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1、上海外语教育出版社南京信息工程大学 刘杰海新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材(修订版)综合教程第六册(第2版)电子教案CoverUnit 3 On Reading第1页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案Contents pageContents Learning Objectives Pre-reading Activities Global Reading Detailed Reading Consolidation Activities Further Enhancement第2页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案Learning objectivesLearning Objectives Rhet

2、orical skill:discussion on one point Key language&grammar points Writing strategies:sentences in inverted sequence Theme:enjoyment of reading第3页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案Pre-R:picture activationPicture Activation|Pre-questionsDo you find reading enjoyable?第4页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案Pre-R:pre-questions-11.Reading is so im

3、portant to us that almost everyone is involved in some kind of reading sometimes.As a way of diversion,reading is usually relaxing and enjoyable.However,can reading always be an enjoyable experience?If not,when and why?Picture Activation|Pre-questionsOpen to discussion.第5页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案Pre-R:pre-que

4、stions-22.A good book will evoke sympathy in its readers hearts,give them some enlightenment and even may change their lives.How can we define a good book?Describe some of the books that you consider good.Picture Activation|Pre-questionsOpen to discussion.第6页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案G-R:text introductionIn thi

5、s essay,the author focuses his discussion exclusively on one point:Reading should be enjoyable.With neatly knitted development the author approaches the theme from two perspectives what to read(from Paragraph 1 to Paragraph 3)and how to read(from Paragraph 4 to Paragraph 6).According to him,both sho

6、uld fit the readers own fancy.Text Introduction|Culture Notes|Author|Structure第7页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案G-R:CN-George EliotGeorge Eliot(Paragraph 2)English writer,pen name of Mary Ann Evans(18191880).Her novels include Adam Bede(1859),The Mill on the Floss(1860),and Middlemarch(18711872).Text Introduction|Cu

7、lture Notes|Author|Structure第8页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案G-R:CN-Adam BedeAdam Bede(Paragraph 2)Inspired by an anecdote told to George Eliot by her aunt,Adam Bede is notable for its extraordinarily realistic characters and convincing depiction of English rural life,complete with the earthy Derbyshire dialect of

8、the title character.When it was first published,in 1859,the book earned praise for its nuanced and unflinching description of a young womans fall from grace and for Adams simple righteousness.Text Introduction|Culture Notes|Author|Structure第9页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案G-R:Author bio-1W.Somerset Maugham(18741965

9、),British novelist,one of the most popular writers in England in the 20th century,is noted for his clarity of style and skill in storytelling.His best-known works include Of Human Bondage(1915),The Moon and Sixpence(1919),Ashenden:or,The British Agent(1928),and Cakes and Ale:or,The Skeleton in the C

10、upboard(1930).Text Introduction|Culture Notes|Author|Structure第10页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案G-R:Author bio-2Reading and our life:classifications 知性阅读(reading for information)愉悦阅读(pleasure reading)疗愈阅读(healing reading)“从书中我纾解寂寞情绪,读天方夜谭和爱丽丝梦游仙境,并从其篇章中寻到痛苦避难所。”毛姆Text Introduction|Culture Notes|Author|Structure第11页

11、综合教程6(第2版)电子教案G-R:structure-1Text Introduction|Culture Notes|Author|StructurePart 1(Para 1)defines the scope of this passagePart 2(Para 2)specifies the readers who are eligible to read the booksPart 3(Para 3)touches on the criterion of book selection第12页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案G-R:structure-2Part 4Text Introd

12、uction|Culture Notes|Author|Structure(Para 4)the relationship between intellectual pleasure and the habit of readingPart 5(Para 5)the author continues his discussion on the habit of readingPart 6(Para 6)discussion of an important reading skill skipping第13页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-p1a-textON READINGW.Somerse

13、t Maugham1.The first thing I want to insist on is that reading should be enjoyable.Of course,there are many books that we all have to read,either to pass examinations or to acquire information,from which it is impossible to extract enjoyment.We are reading them for instruction,and the best we can ho

14、pe is that our need for it will enable us to get through them without tedium.Such books we read with resignation rather than with alacrity.But that is not the sort of reading I have in mind.Detailed Reading第14页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-p1b-textThe books I shall mention in due course will help you neither to

15、get a degree nor to earn your living.They will not teach you to sail a boat or get a stalled motor to run,but they will help you to live more fully.That,however,they cannot do unless you enjoy reading them.Detailed Reading第15页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-p2a-text2.The“you”I address is the adult whose avocations

16、 give him certain leisure and who would like to read the books which can without loss be left unread.I do not address the bookworm.He can find his own way.I wish to deal only with the masterpieces which the consensus of opinion for a long time has accepted as supreme.We are all supposed to have read

17、 them;it is a pity that so few of us have.But there are masterpieces which are acknowledged to be such by all the best critics and to which the historians of literature devote considerable space,yet which no ordinary person can now read with enjoyment.Detailed Reading第16页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-p2b-textThe

18、y are important to the students,but changing times and changing tastes have robbed them of their savour and it is hard to read them now without an effort of will.Let me give one instance:I have read George Eliots Adam Bede,but I cannot put my hand on my heart and say that was with pleasure.I read it

19、 from a sense of duty;I finished it with a sigh of relief.Detailed Reading第17页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-p3a-text3.Now of such books as this I mean to say nothing.Every man is his own best critic.Whatever the learned say about a book,however unanimous they are in their praise of it,unless it interests you,it

20、is no business of yours.Dont forget that critics often make mistakes the history of criticism is full of the blunders the most eminent of them have made,and you who read are the final judge of the value to you of the book you are reading.This,of course,applies to the books I am going to recommend to

21、 your attention.Detailed Reading第18页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-p3b-textWe are none of us exactly like everyone else,only rather like,and it would be unreasonable to suppose that the books that have meant a great deal to me should be precisely those that will mean a great deal to you.But they are books that I

22、feel the richer for having read,and I think I should not be quite the man I am if I had not read them.And so I beg of you,if any of you who read these pages are tempted to read the books I suggest and cannot get on with them,just put them down;they will be of no service to you if you do not enjoy th

23、em.Detailed Reading第19页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-p3c-textNo one is under an obligation to read poetry or fiction or the miscellaneous literature which is classed as belles-lettres.(I wish I knew the English term for this,but I dont think there is one.)He must read them for pleasure,and who can claim that wha

24、t pleases one man must necessarily please another?Detailed Reading第20页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-p4a-text4.But let no one think that pleasure is immoral.Pleasure in itself is a great good,all pleasure,but its consequences may be such that the sensible person eschews certain varieties of it.Nor need pleasure b

25、e gross and sensual.They are wise in their generation who have discovered that intellectual pleasure is the most satisfying and the most enduring.It is well to acquire the habit of reading.To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life.Deta

26、iled Reading第21页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-p4b-textAlmost all,I say,for I would not go so far as to pretend that to read a book will assuage the pangs of hunger or still the pain of unrequited love;but half a dozen good detective stories and a hot-water bottle will enable anyone to snap his fingers at the wor

27、st cold in the head.But who is going to acquire the habit of reading for readings sake,if he is bidden to read books that bore him?Detailed Reading第22页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-p5a-text5.It is more convenient to take the books of which I am now going to speak in chronological order,but I can see no reason wh

28、y,if you make up your mind to read them,you should do so in that order.I think you would be much better advised to read them according to your fancy;nor do I see even why you should read them one by one.For my own part,I find it more agreeable to read four or five books together.After all,you arent

29、in the same mood on one day as on another,nor have you the same eagerness to read a certain book at all hours of the day.Detailed Reading第23页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-p5b-textWe must suit ourselves in these matters,and I have naturally adopted the plan that best suits me.In the morning before I start work I

30、read for a while a book,either of science or philosophy,that requires a fresh and attentive brain.It sets me off for the day.Later on,when my work is done and I feel at ease,but not inclined for mental exercise of a strenuous character,I read history,essays,criticism or biography;and in the evening

31、I read a novel.Detailed Reading第24页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-p5c-textBesides these,I keep on hand a volume of poetry in case I feel in the mood for that,and by my bedside I have one of those books,too rarely to be found,alas,which you can dip into at any place and stop reading with equanimity at the end of a

32、ny paragraph.Detailed Reading第25页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-p6a-text6.Upon looking back on what I have written,I notice that I have more than once suggested to you that you would be wise now and then to skip.I think all the books I have mentioned are important enough to be read thoroughly,but even they are mo

33、re enjoyable if you exercise your right to skip.Change of taste has rendered certain parts of even great works tedious.We no longer want to be bothered with the moral dissertations of which the eighteenth century was so fond,nor with the lengthy descriptions of scenery which were favoured in the nin

34、eteenth.Detailed Reading第26页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-p6b-textWhen the novel became realistic authors fell in love with detail for its own sake,and it took them a long time to discover that detail is interesting only if it is relevant.To know how to skip is to know how to read with profit and pleasure,but ho

35、w you are to learn it I cannot tell you,for it is a trick I have never acquired.I am a bad skipper;I am afraid of missing something that may be of value to me,and so will read pages that only weary me;Detailed Reading第27页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-p6c-textwhen once I begin to skip,I cannot stop,and end the bo

36、ok dissatisfied with myself because I am aware I have not done it justice,and then I am apt to think that I might just as well never have read it at all.Detailed Reading第28页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR:p1 AnalysisParagraph 1 AnalysisIn this paragraph,the author defines the scope of this passage:his discussion w

37、ould exclude those books that bring tedium and boredom,since the main topic is clearly stated in the beginning:“.reading should be enjoyable.”Detailed Reading第29页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR:p2 AnalysisParagraphs 2 AnalysisAfter defining the scope of his discussion,the author goes on to specify the readers who

38、are eligible to read the books in his mind.Then he moves on to the first topic the selection of books for reading.In this paragraph the author points out a problem with some masterpieces,that is,“.changing times and changing tastes have robbed them of their savour.”and it is no longer enjoyable for

39、us to read them today.Detailed Reading第30页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR:p3 AnalysisParagraphs 3 AnalysisWith his comments on masterpieces,the author naturally touches on the criterion of book selection in this paragraph.The author insists that the reader is the final judge of what books seem good to him/her,beca

40、use the same books may have different meanings for different people.This view is strengthened by the rhetorical question at the end of this paragraph,“.who can claim that what pleases one man must necessarily please another?”Detailed Reading第31页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR:p4 AnalysisParagraphs 4 AnalysisIn thi

41、s paragraph,the author expounds on the relationship between intellectual pleasure and the habit of reading.He believes that“intellectual pleasure is the most satisfying and the most enduring”and the acquisition of the habit of reading must be based on pleasurable reading.Detailed Reading第32页综合教程6(第2

42、版)电子教案DR:p5 AnalysisParagraphs 5 AnalysisIn this paragraph the author continues his discussion on the habit of reading.According to him,this habit varies from person to person and should be tailored to the readers own fancy.Detailed Reading第33页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR:p6 AnalysisParagraphs 6 AnalysisThis pa

43、ragraph is devoted to the discussion of an important reading skill skipping.This is the trick which the author himself has never acquired.Detailed Reading第34页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-Question-p1Paragraph 1:QuestionWhat kind of books would be excluded from the authors discussion?Detailed ReadingExcluded from

44、 the authors discussion are those books which offer instructions to fulfill utilitarian purposes such as getting a degree or earning a living.第35页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-Question-p2-1Paragraph 2:Questions1.Who are the eligible readers of the books in the authors mind?Detailed ReadingAccording to the author

45、,they are adults who have leisure time to read and would like to read the books.第36页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-Question-p2-2Paragraph 2:Questions2.What is the authors opinion about masterpieces?Detailed ReadingThe author is very cautious on the matter.On the one hand,he believes that those acknowledged master

46、pieces are important to students.On the other hand,he realizes that all masterpieces do not necessarily provide enjoyable reading,because changing times and changing tastes have robbed them of their savour.Reading these masterpieces demands an effort of will,which has been proved by the authors own

47、experience.第37页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-Question-p3Paragraph 3:QuestionWhat does the author say about the critics comments on a book and his own recommended books?Detailed ReadingAccording to the author,the reader should not be affected by critics comments on books.In his opinion,the reader should not read

48、a book unless the book itself interests him/her.As to his own recommended books,the author says that they will be of no service to the reader if he/she does not enjoy them.Both cases conform to the thematic statement at the beginning of the essay.第38页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-Question-p4Paragraph 4:QuestionW

49、hat,according to the author,is the benefit the habit of reading could bring about?Detailed ReadingThe habit of reading,according to the author,provides the reader with a refuge from most miseries in life.第39页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-Question-p5Paragraph 5:QuestionWhat does the author mean when he says that“

50、We must suit ourselves in these matters.”?Detailed ReadingThe author means that we should follow our mood in these matters since ones mood and eagerness may not be the same on one day as on another,or at all hours of the day.第40页综合教程6(第2版)电子教案DR-Question-p6-1Paragraph 6:Questions1.Why,according to t

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