t is tualyagreed thathe goos ar suject tt Ispection rtificaeof Qualiy and InptiCerticate Quatityissed by Th Crtifcae shal bebiing on oth artie. 2. 品质数量异议 (QualitQantitydiscepnc): 如买方提出索赔,凡属品质异议须于货到目的口岸之日起

9、 天内提出,凡属数量异议须于货到目的口岸之日起 天内提出,对所装货物所提任何异议属保险公司、轮船公司、其他关于运输机构或邮递机构所负责者,卖方不负责任。 Incaseof quali dscrepanc,clai should be fie bheBurwitn dasafter t rival of te goods a ort ofdestnation, hefor quantity dscrepancy,cim hould be filled byhuyithin ds fter the aival ofte goods t ort o destition. Iti undertod t

10、hat theSllerhll notbe iable f y disrpac of thegoods hipd ue tcauses f whic the InsuranceCompany, Shping Copny,ote rnspotatin rgnzaion/ Post fieare able.13风险转移与所有权(Risk ndTitle): 除非协议各方另有商定,货物毁损灭失的风险在交付后转移给买方承担。货物的所有权在买方支付了所有协议价款之后方始转移,但卖方保留所售软件以及其他知识所有权的所有权。 Unless theriseproviedby th parties, risk

11、odaage to or los of he od shall passto urser upo deier. Thetitlet tegoods,exceptsfwreand herintelleu prertyright whch ae retined with te Ser, shal pa to theBuyer upon reeitof flpat byth Sler. 14 不可抗力(Forc Maere): 不可抗力是指未能预见、未能避免并未能克服的事件。因不可抗力所造成该方延迟或无法履行本协议中的义务,则该方不被视作违反本协议,无须向另一方负责,履行有关义务的期限可以相应延长。

12、这些情形包括(但不限于):天灾、战争、暴乱、火灾、爆炸、水灾、政府当局行为。 Force Majeur is deine as circumtce, whih are unforesebl,unavodabl ad isueableIf Frce ajeurauss delay ino fare f Partys perfmce of its oblgation pursant to h ontct, cPart shll note cosdeed inreach of this ontraor liable o the otr Pty, te term of mplementation uc

13、h Patys respctie bligation my be eende accordiglTe feentioed cicusancs iclude, ushallnot be imite to, nata disaster, war, net, ire, eploion, lod,acts f te gvernmn.由于上述情形而造成延迟或无法履行本协议规定义务的一方,应立即通知另一方,并合理地尽其努力,将此类情形对其履行义务的影响降至最低,而且在此类情形终止之后,马上就此书面通知另一方,并继续完全履行本协议规定的义务。hn a Part performace of itlatonsu

14、rsuant to ti ontra is dlad or rendeed imsible de oth aforemetiond crstances, sc Part hal imeiely iform oterPrt, anmake all easable efforts to miniizth ec othe afmntiecrcustans o t peomanceo itoblgations. Frtherre,suc Part sall immeditely formte ote Party oftecstin of he rsecve ircutes ad contiuetly

15、perortbliains prant toe provsnsof hs ontract.1.迟交和违约金(Leeler a Liuidatd Daes): (1)卖方延迟交货,应向买方按日支付延迟交货部分对应货款金额的_%的违约金; ()买方延迟付款,应向卖方按日支付延迟付款金额的_%的违约金; (3)卖方延迟交货或买方延迟付款15个工作日以上,对方有权终止协议,追索违约金,并有权以任何方式收回已交付的货物或已支付的货款,由此造成的所有损失由违约方承担。 (1)If teelerdelivers the goos xceed the time imt,e shall pa to th ue

16、t ealty at _pr dayof he ale f heate-delierdgood. (2) Ithe byer pysexceed h tme limit, he shll y to teselth enalty at _% er day the late pyment mu. (3) itr Prtyhashe ight to termate th contact and cimothe penly,aswell s e ri to rtiev s pan delivred ods i any way,here theother arty dlaydelivry payent

17、over 5 workdays,andall of he os shuld be affod b thedefult pary.1. 保证和责任(araty ndLiabit): (1)卖方保证货物在交货时符合规格,并保证在货物启用日期开始月内,或在提货或交货后(以较早日期为准) 月内,货物不会出现材料或工艺上的缺陷。 (2)第(1)款所述的保证取决于以下的条款和条件: ()对于应买方的要求而对货物规格作出的变更和改动所致使的货物缺陷,卖方不承担责任; (b) 对于任何由于合理磨损、有意愿损毁、疏忽大意、使用不当、不遵循卖方指导、未经卖方同意对货物进行错误使用、改动或修理而造成的缺陷,卖方不承

18、担责任; (c)保证范围不包括非卖方制造的零部件、材料或设备,在此类情形下,买方将有权从该零部件、材料或装备的制造商对卖方所作的保证中受益; (3)如买方希望就任何其声称有缺陷的货物提出索赔,买方必须在提货或交货之日起_天内将该等索赔书面通知卖方。 () 如买方依据有关本条提出了有效的索赔,卖方可以选择无偿更换货物,或者向买方退回货物的所有或部分价款,此后卖方对买方不再负有任何责任。 (1) Th ell warrants thatthe ods shalconformtopiiction undvery, and hat no tial o technical deectsshalappea

19、r in the Goodsfraprod of _ monsafr commenement of s, or fo aperio _ mthsater teealier clectiono dliery o th oos. (2) Te aranty prviddnPargra(1) shlbesubjectt tetemsad conitionsseoh blw: (a) he Sller hal ot b liale fodefctsntheGoods reultin from modfcaions or cages in scificaions ife armetion odifica

20、ton orcngeswerrequesed ythe Buyer; (b)Te See sall eliabl feects ced nmal ear nd te, wilfuldamage,negigence,impropruge,filure to ollowte Selers isttions, icorret use withut the Selers appovl,modicationo repir; (c)T arany esnot etendt parts,ccesoe, erials or equipmntht antmufacturedb he Seller Wih rar

21、 to any one par, ccory, terial pie of qpme, the Buye hllhaeth rigt ofneit wirspct tohecrespodg wrranty poviy the manufacturer theSeller; (3) If teBuyer ishscam comentnfor nyGodsaticlais are dfve, h Buyer shll oi the Seller n ing ofthe clafor ompsaion ihin_ ds of llection deliery. (4) In the ven the

22、Buyr issusavalid caim orcompensation ad Artice16, th Sellermay coose t xhge theGd() fre of charge,r ay elet t reful orpotion ofth men pice oth God() t theuye.nce thiis done, teSelr shal ot have any frthrliabiliy o t Buyer. 17责任限制条款(Limitato ofaiit): 不论协议其它条款另有规定,不论索赔是依据有关协议还是侵权(包括重大过失),也不论索赔是因为货物或软件

23、的制造、销售、许可、交付、修理、更换或使用所造成的,卖方对买方所遭受的任何损失、损毁所承担的损害赔偿责任(包括违约金)不超过卖方实际从买方收受的货款的10%。如发生卖方违约的情形,买方应该采取任何必要的措施减损损害的扩大。 不论协议其它条款另有规定,协议任何一方对另一方的收入利润的减少、商业机会的丧失以及商誉的损失和任何间接的损失不负赔偿责任。 Notwthstandny oth prviion in his contract,the total liabily (incudng fr liuidated damages)fthe Seller forayclam, os or damag,

24、wheterin contrat,o (icluding grossnegience), or therise,arising ot f,coneted ih,rresuting froauacture, ale,lic, ivery, repair, repacement or ue of odsor sftwa shall xce 100% o the pric eceved ythe Seler frm te Bu. the leri breachof this otc, he yerl tke nyneessary masues omtiatei ls and damages Notw

25、ithstadin anyother prvisionin tisconrac, neithpart shalb liabe to te othrpty fr an oss of proi orrvnues, loss o orni, oss ofgoodwill r rputaion,nd /or ny idiet oconsequeal loses whatsoee. 18. 争议解决(ettemtof isputs):凡因本协议引起的或与本协议关于的任何争议,如协商未能解决,应提交华南国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,依照申请仲裁时该会实施的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对各方均有约束力。

26、Any iut sngfrm o inonetion withthe ale Conac sal e tledthrough friendl noion n case no setteent a b ache, the dspute hal the sbmited to Sth China ntertona conomic and de Ariation Commision (SCIA)forabitraion in accordncwith is les in effec a the tim oapplyingforartaon. Te abitral awrdi fiaad innup o

27、 paris 准据法(Gvrning Law): 本协议之准据法为中华人民共和国法律,但排除冲突法规则。 The aw o th ols Rpublico China, excling schoie of law u, shal gover th ontrac 20.通知(Notices): 所有通知用 文写成,并依照如下办公地址用传真号码/电子邮件/快件送达给各方。如办公地址有变更,一方应在变更后 日内书面通知另一方。 Allhenotie allbe writen in _ srve bt prtisb fa/milcouier acoring to the following ases.

28、 If anchang o the addres occr, epaty all inforte oterpaty ofth chng of adde within _ days aterthe change. 2.本协议以中英文双语写成,如中英文表述有冲突,以中文为准。 Ths Contacti witteni Eglishand inese.Inth event ofay inconteny etwnh ese erion and ngls vesion, the hinese eson shall preai. 2. 本协议一式_ 份。每份均具备同等法律效力。自各方签字或盖章之日起生效。 This Cnractisi _ ies effecve inebeng sige or seaed bybth rtes.Both copie veeua effct卖方(Sler): 买方(Byr):

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