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1、 第一次课:P、R开头的核心词汇学习时间:12天学习内容:P、R开头的核心词汇学习方式:认真听讲,记笔记。在每个词后都要记住其记忆方法,语义和使用语境。完全能拼写出 单词是不必要的,但是要做到看到单词能认出其语义。pacerad icalpanicratiopartialrationalparticipaterawparticu larlyread ilypartnerrebelpassionrecallpassivereceiptpecu liarreceptionpeerrecessionpenaltyreckonpenetraterecognitionpensionrecommendpe

2、rceiverecommend ationperceptionrecoveryperformancerecreationpermanentrecru itpermissionreferencepersistrefinepersonnelreflectperspectivereformpessimisticrefreshphaserefu geephenomenonrefu salphilosophyregisterphysicalregu latephysicianreinforcephysicistrejectpillreleaseplotrelevantpoisonou sreliable

3、polishreliefpollrelievepollu tereligiou sportablerelu ctantportionremainportraitremarkposeremarkablepositiveremed ypossessremindpostponeremotepotentialremovalpracticalrend erprayrepetitionprecau tionrepresentpreced ingrepresentativepreciou srepu tationpreciserequ estpred ictrescu epreju d iceresembl

4、epreliminaryreservationprescriberesid entpresenceresignpreserveresistpresu mablyresolvepretendresortprevailrespectivelypreviou srespondprimeresponsibilityprimitiveresponsibleprincipalrestlessprinciplerestorepriorrestrainpriorityrestraintprivilegerestrictproced u reresu meproceedretailprocessretainpr

5、ocessionrevealprod u cerevenu e11professionreviseprofilerewardprofitrid icu lou sprogressiverivalprohibitroarprominentrotatepromoterou tinepromptru morproofru ralpropertypu blicationproportionpu blicityprotestpu blishprovid edpu nchprovisionpu nctu alprovokepu rchasepossessionpu rposepsychologicalpu

6、 rsu epu zzle语境词汇题:P4.The read ing section of the tests contain five,each of which followed by five qu estions.A messages B paragraphs C statements D passages5.The eld erly of Ru ssians find it hard to live on there state.A pensions B earnings C salaries D d onations8.This is a new mod el of typewri

7、ter especially to meet the need s of traveling bu siness.A mobile B flexible C portable D active9.While nu clear weapons present grave _ d angers,the pred ominant crisis of overpopu lation with u s tod ay.A inevitably B constant C overwhelming D potential10.My time is very _,I can only spare you min

8、u tes for a interview.A previou s B scare C d ear D preciou s11.I t is believed that a good breakfast is _ a big su pper.A more preferable than B more preferable toC preferable to D preferable for12.The _estimate of gains I N gross national prod u ct su ggest a fast recovery from economic recession.

9、A introd u ctory B prime C primary D preliminary13.Some people criticize family d octor for too many med icines minor illness.A prescribing B ord ering C ad vising D d elivering14.He gave his for new marketing proced u res.A presentations B representations C comments D memorand a15.The fu nd amental

10、 _which govern all physical processes are also related to many everyd ay12occu rrence.A ru lesB regu lationC principalD principle16.He ad ju sted his hat.A prior of leavingB prior to leavingC prior to leaveD prior leave17.The food we eat throu gh the whole _ of d igestion,absorption and elimination.

11、A proced u reB processionC proceed ingD process18.Chinese cu stomers regu lations_taking preciou s works of art ou t of China.A prohibitB forbidC avoidD repel19.Mr.Bloom is not_ now,bu t he u sed to bean excellent d octor.A significantB d ominantC magnificentD prominent20.Weight is an inherent _.of

12、matter.A proprietyB prosperityC propertyD privilege21.He _that the hou se be repaired.A proposedB imposedC opposedD composed22.The office says there is little _ of rain in the near fu tu re.A perspectiveB foresightC prospectD ou tlook23.I n a time of social reform,their state of mind tend s to keep

13、_with the rapid changes ofsociety.A step B progress C pace D tou ch25.The little boy has a _ cu t in finger.A pain B pains C painfu l D ache26.The newly bu ilt railway ru ns _ the Expressway 808.A parallel to B line with C accord ing to D parallel with27.I t is said that the Math teacher seems _ tow

14、ard s bright stu d ents.A partial B beneficial C preferable D liable29.The su mmer here is very hot,at noon.A Specially B particu larly C particu lar D pecu liar30.They will be married next month and promised to be each other life _A bosom friend B colleagu e C partner D secretary31.He is a little h

15、ot-tempered and will get into a _ if you contrad ict him.A angry B love C feeling D passion32.I n I nd ia they mou nted a campaign of _ resistance with no arms against the British colonists.A passive B positive C active D constru ctive33.He is a man with a strong will and can be patient _ all kind s

16、 of su fferings.A with B of C to D in34.He d ressed u p and had a false beard on,bu t soon we _ his d isgu ise.A saw B penetrated C observed D concentrated35.are a special kind of money,which are often paid becau se of long service,special merit,or inju res received.A pensions B penetrations C cash

17、money D reward36.What _ of the stu d ents pass the Band-4 English Test in you r college?A per cent B percent C speed D percentage37.He hated wand ering abou t and expected to find a _ position in the Civil Service of13government.A permissive B perceptive C permanentD perpetu al38.I f you _ cau sing

18、trou bles,the company has to d ismiss you.A persevere B persist in C insist withD insist with39.We mu st learn to see things in their right _ avoid making mistakes.A prospective B prosperity C perspectiveD permissive40.There mu st be a _ explanation for this strange happenings which havemad e u s re

19、stless allthese d ays.A physical B mental C practicalD natu ral41.Coal is a _ sou rce of energy compared with other forms of energy su ch asoil.A plenty B enou gh C su fficientD plentifu l43.The servants _ the silver tableware before the gu ests arrived.A polished u p B polished ou t C pointed ou tD

20、 polished with44.I f you d ecrease the _ of alcohol in this solu tion,it wou ld be less d angerou s.A part B portion C sectionD share45.Are you _ that the boy you saw is Peter?A right B positive C d ou btfu lD wrong46.The English langu age _ a vivid saying to d escribe this sort of situ ation.A owns

21、 B contains C hold sD possesses47.Accord ing to the facts,he can not be possibly gu ilty.A in my possession B in my profession C in the processionD in the provision48.Since the situ ation has changed,we have to _ making a d ecision.A d efer B postpone C d elayingD annou nce49.1 am a _ person.I have

22、never been interested in theory.A practice B practice C practicalD practicable50.You mu st practice ,you will never only learn it in books.A swimming B swim C to swimD of swimming51.The answer is 8.625,a _ of calcu lation.A correct B right C preciou sD precise52.We prefer to d iscu ss the fu lly _ i

23、t in practice hu rried ly.A than pu t B to pu t C rather than pu tD to pu tting53.Mother is _ u s d inner.We may wash ou r hand s and _ the meal.A preparing prepare B preparing prepare forC preparing for prepare D preparing for prepare for55.Let u s leave the things as they are;We can always make ch

24、anges later on if necessary.A for the moment B at present C to the present D u p to the present56.I t is the d u ty of the police to _ the pu blic ord er.A prevent B present C preserve D prepare57.When we meet in the street we pretend ed _ each other.A not to know B to not know C knowing not D not k

25、nowing58.Some of the trad itional cu stoms still _ among members of the old er generation.A prevent B prevail C existence D wid espread59.There were no women committee _ 1976,bu t now women are in a majority.1479.Withou t gu id ance,we cou ld not _ with the chapter,so we had to pau se for the teache

26、r.A pu rsu e B pu rsu it C persist D pu sh80.Facing the _ situ ation the sales manager looked _.A prior to B previou s C before toD ago60.The _ problem is to u nite all the members and go on with ou r cau se.A principal B principle C primarilyD chiefly61.Mr.Green can be very sad,thou gh in pu blic h

27、e is extremely cheerfu l.A by himself B in person C in privateD as ind ivid u al62.Only gu ests in the hotel enjoy the _ of bowing on the 9th floor.A favor B possibility C privilegeD ad vantage63.Do you know the _ for obtaining a new passport?A process B proced u re C proceed ingD proceed ings64.Aft

28、er looking throu gh the stu d ents homework,he _ to give the history class.A preced ed B proceed ed C proced u reD proceed ed65.Can you _ any proof of you r ed u cation?A prod u ce B prod u ct C makeD play66.Mary mad e stead y _ in English after she pu t her heart in it.A ad vance B improvement C pr

29、ogressD program67.We shou ld follow the _ law of teaching and bring u p the child ren healthy.A progress B progressive C ad vanceD mod el68.The _ of establishing a new national park seemed to be very attractive.A plan B project C itemD progress69.The government is trying to d o something to _ better

30、 u nd erstand ing between the 1cou ntries.A raise B promote C heightenD increase70.1 d o not know why he has not come yet,bu t u su ally he is.A prompt B soon C promoteD early71.Have you got any _ that you own the lu xu ry car?A prove B proof C factD d etails72.The company belongs to Mrs.Green,so it

31、 is private _.A proper B properly C propertyD possess73.The _ of men to women in the city has changed a lot since 1950.A portion B proportion C rateD ratio74.J ohn has insu red all his properties to protect them losses from d amage A at B against C withD on75.The machine _ satisfactory after being t

32、ested.A has proved B has been proved C has been provenD is prove76.They had no sense of saving things,spent all their money and mad e no_ for fu tu re.A provid e B provision C proportionD profession77.Let u s talk in other places,it is too _ here.A private B pu blic C pu blicityD pu blish78.1 came h

33、ere for nothing else bu t to see you.A pu rpose B propose C to the pu rposeD on pu rpose15A pu zzling pu zzled B pu zzling pu zzling C pu zzled pu zzled Dpu zzled pu zzling答案:4D5A8C9D10D11C12D13A14A15D16B17D18A19D20C21A22C23C25C26A27A29B30C31D32A33B34B35A36D37C38B39C40A41D43A44B45B46D47A48B49C50A51D

34、52C53B54A55B56C57A58B59A60B61C62C63B64B65A66C67B68B69B70A71B72C73B74B75A76B77B78D79A80A语境词汇题目一一R3.Mr.Grand ord ered me to make a u pon the enemys camp.A.railB.rain C.,raidD.rage5.When she was criticized,she claimed that it was ou tsid e her_of responsibility.A.field B.limit C.extent D.range6.New Yor

35、k_second in the prod u ction of apples,prod u cing 850,000,000 pou nd s this year.A.ranked B.occu pied C.arranged D.classified8.The of cu rrency of many Asian cou ntries to US d ollar greatly lowered in the recentfinancial crisis.A.rate9.We d ivid ed it in theB.speed 2:1.C.d egreeD.priceA.ration B.r

36、atio10.Man is a_being.A.raw B.ration11.The price of commod ity shou ld be d etermined by theA.principle B.ru le12.How d id he to the news?C.rate D.scaleC.rational D.ratio_of su pply and d emand.C.law D.regu lationA.fu nctionB.performC.operateD.react13.We thou ght they had come to repair the phone,bu

37、 t in they were robbers.A.reality B.ad d ition C.fu tu re D.vain14.You are not very if you expect a child to behave like a grown-u p.A.reasonable B.tru e C.reality D.rational1615.1 havent heard from herA.recently B.lately C.presently D.nowad ays16.Leave you r key atA.receive B.receiver C.receipt D.r

38、eception17.The movement of moon conveniently provid ed the u nit of moon,which was from onenew moon to the next.A.measu red B.reckoned C.ju d ged D.assessed18.The place has changed beyond.A.recoiiiineiid alioii B.recognition C.reception D.realization19.You r plan has very little to.A.recognize B.rec

39、kon C.record D.recommend20.The old man shou ld listen to the d octors recommend ation that he in bed.A.stay B.stays C.stayed D.staying21.As soon as Charles had a little from his su rprise,his one thou ght was to get away.A.recovered B.d iscovered C.d issolved D.absorbed22.Du ring the war,the governm

40、ent many sold iers from workers and farms.A.ad opted B.collected C.recru ited D.integrated23.As long as you own the VI P card,you cou ld bu y these books at a of 10 percent.A.red u ction B.recreation C.reflection D.relation24.1 d id nt know the word,I had to refer to the d ictionary.A.look ou t B.ma

41、ke ou t C.refer to D.go over25.A mans actions_his thou ghts.A.refine B.reform C.reflect D.refresh26.He knows nothing the case.A.regard B.regard ing C.regard less D.regain27.Every man in this cou ntry has the right to live where he wants to,the color of his skin.A.with the exception of B.in the light

42、 of C.by virtu e of D.regard less of28.There are strict ru les the u se of chemical in food.A.reforming B.relating C.regu lating D.registering29 The same factors pu sh wages and price u p together,the one the other.A.emphasizing B.reinforcing C.mu ltiplying D.increasing30.The government the d iploma

43、tic note from J apan for its u nclear attitu d e to the trad e between two cou ntries.A.d enied B.refu sed C.rejected D.objected31 The energy by the chain reaction is transformed into heat.A.transferred B.released C.d elivered D.conveyed32.To ou r,Geoffreys illness proved not to be as seriou s as we

44、 had fearedA.anxiety B.relief C.view D.ju d gment33.We were to hear the news.A.relief B.religion C.relieved D.reliable34.She is to leave that job,bu t another company has offered her a high salary.A.willing B.relu ctant C.hesitant D.d etermined35.He u pon the prosperou s look of the cou ntrysid e.17

45、A.make B.say C.remark D.speak36.No effective has been fou nd for this fatal d isease which claims thou sand s of lives eachyear.A.settlement B.method.C.remed y D.prescription37.He is and cold in his manner.A.remove B.remote C.rend er D.renew38.We wou ld never have secu red ou r ind epend ence withou

46、 t the aid you.A.rend er B.requ ested C.presented D.pu rsu ed39.Can anything a mothers love and care?A.rend er B.remark C.replace D.remote40.The pictu re the batter of Waterloo.A.d raws B.read s C.represents D.reveals41.She attained a world-wid e with her pioneer research in chemistry and physics.A.

47、repetition B.resignation c name D.repu tation42.He will agree to d o what you requ ire_ him.A.of B.from C.to D.for43.The boys each other in that they both have ginger hair and rou nd faces.A.rescu e B.resemble C.alike D.similar44.When I asked her whether she cou ld help me,she agreed with no.A.reser

48、voir B.reserve C.reservation D.resid ence45.After a nu mber of d isagreement with the committee,the chairman d ecid ed toA.retire B.retreat C.withd raw D.resign46.The good s were d isplayed so well that she cou ld nt the temptation to bu y it.A.pu ll B.miss C.d eny D.resist47.Althou gh a teenage,Fre

49、d cou ld resist what to d o and what not to d o.A.being told B.telling C.to be told D.to tell48.The transplanted seed ling are to cold weather.A.resistance B.resist C.resistant D.resid ent49.The lawyers ad vice led to the all ou r d ifficu lties.A.resolving B.solving C.resolu tion D.repu tation50.1

50、wou ld never have to a cou rt of a law if I had nt been so d esperate.A.sou ght for B.accou nted of C.tu rned u p D.resorted to51.Please accept this gift with ou r.A.respects B.expects C.mind s D.greets52.He annou nced immed iate action.The was instantaneou s.A.resort B.response C.respect D.resistan

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