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1、单元基础知识过关Unit 5 Look into Science第1页基础知识清单基础知识清单单元基础知识过关重点重点单词 1方法;方法方法;方法 _ 2力量;迫使;强迫力量;迫使;强迫 _ 3火柴;相火柴;相当当;相配;相配 _ 4当当然;确定;必定然;确定;必定 _5除非;假如不除非;假如不 _6两两倍倍();双双倍倍()_methodforcematchcertainlyunlessdouble第2页7奇奇异异;了不起;了不起;极极好好 _8普通;普遍普通;普遍 _9重重复复;复复述;背述;背诵 _ 10孙子;外子;外孙 _11孙女;外女;外孙女女 _ 12指示;指示;说明明 _ 13正

2、确;恰正确;恰当当(adj.)_(adv.)_ 14提提议,提,提议;暗示;暗示(v.)_(n.)_ 15发展展(n.)_(v.)_ fantasticgeneralrepeatgrandsongranddaughterinstructioncorrectcorrectly单元基础知识过关suggestsuggestiondevelopdevelopment第3页重点短重点短语 1把把翻翻转;倒;倒过来来 _ 2把把拿拿开开 _ 3科科学学方法方法 _ 4用光;用完用光;用完 _5由由组成成 _6即使;即使;纵然然 _7引引发某人注意某人注意 _turnupside downtakeoffsc

3、ientific methoduse upbe made up ofeven ifdraw ones attention单元基础知识过关第4页8多多达达 _9 leave for _ 10 in general _11 except for _ 12 be related to _ 13 billions of _ 14 turnover _15 push up _16in place _ as many as动身前往身前往普通而言;通常普通而言;通常除除之外之外与与相相关关数数十十亿计;大量大量使使翻翻转向上推向上推单元基础知识过关原地;原地;在适在适当当位置位置第5页重点句型重点句型 1我

4、用水把一我用水把一个个广口广口瓶瓶装装满。I _ a jar _ water.2我用一我用一块硬硬纸板盖住板盖住瓶瓶口口并并抵住抵住它它。I _ the top _ a piece of cardboard and hold it there.3它它足足够强大,能强大,能够将将水托住。水托住。It is strong _ _ hold the water.fillwithcoverwithenoughto单元基础知识过关第6页4因因为大大约空空气气五分之一是由五分之一是由氧气氧气组成,所以水上升成,所以水上升并填并填满了了大大约广口广口瓶瓶五分之一。五分之一。Because about one

5、 fifth of the air _ _ _ of oxygen,the water rises and fills about one fifth of the jar.5我我认为你你不能找到一不能找到一颗(行星行星),除非,除非你你有一架更大望有一架更大望远镜。I _ _ you can find one _ you have a bigger telescope.madeupisdontthinkunless单元基础知识过关第7页6嗯,值得一得一试,即使我找不到行星。,即使我找不到行星。Well,its _ _ _,_ _ I dont find a planet.7多多达两达两亿三千

6、万只蝴蝶在三千万只蝴蝶在这里里过冬。冬。Here,_ _ _ 230 million butterflies spend the winter.worthatryevenifasmanyas单元基础知识过关第8页8科科学学家家们依然不明白蝴蝶是依然不明白蝴蝶是怎怎样知道何知道何时飞往南方。往南方。Scientists still dont understand how the butterflies know _ _ _ _.9普通而言,普通而言,蓝图就是展示就是展示怎怎样将将许多不一多不一样部分部分组建成建成一一栋房子房子图纸。_ _,a blueprint is a drawing _ _

7、 _ _ put a house together with many different parts.whentoflysouththatIngeneralshows单元基础知识过关howto第9页10对大自然大自然来来说,改,改变生物生物DNA以使以使它它们适适应它它们生存生存世界要花世界要花费数数百万年百万年时间。It takes millions of years for nature _ _ _ _ in living things to make them fit the world _ _ _.11你你们做那做那个个试验听起听起来来有趣。有趣。The experiment _ _

8、 sounds interesting.tochangetheDNAlivetheyin单元基础知识过关youdid第10页12科科学学发觉正在使我正在使我们生活生活变得越得越来来越好。越好。Scientific discoveries are making our lives _ _ _13把把你你手手从从硬硬纸板上拿板上拿开开。_ your hand _ the cardboard.14那被那被称称为科科学学方法。方法。That _ _ the scientific method.betterandbetteroffTake单元基础知识过关iscalled第11页单词回回顾 依据依据句意句

9、意及所及所给提醒完成句子提醒完成句子1We can use a m_ to light the candle.2Have you booked a single room or a d_ one?3 With the _(develop)of science and technology,life is becoming easier.基础知识迁移基础知识迁移atchoubledevelopment单元基础知识过关第12页4I feel bored because the same simple work is _(repeat)from day to day.5Would you like

10、to give me some _(suggest)on the project?6I couldnt work out the maths problem _(正正确确地地)7Jack looked through the _(说明明)about the book before he decided to buy it.repeatedsuggestionscorrectlyinstructions单元基础知识过关第13页 8The man _(强迫强迫)us to buy his product just now.9We use different _(方法方法)to work out t

11、he maths problem.10Well be late for the class _(除非除非)we hurry up.methodsunlessforced单元基础知识过关第14页短短语利用利用.用方框中所用方框中所给短短语适适当当形式形式填填空空be related to,be made up of,even if,in general,use up1Now he has _ his money.He has to borrow some from others.2_,women live longer than men.used upIn general单元基础知识过关第15页

12、3This poem _ the environment.We all like it.4The group _ six famous scientists.5He still refused to go with us _ we talked to him for half an hour.is related tois made up ofeven if 单元基础知识过关第16页.依据汉语意思完成句子依据汉语意思完成句子1每年有数百万游客来这个小镇旅游。每年有数百万游客来这个小镇旅游。Every year _ _ tourists come to the small town for a

13、visit.2你最好晚上不要单独出去。你最好晚上不要单独出去。Youd better not go out alone _ _millions ofatnight单元基础知识过关第17页3除了几处拼写错误,你作文写得很好。除了几处拼写错误,你作文写得很好。Your composition is well written _ _ several spelling mistakes.4“你能帮我倒出一些橘汁吗?你能帮我倒出一些橘汁吗?”“当然能够。当然能够。”Can you help me _ _ some orange juice?Certainly.except for pour out 单元

14、基础知识过关5把盒子翻转过来,你就会发觉一个秘密。把盒子翻转过来,你就会发觉一个秘密。_ the box _,and you will find a secret.Turn over 第18页句型突破句型突破I.按按要求完成以下各要求完成以下各题1Do you like the book?I bought it for you.(合合并并为含定含定语从从句句复复合句合句)_Do you like the book that/which I bought for you?单元基础知识过关第19页2This is both puzzling and interesting for many sci

15、entists.(改改为同同义句句)This is _ _ puzzling _ _ interesting for many scientists.3I think he is correct.(改改为否定句否定句)I _ _ he _ correct.notonlybutisalsodontthink单元基础知识过关第20页4This is the boy.The boy won first prize.(合合并并为含定含定语从从句句复复合句合句)_5He kept waiting for us for two hours.(对画画线部分提部分提问)_ _ did he _ waiting

16、 for us?This is the boy who/that won first prize.keepHowlong单元基础知识过关第21页.依据汉语意思完成句子依据汉语意思完成句子1咱们做个试验吧!咱们做个试验吧!Lets _ _ _!2我们明天动身去三亚。我们明天动身去三亚。Well _ _ Sanya tomorrow.3科学家们能够用科学家们能够用DNA做什么?做什么?What can scientists _ _ DNA?doexperimentanleavefordowith单元基础知识过关第22页4假如我把硬纸板拿开,将会发生什么呢?假如我把硬纸板拿开,将会发生什么呢?What will happen if I _ the cardboard _?5这个班里三分之二是男生。这个班里三分之二是男生。_ _ of the class are boys.takeoffthirdsTwo单元基础知识过关第23页

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