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1、雅思口语教学大纲说明:话题卡部分为10小时,但教师可根据学生情况扩展成12小时(分别占用part 1&3一小时,或占用测试时间)物品和事件类话题可酌情扩展.大纲中每部分所给出的话题和问题都是比较有代表性的,但教师也可根据情况增加或替换,教学中教师仍需补充全相关话题连接部分。正常教学中希望教师可将最新的机经话题作为课堂练习。是学生准备更加充分。Part 3部分教师可根据教学情况每部分选择2-3个问题做练习。所授课程:雅思口语强化 课次:10次课长:2H/次 第一次课第一小时教学内容:雅思口语概述教学目标:课程分配,雅思口语考试模式,流程,评分准则, 答题技巧简介。STEP 1 (15分钟)考试模

2、式 1V1, 时间地点,考试流程,针对三部分考试的课程设置 STEP 2 (15分钟)评分准则 G 常见语法错误,高分句子举例 V 词汇短语(多样性),常用词替换 F 语速 P 英美音(语言是否纯净,考官的发音) STEP 3 (15分钟)考试注意事项 雅思考试模拟视频STEP 4 (15分钟)答题技巧简介 正反对比 比较对比 平行分说 万能组句 答题结构:总分总,流水账第二小时教学内容:雅思口语part 1 部分,Part one 25类话题介绍。教学目标:掌握part one话题中个人基本信息,吃穿住行,假期休闲,娱乐兴趣四部分相关话题的回答,词汇,有用表达及句子。STEP1(15分钟)个

3、人基本信息1) 名字:a. What is your full name? b. Does your Chinese name have any special meaning?提点:姓氏的英文表达,“象征”的表达等(mean,stand for)1) 学习: a. Are you studying or working? (学生最少谈到3点:是学生,在哪儿读书,几年级) b. Whats your favorite subject when you were in the middle school?提点:年级表达,课程名称,专业名称等。2) 工作:a. Do you work or stu

4、dy? (工作至少谈到3点:工作,在哪儿上班,职位) b. Do you want to change for another job? Why? Or why not?提点:职位名称, 工作描述等。3) 家庭:a. Say something about your family, please. b. What kind of family is an ideal and happy family in your view?4) 家乡:a. Where is your hometown? b. can you talk about your hometown?提点:方位表达,城市的特点,人口

5、,天气等。5) 日常生活:a. What do you usually do everyday? b. Is there anything you like to do everyday?6) 家务劳动: a. Who does the housework in your family? b. what changes are brought into housework by modern technology?提点:家务活类词汇7) 未来计划:a. What will you do after finishing the study abroad? b. Do you have any l

6、ong-term plan for your life?注意部分:A类考生应避免提及留在国外。8) 语言: a. Can you speak any other second language besides English?b. How important is it for people to master several second languages?注意部分:英语专业类学生,或从事英语相关类工作人员尽可能隐藏自己本专业及工作。STEP2(15分钟) 生存篇1) 衣服:a. What kind of clothes do you like best? b. What clothes

7、are popular in your country now? 提点:谈及衣服可涉及到颜色,款式,面料,品牌等。不必只说一点。2)购物:a. Do you like shopping? b. Do you usually go shopping in one place or in different places? 提点:喜欢不喜欢都可以,喜欢理由:放松心情,朋友借机相聚,锻炼身体,培养审美品位。不喜欢理由:浪费时间,造成不必要消费,拥挤和嘈杂的环境。3)食物和烹调:a. Whats your favorite food? b. What do you think about fast f

8、ood? c. Do you cook? 提点:快餐优点:快速便捷,经济实惠,品牌可保证食品卫生及安全。缺点:热量高,营养不全面。 不会做饭的原因:忙于工作学习没学习过做饭,跟父母同住没机会做饭,做饭不好吃放弃了,一个人住在外面吃怕麻烦。4)早餐:a. Do you have breakfast everyday? b. How important is breakfast? 提点:回答一个事物有多重要,可以考虑事物存在可带来什么,不存在带来什么结果。早餐为上午的工作学习带来能量,长期不吃易患病等。5)房子,公寓,房间:a. Do you live in an apartment or an

9、house? b. What can you see from the window o your room? 提点:不要单纯只说住在什么样的房子,可以扩展出房子的位置,几居室等。5)交通:a. What modes of transportation are popular in your hometown?b. What do you think about public transportation? 提点:城市交通可分为public transportation和private transportation. 交通堵塞的原因:私家车数量增加,地下交通不发达,城市交通管理不科学, 城市规

10、划不合理。STEP3(15分钟)假期与休闲1) 放松:a. What do you usually do to get relaxed? b. what do most Chinese people do to get relaxed?提点:电影,音乐,运动,书籍等相关表达。谈群体问题是可划分为地域,性别,年龄等分别来谈。2) 旅游:a. Do you like travelling? b. Where do you usually to travel?提点:交通方式,天气气候,著名景点名称等相关表达。3) 假期:a. What do you usually do on vacation? b

11、. How do Chinese people spend their vacations?提点:节假日名称等相关表达。谈假期时可分为长假期,短假期分开描述增强逻辑性。4) 周末计划:a. What do you usually do on weekends? b. Do you prefer Saturdays or Sundays? Why? 提点:选择问题除提到选择其中之一的理由外,可提到不选另外一个的理由,从而使答案层次清晰,逻辑完整。5) 节假日: a. Say something about the festival that is most popular in your cou

12、ntry. b. Do people in China also celebrate western festivals? 提点:节假日名称,由来,庆祝活动,食物等。STEP4 (15分钟)娱乐与兴趣1) 电影: a. What kind of film do you like best? b. Do you prefer watching at the cinema or at home?提点:电影种类,演员,影评相关表达2)音乐:a. What type of music do you like best? b. can you play any musical instrument? 提

13、点:音乐类型,或从喜欢的演唱者进行扩展,喜欢的原因,喜欢在什么时间什么地点听。会乐器可谈经历,不会可以“展望”希望以后能学习。3)照片:a. Do you like taking photos? b. Do you like to keep old photos? 提点:喜欢摄影的原因:从小的兴趣爱好,父母影响,培养艺术品位。4)画画:a。 Do you like drawing? b. have you any drawing techniques? 提点:问题a是问喜不喜欢画画,而不是别人的画。5)舞蹈:a. Do you like dance. b. What dance is popu

14、lar in your country? 提点:各类舞蹈名称表达6)运动:a. What sport do you like the best? b. What are the benefits of doing sports? 提点:运动相关表达7)游泳:a. Do you like swimming? b. Where did you learn to swim? 提点:泳姿,泳具,游泳胜地8)自行车:a. Are bicycles popular in China? b. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of

15、bicycles compared to cars? 提点:中国的自相车不及当年普及,可从过去和现在对比或环保方面来回答相关问题。 9)还好:a. What is your hobby? b. How important is it for a person to have a hobby?第二次课第三小时教学内容:雅思口语part 1 部分教学目标:掌握part one话题中个艺术,人与动物,教育,天气与环境四部分相关话题的回答,词汇,有用表达及句子。STEP5 (15分钟)艺术类1)艺术:a. Do you like art? b. What role does art play in p

16、eoples life? 提点:艺术问题比较抽象,可具体到某种艺术形式来谈2)画廊,美术馆:a. Are there many art galleries in your city? b. What kind of people often go to the art galleries?3)博物馆:a. How many and what kind of museums are there in your city? b. How often do you go to visit a museum?STEP6 (15分钟)人物与动物类1)朋友:a. Are your friends most

17、ly of your age or different ages? b. The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together? 提点: 同龄朋友:类似的生活背景和共同语言,生活圈子同龄人比较多,更易交流相互了解。2)宠物:a. Do you have a pet? b. Why do people raise pets like dogs and cats? 提点:尽量避免说不喜欢宠物,或表现的太过热衷这一问题,以免涉及到一些动物习性考生不熟悉的领域。问题b可分类说明,什么样的人喜欢什么样的动物,分年龄或性别等。3)鸟:a.

18、 What bird is popular in China? b. Is it popular to keep birds as pets in your country? 提点:关于鸟类的名词应尽量掌握。4)花,草,植物:a. Do Chinese people like to give flowers as gifts? b. What special meanings do flowers have? 提点:植物类相关词汇,花的含义。STEP7 (15分钟)教育类1)互联网与电脑:a. What do you use computer for? b. What role does th

19、e internet play in peoples life? 提点:说明互联网与电脑同时扮演好的与坏的角色使回答更有逻辑性。2)书法:a. Do you like writing by hand or the computer? 提点:可涉及到文化,传统保留等方面。STEP8 (15分钟)天气与环境1)天气与气候:a. Whats your favorite weather? b. Do you like rain? 提点:这部分话题可能配合家乡话题一同出现。2)噪音:a. Do you suffer from noise? b.What are the resource of the c

20、ity noise?第四小时 教学内容:雅思口语part 2 部分教学目标:掌握part two人物类话题中普通人,名人的话题卡片的回答技巧及方式。STEP1. (15分钟) 普通人(老人、孩子、不同职业的人)话题思路扩展:1)外貌 2)性格 3)喜好 4)经历 5)同其他人的关系 6)我对他/她的感情 7)其他人对他/她的看法 8)职业 9)谈及他/她的原因 (15分钟) Topic1 describe an elderly family member/describe a child you know.回答结构:1)点题2)外貌,性格,职业及过往经历描述3)交往过程4)评价4)感受相关话题

21、链接STEP2.(15分钟)名人(音乐家、演员、体育明星、领导者、虚拟人物、历史人物) 话题思路扩展:1)外貌2)性格 3)职业 4)经历 5)背景 6)其他人的评价7)为什么选他/她(15分钟)Topic2 describe a famous a singer: a movie star: sport star: successful leader: fairytale character Chinese historical figure 回答结构:1)点题2)概括描述3)成名经历/影响力4)感受 相关话题链接第三次课第五小时教学内容:雅思口语part 2 部分教学目标:掌握人物类话题卡对

22、应的part three部分问题的回答技巧及方式。观点类问题回答模板。动物类话题中野生动物及宠物话题卡片的回答技巧及方式,以及对应的part three部分问题的回答技巧及方式。解决类问题回答模板。STEP3. (15分钟) part three部分相关问题Question1 what are the differences of wearing comparing the elderly people with the young guys?Question2 what is the main problem for Chinas old people?Question3 what is t

23、he most important quality of a good teacher/leader?Part three 观点类问题回答技巧及模版I think it takes a lot of things to off the top of my headpeople shouldIt is a prerequisite of beingAnother quality is thatOn the top of itQuestion4 what are the good things about being famous? Are there any disadvantages?Ques

24、tion5 do children face more challenges than before?Question6 how has the relationship between neighbors changed over the last 20 years?STEP4(15分钟)动物类话题思路扩展:1)外貌2)习性3)栖息地4)食物5)与人类的关系6)我的感受7)特殊格式野生动物(15分钟)Topic 3 describe a wild animal in China回答结构:1)点题(明确是否是野生动物)2)外形,特性,食物,栖息地3)与人类关系和特殊故事可作为重点。相关话题链接

25、STEP5(15分钟) 宠物 Topic4 describe one kind of animal相关话题链接STEP6 (15分钟) Part three 部分相关问题Question1 facing the serious problem of wildlife extinction in China, do you think there are some effective ways to deal with this situation?解决类问题答题技巧及模版正式的社会类问题从政府和个人两方面回答,日常生活问题就个人经验进行回答。Well, basing on the disadv

26、antages of this issue, I think there might be some effective methods to deal with the situation. From the governments perspective, a series of regulations and rules should be carried out based on currently unsatisfactory situationAs far as individuals are concerned, people should do whatever it take

27、s to comply with all the relevant regulations and rules.Question2 do you think there should be laws to protect the welfare of pets and farm animals?Question3 what do you think are some of the benefits to humans of protecting wild animals?Question4 what are the benefits and drawbacks of keeping anima

28、ls in the zoos? 第六小时教学内容:雅思口语part 2 部分教学目标:掌握物品,物体类话题中电子用品,玩具,交通工具话题卡片的回答技巧及方式,以及对应的part three部分问题的回答技巧及方式。缺陷类问题回答模板。STEP1 (10分钟) 话题思路扩展:1)我怎样得到2)外形3)功能4)价格5)在我生活中扮演的角色6)在其他人生活中的重要性7)我的感受8)特殊故事STEP2电子用品(10分钟)Topic1 describe a piece of electronic equipment.回答结构1)点题 2)描述外形,功能3)用途,评价相关话题链接 玩具(10分钟)Topi

29、c2 describe a toy in your childhood. 交通工具(10分钟) Topic3 describe a vehicle that youd like to own.STEP3 (20分钟) part three部分相关问题Question1 what are the disadvantages of computers? Part three 缺陷类问题回答技巧及模版 多角度分析,可对应不同人群,不同情况分析缺点。可就对应物品的优点展开,对比回答。 Although having a lot of highlights, their disadvantages ar

30、e bothering people all the time. There are quite some disadvantages of For starters Another thing that is totally disappointing people is that On the top of it Question2 what are the differences between the toys which boys like to play with and those girls like to play with in your opinion? Question

31、3 describe the advantages and disadvantages of saloon cars第四次课第七小时教学内容:雅思口语part 2 部分教学目标:掌握物品,物体类话题中衣服首饰,手工制品,艺术品,家具话题卡片的回答技巧及方式,以及对应的part three部分问题的回答技巧及方式。意义类问题回答模板。STEP4 衣服首饰(10分钟)Topic4 describe a piece of clothing or jewelry. 手工制品(10分钟)Topic5 describe a handicraft. 艺术品(10分钟)Topic6 describe a pi

32、ece of art. 家具(10分钟)Topic7 describe a piece of furniture. 相关话题链接STEP5 (20分钟)part three部分相关问题Question 1 do you think the clothing is more important than before? Why? Question 2 why do many Chinese like to spend so much money on brandname things? Question 3 should painting (art education) be part of s

33、chool curriculum? Question 4 is a creative mind important?Part three意义类问题答题技巧及模版Well, it has already become one of the top priorities to everybody today. It is hard to imagine how someone can survive without And it is not too much to say that has already become one of the very few things that cant b

34、e measured in terns of money 第八小时教学内容:雅思口语part 2 部分教学目标:掌握事件,活动类话题话题中传统活动,家庭活动,文化差异,季节节日,建议,迟到经历,项目计划和生意话题卡片的回答技巧及方式,以及对应的part three部分问题的回答技巧及方式。对比类问题回答模板STEP1.话题思路扩展:1)事件2)时间3)地点4)人物5)起因,经过,结果6)原因/感想7)叙述所用到的词组: at first, but then, so, after that, then, next, finally/eventuallySTEP2. (10分钟)传统活动,家庭活动

35、Topic1 describe a wedding you attended回答结构:1)点题2)内容3)特写4)感受/评价相关话题链接Part three 相关问题Question1 whats the difference between Chinese weddings and western weddings?Part three 对比类问题回答技巧及模版1)承认许多不同2)举例说明不同3)解释不同产生的原因,理由分别支持不同点。 For starters, I have to say that there are many differences of comparing China

36、 with western countries. With a history of over 5000 years, China has an unique culture and so many interesting customs, a lot of things are full of a strong Chinese flavor. In terms of ;however, western countries are a totally different picture. When it comes to I think it is just a natural result

37、of different social backgrounds, cultural backgrounds and ethnic backgrounds between China and western countries.STEP3. (10分钟)文化差异Topic2 describe one thing you interesting about cultural difference.相关话题连接 Part three 相关问题Question1 do you think it is necessary to learn the foreign culture when learnin

38、g English?STEP4. (10分钟)季节与节日话题思路扩展:1)气候 2) 北方/南方 3) 干湿季节 4) 春夏秋冬5)节日名称 6)dates 7) 历史故事8)传统食物9)庆祝活动Topic3 describe your favorite seasonTopic4 describe a festival that is popular in your country.相关话题链接Part three 相关话题Question1 how do the different seasons affect the lifestyles of Chinese people?Questio

39、n2 why do Chinese people like the Spring Festival?STEP5.(10分钟)建议 Topic4 describe some advice you received (from a friend or family member) which was useful to you.回答结构:1)点题 2)问题 3)建议 4)感受相关话题连接Part three 相关话题Question1 do you think young people should follow their parents advice?STEP6.(10分钟)迟到经历Topic

40、5 describe an occasion you were late for回答结构:1)点题 2)事情经过3)结果 4)经验教训相关话题连接Part three相关话题Question1 what do people in China think of people who are late?STEP7. (10分钟)计划,项目及生意Topice6 describe a business you want to run回答结构:1)点题 2)运作 3)原因相关话题连接Part three 相关话题Question1 how have small business changed in r

41、ecent years in China?Topic7 describe something that you would like to succeed in doing回答结构1)点题 2)困难 3)解决方法4)感受相关话题链接Part three 相关话题Question1 some people say that success means being number one and that being number two is valueless. What do you think? 第五次课第九小时教学内容:雅思口语part 2 部分教学目标:掌握事件,活动类话题话题中改变,旅

42、行,组织,歌曲,表演公共活动,做一顿饭,游戏,体育,户外活动话题卡片的回答技巧及方式,以及对应的part three部分问题的回答技巧及方式。展望类问题回答模板STEP8. (10分钟)改变Topic8 describe a positive change in your life回答结构:1)点题 2)事件 3)收获相关话题链接Part three 相关话题Question1 do you think China will have more changes in the future? STEP9.(10分钟)旅行话题思路扩展:1)时间 2)地点 3)原因 4)人物 5)旅游业的优缺点 6

43、)旅游业7) 交通工具 8) 城市Topic9 describe an enjoyable visit相关话题链接Part three相关话题Question1 what do you think of the transportation system in China? Part three 展望类问题解答技巧及模板I think I would rather look on the bright side of this whole thing. It is not like I deliberately ignore the dark side. It is just that its

44、 bright side indeed outshines its dark sight. I firmly believe that with the joint effort of both government and individuals, its future will be glorious.STEP10.(10分钟)组织话题思路扩展:1)历史2) 成员 3) 位置 4) 职责 5) 影响 6) 我的态度Topic10 describe an organization相关话题链接Part three相关话题Question1 what kind of organization w

45、ould you prefer to work in? STEP11.(10分钟)歌曲/表演/公众活动回答结构:1)点题 2)描述3)感受Topice11 describe a childhood song you loveTopic12 describe a performance or a show相关话题链接Part three相关话题Question1 should the government preserve traditional events like temple fairs?Question2 How does music affect (or influence) people?STEP12.(10分钟) 一顿饭/做饭 回答结构1)点题 2)人物 3)地点 4)食物 5)解释Topic13 describe a meal you would like to invite your friends to Topic14 describe one of your favorite dishes

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